Should we be worried when America refuses to vote itself out of a steep nose-dive?

Chirp up Skye… perhaps things are not as bad as you think. A little change in perspective and focus may do you some good

I don't want to chirp up.

This stealing of elections is something that makes people with their hearts in the right place very unhappy.

Makes it lose faith in humanity.
Chirp up Skye… perhaps things are not as bad as you think. A little change in perspective and focus may do you some good
Perspective has already been changed. And it is destructive. A totalitarian government though will reduce the population. And today it can be done quite easily. It is the acceptance part to get through and that is becoming easier as we see half the population being demonized to the point of vengeance when it ever comes.
I don't want to chirp up.

This stealing of elections is something that makes people with their hearts in the right place very unhappy.

Makes it lose faith in humanity.
Why do you think elections have been stolen? Did the media tell you that?
It's time for people to concentrate on their local communities and to build alliances closer to their communities. We will soon need them to throw off the tyrannical reach of DC. The system is hopelessly corrupted and we need to stop playing into their games, lending them any degree of legitimacy. IOW, prepare to defend your homes and families because we aren't too far away from them demanding your surrender on multiple issues of our basic rights under the constitution. It's time to decide if you will make a stand for freedom, regardless of the personal cost. There will be no help coming from federal OR state governments on this issue...
Damn straight.....Earn your shields.

Governor Kristi Noem was speaking after her victory and said South Dakota has a budget surplus of 100 million. What she said next is something you'd never ever hear a Democrat say. She said it's going back in a refund to the people of South Dakota.
Why do you think elections have been stolen? Did the media tell you that?
It’s because 80% of the country believes we are on the wrong track and Newsome and Hochul get re-elected and Fetterman who is half dead gets elected. Rather than admitting many Americans are morons people cry fraud. That’s why. Understand!?
If a shit economy, record inflation, record fuel prices, record crime levels, a wide open border and forced vax mandates don’t get people to vote away the governing party…..what will?
My old man always said….”one day the United States will have far too many ignorant people residing within and they will vote the nation to it’s demise.”
He appears to have been spot on.

It has gone well beyond that, BL. 75% of those polled in every poll agreed that they were upset to very angry over the direction of this country! Now, how do a group of people angry for and demanding change go to the poll then vote for a continuation of more of the same?

Notice that no matter what the issue, candidate or year, anymore, most every election that the government or media has ANY control over always comes out split right down the middle needing long delays to count every last vote?

That is a statistical and mathematic IMPOSSIBILITY.

Unless our elections were being largely controlled, manipulated and decided well beyond the sight of the actual VOTERS.
and did media told you the election , this one and the last one, were not stolen?

stop it please.
I don’t blindly believe what I hear from the media. I heard the claims of a stolen election and have asked for and looked for proof. Nothing.

I’ve looked at cases brought to court. Nothing.

I’ve heard statements from Republican election officials. Nothing

I’ve heard statements from our security agencies and Trumps own AG. Nothing

So those are my reasons for calling BS on the stolen election claims. What gives you such confidence that it happened?

American representative democracy can survive another round or two of poor economic performance and inflation and open borders etc.

American representative democracy
cannot survive the re-installation of an intellectual and moral defective willing to assault Congress on January 6, 2021.

That's why your Red Tsunami turned into a Red Trickle on November 8, 2022.

Got it now? Did that finally penetrate those thick Neanderthal red-capped skulls?

This is not Rocket Science... but it
IS Reality.

Dump your Orange Comb-Over Albatross and you may obtain a much better yield at the ballot box next time.
Oh look, the lying leftards are back.

Hey lying leftard, you just lost both Houses of Congress.

I call that a crushing defeat. YMMV.
I don’t blindly believe what I hear from the media. I heard the claims of a stolen election and have asked for and looked for proof. Nothing.

I’ve looked at cases brought to court. Nothing.

I’ve heard statements from Republican election officials. Nothing

I’ve heard statements from our security agencies and Trumps own AG. Nothing

So those are my reasons for calling BS on the stolen election claims. What gives you such confidence that it happened?
sure you have.
Oh look, the lying leftards are back.

Hey lying leftard, you just lost both Houses of Congress.

I call that a crushing defeat. YMMV.
Is that official yet?

Did you call it a crushing defeat when trump lost both Houses 4 years ago?

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