Should We Hit North Korea With An EMP?

They certainly shouldn't be sold to a guy like James Holmes or Adam Lanza, both of whom used an AR15 (The civilian version of an M16) to kill 38 people between them.

And so make them illegal and they can't get guns, right Joe? I mean a mass murderer wouldn't break gun laws, that would just be wrong.
Except that when you "mock", you end up sounding like a crazy person who is off his meds.

I do? Wow, thanks Joe. I appreciate ... you ... giving me the heads up I sound crazy, I should wouldn't want to sound crazy, I know what you mean, just like I know you sure wouldn't want to sound crazy.
Well, yes, it is pretty clearly you have mental health problems, like most Libertarians.

Well, since you have yet to ever actually grasp that I am for limited government, not no government, how would you know?
I don't care for Jews who think they have a right to steal someone else's land because God told them to. Frankly, I don't have any use for someone who thinks he has a right to do something evil or stupid because an Imaginary SKy Pixie told him to.

You know nothing about history. History is full of injustices. Someone who was an adult when Israel was created and is still alive is now in their eighties. Yet it's only the Jews you obsess about and demand that while rockets are shot at their civilians they not shoot back at the people attacking them. Face it Joe, you're a Jew hater.

But you will tolerate the ones in this country as long as they vote for your politics. Just like you do the spicks, chicks and Negros. It's when they get uppity and develop a mind of their own you want to destroy them.
What money did we just send Vietnam? Link?

USAID Embassy of the United States

In total, USAID has contributed over $200 million for relief and development activities in Vietnam.

, Mr. Kerry announcedthat Washington would provide $18 million in assistance, including five unarmed patrol boats for the Vietnamese Coast Guard.

See, American tax payers' money to a communist country that killed thousands of your soldiers, and beat you in war, humiliating America.

You can't even claim they aren't communist any more.
Have a picture to consider whilst you're defending American taxpayers' money to the country that fucked you over.
It's a homeless American Vietnam vet, dumped by your various governments, whilst they give fat piles of cash to your enemy, sorry, new partner in the region.

You know nothing about history. History is full of injustices. Someone who was an adult when Israel was created and is still alive is now in their eighties. Yet it's only the Jews you obsess about and demand that while rockets are shot at their civilians they not shoot back at the people attacking them. Face it Joe, you're a Jew hater.

But you will tolerate the ones in this country as long as they vote for your politics. Just like you do the spicks, chicks and Negros. It's when they get uppity and develop a mind of their own you want to destroy them.

Those people wouldn't be shooting at them if they weren't on their land. Zionism is a crime against humanity. We allowed a group form Europe to go in and seize land from an indigenous people because we all felt bad about the war. (Prior to WWII, you couldn't get European Jews to move to Palestine with an engraved invitation. They just weren't going for it.)
...Those people wouldn't be shooting at them if they weren't on their land...
After 66 years and having been squeezed into two postage-stamp -sized slivers of land, one would think they would get the hint, stop shooting, and cut a deal.

...Zionism is a crime against humanity...
No it's not. No more than the idea of the Caliphate or the Ummah. No more than the idea that Arabia should be a homeland for Islam.

...We allowed a group form Europe to go in and seize land from an indigenous people because we all felt bad about the war...
We allowed a group of Jews from Europe to reinforce the slowly-building Jewish population in Old Palestine, because we all felt bad about 6,000,000 European Jews being slaughtered while we did little or nothing to stop it, and we decided to endure the brickbats resulting from allowing them to take back their old spiritual homeland, as a collective penance for our complicity and inertia related to the Holocaust.

...Prior to WWII, you couldn't get European Jews to move to Palestine with an engraved invitation. They just weren't going for it.
I'm not sure that the historical numbers will bear that out...

Aliyah - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

...although I'm not sure what any of that has to do with North Korea and clobbering it with an EMP.
We allowed a group of Jews from Europe to reinforce the slowly-building Jewish population in Old Palestine, because we all felt bad about 6,000,000 European Jews being slaughtered while we did little or nothing to stop it, and we decided to endure the brickbats resulting from allowing them to take back their old spiritual homeland, as a collective penance for our complicity and inertia related to the Holocaust.

Just as many Poles died as Jews... and we don't see Poland insisting on it's right to act as an international douchebag.
What money did we just send Vietnam? Link?

USAID Embassy of the United States

In total, USAID has contributed over $200 million for relief and development activities in Vietnam.

, Mr. Kerry announcedthat Washington would provide $18 million in assistance, including five unarmed patrol boats for the Vietnamese Coast Guard.

See, American tax payers' money to a communist country that killed thousands of your soldiers, and beat you in war, humiliating America.

You can't even claim they aren't communist any more.

We beat ourselves, but your post just seems to be a snotty rendition of random facts, can you give me a clearer argument?
And so make them illegal and they can't get guns, right Joe? I mean a mass murderer wouldn't break gun laws, that would just be wrong.

Yes, we should make military grade weapons illegal for civilians to own. We should also make other guns difficult to acquire.

Yet in my thread which went on for over a hundred pages, you never had a plan to accomplish that other than to pass laws that only restrict legal gun ownership and then pretend criminals won't be able to get them too. Then when it doesn't work, pass more laws further restricting legal gun ownership. Remember here where you never actually came up with a plan to address ... illegal ... gun ownership?

Keeping guns from criminals - liberals what is your plan US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Well, since you have yet to ever actually grasp that I am for limited government, not no government, how would you know?

When you guys say, "Limited" government, you mean, government that just does the stuff you like.

"I" like? Which of these do you oppose? Military, police, fire, civil courts criminal courts, recognition of property rights, management of limited resources. Let me know which of those you don't like too and we'll discuss.

What I oppose most strongly is government that takes money from one citizen by force and gives it to another in any form. That includes giving money or tilting markets towards businesses, including earmarks which are not competitive, they are all armed robbery. Government has no legitimate power to benefit one citizen directly at the expense of another. To call that I only want government that "just does the stuff you like" then that is true, but none of the "stuff" I like involves my taking other people's property. What you like is taking my property, those are entirely different things.
Kaz posts are kooky alright. He suggests that a corporation that operates mainly in the United States, pays enormous taxes here, and is a major player in our economy doesn't deserve our protection when attacked. Convoluted logic, but then again, many libertarians are off the wall when they reveal what they truly believe. I'm reminded all over again why they never win elections.

I think it's kind of bizarre that Kaz thinks any kind of government regulation is "communism" and "Marxist", but man, the minute someone threatens to take his stuff, he wants the government to do something about it.

you mean he wants the government to do the job it was given power to do rather than just ignoring the law and doing whatever they want?

that is like so bizarre! Next you'll expect companies to actually provide the services that you pay for.
Sony pays billions in taxes to our treasury. It's an American company that deserves American protection.
I'm no military wanna be. You can't back up that strawman. I always said I would be an insubordination charge waiting to happen. My family is full of military people. My brother and cousin were in gulf war one. Me? Never considered it, not once. And never said I did. But most of what you have you pulled out of your ass.

Well, yes, it is pretty clearly you have mental health problems, like most Libertarians.

Also, you gave up the lie you were every in the military with your view that guns are magic firing sticks that have no purpose but to kill people and claims you were out on the firing range yelling die mother fuckers while you fired every gun known to man. BTW, they figured out how guns work, it's called gun powder. And the only people who can't think of any reason to shoot a projectile other than to kill a person are sick fucks. You know, like you. That is well documented by a plethura of doctors, isn't it, psycho boy?

Well, since I never said anything even close to the above, I just have to assume your medications aren't working again.

Point is, during my service, I fired the M16A1, M1911A1, M2, M60, M203 and M249. Except for the M1911A1, none of these are weapons civilians should have access to. They certainly shouldn't be sold to a guy like James Holmes or Adam Lanza, both of whom used an AR15 (The civilian version of an M16) to kill 38 people between them.

I wish you had the chance to fire the MK-19, relatively new, but talk about firepower!
Now you're strawmanning yourself. So when you see your doctor about your megalomania, paranoia and anger, have you talked to him about your lack of long term memory as well? We've agreed through the whole discussion repeatedly that Sony is a foreign corporation and not under US military protection overseas. How do you not remember that? Fascinating.

guy, people can't follow your conversations with a Ouija board and a hunting dog.

I'm just mocking your crazy ass, now.

Since you have no military experience you wouldn't kow that, but that's not true, there a lot of things they can do. A lot.

More than you have, wannabe, but write me a list. So I can tell you how stupid you sound.

Seriously, man, i keep spanking you...

why do you want to spank another man? Now that's a bit bizarre!

And kinky.

Don't hate.
es, when I mock you, then you mocked me. LOL.

Except that when you "mock", you end up sounding like a crazy person who is off his meds.

But when you post anything, you end up sounding like a crazy person who is off his meds.

So the solution is for you to either stop posting or start taking your meds.

Don't know why you two are even fighting. You both seem to be saying, let Sony fight it's own battles because even though it's an American company, it's owners are in Japan. If Sony pulled stakes and booked, it would be a massive hit to our economy. Yes, they mean that much to us, but when they need our help, just let them hang. You're both in agreement, so why the quarrel?

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