Should We Care About Racism In America?

Racism is obviously wrong. But so are lots of other things. Anti-Semitism for example. But should we use the fact that there are some people in America who are racists to excuse black underperformance in virtually every category of academics and socio economic well being?
For example, there is plenty of anti Muslim sentiment. But most of the Muslims I see are people starting businesses, working hard, going to school, etc. They really dont use anti Muslim attitudes as an excuse as to why they cant get into universities or get good jobs.
Certainly we should care, for multiple reasons.

"Caring" isn't enough, of course, and an honest, open, ongoing conversation is absolutely needed.

Unfortunately, there are people on one end of the conversation who want to minimize or deny the very existence of racism, people on the other who are programmed to scream "racist"/"racism" as a deflection mechanism at absolutely every opportunity, and yet another group who have a vested interest in keeping the first two groups divided and angry at each other.

Unless and until the above groups are somehow marginalized, AND until all of the above groups are willing to look in the mirror for a change, the honest and constructive conversation can't take place.
Do you believe America is a deeply racist society and its institutions inherently racist?
Those are subjective questions (deeply, inherently), but no.

And a big part of the reason we (and American Blacks) have not progressed as quickly as we should have is that those who constantly scream "racism" are far more interested in winning than in actually improving race relations.
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One of the reasons rednecks and blacks are struggling is because they have a bad habit of picking the absolute worst role models, heroes, and martyrs. And their cultures sabotage anyone trying to succeed.

They also have persecution complexes in common.
So your answer is blacks need to quit using racism as an excuse for their failures?
Racism is a legitimate cause of their problems.

Racism is not a legitimate cause of redneck problems.

How is racism a legitimate cause of black problems but not anti Muslim sentiment is not a legitimate cause of Muslim problems, or anti Semitism a legitimate cause of Jewish problems?

That's the thing, everybody is responsible for their own problems, it's just that certain Americans keep racism alive using the blame game.

I've said this so many times in the past: people of different races can live together in peace. People of different cultures can't. Don't blame your neighbor because your grass is not as green as his. Emulate our neighbor instead and have just as green of grass.

Maybe if we can convince all Americans to look at themselves just as Americans instead of this group of Americans or that group of Americans, we would be on a faster path to forgetting about race altogether.
I applaud your response but the race obsession in this country is more complex than you might imagine.. For instance people constantly misuse FBI crime statistics to portray Blacks as all poverty stricken criminals out to rob, kill rape and destroy White society. That image is based on the arrests of maybe 0.02% of the population. White society has a stake in Black criminality. The media understands that Black violence sells newspapers and that it keeps people looking at the news while fingering the new pistols and rifles the were motivated to buy.

Private prisons profit from Black criminality.

Hate in the USA i actually state sponsored and media driven.

Now some of you will say that Blacks bring it on themselves by committing so much crime in relation their population. Yes folks, a lot of while hate is based on the actions of a very small percentage of the black community and until we somehow address that, nothing will change.
No. Like the accusation of blasphemy, which was the 'racism' prior to WWII, we should find something more constructive to focus on and talk about.
I would. But the organized black community seems to want to eliminate racism as a precondition to their success.
No they actually want to keep racism alive so they remain relevant
The majority of Back people only want to go to work, take care of their kids and pay their bills, just as YOU do. They don't give a damn about being relevant to White people, at least not until desegregation forced black businesses to close and Black enterprise to dwindle. Now Blacks have to go begging for jobs in White owned businesses instead of producing jobs for their own kind.
Racism is obviously wrong. But so are lots of other things. Anti-Semitism for example. But should we use the fact that there are some people in America who are racists to excuse black underperformance in virtually every category of academics and socio economic well being?
For example, there is plenty of anti Muslim sentiment. But most of the Muslims I see are people starting businesses, working hard, going to school, etc. They really dont use anti Muslim attitudes as an excuse as to why they cant get into universities or get good jobs.
Certainly we should care, for multiple reasons.

"Caring" isn't enough, of course, and an honest, open, ongoing conversation is absolutely needed.

Unfortunately, there are people on one end of the conversation who want to minimize or deny the very existence of racism, people on the other who are programmed to scream "racist"/"racism" as a deflection mechanism at absolutely every opportunity, and yet another group who have a vested interest in keeping the first two groups divided and angry at each other.

Unless and until the above groups are somehow marginalized, AND until all of the above groups are willing to look in the mirror for a change, the honest and constructive conversation can't take place.
Do you believe America is a deeply racist society and its institutions inherently racist?
Those are subjective questions (deeply, inherently), but no.

And a big part of the reason we (and American Blacks) have not progressed as quickly as we should have is that those who constantly scream "racism" are far more interested in winning than in actually improving race relations.
By "winning" you mean hustling white people for government goodies and corporate payoffs. Jesse Jackson has made a living out of doing that for years.
My point is that just as Jews dont think anti semitism is keeping them down, and Muslims dont think anti-Muslim sentiment is keeping them down so too blacks shouldnt think that racism is keeping them down and then blame societal racism for their own underperformance.
Racism is obviously wrong. But so are lots of other things. Anti-Semitism for example. But should we use the fact that there are some people in America who are racists to excuse black underperformance in virtually every category of academics and socio economic well being?
For example, there is plenty of anti Muslim sentiment. But most of the Muslims I see are people starting businesses, working hard, going to school, etc. They really dont use anti Muslim attitudes as an excuse as to why they cant get into universities or get good jobs.
Certainly we should care, for multiple reasons.

"Caring" isn't enough, of course, and an honest, open, ongoing conversation is absolutely needed.

Unfortunately, there are people on one end of the conversation who want to minimize or deny the very existence of racism, people on the other who are programmed to scream "racist"/"racism" as a deflection mechanism at absolutely every opportunity, and yet another group who have a vested interest in keeping the first two groups divided and angry at each other.

Unless and until the above groups are somehow marginalized, AND until all of the above groups are willing to look in the mirror for a change, the honest and constructive conversation can't take place.
Do you believe America is a deeply racist society and its institutions inherently racist?
Those are subjective questions (deeply, inherently), but no.

And a big part of the reason we (and American Blacks) have not progressed as quickly as we should have is that those who constantly scream "racism" are far more interested in winning than in actually improving race relations.
By "winning" you mean hustling white people for government goodies and corporate payoffs. Jesse Jackson has made a living out of doing that for years.
My point is that just as Jews dont think anti semitism is keeping them down, and Muslims dont think anti-Muslim sentiment is keeping them down so too blacks shouldnt think that racism is keeping them down and then blame societal racism for their own underperformance.
My definition of "winning" is broader. Rather than improving race relations by (doing the heavy lifting of) changing hearts and minds - which would require communication, effort, reason, patience and empathy - these people have instead chosen to leverage threats, intimidation, force of law and any kind of punishment they can muster to essentially shut people up.

This does absolutely nothing to actually improve racial tension and in fact exacerbates and prolongs it. And they damn well know it.

Regarding the behaviors of American Blacks and under-performance, just remember that most of them are raised, steeped, immersed in a counter-productive environment from the day they're born. They're not held as accountable as other races, standards are lowered for them, excuses made for them, fingers pointed for them. Anyone, regardless of skin color, would comparatively under-perform when conditioned from birth to do so.

I tried to keep that brief, probably failed somewhat.
Racism is obviously wrong. But so are lots of other things. Anti-Semitism for example. But should we use the fact that there are some people in America who are racists to excuse black underperformance in virtually every category of academics and socio economic well being?
For example, there is plenty of anti Muslim sentiment. But most of the Muslims I see are people starting businesses, working hard, going to school, etc. They really dont use anti Muslim attitudes as an excuse as to why they cant get into universities or get good jobs.
Certainly we should care, for multiple reasons.

"Caring" isn't enough, of course, and an honest, open, ongoing conversation is absolutely needed.

Unfortunately, there are people on one end of the conversation who want to minimize or deny the very existence of racism, people on the other who are programmed to scream "racist"/"racism" as a deflection mechanism at absolutely every opportunity, and yet another group who have a vested interest in keeping the first two groups divided and angry at each other.

Unless and until the above groups are somehow marginalized, AND until all of the above groups are willing to look in the mirror for a change, the honest and constructive conversation can't take place.
Do you believe America is a deeply racist society and its institutions inherently racist?
Those are subjective questions (deeply, inherently), but no.

And a big part of the reason we (and American Blacks) have not progressed as quickly as we should have is that those who constantly scream "racism" are far more interested in winning than in actually improving race relations.
By "winning" you mean hustling white people for government goodies and corporate payoffs. Jesse Jackson has made a living out of doing that for years.
My point is that just as Jews dont think anti semitism is keeping them down, and Muslims dont think anti-Muslim sentiment is keeping them down so too blacks shouldnt think that racism is keeping them down and then blame societal racism for their own underperformance.
My definition of "winning" is broader. Rather than improving race relations by (doing the heavy lifting of) changing hearts and minds - which would require communication, effort, reason, patience and empathy - these people have instead chosen to leverage threats, intimidation, force of law and any kind of punishment they can muster to essentially shut people up.

This does absolutely nothing to actually improve racial tension and in fact exacerbates and prolongs it. And they damn well know it.

Regarding the behaviors of American Blacks and under-performance, just remember that most of them are raised, steeped, immersed in a counter-productive environment from the day they're born. They're not held as accountable as other races, standards are lowered for them, excuses made for them, fingers pointed for them. Anyone, regardless of skin color, would comparatively under-perform when conditioned from birth to do so.

I tried to keep that brief, probably failed somewhat.
Imnot sure we disagree here.
Some people are invested in the racial grievance industry, thus seek to perpetuate it. Meanwhile it is counterproductive because the cause of black under performance is not systemic racism but a culture that mitigates against achievement.
We can see proof for this in the fact that if you look at black immigrants from, say, the Caribbean they have much higher levels of success, sometimes higher than Amrerican whites. This despite having the same racial makeup as American blacks.
Certainly we should care, for multiple reasons.

"Caring" isn't enough, of course, and an honest, open, ongoing conversation is absolutely needed.

Unfortunately, there are people on one end of the conversation who want to minimize or deny the very existence of racism, people on the other who are programmed to scream "racist"/"racism" as a deflection mechanism at absolutely every opportunity, and yet another group who have a vested interest in keeping the first two groups divided and angry at each other.

Unless and until the above groups are somehow marginalized, AND until all of the above groups are willing to look in the mirror for a change, the honest and constructive conversation can't take place.
Do you believe America is a deeply racist society and its institutions inherently racist?
Those are subjective questions (deeply, inherently), but no.

And a big part of the reason we (and American Blacks) have not progressed as quickly as we should have is that those who constantly scream "racism" are far more interested in winning than in actually improving race relations.
By "winning" you mean hustling white people for government goodies and corporate payoffs. Jesse Jackson has made a living out of doing that for years.
My point is that just as Jews dont think anti semitism is keeping them down, and Muslims dont think anti-Muslim sentiment is keeping them down so too blacks shouldnt think that racism is keeping them down and then blame societal racism for their own underperformance.
My definition of "winning" is broader. Rather than improving race relations by (doing the heavy lifting of) changing hearts and minds - which would require communication, effort, reason, patience and empathy - these people have instead chosen to leverage threats, intimidation, force of law and any kind of punishment they can muster to essentially shut people up.

This does absolutely nothing to actually improve racial tension and in fact exacerbates and prolongs it. And they damn well know it.

Regarding the behaviors of American Blacks and under-performance, just remember that most of them are raised, steeped, immersed in a counter-productive environment from the day they're born. They're not held as accountable as other races, standards are lowered for them, excuses made for them, fingers pointed for them. Anyone, regardless of skin color, would comparatively under-perform when conditioned from birth to do so.

I tried to keep that brief, probably failed somewhat.
Imnot sure we disagree here.
Some people are invested in the racial grievance industry, thus seek to perpetuate it. Meanwhile it is counterproductive because the cause of black under performance is not systemic racism but a culture that mitigates against achievement.
We can see proof for this in the fact that if you look at black immigrants from, say, the Caribbean they have much higher levels of success, sometimes higher than Amrerican whites. This despite having the same racial makeup as American blacks.
Yes, agreed, and that goes back to the upbringing of our kids.

I struggle a bit with the term "systemic". Is it possible/probable that blacks are still discriminated against for this loan or that job or that promotion here and there? Yeah, I can see that, the question is really, how often. But I also wonder to what degree discrimination like that is increased by cultural and regulatory pressures. "I'm afraid to hire him because it's so difficult legally to fire him,", etc. etc. I've certainly seen that one more than once.

Either way, yes, it still exists. But I think it will take some mirror-gazing on both ends of this issue to fix it.
Do you believe America is a deeply racist society and its institutions inherently racist?
Those are subjective questions (deeply, inherently), but no.

And a big part of the reason we (and American Blacks) have not progressed as quickly as we should have is that those who constantly scream "racism" are far more interested in winning than in actually improving race relations.
By "winning" you mean hustling white people for government goodies and corporate payoffs. Jesse Jackson has made a living out of doing that for years.
My point is that just as Jews dont think anti semitism is keeping them down, and Muslims dont think anti-Muslim sentiment is keeping them down so too blacks shouldnt think that racism is keeping them down and then blame societal racism for their own underperformance.
My definition of "winning" is broader. Rather than improving race relations by (doing the heavy lifting of) changing hearts and minds - which would require communication, effort, reason, patience and empathy - these people have instead chosen to leverage threats, intimidation, force of law and any kind of punishment they can muster to essentially shut people up.

This does absolutely nothing to actually improve racial tension and in fact exacerbates and prolongs it. And they damn well know it.

Regarding the behaviors of American Blacks and under-performance, just remember that most of them are raised, steeped, immersed in a counter-productive environment from the day they're born. They're not held as accountable as other races, standards are lowered for them, excuses made for them, fingers pointed for them. Anyone, regardless of skin color, would comparatively under-perform when conditioned from birth to do so.

I tried to keep that brief, probably failed somewhat.
Imnot sure we disagree here.
Some people are invested in the racial grievance industry, thus seek to perpetuate it. Meanwhile it is counterproductive because the cause of black under performance is not systemic racism but a culture that mitigates against achievement.
We can see proof for this in the fact that if you look at black immigrants from, say, the Caribbean they have much higher levels of success, sometimes higher than Amrerican whites. This despite having the same racial makeup as American blacks.
Yes, agreed, and that goes back to the upbringing of our kids.

I struggle a bit with the term "systemic". Is it possible/probable that blacks are still discriminated against for this loan or that job or that promotion here and there? Yeah, I can see that, the question is really, how often. But I also wonder to what degree discrimination like that is increased by cultural and regulatory pressures. "I'm afraid to hire him because it's so difficult legally to fire him,", etc. etc. I've certainly seen that one more than once.

Either way, yes, it still exists. But I think it will take some mirror-gazing on both ends of this issue to fix it.
But it is far more common for blacks to be admitted, hired and promoted because they are black.And that is a problem.
australian tribes
adult iq: under 60


aryan child iq: 70+

Those are subjective questions (deeply, inherently), but no.

And a big part of the reason we (and American Blacks) have not progressed as quickly as we should have is that those who constantly scream "racism" are far more interested in winning than in actually improving race relations.
By "winning" you mean hustling white people for government goodies and corporate payoffs. Jesse Jackson has made a living out of doing that for years.
My point is that just as Jews dont think anti semitism is keeping them down, and Muslims dont think anti-Muslim sentiment is keeping them down so too blacks shouldnt think that racism is keeping them down and then blame societal racism for their own underperformance.
My definition of "winning" is broader. Rather than improving race relations by (doing the heavy lifting of) changing hearts and minds - which would require communication, effort, reason, patience and empathy - these people have instead chosen to leverage threats, intimidation, force of law and any kind of punishment they can muster to essentially shut people up.

This does absolutely nothing to actually improve racial tension and in fact exacerbates and prolongs it. And they damn well know it.

Regarding the behaviors of American Blacks and under-performance, just remember that most of them are raised, steeped, immersed in a counter-productive environment from the day they're born. They're not held as accountable as other races, standards are lowered for them, excuses made for them, fingers pointed for them. Anyone, regardless of skin color, would comparatively under-perform when conditioned from birth to do so.

I tried to keep that brief, probably failed somewhat.
Imnot sure we disagree here.
Some people are invested in the racial grievance industry, thus seek to perpetuate it. Meanwhile it is counterproductive because the cause of black under performance is not systemic racism but a culture that mitigates against achievement.
We can see proof for this in the fact that if you look at black immigrants from, say, the Caribbean they have much higher levels of success, sometimes higher than Amrerican whites. This despite having the same racial makeup as American blacks.
Yes, agreed, and that goes back to the upbringing of our kids.

I struggle a bit with the term "systemic". Is it possible/probable that blacks are still discriminated against for this loan or that job or that promotion here and there? Yeah, I can see that, the question is really, how often. But I also wonder to what degree discrimination like that is increased by cultural and regulatory pressures. "I'm afraid to hire him because it's so difficult legally to fire him,", etc. etc. I've certainly seen that one more than once.

Either way, yes, it still exists. But I think it will take some mirror-gazing on both ends of this issue to fix it.
But it is far more common for blacks to be admitted, hired and promoted because they are black.And that is a problem.
Treating people differently because of the color of their skin ain't right.
By "winning" you mean hustling white people for government goodies and corporate payoffs. Jesse Jackson has made a living out of doing that for years.
My point is that just as Jews dont think anti semitism is keeping them down, and Muslims dont think anti-Muslim sentiment is keeping them down so too blacks shouldnt think that racism is keeping them down and then blame societal racism for their own underperformance.
My definition of "winning" is broader. Rather than improving race relations by (doing the heavy lifting of) changing hearts and minds - which would require communication, effort, reason, patience and empathy - these people have instead chosen to leverage threats, intimidation, force of law and any kind of punishment they can muster to essentially shut people up.

This does absolutely nothing to actually improve racial tension and in fact exacerbates and prolongs it. And they damn well know it.

Regarding the behaviors of American Blacks and under-performance, just remember that most of them are raised, steeped, immersed in a counter-productive environment from the day they're born. They're not held as accountable as other races, standards are lowered for them, excuses made for them, fingers pointed for them. Anyone, regardless of skin color, would comparatively under-perform when conditioned from birth to do so.

I tried to keep that brief, probably failed somewhat.
Imnot sure we disagree here.
Some people are invested in the racial grievance industry, thus seek to perpetuate it. Meanwhile it is counterproductive because the cause of black under performance is not systemic racism but a culture that mitigates against achievement.
We can see proof for this in the fact that if you look at black immigrants from, say, the Caribbean they have much higher levels of success, sometimes higher than Amrerican whites. This despite having the same racial makeup as American blacks.
Yes, agreed, and that goes back to the upbringing of our kids.

I struggle a bit with the term "systemic". Is it possible/probable that blacks are still discriminated against for this loan or that job or that promotion here and there? Yeah, I can see that, the question is really, how often. But I also wonder to what degree discrimination like that is increased by cultural and regulatory pressures. "I'm afraid to hire him because it's so difficult legally to fire him,", etc. etc. I've certainly seen that one more than once.

Either way, yes, it still exists. But I think it will take some mirror-gazing on both ends of this issue to fix it.
But it is far more common for blacks to be admitted, hired and promoted because they are black.And that is a problem.
Treating people differently because of the color of their skin ain't right.
it isnt just color of their skin. its based on brain and dna

are you ready for married with this peoples?
For example, there is plenty of anti Muslim sentiment. But most of the Muslims I see are people starting businesses, working hard, going to school, etc.

That can't be right. According to the pants-wetting hysterics on this board, all Muslims are terraists.

Not all muslims are terrorists. But overwhelmingly the most terrorists are muslim.
Not all black people are criminals, but proportionally they commit crime at a far far greater rate than the general populace.

Admitting facts is "hysteria" in a mind of a regressive. Nothing new to see, move along...

The quotation marks in your post should be around "facts," because what you've posted is opinions. Present some facts, and you won't need to move along quite so furtively.
What he wrote are accepted facts, Einstein.

Articles of RW faith.
By "winning" you mean hustling white people for government goodies and corporate payoffs. Jesse Jackson has made a living out of doing that for years.
My point is that just as Jews dont think anti semitism is keeping them down, and Muslims dont think anti-Muslim sentiment is keeping them down so too blacks shouldnt think that racism is keeping them down and then blame societal racism for their own underperformance.
My definition of "winning" is broader. Rather than improving race relations by (doing the heavy lifting of) changing hearts and minds - which would require communication, effort, reason, patience and empathy - these people have instead chosen to leverage threats, intimidation, force of law and any kind of punishment they can muster to essentially shut people up.

This does absolutely nothing to actually improve racial tension and in fact exacerbates and prolongs it. And they damn well know it.

Regarding the behaviors of American Blacks and under-performance, just remember that most of them are raised, steeped, immersed in a counter-productive environment from the day they're born. They're not held as accountable as other races, standards are lowered for them, excuses made for them, fingers pointed for them. Anyone, regardless of skin color, would comparatively under-perform when conditioned from birth to do so.

I tried to keep that brief, probably failed somewhat.
Imnot sure we disagree here.
Some people are invested in the racial grievance industry, thus seek to perpetuate it. Meanwhile it is counterproductive because the cause of black under performance is not systemic racism but a culture that mitigates against achievement.
We can see proof for this in the fact that if you look at black immigrants from, say, the Caribbean they have much higher levels of success, sometimes higher than Amrerican whites. This despite having the same racial makeup as American blacks.
Yes, agreed, and that goes back to the upbringing of our kids.

I struggle a bit with the term "systemic". Is it possible/probable that blacks are still discriminated against for this loan or that job or that promotion here and there? Yeah, I can see that, the question is really, how often. But I also wonder to what degree discrimination like that is increased by cultural and regulatory pressures. "I'm afraid to hire him because it's so difficult legally to fire him,", etc. etc. I've certainly seen that one more than once.

Either way, yes, it still exists. But I think it will take some mirror-gazing on both ends of this issue to fix it.
But it is far more common for blacks to be admitted, hired and promoted because they are black.And that is a problem.
Treating people differently because of the color of their skin ain't right.
I agree. Discrimination on the basis of race is always wrong. But you can't get modern liberals to understand that. Somehow when it favors blacks it's OK.
For example, there is plenty of anti Muslim sentiment. But most of the Muslims I see are people starting businesses, working hard, going to school, etc.

That can't be right. According to the pants-wetting hysterics on this board, all Muslims are terraists.

Not all muslims are terrorists. But overwhelmingly the most terrorists are muslim.
Not all black people are criminals, but proportionally they commit crime at a far far greater rate than the general populace.

Admitting facts is "hysteria" in a mind of a regressive. Nothing new to see, move along...

The quotation marks in your post should be around "facts," because what you've posted is opinions. Present some facts, and you won't need to move along quite so furtively.
What he wrote are accepted facts, Einstein.

Articles of RW faith.
Get lost. Adults are having a discussion. here.
One of the reasons rednecks and blacks are struggling is because they have a bad habit of picking the absolute worst role models, heroes, and martyrs. And their cultures sabotage anyone trying to succeed.

They also have persecution complexes in common.
So your answer is blacks need to quit using racism as an excuse for their failures?
Racism is a legitimate cause of their problems.

Racism is not a legitimate cause of redneck problems.

How is racism a legitimate cause of black problems but not anti Muslim sentiment is not a legitimate cause of Muslim problems, or anti Semitism a legitimate cause of Jewish problems?

That's the thing, everybody is responsible for their own problems, it's just that certain Americans keep racism alive using the blame game.

I've said this so many times in the past: people of different races can live together in peace. People of different cultures can't. Don't blame your neighbor because your grass is not as green as his. Emulate our neighbor instead and have just as green of grass.

Maybe if we can convince all Americans to look at themselves just as Americans instead of this group of Americans or that group of Americans, we would be on a faster path to forgetting about race altogether.
I applaud your response but the race obsession in this country is more complex than you might imagine.. For instance people constantly misuse FBI crime statistics to portray Blacks as all poverty stricken criminals out to rob, kill rape and destroy White society. That image is based on the arrests of maybe 0.02% of the population. White society has a stake in Black criminality. The media understands that Black violence sells newspapers and that it keeps people looking at the news while fingering the new pistols and rifles the were motivated to buy.

Private prisons profit from Black criminality.

Hate in the USA i actually state sponsored and media driven.

Now some of you will say that Blacks bring it on themselves by committing so much crime in relation their population. Yes folks, a lot of while hate is based on the actions of a very small percentage of the black community and until we somehow address that, nothing will change.

Statistics are statistics. They don't lie. Yes, you are six times more likely to be murdered by a black than a white......especially if you're black.

The expectation of blacks destroying white communities are not arrests, it's based on experience for the most part.

Trust me, I now live in a mostly black community. I seen what happened to my white suburb. I remember in reverence what this city used to be like and what it is now.

The real problem (as I experienced it) is government. Government promotes and even forces low income blacks into white areas. When they destroy those areas, what else are white people supposed to think? What are they supposed to tell other white people?

If there ever is to be peace between races, the races have to figure that out themselves. You can't force a hyena and a tiger to live together. They are two different animals.

First thing we need to do is scrap all fair housing laws. This way people could decide who they wish to live with without fearing lawsuits and other government intrusion. Middle-class whites can choose to rent or sell their home to other middle-class blacks instead of any black that comes along. If we could do that for a generation or two, people would still be segregated, but they would be segregated by class instead of race. The way things are now, there will always be white flight thanks to government.

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