Should We Care About Racism In America?

I feel the same way about renting my apartments. If you are clean, quiet, pay your rent on time, and can get along with my other tenants and neighbors, I don't care what race you are. But the fact is if I decide to rent to a white person(s) over black, I could find myself in a lot of trouble. I can use my instincts about white applicants, but I can't do that with blacks. It would never hold up in court.

There's the problem. All this subjective criteria .

You have a black renter and a white one . You go with the white because the interview felt right . But if you've never really delt wh blacks people , so that hesitation can effect the vibe of black guys interview.

There are very few situations where people are chosen strictly on objective criteria . So bias does come into play even if it ain't intentional .

I've had several black tenants before. I'm in a mostly black suburb so I expect mostly black applicants.

I don't do credit checks, but I do contact previous landlords and employers. But let me explain the differences here:

Let's say a black couple looks at the apartment and is interested so they apply. But I don't like the car they are driving. It's older I'm afraid it may damage my driveway because of leaky fluid. I don't like the way they disciplined their children for using foul language in front of me or because the siblings began fighting. I don't like the way they talk. I could barely understand what they were asking me on a few questions.

If I decide to rent to a non-minority over them because of my personal feelings, that won't hold up very well in court if they decide to sue me; especially if I end up in front of a black judge.

Now let's say the same thing happens with a white applicant. He uses the word "dude" and "like" five times in every sentence. One half of his head has longer hair and the other side is shaved almost bald. He drones on and on about some band I never heard of. I can throw his application right in the shredder the moment he leaves and not lose ten minutes sleep that night.

Sooooo a black judge would be biased . That must mean white judges are biased against blacks .

Now if I said that yall would freak out on me .

You admit in your story that "how they talk" would influence you . What does that have to do to wh being a good tenent ?

What does that have to do with it? If you are too lazy to learn the proper use of the English language, it probably means you are lazy in other things as well. I'm not looking for English majors, just the ability to communicate with me is just fine. We are all products of our upbringing if you know what I mean.

The double standard works with judges as well. A black judge will likely see no retaliation for being bias with a black accuser, but a white judge will see plenty of retaliation if he or she is bias for the white defendant. It may draw the attention of the media, it may be a week long discussion on local radio shows, it may even prompt death threats to the judge. It would definitely get the attention of the local NAACP.

What news are u watching ? That affluenza teen? Hey, perfect example of white justice . Kill three people and get probation. But even that is too much to bear!!!

Now find me all the millions of white people that supported that decision. Most familiar with the story are outraged. And I'm sure if the judge wanted to keep her position, she would be tossed out on her ass, but she retired instead; probably got paid off.

That's not a "white" thing, that's a money thing. You know, like OJ Simpson. If you have the money to hire the best lawyers in the country, chances are you are going to get off regardless what race you are.

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