Should we allow the alarmists to alarm us as to climate?

I believe you posted what science is. It mimics the scientific method. Deniers are not engaged in it. They post drivel with absolutely NONE of their own experimentation and results posted and commented on and made available to everyone else in their field. MOST of these bozos aren’t even qualified as they are not PRESENTLY working in nor conducting trials and experiments in AGW, let alone ANY climate related activity. So really, you know something different about science you’re hiding ? Let us in on it. NASA routinely publishes climate related research. Anyone Who doesn’t conduct similar trials is unqualified to comment on their veracity.
So far, not one time have you stated you are a researcher that is paid to investigate climate and that you are peer reviewed and proved you are a true authority.
You don’t read my replies well.
I am certain that consensus climate research by all our gov agencies, private and public research v facilities and the world wide science community at large has the best understanding of what us going on in our climate. I am certain that deniers of this consensus are full of shit.
How can an idiot like you harp at us when you are no scientist? And talk about denying. You deny climate is naturally happening. And want to blame men because you can.
So far, not one time have you stated you are a researcher that is paid to investigate climate and that you are peer reviewed and proved you are a true authority.
If that's what you want, why don't you look some up? Go to Google and enter "information about global warming". Or you could just to the AR6.
You are still in a Zone
All your bull shit by individuals with no research or trials of their own mean nothing. None are working members of the climate science institutes . None
I use certified plumbers, electricians and doctors and mechanics for my needs because they are supported by regulated institutions . I don’t use denier buffoons because they aren’t
You clash with me because you are not certified at this topic nor speak reasonably over a topic that you want me to think man can take control of and manage climate. I say to that, horseshit.
If that's what you want, why don't you look some up? Go to Google and enter "information about global warming". Or you could just to the AR6.
The IPCC reports have long been available. I have read earlier reports and honestly know that they are singing the same song and ignoring scientists that they do not want noted at all.
I want us to discuss Dennis Eckersley for a few moments today. Dennis is an expert baseball player. Few have his knowledge. I would not for a second try to discuss baseball with him since I lack in significant ways his level of baseball acumen. I have an advantage most Americans do not have. I sponsored fast pitch softball and that game is pretty equal to major league baseball. While it is amateur, still many pro baseball players want to keep exercising so play fastpitch softball for the fun and the workouts. I had former major league players on my own team. They explained this to me. I look at you like an amatuer playing at science who really is very extremely opinionated. But you are merely a fan of climate.
Anybody who chooses a particular 'scientific group' as the ONLY authority is being completely unscientific in their choice of who to believe.

Choosing one scientific theory or doctrine to the exclusion of all others is to be completely unscientific.

To be gullible enough to think that those who do 'science' for fun and profit are somehow more authoritative than those who use science to gain knowledge and hopefully get closer to the truth is always going to be unscientific.

Is the IPCC and similar government ordered/funded groups necessarily wrong? No. But the IPCC's 'Summary for Policy Makers' is generally not prepared by scientists but is prepared by government operatives who take this and that from the IPCC studies and is used to promote government initiatives.

I don't have the knowledge or ability to do the research myself but I have the intellect and ability to read the differing opinions on the subject. And I have learned from bitter experience that those who embrace pretty much ANYTHING as the only point of view that is scientific will generally arrive at flawed conclusions, many times harmfully or dangerously flawed conclusions.

And I still say that given:
--the climate models so far have not been able to predict anything accurately. . .
--far too many promoting the models are being paid to agree with the AGW theory. . .
--it is unscientific to dismiss or disallow participations with those who question or disagree with the AGW theory. . .
--Neither scientists nor politicians claiming that climate change is the worst threat to humankind that exists are living their personal lives as if it is a problem. . .

I have to say I don't KNOW with certainty what the actual truth is. But I sure am confident that we don't have it yet.
You clash with me because you are not certified at this topic nor speak reasonably over a topic that you want me to think man can take control of and manage climate. I say to that, horseshit.
You’re having trouble reading. The most reliable information comes from certified, licensed or educated or trained by, institutions set up for that purpose. You and the other deniers are HYPOCRITES. TELL us you would go to Johns Hopkins, Mass General, Harvard Med for a cancer treatment but not for information on climate change. That’s tells us all you need to know. The right is filled with liars and hypocrites when it comes to anything that depends upon science and math.
I don't have the knowledge or ability to do the research myself but I have the intellect and ability to read the differing opinions on the subject.
No you don’t. You don’t even have the intellect to distinguish what is right from wrong. It’s obvious. And guess what ? Neither dose anyone else without GOVT certification OR ACCREDITATION and institutional SUPPORT.

Deniers ARE ANTI AMERICAN and as much a traitor as Trump when they put liars and politics and Putin et al above the most revered institutions in the entire world… NASA, the AAAS and HHS. Go ahead question them with evidence…but using bullshit artist Trump and his band of bullshitters is traitorous.
Anybody who chooses a particular 'scientific group' as the ONLY authority is being completely unscientific in their choice of who to believe.

Choosing one scientific theory or doctrine to the exclusion of all others is to be completely unscientific.

To be gullible enough to think that those who do 'science' for fun and profit are somehow more authoritative than those who use science to gain knowledge and hopefully get closer to the truth is always going to be unscientific.

Is the IPCC and similar government ordered/funded groups necessarily wrong? No. But the IPCC's 'Summary for Policy Makers' is generally not prepared by scientists but is prepared by government operatives who take this and that from the IPCC studies and is used to promote government initiatives.

I don't have the knowledge or ability to do the research myself but I have the intellect and ability to read the differing opinions on the subject. And I have learned from bitter experience that those who embrace pretty much ANYTHING as the only point of view that is scientific will generally arrive at flawed conclusions, many times harmfully or dangerously flawed conclusions.

And I still say that given:
--the climate models so far have not been able to predict anything accurately. . .
--far too many promoting the models are being paid to agree with the AGW theory. . .
--it is unscientific to dismiss or disallow participations with those who question or disagree with the AGW theory. . .
--Neither scientists nor politicians claiming that climate change is the worst threat to humankind that exists are living their personal lives as if it is a problem. . .

I have to say I don't KNOW with certainty what the actual truth is. But I sure am confident that we don't have it yet.
All unsubstantiated. You’ve never answered the question, “why would you go to a cancer center affiliate of a med science institution like JHU for treatment and not the same center For climate change and covid information ? Tell us with a straight face while you make up shit for an answer.
Or, just avoid answering it.
So far, not one time have you stated you are a researcher that is paid to investigate climate and that you are peer reviewed and proved you are a true authority.
I'm pretty darn sure he isn't one or he wouldn't be posting the really silly stuff he posts. I doubt he passed any science classes actually or at least with higher than a D minus. :)
I'm pretty darn sure he isn't one or he wouldn't be posting the really silly stuff he posts. I doubt he passed any science classes actually or at least with higher than a D minus. :)
D minus? That's pretty specific. Could you identify some of his "really silly stuff" that allows you to make that precise a judgement? Can you identify any of it at all?
I'm pretty darn sure he isn't one or he wouldn't be posting the really silly stuff he posts. I doubt he passed any science classes actually or at least with higher than a D minus. :)
Ha, you obviously don’t know shit. You’re smarter than NASA, the military and every accredited university in the world. Aren’t you ? Say something stupid like, yes you are. Trump not only tells what to think, but when to breathe.
How can an idiot like you harp at us when you are no scientist? And talk about denying. You deny climate is naturally happening. And want to blame men because you can.
here is the biggest idiot in the world..
How can an idiot like you harp at us when you are no scientist? And talk about denying. You deny climate is naturally happening. And want to blame men because you can.
It’s obvious. You have no any idea what the basics are in climate change. You don’t know enough math to even understand slope, rate of change or acceleration and all the other basics which actually, make climate change simple to understand. You’re behind the curve of an 8th grader. All the while, thinking your opinions matter.
You clash with me because you are not certified at this topic nor speak reasonably over a topic that you want me to think man can take control of and manage climate. I say to that, horseshit.
You can’t even answer my comments back legibly. No bubba, you don’t need to be certified, but you need to use accredited sources which you don’t. You don’t even recognize them.

One more time ? Would you go to JHU and other accredited sources for information on cancer treatments ?
D minus? That's pretty specific. Could you identify some of his "really silly stuff" that allows you to make that precise a judgement? Can you identify any of it at all?
Just read all his posts from the beginning of the thread. It's ALL silly stuff.
Just read all his posts from the beginning of the thread. It's ALL silly stuff.
So, slope and rate of change in climate change is critical to understanding it ? How about, you need to use accredited sources to be taken seriously. How about there are 30k sceince facilities that think you’re ideas are delusional.
I'm pretty darn sure he isn't one or he wouldn't be posting the really silly stuff he posts. I doubt he passed any science classes actually or at least with higher than a D minus. :)
I doubt you know shit about my grades. But, you’re a science illiterate now regardless how you brag up yours.
Anybody who chooses a particular 'scientific group' as the ONLY authority is being completely unscientific in their choice of who to believe.
Gee, my science group is every accredited university and climate research facility in the world. Is that big enough ? Let’s include every govt agency linked to climate in every govt of the world. How about EVERY major CLIMATE dependent corporation in the world. Like auto, planes, ships, infrastructure…..HOW ABOUT……you are FOS

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