Should We Care About Racism In America?

Those are subjective questions (deeply, inherently), but no.

And a big part of the reason we (and American Blacks) have not progressed as quickly as we should have is that those who constantly scream "racism" are far more interested in winning than in actually improving race relations.
By "winning" you mean hustling white people for government goodies and corporate payoffs. Jesse Jackson has made a living out of doing that for years.
My point is that just as Jews dont think anti semitism is keeping them down, and Muslims dont think anti-Muslim sentiment is keeping them down so too blacks shouldnt think that racism is keeping them down and then blame societal racism for their own underperformance.
My definition of "winning" is broader. Rather than improving race relations by (doing the heavy lifting of) changing hearts and minds - which would require communication, effort, reason, patience and empathy - these people have instead chosen to leverage threats, intimidation, force of law and any kind of punishment they can muster to essentially shut people up.

This does absolutely nothing to actually improve racial tension and in fact exacerbates and prolongs it. And they damn well know it.

Regarding the behaviors of American Blacks and under-performance, just remember that most of them are raised, steeped, immersed in a counter-productive environment from the day they're born. They're not held as accountable as other races, standards are lowered for them, excuses made for them, fingers pointed for them. Anyone, regardless of skin color, would comparatively under-perform when conditioned from birth to do so.

I tried to keep that brief, probably failed somewhat.
Imnot sure we disagree here.
Some people are invested in the racial grievance industry, thus seek to perpetuate it. Meanwhile it is counterproductive because the cause of black under performance is not systemic racism but a culture that mitigates against achievement.
We can see proof for this in the fact that if you look at black immigrants from, say, the Caribbean they have much higher levels of success, sometimes higher than Amrerican whites. This despite having the same racial makeup as American blacks.
Yes, agreed, and that goes back to the upbringing of our kids.

I struggle a bit with the term "systemic". Is it possible/probable that blacks are still discriminated against for this loan or that job or that promotion here and there? Yeah, I can see that, the question is really, how often. But I also wonder to what degree discrimination like that is increased by cultural and regulatory pressures. "I'm afraid to hire him because it's so difficult legally to fire him,", etc. etc. I've certainly seen that one more than once.

Either way, yes, it still exists. But I think it will take some mirror-gazing on both ends of this issue to fix it.
But it is far more common for blacks to be admitted, hired and promoted because they are black.And that is a problem.

I disagree. It's more common that whites get hired and promoted . Why? Because the establishment is mostly white, and those guys give jobs and promotions to their mostly white friends and relatives . Aka systemic racism.

Racism isn't just white hoods and burning crosses .
By "winning" you mean hustling white people for government goodies and corporate payoffs. Jesse Jackson has made a living out of doing that for years.
My point is that just as Jews dont think anti semitism is keeping them down, and Muslims dont think anti-Muslim sentiment is keeping them down so too blacks shouldnt think that racism is keeping them down and then blame societal racism for their own underperformance.
My definition of "winning" is broader. Rather than improving race relations by (doing the heavy lifting of) changing hearts and minds - which would require communication, effort, reason, patience and empathy - these people have instead chosen to leverage threats, intimidation, force of law and any kind of punishment they can muster to essentially shut people up.

This does absolutely nothing to actually improve racial tension and in fact exacerbates and prolongs it. And they damn well know it.

Regarding the behaviors of American Blacks and under-performance, just remember that most of them are raised, steeped, immersed in a counter-productive environment from the day they're born. They're not held as accountable as other races, standards are lowered for them, excuses made for them, fingers pointed for them. Anyone, regardless of skin color, would comparatively under-perform when conditioned from birth to do so.

I tried to keep that brief, probably failed somewhat.
Imnot sure we disagree here.
Some people are invested in the racial grievance industry, thus seek to perpetuate it. Meanwhile it is counterproductive because the cause of black under performance is not systemic racism but a culture that mitigates against achievement.
We can see proof for this in the fact that if you look at black immigrants from, say, the Caribbean they have much higher levels of success, sometimes higher than Amrerican whites. This despite having the same racial makeup as American blacks.
Yes, agreed, and that goes back to the upbringing of our kids.

I struggle a bit with the term "systemic". Is it possible/probable that blacks are still discriminated against for this loan or that job or that promotion here and there? Yeah, I can see that, the question is really, how often. But I also wonder to what degree discrimination like that is increased by cultural and regulatory pressures. "I'm afraid to hire him because it's so difficult legally to fire him,", etc. etc. I've certainly seen that one more than once.

Either way, yes, it still exists. But I think it will take some mirror-gazing on both ends of this issue to fix it.
But it is far more common for blacks to be admitted, hired and promoted because they are black.And that is a problem.

I disagree. It's more common that whites get hired and promoted . Why? Because the establishment is mostly white, and those guys give jobs and promotions to their mostly white friends and relatives . Aka systemic racism.

Racism isn't just white hoods and burning crosses .

Bosses and companies do have a favorite color, and that color is green. The employees that make the company the most green are the company's favorite employees.

Do you know what a company's favorite gender is? The gender that makes them the most green.
Racism is obviously wrong. But so are lots of other things. Anti-Semitism for example. But should we use the fact that there are some people in America who are racists to excuse black underperformance in virtually every category of academics and socio economic well being?
For example, there is plenty of anti Muslim sentiment. But most of the Muslims I see are people starting businesses, working hard, going to school, etc. They really dont use anti Muslim attitudes as an excuse as to why they cant get into universities or get good jobs.
The buck stops at the top, Barry is most definitely a racist.
My definition of "winning" is broader. Rather than improving race relations by (doing the heavy lifting of) changing hearts and minds - which would require communication, effort, reason, patience and empathy - these people have instead chosen to leverage threats, intimidation, force of law and any kind of punishment they can muster to essentially shut people up.

This does absolutely nothing to actually improve racial tension and in fact exacerbates and prolongs it. And they damn well know it.

Regarding the behaviors of American Blacks and under-performance, just remember that most of them are raised, steeped, immersed in a counter-productive environment from the day they're born. They're not held as accountable as other races, standards are lowered for them, excuses made for them, fingers pointed for them. Anyone, regardless of skin color, would comparatively under-perform when conditioned from birth to do so.

I tried to keep that brief, probably failed somewhat.
Imnot sure we disagree here.
Some people are invested in the racial grievance industry, thus seek to perpetuate it. Meanwhile it is counterproductive because the cause of black under performance is not systemic racism but a culture that mitigates against achievement.
We can see proof for this in the fact that if you look at black immigrants from, say, the Caribbean they have much higher levels of success, sometimes higher than Amrerican whites. This despite having the same racial makeup as American blacks.
Yes, agreed, and that goes back to the upbringing of our kids.

I struggle a bit with the term "systemic". Is it possible/probable that blacks are still discriminated against for this loan or that job or that promotion here and there? Yeah, I can see that, the question is really, how often. But I also wonder to what degree discrimination like that is increased by cultural and regulatory pressures. "I'm afraid to hire him because it's so difficult legally to fire him,", etc. etc. I've certainly seen that one more than once.

Either way, yes, it still exists. But I think it will take some mirror-gazing on both ends of this issue to fix it.
But it is far more common for blacks to be admitted, hired and promoted because they are black.And that is a problem.

I disagree. It's more common that whites get hired and promoted . Why? Because the establishment is mostly white, and those guys give jobs and promotions to their mostly white friends and relatives . Aka systemic racism.

Racism isn't just white hoods and burning crosses .

Bosses and companies do have a favorite color, and that color is green. The employees that make the company the most green are the company's favorite employees.

Do you know what a company's favorite gender is? The gender that makes them the most green.

Yep. I don't care if someone's black, white, blue, green or pink-polky dotted. Can they do the job well, all that matters.

If someone tells me I have to hire someone because we don't have enough black females, I tell them to build a business and hire them if they want. I'll run mine thanks.
By "winning" you mean hustling white people for government goodies and corporate payoffs. Jesse Jackson has made a living out of doing that for years.
My point is that just as Jews dont think anti semitism is keeping them down, and Muslims dont think anti-Muslim sentiment is keeping them down so too blacks shouldnt think that racism is keeping them down and then blame societal racism for their own underperformance.
My definition of "winning" is broader. Rather than improving race relations by (doing the heavy lifting of) changing hearts and minds - which would require communication, effort, reason, patience and empathy - these people have instead chosen to leverage threats, intimidation, force of law and any kind of punishment they can muster to essentially shut people up.

This does absolutely nothing to actually improve racial tension and in fact exacerbates and prolongs it. And they damn well know it.

Regarding the behaviors of American Blacks and under-performance, just remember that most of them are raised, steeped, immersed in a counter-productive environment from the day they're born. They're not held as accountable as other races, standards are lowered for them, excuses made for them, fingers pointed for them. Anyone, regardless of skin color, would comparatively under-perform when conditioned from birth to do so.

I tried to keep that brief, probably failed somewhat.
Imnot sure we disagree here.
Some people are invested in the racial grievance industry, thus seek to perpetuate it. Meanwhile it is counterproductive because the cause of black under performance is not systemic racism but a culture that mitigates against achievement.
We can see proof for this in the fact that if you look at black immigrants from, say, the Caribbean they have much higher levels of success, sometimes higher than Amrerican whites. This despite having the same racial makeup as American blacks.
Yes, agreed, and that goes back to the upbringing of our kids.

I struggle a bit with the term "systemic". Is it possible/probable that blacks are still discriminated against for this loan or that job or that promotion here and there? Yeah, I can see that, the question is really, how often. But I also wonder to what degree discrimination like that is increased by cultural and regulatory pressures. "I'm afraid to hire him because it's so difficult legally to fire him,", etc. etc. I've certainly seen that one more than once.

Either way, yes, it still exists. But I think it will take some mirror-gazing on both ends of this issue to fix it.
But it is far more common for blacks to be admitted, hired and promoted because they are black.And that is a problem.

I disagree. It's more common that whites get hired and promoted . Why? Because the establishment is mostly white, and those guys give jobs and promotions to their mostly white friends and relatives . Aka systemic racism.

Racism isn't just white hoods and burning crosses .
Timmy would you please stay away from wells...
Imnot sure we disagree here.
Some people are invested in the racial grievance industry, thus seek to perpetuate it. Meanwhile it is counterproductive because the cause of black under performance is not systemic racism but a culture that mitigates against achievement.
We can see proof for this in the fact that if you look at black immigrants from, say, the Caribbean they have much higher levels of success, sometimes higher than Amrerican whites. This despite having the same racial makeup as American blacks.
Yes, agreed, and that goes back to the upbringing of our kids.

I struggle a bit with the term "systemic". Is it possible/probable that blacks are still discriminated against for this loan or that job or that promotion here and there? Yeah, I can see that, the question is really, how often. But I also wonder to what degree discrimination like that is increased by cultural and regulatory pressures. "I'm afraid to hire him because it's so difficult legally to fire him,", etc. etc. I've certainly seen that one more than once.

Either way, yes, it still exists. But I think it will take some mirror-gazing on both ends of this issue to fix it.
But it is far more common for blacks to be admitted, hired and promoted because they are black.And that is a problem.

I disagree. It's more common that whites get hired and promoted . Why? Because the establishment is mostly white, and those guys give jobs and promotions to their mostly white friends and relatives . Aka systemic racism.

Racism isn't just white hoods and burning crosses .

Bosses and companies do have a favorite color, and that color is green. The employees that make the company the most green are the company's favorite employees.

Do you know what a company's favorite gender is? The gender that makes them the most green.

Yep. I don't care if someone's black, white, blue, green or pink-polky dotted. Can they do the job well, all that matters.

If someone tells me I have to hire someone because we don't have enough black females, I tell them to build a business and hire them if they want. I'll run mine thanks.

I feel the same way about renting my apartments. If you are clean, quiet, pay your rent on time, and can get along with my other tenants and neighbors, I don't care what race you are. But the fact is if I decide to rent to a white person(s) over black, I could find myself in a lot of trouble. I can use my instincts about white applicants, but I can't do that with blacks. It would never hold up in court.
Yes, agreed, and that goes back to the upbringing of our kids.

I struggle a bit with the term "systemic". Is it possible/probable that blacks are still discriminated against for this loan or that job or that promotion here and there? Yeah, I can see that, the question is really, how often. But I also wonder to what degree discrimination like that is increased by cultural and regulatory pressures. "I'm afraid to hire him because it's so difficult legally to fire him,", etc. etc. I've certainly seen that one more than once.

Either way, yes, it still exists. But I think it will take some mirror-gazing on both ends of this issue to fix it.
But it is far more common for blacks to be admitted, hired and promoted because they are black.And that is a problem.

I disagree. It's more common that whites get hired and promoted . Why? Because the establishment is mostly white, and those guys give jobs and promotions to their mostly white friends and relatives . Aka systemic racism.

Racism isn't just white hoods and burning crosses .

Bosses and companies do have a favorite color, and that color is green. The employees that make the company the most green are the company's favorite employees.

Do you know what a company's favorite gender is? The gender that makes them the most green.

Yep. I don't care if someone's black, white, blue, green or pink-polky dotted. Can they do the job well, all that matters.

If someone tells me I have to hire someone because we don't have enough black females, I tell them to build a business and hire them if they want. I'll run mine thanks.

I feel the same way about renting my apartments. If you are clean, quiet, pay your rent on time, and can get along with my other tenants and neighbors, I don't care what race you are. But the fact is if I decide to rent to a white person(s) over black, I could find myself in a lot of trouble. I can use my instincts about white applicants, but I can't do that with blacks. It would never hold up in court.

There's the problem. All this subjective criteria .

You have a black renter and a white one . You go with the white because the interview felt right . But if you've never really delt wh blacks people , so that hesitation can effect the vibe of black guys interview.

There are very few situations where people are chosen strictly on objective criteria . So bias does come into play even if it ain't intentional .
By "winning" you mean hustling white people for government goodies and corporate payoffs. Jesse Jackson has made a living out of doing that for years.
My point is that just as Jews dont think anti semitism is keeping them down, and Muslims dont think anti-Muslim sentiment is keeping them down so too blacks shouldnt think that racism is keeping them down and then blame societal racism for their own underperformance.
My definition of "winning" is broader. Rather than improving race relations by (doing the heavy lifting of) changing hearts and minds - which would require communication, effort, reason, patience and empathy - these people have instead chosen to leverage threats, intimidation, force of law and any kind of punishment they can muster to essentially shut people up.

This does absolutely nothing to actually improve racial tension and in fact exacerbates and prolongs it. And they damn well know it.

Regarding the behaviors of American Blacks and under-performance, just remember that most of them are raised, steeped, immersed in a counter-productive environment from the day they're born. They're not held as accountable as other races, standards are lowered for them, excuses made for them, fingers pointed for them. Anyone, regardless of skin color, would comparatively under-perform when conditioned from birth to do so.

I tried to keep that brief, probably failed somewhat.
Imnot sure we disagree here.
Some people are invested in the racial grievance industry, thus seek to perpetuate it. Meanwhile it is counterproductive because the cause of black under performance is not systemic racism but a culture that mitigates against achievement.
We can see proof for this in the fact that if you look at black immigrants from, say, the Caribbean they have much higher levels of success, sometimes higher than Amrerican whites. This despite having the same racial makeup as American blacks.
Yes, agreed, and that goes back to the upbringing of our kids.

I struggle a bit with the term "systemic". Is it possible/probable that blacks are still discriminated against for this loan or that job or that promotion here and there? Yeah, I can see that, the question is really, how often. But I also wonder to what degree discrimination like that is increased by cultural and regulatory pressures. "I'm afraid to hire him because it's so difficult legally to fire him,", etc. etc. I've certainly seen that one more than once.

Either way, yes, it still exists. But I think it will take some mirror-gazing on both ends of this issue to fix it.
But it is far more common for blacks to be admitted, hired and promoted because they are black.And that is a problem.

I disagree. It's more common that whites get hired and promoted . Why? Because the establishment is mostly white, and those guys give jobs and promotions to their mostly white friends and relatives . Aka systemic racism.

Racism isn't just white hoods and burning crosses .
Timmy, quit trying to fool us. You've never worked for a company in your life. You have no idea what goes on in them.
My definition of "winning" is broader. Rather than improving race relations by (doing the heavy lifting of) changing hearts and minds - which would require communication, effort, reason, patience and empathy - these people have instead chosen to leverage threats, intimidation, force of law and any kind of punishment they can muster to essentially shut people up.

This does absolutely nothing to actually improve racial tension and in fact exacerbates and prolongs it. And they damn well know it.

Regarding the behaviors of American Blacks and under-performance, just remember that most of them are raised, steeped, immersed in a counter-productive environment from the day they're born. They're not held as accountable as other races, standards are lowered for them, excuses made for them, fingers pointed for them. Anyone, regardless of skin color, would comparatively under-perform when conditioned from birth to do so.

I tried to keep that brief, probably failed somewhat.
Imnot sure we disagree here.
Some people are invested in the racial grievance industry, thus seek to perpetuate it. Meanwhile it is counterproductive because the cause of black under performance is not systemic racism but a culture that mitigates against achievement.
We can see proof for this in the fact that if you look at black immigrants from, say, the Caribbean they have much higher levels of success, sometimes higher than Amrerican whites. This despite having the same racial makeup as American blacks.
Yes, agreed, and that goes back to the upbringing of our kids.

I struggle a bit with the term "systemic". Is it possible/probable that blacks are still discriminated against for this loan or that job or that promotion here and there? Yeah, I can see that, the question is really, how often. But I also wonder to what degree discrimination like that is increased by cultural and regulatory pressures. "I'm afraid to hire him because it's so difficult legally to fire him,", etc. etc. I've certainly seen that one more than once.

Either way, yes, it still exists. But I think it will take some mirror-gazing on both ends of this issue to fix it.
But it is far more common for blacks to be admitted, hired and promoted because they are black.And that is a problem.

I disagree. It's more common that whites get hired and promoted . Why? Because the establishment is mostly white, and those guys give jobs and promotions to their mostly white friends and relatives . Aka systemic racism.

Racism isn't just white hoods and burning crosses .

Bosses and companies do have a favorite color, and that color is green. The employees that make the company the most green are the company's favorite employees.

Do you know what a company's favorite gender is? The gender that makes them the most green.
Not necessarily.
They also care about getting sued and getting bad press. So just like companies often settle out of court even if they think they're right just to avoid the hassle and expense so too they will promote less qualified blacks so EEOC wont get on them over discrimination. Remember, there is no need to show actual intent to discriminate. Merely presenting statistical evidence that blacks are under represented is sufficient.
Of course we should care, should we let accusations of racism stop debate, absolutely not. The left has used the accusation as a blunt force object in an attempt to stop any dialog that questions their actions and policies.
But it is far more common for blacks to be admitted, hired and promoted because they are black.And that is a problem.

I disagree. It's more common that whites get hired and promoted . Why? Because the establishment is mostly white, and those guys give jobs and promotions to their mostly white friends and relatives . Aka systemic racism.

Racism isn't just white hoods and burning crosses .

Bosses and companies do have a favorite color, and that color is green. The employees that make the company the most green are the company's favorite employees.

Do you know what a company's favorite gender is? The gender that makes them the most green.

Yep. I don't care if someone's black, white, blue, green or pink-polky dotted. Can they do the job well, all that matters.

If someone tells me I have to hire someone because we don't have enough black females, I tell them to build a business and hire them if they want. I'll run mine thanks.

I feel the same way about renting my apartments. If you are clean, quiet, pay your rent on time, and can get along with my other tenants and neighbors, I don't care what race you are. But the fact is if I decide to rent to a white person(s) over black, I could find myself in a lot of trouble. I can use my instincts about white applicants, but I can't do that with blacks. It would never hold up in court.

There's the problem. All this subjective criteria .

You have a black renter and a white one . You go with the white because the interview felt right . But if you've never really delt wh blacks people , so that hesitation can effect the vibe of black guys interview.

There are very few situations where people are chosen strictly on objective criteria . So bias does come into play even if it ain't intentional .

I've had several black tenants before. I'm in a mostly black suburb so I expect mostly black applicants.

I don't do credit checks, but I do contact previous landlords and employers. But let me explain the differences here:

Let's say a black couple looks at the apartment and is interested so they apply. But I don't like the car they are driving. It's older I'm afraid it may damage my driveway because of leaky fluid. I don't like the way they disciplined their children for using foul language in front of me or because the siblings began fighting. I don't like the way they talk. I could barely understand what they were asking me on a few questions.

If I decide to rent to a non-minority over them because of my personal feelings, that won't hold up very well in court if they decide to sue me; especially if I end up in front of a black judge.

Now let's say the same thing happens with a white applicant. He uses the word "dude" and "like" five times in every sentence. One half of his head has longer hair and the other side is shaved almost bald. He drones on and on about some band I never heard of. I can throw his application right in the shredder the moment he leaves and not lose ten minutes sleep that night.
Yes, agreed, and that goes back to the upbringing of our kids.

I struggle a bit with the term "systemic". Is it possible/probable that blacks are still discriminated against for this loan or that job or that promotion here and there? Yeah, I can see that, the question is really, how often. But I also wonder to what degree discrimination like that is increased by cultural and regulatory pressures. "I'm afraid to hire him because it's so difficult legally to fire him,", etc. etc. I've certainly seen that one more than once.

Either way, yes, it still exists. But I think it will take some mirror-gazing on both ends of this issue to fix it.
But it is far more common for blacks to be admitted, hired and promoted because they are black.And that is a problem.

I disagree. It's more common that whites get hired and promoted . Why? Because the establishment is mostly white, and those guys give jobs and promotions to their mostly white friends and relatives . Aka systemic racism.

Racism isn't just white hoods and burning crosses .

Bosses and companies do have a favorite color, and that color is green. The employees that make the company the most green are the company's favorite employees.

Do you know what a company's favorite gender is? The gender that makes them the most green.

Yep. I don't care if someone's black, white, blue, green or pink-polky dotted. Can they do the job well, all that matters.

If someone tells me I have to hire someone because we don't have enough black females, I tell them to build a business and hire them if they want. I'll run mine thanks.

I feel the same way about renting my apartments. If you are clean, quiet, pay your rent on time, and can get along with my other tenants and neighbors, I don't care what race you are. But the fact is if I decide to rent to a white person(s) over black, I could find myself in a lot of trouble. I can use my instincts about white applicants, but I can't do that with blacks. It would never hold up in court.
Ive' had plenty of black and white tenants. Some of the black tenants were terrific. Some of the white tenants were complete bums and scumbags. The very worst tenants were white. But overall the black tenants were worse and caused more trouble than the white tenants.
It depends on how we define racism. I tend to agree with people on the right in regards to racism being overused as an accusation, but that does not mean racism isn't a problem. Racism against Caucasians, African Americans, Hispanics.. Heck, it's only been several decades since the civil rights movement that surged throughout the nation. Racism still exists and needs to be addressed, the debate needs to be over that. "Not caring" about racism is a dangerous idea.
I disagree. It's more common that whites get hired and promoted . Why? Because the establishment is mostly white, and those guys give jobs and promotions to their mostly white friends and relatives . Aka systemic racism.

Racism isn't just white hoods and burning crosses .

Bosses and companies do have a favorite color, and that color is green. The employees that make the company the most green are the company's favorite employees.

Do you know what a company's favorite gender is? The gender that makes them the most green.

Yep. I don't care if someone's black, white, blue, green or pink-polky dotted. Can they do the job well, all that matters.

If someone tells me I have to hire someone because we don't have enough black females, I tell them to build a business and hire them if they want. I'll run mine thanks.

I feel the same way about renting my apartments. If you are clean, quiet, pay your rent on time, and can get along with my other tenants and neighbors, I don't care what race you are. But the fact is if I decide to rent to a white person(s) over black, I could find myself in a lot of trouble. I can use my instincts about white applicants, but I can't do that with blacks. It would never hold up in court.

There's the problem. All this subjective criteria .

You have a black renter and a white one . You go with the white because the interview felt right . But if you've never really delt wh blacks people , so that hesitation can effect the vibe of black guys interview.

There are very few situations where people are chosen strictly on objective criteria . So bias does come into play even if it ain't intentional .

I've had several black tenants before. I'm in a mostly black suburb so I expect mostly black applicants.

I don't do credit checks, but I do contact previous landlords and employers. But let me explain the differences here:

Let's say a black couple looks at the apartment and is interested so they apply. But I don't like the car they are driving. It's older I'm afraid it may damage my driveway because of leaky fluid. I don't like the way they disciplined their children for using foul language in front of me or because the siblings began fighting. I don't like the way they talk. I could barely understand what they were asking me on a few questions.

If I decide to rent to a non-minority over them because of my personal feelings, that won't hold up very well in court if they decide to sue me; especially if I end up in front of a black judge.

Now let's say the same thing happens with a white applicant. He uses the word "dude" and "like" five times in every sentence. One half of his head has longer hair and the other side is shaved almost bald. He drones on and on about some band I never heard of. I can throw his application right in the shredder the moment he leaves and not lose ten minutes sleep that night.

Sooooo a black judge would be biased . That must mean white judges are biased against blacks .

Now if I said that yall would freak out on me .

You admit in your story that "how they talk" would influence you . What does that have to do to wh being a good tenent ?
Bosses and companies do have a favorite color, and that color is green. The employees that make the company the most green are the company's favorite employees.

Do you know what a company's favorite gender is? The gender that makes them the most green.

Yep. I don't care if someone's black, white, blue, green or pink-polky dotted. Can they do the job well, all that matters.

If someone tells me I have to hire someone because we don't have enough black females, I tell them to build a business and hire them if they want. I'll run mine thanks.

I feel the same way about renting my apartments. If you are clean, quiet, pay your rent on time, and can get along with my other tenants and neighbors, I don't care what race you are. But the fact is if I decide to rent to a white person(s) over black, I could find myself in a lot of trouble. I can use my instincts about white applicants, but I can't do that with blacks. It would never hold up in court.

There's the problem. All this subjective criteria .

You have a black renter and a white one . You go with the white because the interview felt right . But if you've never really delt wh blacks people , so that hesitation can effect the vibe of black guys interview.

There are very few situations where people are chosen strictly on objective criteria . So bias does come into play even if it ain't intentional .

I've had several black tenants before. I'm in a mostly black suburb so I expect mostly black applicants.

I don't do credit checks, but I do contact previous landlords and employers. But let me explain the differences here:

Let's say a black couple looks at the apartment and is interested so they apply. But I don't like the car they are driving. It's older I'm afraid it may damage my driveway because of leaky fluid. I don't like the way they disciplined their children for using foul language in front of me or because the siblings began fighting. I don't like the way they talk. I could barely understand what they were asking me on a few questions.

If I decide to rent to a non-minority over them because of my personal feelings, that won't hold up very well in court if they decide to sue me; especially if I end up in front of a black judge.

Now let's say the same thing happens with a white applicant. He uses the word "dude" and "like" five times in every sentence. One half of his head has longer hair and the other side is shaved almost bald. He drones on and on about some band I never heard of. I can throw his application right in the shredder the moment he leaves and not lose ten minutes sleep that night.

Sooooo a black judge would be biased . That must mean white judges are biased against blacks .

Now if I said that yall would freak out on me .

You admit in your story that "how they talk" would influence you . What does that have to do to wh being a good tenent ?
No idiot. White judges are likely to be biased towards blacks as well.
Imnot sure we disagree here.
Some people are invested in the racial grievance industry, thus seek to perpetuate it. Meanwhile it is counterproductive because the cause of black under performance is not systemic racism but a culture that mitigates against achievement.
We can see proof for this in the fact that if you look at black immigrants from, say, the Caribbean they have much higher levels of success, sometimes higher than Amrerican whites. This despite having the same racial makeup as American blacks.
Yes, agreed, and that goes back to the upbringing of our kids.

I struggle a bit with the term "systemic". Is it possible/probable that blacks are still discriminated against for this loan or that job or that promotion here and there? Yeah, I can see that, the question is really, how often. But I also wonder to what degree discrimination like that is increased by cultural and regulatory pressures. "I'm afraid to hire him because it's so difficult legally to fire him,", etc. etc. I've certainly seen that one more than once.

Either way, yes, it still exists. But I think it will take some mirror-gazing on both ends of this issue to fix it.
But it is far more common for blacks to be admitted, hired and promoted because they are black.And that is a problem.

I disagree. It's more common that whites get hired and promoted . Why? Because the establishment is mostly white, and those guys give jobs and promotions to their mostly white friends and relatives . Aka systemic racism.

Racism isn't just white hoods and burning crosses .

Bosses and companies do have a favorite color, and that color is green. The employees that make the company the most green are the company's favorite employees.

Do you know what a company's favorite gender is? The gender that makes them the most green.
Not necessarily.
They also care about getting sued and getting bad press. So just like companies often settle out of court even if they think they're right just to avoid the hassle and expense so too they will promote less qualified blacks so EEOC wont get on them over discrimination. Remember, there is no need to show actual intent to discriminate. Merely presenting statistical evidence that blacks are under represented is sufficient.

We can agree there. But let me also include that the fear of firing a minority really is a problem for employers. I've been to places where blacks are F'n off, and I ask why they've never been fired? Of course you know the response I've gotten through the years.

Jessie Jackson was a legal extortionist. He would find places like that and threaten them with all kinds of retaliation if they didn't meet his satisfaction which usually meant money. He made a hell of a living for himself.
Yes, agreed, and that goes back to the upbringing of our kids.

I struggle a bit with the term "systemic". Is it possible/probable that blacks are still discriminated against for this loan or that job or that promotion here and there? Yeah, I can see that, the question is really, how often. But I also wonder to what degree discrimination like that is increased by cultural and regulatory pressures. "I'm afraid to hire him because it's so difficult legally to fire him,", etc. etc. I've certainly seen that one more than once.

Either way, yes, it still exists. But I think it will take some mirror-gazing on both ends of this issue to fix it.
But it is far more common for blacks to be admitted, hired and promoted because they are black.And that is a problem.

I disagree. It's more common that whites get hired and promoted . Why? Because the establishment is mostly white, and those guys give jobs and promotions to their mostly white friends and relatives . Aka systemic racism.

Racism isn't just white hoods and burning crosses .

Bosses and companies do have a favorite color, and that color is green. The employees that make the company the most green are the company's favorite employees.

Do you know what a company's favorite gender is? The gender that makes them the most green.
Not necessarily.
They also care about getting sued and getting bad press. So just like companies often settle out of court even if they think they're right just to avoid the hassle and expense so too they will promote less qualified blacks so EEOC wont get on them over discrimination. Remember, there is no need to show actual intent to discriminate. Merely presenting statistical evidence that blacks are under represented is sufficient.

We can agree there. But let me also include that the fear of firing a minority really is a problem for employers. I've been to places where blacks are F'n off, and I ask why they've never been fired? Of course you know the response I've gotten through the years.

Jessie Jackson was a legal extortionist. He would find places like that and threaten them with all kinds of retaliation if they didn't meet his satisfaction which usually meant money. He made a hell of a living for himself.
Remember the Texaco scandal where employees were allegedly recorded using racial epithets? And then it turned out they were talking about Santa Claus or something. Jackson still made out with millions.
Yep. I don't care if someone's black, white, blue, green or pink-polky dotted. Can they do the job well, all that matters.

If someone tells me I have to hire someone because we don't have enough black females, I tell them to build a business and hire them if they want. I'll run mine thanks.

I feel the same way about renting my apartments. If you are clean, quiet, pay your rent on time, and can get along with my other tenants and neighbors, I don't care what race you are. But the fact is if I decide to rent to a white person(s) over black, I could find myself in a lot of trouble. I can use my instincts about white applicants, but I can't do that with blacks. It would never hold up in court.

There's the problem. All this subjective criteria .

You have a black renter and a white one . You go with the white because the interview felt right . But if you've never really delt wh blacks people , so that hesitation can effect the vibe of black guys interview.

There are very few situations where people are chosen strictly on objective criteria . So bias does come into play even if it ain't intentional .

I've had several black tenants before. I'm in a mostly black suburb so I expect mostly black applicants.

I don't do credit checks, but I do contact previous landlords and employers. But let me explain the differences here:

Let's say a black couple looks at the apartment and is interested so they apply. But I don't like the car they are driving. It's older I'm afraid it may damage my driveway because of leaky fluid. I don't like the way they disciplined their children for using foul language in front of me or because the siblings began fighting. I don't like the way they talk. I could barely understand what they were asking me on a few questions.

If I decide to rent to a non-minority over them because of my personal feelings, that won't hold up very well in court if they decide to sue me; especially if I end up in front of a black judge.

Now let's say the same thing happens with a white applicant. He uses the word "dude" and "like" five times in every sentence. One half of his head has longer hair and the other side is shaved almost bald. He drones on and on about some band I never heard of. I can throw his application right in the shredder the moment he leaves and not lose ten minutes sleep that night.

Sooooo a black judge would be biased . That must mean white judges are biased against blacks .

Now if I said that yall would freak out on me .

You admit in your story that "how they talk" would influence you . What does that have to do to wh being a good tenent ?
No idiot. White judges are likely to be biased towards blacks as well.

Your right . Most judges are white , most police are white , most prosecutors are white . Therefore the whole justice system is bias towards blacks.

Thanks for joining the black lives matter movement !
Bosses and companies do have a favorite color, and that color is green. The employees that make the company the most green are the company's favorite employees.

Do you know what a company's favorite gender is? The gender that makes them the most green.

Yep. I don't care if someone's black, white, blue, green or pink-polky dotted. Can they do the job well, all that matters.

If someone tells me I have to hire someone because we don't have enough black females, I tell them to build a business and hire them if they want. I'll run mine thanks.

I feel the same way about renting my apartments. If you are clean, quiet, pay your rent on time, and can get along with my other tenants and neighbors, I don't care what race you are. But the fact is if I decide to rent to a white person(s) over black, I could find myself in a lot of trouble. I can use my instincts about white applicants, but I can't do that with blacks. It would never hold up in court.

There's the problem. All this subjective criteria .

You have a black renter and a white one . You go with the white because the interview felt right . But if you've never really delt wh blacks people , so that hesitation can effect the vibe of black guys interview.

There are very few situations where people are chosen strictly on objective criteria . So bias does come into play even if it ain't intentional .

I've had several black tenants before. I'm in a mostly black suburb so I expect mostly black applicants.

I don't do credit checks, but I do contact previous landlords and employers. But let me explain the differences here:

Let's say a black couple looks at the apartment and is interested so they apply. But I don't like the car they are driving. It's older I'm afraid it may damage my driveway because of leaky fluid. I don't like the way they disciplined their children for using foul language in front of me or because the siblings began fighting. I don't like the way they talk. I could barely understand what they were asking me on a few questions.

If I decide to rent to a non-minority over them because of my personal feelings, that won't hold up very well in court if they decide to sue me; especially if I end up in front of a black judge.

Now let's say the same thing happens with a white applicant. He uses the word "dude" and "like" five times in every sentence. One half of his head has longer hair and the other side is shaved almost bald. He drones on and on about some band I never heard of. I can throw his application right in the shredder the moment he leaves and not lose ten minutes sleep that night.

Sooooo a black judge would be biased . That must mean white judges are biased against blacks .

Now if I said that yall would freak out on me .

You admit in your story that "how they talk" would influence you . What does that have to do to wh being a good tenent ?

What does that have to do with it? If you are too lazy to learn the proper use of the English language, it probably means you are lazy in other things as well. I'm not looking for English majors, just the ability to communicate with me is just fine. We are all products of our upbringing if you know what I mean.

The double standard works with judges as well. A black judge will likely see no retaliation for being bias with a black accuser, but a white judge will see plenty of retaliation if he or she is bias for the white defendant. It may draw the attention of the media, it may be a week long discussion on local radio shows, it may even prompt death threats to the judge. It would definitely get the attention of the local NAACP.
Yep. I don't care if someone's black, white, blue, green or pink-polky dotted. Can they do the job well, all that matters.

If someone tells me I have to hire someone because we don't have enough black females, I tell them to build a business and hire them if they want. I'll run mine thanks.

I feel the same way about renting my apartments. If you are clean, quiet, pay your rent on time, and can get along with my other tenants and neighbors, I don't care what race you are. But the fact is if I decide to rent to a white person(s) over black, I could find myself in a lot of trouble. I can use my instincts about white applicants, but I can't do that with blacks. It would never hold up in court.

There's the problem. All this subjective criteria .

You have a black renter and a white one . You go with the white because the interview felt right . But if you've never really delt wh blacks people , so that hesitation can effect the vibe of black guys interview.

There are very few situations where people are chosen strictly on objective criteria . So bias does come into play even if it ain't intentional .

I've had several black tenants before. I'm in a mostly black suburb so I expect mostly black applicants.

I don't do credit checks, but I do contact previous landlords and employers. But let me explain the differences here:

Let's say a black couple looks at the apartment and is interested so they apply. But I don't like the car they are driving. It's older I'm afraid it may damage my driveway because of leaky fluid. I don't like the way they disciplined their children for using foul language in front of me or because the siblings began fighting. I don't like the way they talk. I could barely understand what they were asking me on a few questions.

If I decide to rent to a non-minority over them because of my personal feelings, that won't hold up very well in court if they decide to sue me; especially if I end up in front of a black judge.

Now let's say the same thing happens with a white applicant. He uses the word "dude" and "like" five times in every sentence. One half of his head has longer hair and the other side is shaved almost bald. He drones on and on about some band I never heard of. I can throw his application right in the shredder the moment he leaves and not lose ten minutes sleep that night.

Sooooo a black judge would be biased . That must mean white judges are biased against blacks .

Now if I said that yall would freak out on me .

You admit in your story that "how they talk" would influence you . What does that have to do to wh being a good tenent ?

What does that have to do with it? If you are too lazy to learn the proper use of the English language, it probably means you are lazy in other things as well. I'm not looking for English majors, just the ability to communicate with me is just fine. We are all products of our upbringing if you know what I mean.

The double standard works with judges as well. A black judge will likely see no retaliation for being bias with a black accuser, but a white judge will see plenty of retaliation if he or she is bias for the white defendant. It may draw the attention of the media, it may be a week long discussion on local radio shows, it may even prompt death threats to the judge. It would definitely get the attention of the local NAACP.

What news are u watching ? That affluenza teen? Hey, perfect example of white justice . Kill three people and get probation. But even that is too much to bear!!!

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