Should we allow the alarmists to alarm us as to climate?

Thirdly, the empirical climate data shows the planet cooling for millions of years with 50% more CO2 than today which means the planet is not sensitive to CO2.
Was the chemical makeup of the planet 14 million years ago the same as now?
So, local regional weather event.
No. Global effects due to the most critical location on the planet. The polar region of the northern hemisphere. It's well known.

No. Global effects due to the most critical location on the planet. The polar region of the northern hemisphere. It's well known

collapse would have severe impacts on the climate in the North Atlantic region. In recent years weakening in circulation has been reported, but assessments by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), based on the Climate Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) model simulations suggest that a full collapse is unlikely within the 21st century. Tipping to an undesired state in the climate is, however, a growing concern with increasing greenhouse gas concentrations.
collapse would have severe impacts on the climate in the North Atlantic region. In recent years weakening in circulation has been reported, but assessments by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), based on the Climate Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) model simulations suggest that a full collapse is unlikely within the 21st century. Tipping to an undesired state in the climate is, however, a growing concern with increasing greenhouse gas concentrations.
It would affect the planet, dummy. Read the link. And it will happen. Been happening for millions of years.
That has no bearing on our current human caused warming.
Except it shows a cooling planet with significantly higher CO2 than today which means the climate is insensitive to CO2.

Simple physics shows the instantaneous GHG effect of CO2 is 1C per doubling of CO2. That's it.
That’s not what your article states.
What? That it's never happened before? You can't explain D-O events without it which is what you will find if you investigate the D-O events.
Yes son. Our own DOD thinks it's an issue. I live here. Not in alt-right denial land. :)

Didn't read your link, did you?


It has nothing to do with Climate Change. It's about sexual harrassment and assault at military academies. DURR.
OK, take that at face value it means you never claimed he can and you have no reason to change your mind.
What I said was that I had never "admitted" that man could not manage the climate because I had never "said" he did. The words "admitted" and "said" are not synonyms, they do not mean the same thing. I have stated MANY times that human actions, primarily the combustion of fossil fuels, are the primary cause of the warming we've undergone the last 150 years. If this is all you have with which to argue this point, perhaps you ought to sit back and think about which side is more likely correct: the one with all the science and all the evidence or the one that has nothing but wordgames to play.
What I said was that I had never "admitted" that man could not manage the climate because I had never said he did. The words "admitted" and "said" are not synonyms, they do not mean the same thing. I have stated MANY times that human actions, primarily the combustion of fossil fuels, is the primary cause of the warming we've undergone the last 150 years. If this is all you have with which to argue this point, perhaps you ought to sit back and think about which side is more likely correct: the one with all the science and all the evidence or the one that has nothing but wordgames to play.
I compare this to a million people watching a football game. 200 have umbrellas and thus stay dry in a rainstorm. The next game has double that and now 400 have umbrellas and stay dry.

Climate is supposedly impacted by even 200 citizens out of a million. Pardon me but this does not sell.

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