Should we be worried when America refuses to vote itself out of a steep nose-dive?

The young working generation is more productive than ever. The Uber wealthy will continue to reap the hard work of the youth while they sit lazily on the golf course.
Explain the NY Governor race. People clearly voted against their self interests. Stop making everything about fucking Trump. It’s getting fucking old.
I really and truly wish that I could stop making it all about Rump.

Trouble is, until he is sidelined and unable to run for POTUS, there can be no letup in the counterpointing.

It IS about Rump.

You may have moved on.

It is in your best interests to do so.

But the rest of the country will not until that threat has dissipated.

Imagine how much better you could have done if half of your candidates weren't selling Rump's Big Liew.

He stinks to high heaven and you're now beginning to understand the truth in what people say about dumping him before it's too late.
If a shit economy, record inflation, record fuel prices, record crime levels, a wide open border and forced vax mandates don’t get people to vote away the governing party…..what will?
My old man always said….”one day the United States will have far too many ignorant people residing within and they will vote the nation to it’s demise.”
He appears to have been spot on.
Republicans screwed the pooch on the abortion issue, what they did on the local level was the most stupidest things ever besides Hitler invading Russia
I really and truly wish that I could stop making it all about Rump.

Trouble is, until he is sidelined and unable to run for POTUS, there can be no letup in the counterpointing.

It IS about Rump.

You may have moved on.

It is in your best interests to do so.

But the rest of the country will not until that threat has dissipated.

Imagine how much better you could have done if half of your candidates weren't selling Rump's Big Liew.

He stinks to high heaven and you're now beginning to understand the truth in what people say about dumping him before it's too late.

So says a TDS Trump junkie.
Put down the needle!!
"Hey, lets vote to keep the Democrat idiots in office that fucked the country up in the first place, what could possibly go wrong?"
"Hey, lets vote to keep the Democrat idiots in office that fucked the country up in the first place, what could possibly go wrong?"
There's got to be a name for that thinking.... and it's not 'STUPID' (which it is) but there must be a psychological term for it.
Hatred makes democrats crazy. The good people of Pennsylvania elected a brain damaged racist freak to the senate because they hated Trump.
I really and truly wish that I could stop making it all about Rump.

Trouble is, until he is sidelined and unable to run for POTUS, there can be no letup in the counterpointing.

It IS about Rump.

You may have moved on.

It is in your best interests to do so.

But the rest of the country will not until that threat has dissipated.

Imagine how much better you could have done if half of your candidates weren't selling Rump's Big Liew.

He stinks to high heaven and you're now beginning to understand the truth in what people say about dumping him before it's too late.
OmFG. Lee Zeldin stood on his own and lost to a complete moon bat who said at least we aren’t San Fran as residents of NYC don’t feel safe. Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump. Give it a fucking rest. I am anti woke. I am pro Desantis. Make America Florida.
Hatred makes democrats crazy. The good people of Pennsylvania elected a brain damaged racist freak to the senate because they hated Trump.
Fetterman is an inbred retard with an IQ of a turd.

The despicable new face of the Democrat Party.

Fetterman being elected is a great example of the Dark Side of Democracy and how it can fail.
To be replace by WHAT exactly?
That is actually an easy question to answer. In fact we have had the answer all along but have been too stupid to do it.

A Constitutional Republic with a strong set of rights to protect individual liberty that cannot be infringed.

You know, where the majority cannot vote away the rights of the individual.

We actually have that form of government but it is weak and nobody gives a shit about adhering to it.
If a shit economy, record inflation, record fuel prices, record crime levels, a wide open border and forced vax mandates don’t get people to vote away the governing party…..what will?
My old man always said….”one day the United States will have far too many ignorant people residing within and they will vote the nation to it’s demise.”
He appears to have been spot on.
And you're one of those ignorant people.
If a shit economy, record inflation, record fuel prices, record crime levels, a wide open border and forced vax mandates don’t get people to vote away the governing party…..what will?
My old man always said….”one day the United States will have far too many ignorant people residing within and they will vote the nation to it’s demise.”
He appears to have been spot on.
Too many stupid, ignorant people who just pull the lever for the one with a ‘D’ next to their name without even caring about the issues. Those same people then whine that things aren’t good, yet can’t imagine why....
It's the truth. It hurts I understand. Workers today produce so much it's mind boggling.
Truth my ass, these kids now a days are lazy, idiotic , spoiled rotten and complete dumb shits, and I am talking about the college educated ones to boot.

You don't know much do you?
don't be too down. The media is lying about the number of repub voters plus some of the lesser noticed races where repub/conservatives managed to flip.
Dems are acting like that team that faced, say, Georgia and lost by 30. But the spread was 35 so they act like they won. Republicans have the House and a good shot at taking the Senate too. Yet Dems think they somehow “won”.

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