Should We Care About Racism In America?

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
Racism is obviously wrong. But so are lots of other things. Anti-Semitism for example. But should we use the fact that there are some people in America who are racists to excuse black underperformance in virtually every category of academics and socio economic well being?
For example, there is plenty of anti Muslim sentiment. But most of the Muslims I see are people starting businesses, working hard, going to school, etc. They really dont use anti Muslim attitudes as an excuse as to why they cant get into universities or get good jobs.
No. Like the accusation of blasphemy, which was the 'racism' prior to WWII, we should find something more constructive to focus on and talk about.
I would. But the organized black community seems to want to eliminate racism as a precondition to their success.
Nope. Especially with the way the term itself has been perverted.
It's funny that the OP is himself, in fact a racist.

Antisemitism is a form of racism.

Racism is one of the greatest evils out there . All it does is destroy .

Look at our fucked up pals in the Mid East . All the strife out there has the same root cause , bigotry .

If you take it to the extreme and don't have the races mix, that litteraly stifles the gene pool and endangers man kind itself .

Plus it's so stupid and superficial .
Blacks were treated terribly in America for a very long time...and it was right and proper that they were finally given a decent chance to catch up.

But, after half a century of the War on Poverty, the Great Society, and Affirmative Action...things seem only worse...especially in the rotting cities of the North--run for decades by Democrats--where the Black family has completely disintegrated, and babies are birthed by 15 year olds, and a bill sent to the Federal Government to raise them.

So, when is it time to ask--Why can't Blacks in Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore etc. feed themselves?????...many or most don't you know...the Taxpayers feed them.

Its the kind of Conversation on Race that they don't want to they just play the Race Card, as has been promptly done in this thread.
It's funny that the OP is himself, in fact a racist.

You keep saying that and when pressed for evidence you consistently fail to produce it. Is this because you are terminally stupid?

"That's what happens when blacks run things"
Is this because you're terminally stupid?
That's a serious question, btw.

Again, I dont doubt there are racists in America. But do we have to eliminate every last vestige of racism before blacks can be successful?
It's funny that the OP is himself, in fact a racist.

You keep saying that and when pressed for evidence you consistently fail to produce it. Is this because you are terminally stupid?

"That's what happens when blacks run things"
Is this because you're terminally stupid?
That's a serious question, btw.

Again, I dont doubt there are racists in America. But do we have to eliminate every last vestige of racism before blacks can be successful?

Of course there are racists in America. You still live in this country, right?

We will never eliminate racism. But as we progress as a society and washed up fossils such as yourself die off, we will hopefully continue to evolve as a society.
It's funny that the OP is himself, in fact a racist.

You keep saying that and when pressed for evidence you consistently fail to produce it. Is this because you are terminally stupid?

"That's what happens when blacks run things"
Is this because you're terminally stupid?
That's a serious question, btw.

Again, I dont doubt there are racists in America. But do we have to eliminate every last vestige of racism before blacks can be successful?

Of course there are racists in America. You still live in this country, right?

We will never eliminate racism. But as we progress as a society and washed up fossils such as yourself die off, we will hopefully continue to evolve as a society.
Of course you are too stupid to address the question. No shocker there.
DOes black progress depend on eliminating racists such as yourself, or are they using racism as an excuse for their own under-performance?
For example, there is plenty of anti Muslim sentiment. But most of the Muslims I see are people starting businesses, working hard, going to school, etc.

That can't be right. According to the pants-wetting hysterics on this board, all Muslims are terraists.
For example, there is plenty of anti Muslim sentiment. But most of the Muslims I see are people starting businesses, working hard, going to school, etc.

That can't be right. According to the pants-wetting hysterics on this board, all Muslims are terraists.
Id ask for a quote by anyone saying that but you're such a low life incompetent you cant even be a decent douchbag.
For example, there is plenty of anti Muslim sentiment. But most of the Muslims I see are people starting businesses, working hard, going to school, etc.

That can't be right. According to the pants-wetting hysterics on this board, all Muslims are terraists.

Not all muslims are terrorists. But overwhelmingly the most terrorists are muslim.
Not all black people are criminals, but proportionally they commit crime at a far far greater rate than the general populace.

Admitting facts is "hysteria" in a mind of a regressive. Nothing new to see, move along...
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There are literally hundreds of laws that prohibit discrimination on the basis of race in business and government and even social interaction. Is it alleged that there are rampant violations of the law that are not prosecuted? Are racist slurs still protected by 1st Amendment free speech? Do we judge people by alleged racist thoughts? What kind of racism then?
There are literally hundreds of laws that prohibit discrimination on the basis of race in business and government and even social interaction. Is it alleged that there are rampant violations of the law that are not prosecuted? Are racist slurs still protected by 1st Amendment free speech? Do we judge people by alleged racist thoughts? What kind of racism then?
Its subtle deep and widespread institutionalized racism.
Yeah I know.
Racism is obviously wrong. But so are lots of other things. Anti-Semitism for example. But should we use the fact that there are some people in America who are racists to excuse black underperformance in virtually every category of academics and socio economic well being?
For example, there is plenty of anti Muslim sentiment. But most of the Muslims I see are people starting businesses, working hard, going to school, etc. They really dont use anti Muslim attitudes as an excuse as to why they cant get into universities or get good jobs.
How many Muslims have jobs in the Trump campaign?

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