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Should we have repairations for slavery?

Yeah......they don't know any better. They just don't have the capacity to break free of the chains that bind them. The first word every black baby learns is "massa". Conditioned from birth!

I think we should. My ancestors owned slaves, and those slaves were taken away from them. They were never paid for those slaves. I believe the white people with southern roots should all be paid to make up for this injustice.

Yes. Other countries have alreayd paid back wages and punitive damages for kidnapping, slavery, torture, and murder. We should too. Until we do it's a festering wound right smack dab in the middle of our forheads everyone sees but no one wants to talk about.
The racism-fest that has broken out on this board in the last week, is this a watershed moment for USMB's RWnuts?

Are they now en masse coming clean about their true selves, about all they've been accused of in the past and indignantly denied?

This is groundbreaking. The rightwing collectively demolishing the stigma attached to racism.
Oh, Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ... cry me a friggin' river... give it a rest, already, eh?

People who make their living (who walk through life) playing the Race Card are always upset when White Folk decide to stop letting others make them feel guilty for being White Folk.

In a very real sense of the word, you can consider that combating (reverse-) Racism, rather than encouraging it.

People who have been 'getting over' by playing upon the manufactured guilt of others never like to see the guilty-feelers wising up and setting aside that pointless and unnecessary baggage.

All good things must come to an end, eh?

That's not Racism you're seeing.

That's a joyous and raucous celebration of the throwing off of such baggage.

Brought about by the souring of America's first Black Presidency, and by Mainstream America coming to the realization that it's OK to criticize, now that Fearless Leader has screwed the pooch so badly that it leaves them little choice.

You've (Liberal America) had a long run, playing the Race Card 24/7 X 365, for the past 50 years or so.

Time for the other side to take a turn once again.


So your defense is that you have embraced something that you once condemned.

lol, I've been pointing that out about rightwingers for years.

Given that I possess (and manifest) an atypically low degree of racism in either my own life or my general posting content here, I have no idea what you're talking about.

I merely push back to offset your own partisanship and largely unfounded accusations directed against anyone not working your side of the aisle.

And I, like much of White America, have had a bellyful (a half-century or more) of artificially imposed White Guilt, in government, in the media, etc., and am now enjoying a bit of new-found peace and relaxation in the release from such White Guilt that the advent of a Black President has provided - as an unanticipated side effect and benefit.

As I said earlier, those who are accustomed to getting their own way, perpetually playing the Race Card, are unhappy that their Guilt-Tripping has pretty much reached the end of its useful life. It's been 50 years since the 1964 Civil Rights Act set into motion a half-century of preferential treatments for minorities, related to hiring, academic placement, etc.

Fed and fueled, of course, by a well-crafted and skillfully sustained Great White Guilt Trip, that Liberals (and their wing of the media) have been force-feeding to the American Public for the past couple of generations.

But the Great White Guilt Trip was never meant to last forever, nor could it, in the Real World.

I understand why a certain class of Liberals and Progressives - who enjoy and benefit from the perpetual playing of the Race Card - and thereby perpetuating and playing upon the Great White Guilt Trip - bemoan and belittle the erosion and evaporation of that Great White Guilt, but... c'est la vie.

Players never like to see a sucker wise up.
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It would be fair to wonder if modern-day Black Americans deserve reparations for what the American Left has done to them via Identity Politics and PC.

American Blacks have been victimized twice, isolated twice, in this nation's history.


That I could for. it's horrible what they have done to them. Now they are working on destroying Latino/Mexicans

I don't think they'll get away with it with Hispanics, and I think their tactics are wearing thin with Blacks, too.

Blacks have been conditioned from birth, and slavery has always been the primary tool.

You can't blame them for believing something they've been told every day since they were born.


Yeah......they don't know any better. They just don't have the capacity to break free of the chains that bind them. The first word every black baby learns is "massa". Conditioned from birth!
"Emancipate yourself from mental slavery,
None but ourselves can free our own minds".

Bob Marley

"Blackman, heal thyself".

Bunny Wailer
I think we should. My ancestors owned slaves, and those slaves were taken away from them. They were never paid for those slaves. I believe the white people with southern roots should all be paid to make up for this injustice.

Yes. Other countries have alreayd paid back wages and punitive damages for kidnapping, slavery, torture, and murder. We should too. Until we do it's a festering wound right smack dab in the middle of our forheads everyone sees but no one wants to talk about.
What countries would those be?

What was the scale - what was the percentage of their population, which were entitled to such compensation? Was it a manageable and practical number of people? Was the scale realistic?

What compensations were substantial, and which were merely symbolic?

What percentage of their GDP (for the period in question) was given over to this compensation?

What did they sacrifice, in order to pay for such compensations?

Were these countries paying their own way in matters of Defense, while they were doing this, or were they crouching under the American Shield at the time?

And then there's the matter of who is entitled - and the degree(s) to which they would be entitled - and the criteria - and who should pay - etc etc etc - the Devil's in the details.

But that's another can of worms, once consensus is reached (if ever) on the philosophical and ethical levels.
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I think we should. My ancestors owned slaves, and those slaves were taken away from them. They were never paid for those slaves. I believe the white people with southern roots should all be paid to make up for this injustice.
I think you should demand remedial education before you post on "repairations".
I think we should. My ancestors owned slaves, and those slaves were taken away from them. They were never paid for those slaves. I believe the white people with southern roots should all be paid to make up for this injustice.

Yes. Other countries have alreayd paid back wages and punitive damages for kidnapping, slavery, torture, and murder. We should too. Until we do it's a festering wound right smack dab in the middle of our forheads everyone sees but no one wants to talk about.
I want a check from Rome.
I think we should. My ancestors owned slaves, and those slaves were taken away from them. They were never paid for those slaves. I believe the white people with southern roots should all be paid to make up for this injustice.


But reparations are being paid anyway at the tune of 400 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillions a year which is the cost of the US welfafre Department.

How much more do you need?

Thank you for voting for the Welfare/Warfare Part.

Could pay what we owe by giving blacks tax exempt status, free college tuition, and other 'freebies;' instead of actual cash until whatever figure it dopes out to is paid off.

Everything we have today is partly due to the slave labor of the past which elevated the US' economic might to what it became. Global standing would be less without slavery. Thus it's only fair to pay what's owed to right that atrocious wrong.
Could pay what we owe by giving blacks tax exempt status, free college tuition, and other 'freebies;' instead of actual cash until whatever figure it dopes out to is paid off.

Everything we have today is partly due to the slave labor of the past which elevated the US' economic might to what it became. Global standing would be less without slavery. Thus it's only fair to pay what's owed to right that atrocious wrong.
Give it up dude.
Could pay what we owe by giving blacks tax exempt status, free college tuition, and other 'freebies;' instead of actual cash until whatever figure it dopes out to is paid off...

Minorities in this country have had a half-century (since the 1965 Civil Rights Act) of preferential treatment in hiring, academic placement, small-business startup support, etc., and that's enough - far more than any other 'wronged' population segment has ever gotten.

Me - I want compensation for the century or more of prejudice against my Irish immigrant ancestors.

But I'm not going to get it.

And neither are you.

...Everything we have today is partly due to the slave labor of the past which elevated the US' economic might to what it became. Global standing would be less without slavery. Thus it's only fair to pay what's owed to right that atrocious wrong.
Most of what slavery created - primarily the Southern Agricultural Economy - was destroyed during the course of the American Civil War.

Some of what slavery created - elements of northern wealth, etc. - can (arguably) be considered still extant today, but that's one helluva stretch of the imagination and logic, oftentimes.

In truth, there is more created by Black America that still remains visible today, created during post-slavery Jim Crow times, but, only in parts of the country. And in the north, even though Black contributions to many metropolitan areas are substantial, they nevertheless pale besides the contributions of the immigrant Irish and Germans and Poles and English, etc.

We've all done our part - and we've all done each other wrong from time to time over the centuries - and some of the worst wrongs - done to Black American - have been compensated fairly in large part by a half-century or more of preferential treatment - and by America continuing to subsidize (welfare) a sizable element of that part of our citizenry.

Enough already.

The well is dry, and those who have been refilling or re-digging the well for the past half-century or more have grown tired of the game, and aren't in the mood, and are no longer as receptive as they once might have been.

Time for each group to suck it up and take responsibility for their own progress and livelihood and prosperity, rather than blaming an increasingly dim and distant past.

In philanthropy, this syndrome is known as 'Donor Exhaustion'.

Enough already.
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All Southerners today should pay reparations to black families and to the Union families that had their soldiers killed or wounded.
Really? what about the Yankees that brought slave to America? those Yankee ships? But if you think it should happen be the one that knocks on the door.
I want reparations for what the Romans did to my Teutonic, Gallic, and Anglo-Saxon ancestors.

I want reparations for decades of anti-Irish policies.
All Southerners today should pay reparations to black families and to the Union families that had their soldiers killed or wounded.
Really? what about the Yankees that brought slave to America? those Yankee ships? But if you think it should happen be the one that knocks on the door.
I want reparations for what the Romans did to my Teutonic, Gallic, and Anglo-Saxon ancestors.

I want reparations for decades of anti-Irish policies.
Sorry Mick, ain't happenin'.

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