Should we allow the alarmists to alarm us as to climate?

The trials don't seem to be working as they have yet to present the findings or projections of ANY of their models that have turned out to be correct.

Moving the goal posts on down the road as each prediction comes and goes is not reassuring to people still capable of critical thinking.

In my opinion, allowing only one point of view is not science but dogma. You say I'm not scientific. But an open mind and willingness to see other possibilities, asking questions, looking for other explanations is what science is. Don't confuse process with what science is.
Non science deniers are not qualified to comment.
You just posted a definition of science, now you’re saying people who don’t conform to their guidelines are qualified ?
Obviously, you’re not science as you don’t even conform to your own posted standards. You’re denying your own definition.
”The trials don't seem to be working as they have yet to present the findings or projections of ANY of their models that have turned out to be correct.”
Go ahead, post the results of your own conflicting trials.
Non science deniers are not qualified to comment.
You just posted a definition of science, now you’re saying people who don’t conform to their guidelines are qualified ?
Obviously, you’re not science as you don’t even conform to your own posted standards. You’re denying your own definition.
”The trials don't seem to be working as they have yet to present the findings or projections of ANY of their models that have turned out to be correct.”
Go ahead, post the results of your own conflicting trials.
If the trials they've done haven't produced anything of value yet, I don't think conflicting trials would change that.

Again when those doing the trials you embrace as the only valid 'science' that exists have yet to predict ANYTHING that has come true, science requires that we keep looking for answers.

Certainty is a very huge word for any scientist that is actually doing science.
I have shown you scientists who call your beliefs PURE UNADULTERATED BULLSHIT. No need to listen to me, listen to all of them.
Nope. You just made a claim that every climate science related institution in the world is wrong, and you and Trump are right. So, your claim is, all the smart people at 30k reserch institutions are wrong, but Drop out Hannity at Fix News is right. Nice odds. Name one on your side…..just one.
If the trials they've done haven't produced anything of value yet, I don't think conflicting trials would change that.
How would you know. You don’t do your own trials, you’re unqualified. You’re just making up shit. You sit around on your computer looking for any bozo who posts somethin* that agrees with your illiterate view of the world.

Is that the way you’d research your options for a cancer treatment ? Bull shit. You’d just go to sites like Harvard med and JHU, ( and hundreds more) because they like many other cancer research institutes, conduct trials and experiments that are reviewed and RETESTED by their peers. You do the same with climate change if you have half a brain.
Certainty is a very huge word for any scientist that is actually doing science.
There is very little to none certainty in science. That’s the way of science, continued growth in awareness, and better understanding.
How would you know. You don’t do your own trials, you’re unqualified. You’re just making up shit. You sit around on your computer looking for any bozo who posts somethin* that agrees with your illiterate view of the world.

Is that the way you’d research your options for a cancer treatment ? Bull shit. You’d just go to sites like Harvard med and JHU, ( and hundreds more) because they like many other cancer research institutes, conduct trials and experiments that are reviewed and RETESTED by their peers. You do the same with climate change if you have half a brain.
I know because I read. But I should have known better than try to talk science with a dogmatic science religionist who does not engage in science but rather in dogma and doctrine that he demands never be questioned.

So again have a lovely day.
There is very little to none certainty in science. That’s the way of science, continued growth in awareness, and better understanding.
You say that and then accuse me of being the one who is being unscientific and describe my point of view in the ugliest terms you can think of? Tsk tsk.
I know because I read. But I should have known better than try to talk science with a dogmatic science religionist who does not engage in science but rather in dogma and doctrine that he demands never be questioned.

So again have a lovely day.
Sure, you read made up shit. Go read the comic books and see where it gets you. That’s bull shit. Deniers puck and choose what they want to read, which is anything that supports their made up shit. Science boldly goes into the unknown and let’s the evidence help them take the next step. You think you have the answers, that makes you useless. You’re upset because real evidence doesn’t coincide with made up shit. Deal with it.
Absolutely .
You just not understanding, means you’re non science.
Science is a progression and never absolutes.
When you demand that your point of view or your beliefs are the only ones allowed, I will say that is unscientific on the face of it. Science is the absolute opposite of how you describe it. You will just come back with more ad hominem and personal insults I know but believe me, I am not the one being unscientific here.
When you demand that your point of view or your beliefs are the only ones allowed, I will say that is unscientific on the face of it. Science is the absolute opposite of how you describe it. You will just come back with more ad hominem and personal insults I know but believe me, I am not the one being unscientific here.
Say anything you want. You’re wrong. There is a science community that you either be a part if, or you don’t. You look for evidence, do trials and experiments and be judged by your peers or you make up up shit.

You aren’t a science person and you don’t know what the fk you’re talking about. Go to a AAAS website and ask instead of making up shit.
John Christy is Roy Spencer's lil sidekick. The two are inseparable. Christy is just as guilty as Spencer of putting out bullshit info. Check the citation numbers for either one.

So you so not accept the science at all.
Say anything you want. You’re wrong. There is a science community that you either be a part if, or you don’t. You look for evidence, do trials and experiments and be judged by your peers or you make up up shit.

You aren’t a science person and you don’t know what the fk you’re talking about. Go to a AAAS website and ask instead of making up shit.
I want us to discuss Dennis Eckersley for a few moments today. Dennis is an expert baseball player. Few have his knowledge. I would not for a second try to discuss baseball with him since I lack in significant ways his level of baseball acumen. I have an advantage most Americans do not have. I sponsored fast pitch softball and that game is pretty equal to major league baseball. While it is amateur, still many pro baseball players want to keep exercising so play fastpitch softball for the fun and the workouts. I had former major league players on my own team. They explained this to me. I look at you like an amatuer playing at science who really is very extremely opinionated. But you are merely a fan of climate.
There is evidence of some warming but it is not an immediate emergency. All the climate predictions of doom from the past turned out to be false alarms.
Let me try to explain some of this due to my own formal study of earth's climates. Warming where? See when one announces a change, it has to be coupled to location. Not all of earth warms. Check out the rather lower temperatures now to those of 1913 and even the years of the dust bowls of Death Valley, Ca. It would be a canary in the mine for climate. So why is the climate of Death Valley actually stable?
There is very little to none certainty in science. That’s the way of science, continued growth in awareness, and better understanding.
Yet you are certain about climate. And not a particular climate, say the climate zones all over South America, but you are dogmatic that you know more than others here about climate globally. That is an expertise that I tend to doubt is shared with real climate scientists such as submit studies made in particular areas and not globally.
Nope. You just made a claim that every climate science related institution in the world is wrong, and you and Trump are right. So, your claim is, all the smart people at 30k reserch institutions are wrong, but Drop out Hannity at Fix News is right. Nice odds. Name one on your side…..just one.
You simply do not pay attention. It is hard to have a decent discussion when the person opposing me makes things up and makes claims about me that are simply fiction. Actually I have presented papers and discussions by expert climatologists who do this for a living and you do not like their reports and though you are no expert, as we all plainly see, you call them out and whine you do not like their reports.
Yet you are certain about climate.
You don’t read my replies well.
I am certain that consensus climate research by all our gov agencies, private and public research v facilities and the world wide science community at large has the best understanding of what us going on in our climate. I am certain that deniers of this consensus are full of shit.
You simply do not pay attention. It is hard to have a decent discussion when the person opposing me makes things up and makes claims about me that are simply fiction. Actually I have presented papers and discussions by expert climatologists who do this for a living and you do not like their reports and though you are no expert, as we all plainly see, you call them out and whine you do not like their reports.
You are still in a Zone
All your bull shit by individuals with no research or trials of their own mean nothing. None are working members of the climate science institutes . None
I use certified plumbers, electricians and doctors and mechanics for my needs because they are supported by regulated institutions . I don’t use denier buffoons because they aren’t
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