Should We Hit North Korea With An EMP?

Now you're strawmanning yourself. So when you see your doctor about your megalomania, paranoia and anger, have you talked to him about your lack of long term memory as well? We've agreed through the whole discussion repeatedly that Sony is a foreign corporation and not under US military protection overseas. How do you not remember that? Fascinating.

guy, people can't follow your conversations with a Ouija board and a hunting dog.

I'm just mocking your crazy ass, now.

Since you have no military experience you wouldn't kow that, but that's not true, there a lot of things they can do. A lot.

More than you have, wannabe, but write me a list. So I can tell you how stupid you sound.

Seriously, man, i keep spanking you...

why do you want to spank another man? Now that's a bit bizarre!

And kinky.

Don't hate.

It's OK, Joe hits like a girl. He throws like one too. And he sits on the toilet when he pees.

- says the poster who can't even say what gender itself is... :rolleyes:
Now you're strawmanning yourself. So when you see your doctor about your megalomania, paranoia and anger, have you talked to him about your lack of long term memory as well? We've agreed through the whole discussion repeatedly that Sony is a foreign corporation and not under US military protection overseas. How do you not remember that? Fascinating.

guy, people can't follow your conversations with a Ouija board and a hunting dog.

I'm just mocking your crazy ass, now.

Since you have no military experience you wouldn't kow that, but that's not true, there a lot of things they can do. A lot.

More than you have, wannabe, but write me a list. So I can tell you how stupid you sound.

Seriously, man, i keep spanking you...

why do you want to spank another man? Now that's a bit bizarre!

And kinky.

Don't hate.

It's OK, Joe hits like a girl. He throws like one too. And he sits on the toilet when he pees.

- says the poster who can't even say what gender itself is... :rolleyes:

Actually you know because I don't hide it. If you don't remember, I've suggested you ask me.
And so make them illegal and they can't get guns, right Joe? I mean a mass murderer wouldn't break gun laws, that would just be wrong.

Yes, we should make military grade weapons illegal for civilians to own. We should also make other guns difficult to acquire.

Yet in my thread which went on for over a hundred pages, you never had a plan to accomplish that other than to pass laws that only restrict legal gun ownership and then pretend criminals won't be able to get them too. Then when it doesn't work, pass more laws further restricting legal gun ownership. Remember here where you never actually came up with a plan to address ... illegal ... gun ownership?

Keeping guns from criminals - liberals what is your plan US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

That thread was a master baiter joke. You didn't want any ideas; all you did was try to shout them down and melt down in the process. THAT is why it went on and on -- your own contrarian assholicity dragged it on and on and on.

Poster please.
es, when I mock you, then you mocked me. LOL.

Except that when you "mock", you end up sounding like a crazy person who is off his meds.

But when you post anything, you end up sounding like a crazy person who is off his meds.

So the solution is for you to either stop posting or start taking your meds.

Don't know why you two are even fighting. You both seem to be saying, let Sony fight it's own battles because even though it's an American company, it's owners are in Japan. If Sony pulled stakes and booked, it would be a massive hit to our economy. Yes, they mean that much to us, but when they need our help, just let them hang. You're both in agreement, so why the quarrel?

Because he she it's a troll, and that's what trolls do. Their objective is never to find common ground; it's "me me me".
And so make them illegal and they can't get guns, right Joe? I mean a mass murderer wouldn't break gun laws, that would just be wrong.

Yes, we should make military grade weapons illegal for civilians to own. We should also make other guns difficult to acquire.

Yet in my thread which went on for over a hundred pages, you never had a plan to accomplish that other than to pass laws that only restrict legal gun ownership and then pretend criminals won't be able to get them too. Then when it doesn't work, pass more laws further restricting legal gun ownership. Remember here where you never actually came up with a plan to address ... illegal ... gun ownership?

Keeping guns from criminals - liberals what is your plan US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

That thread was a master baiter joke. You didn't want any ideas; all you did was try to shout them down and melt down in the process. THAT is why it went on and on -- your own contrarian assholicity dragged it on and on and on.

Poster please.

Did you forget what the thread topic is? Please refer to page 1.
es, when I mock you, then you mocked me. LOL.

Except that when you "mock", you end up sounding like a crazy person who is off his meds.

But when you post anything, you end up sounding like a crazy person who is off his meds.

So the solution is for you to either stop posting or start taking your meds.

Don't know why you two are even fighting. You both seem to be saying, let Sony fight it's own battles because even though it's an American company, it's owners are in Japan. If Sony pulled stakes and booked, it would be a massive hit to our economy. Yes, they mean that much to us, but when they need our help, just let them hang. You're both in agreement, so why the quarrel?

Because he she it's a troll, and that's what trolls do. Their objective is never to find common ground; it's "me me me".

He/she/it is a Branch Paulinian and therefore unreasonable. It's why these people never win elections and always whine about how Ron Paul was cheated.

And so make them illegal and they can't get guns, right Joe? I mean a mass murderer wouldn't break gun laws, that would just be wrong.

Yes, we should make military grade weapons illegal for civilians to own. We should also make other guns difficult to acquire.

Yet in my thread which went on for over a hundred pages, you never had a plan to accomplish that other than to pass laws that only restrict legal gun ownership and then pretend criminals won't be able to get them too. Then when it doesn't work, pass more laws further restricting legal gun ownership. Remember here where you never actually came up with a plan to address ... illegal ... gun ownership?

Keeping guns from criminals - liberals what is your plan US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

That thread was a master baiter joke. You didn't want any ideas; all you did was try to shout them down and melt down in the process. THAT is why it went on and on -- your own contrarian assholicity dragged it on and on and on.

Poster please.

Did you forget what the thread topic is? Please refer to page 1.

Tell the androgynous troll. He She It brought it up.
And so make them illegal and they can't get guns, right Joe? I mean a mass murderer wouldn't break gun laws, that would just be wrong.

Yes, we should make military grade weapons illegal for civilians to own. We should also make other guns difficult to acquire.

Yet in my thread which went on for over a hundred pages, you never had a plan to accomplish that other than to pass laws that only restrict legal gun ownership and then pretend criminals won't be able to get them too. Then when it doesn't work, pass more laws further restricting legal gun ownership. Remember here where you never actually came up with a plan to address ... illegal ... gun ownership?

Keeping guns from criminals - liberals what is your plan US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

That thread was a master baiter joke. You didn't want any ideas; all you did was try to shout them down and melt down in the process. THAT is why it went on and on -- your own contrarian assholicity dragged it on and on and on.

Poster please.

Did you forget what the thread topic is? Please refer to page 1.

Tell the androgynous troll. He She It brought it up.

I know that. And I'm trying to exercise thread control which is my responsibility. He's got a 168 page gun control thread going, and he wants to turn my thread into another one?
We allowed a group of Jews from Europe to reinforce the slowly-building Jewish population in Old Palestine, because we all felt bad about 6,000,000 European Jews being slaughtered while we did little or nothing to stop it, and we decided to endure the brickbats resulting from allowing them to take back their old spiritual homeland, as a collective penance for our complicity and inertia related to the Holocaust.

Just as many Poles died as Jews... and we don't see Poland insisting on it's right to act as an international douchebag.
Maybe that's because the Poles had a Pole-LAND... someplace to hang their hat... someplace to call their own, after the smoke cleared... and the Jews didn't?
Poles are a nationality, Jews are a religion. And it was the Jews in Poland that died. Please don't tell me you're one of those evil holocaust deniers.

but the Jews are insisting that they get their own nation as compensation. FOrget the fact the people they stole the land from had nothing to do with the Holocaust.
The Jews - historically and spiritually, and, to a lesser extent, genetically, had a prior claim to Old Palestine.

But that's a matter for another forum.

Back to North Korea, and EMP, and fun stuff like that...
That's not very intelligent, especially since they made $24 billion in profits.

Which were paid in the countries they made them in. Next argument. They still have to sell their movies here and that's where they are going to pay taxes.

Secondly, you're ignorant about computers, that much is sure. They didn't "forget to lock the door". Hackers are intelligent thieves that invade even the best cyber security systems. That means they can hack into your computer too....even if you remember to set a password, update your anti virus, and make sure your firewall is turned on. Trying to blame Sony for this is nuttier than ANYTHING that Kaz is saying.

Guy, everyone admits that Sony's firewalls were lax. They had suffered a major breach in 2011 in their game division, where the account info of millions of customers were stolen. They didn't take appropriate measures, and now they are all upset because we find out their executives are a bunch of assholes.
Joe has never touched a gun. It's an odd fetish on the site that liberals like Joe who have typical city liberal bigotry towards guns and gun owners like to say they know what they are talking about because they own and shoot guns. Then they say guns have no purpose but killing people, like Joe does, and because they shoot guns and look down on gun owners, it's OK because they know since they are one. It's supposed to make sense.

Guy, again, grew up with guns, was in the military for years.

And, yes, I have a bias against you dumb fucks who cling to your guns and your bibles and then vote against my best economic interests by doing whatever the plutocrats on hate radio tell you to do. Because most of you are too stupid to own guns.
The Jews - historically and spiritually, and, to a lesser extent, genetically, had a prior claim to Old Palestine.

No, they don't. They are a bunch of Europeans who just happen to share a religion with those people. That's what pisses me off about Zionism. There is no God, and when you say your God wants you to have something, my general inclition is to smack the shit out of you.

If your God was so keen on you, why didn't he stop Hitler from turning them into lampshades and bars of soap to start with? Oh, right. That was God's plan. So Jesus can come back.
Maybe that's because the Poles had a Pole-LAND... someplace to hang their hat... someplace to call their own, after the smoke cleared... and the Jews didn't?

If they had a region in Europe where they were the majority and wanted for form a state, sure, why not.

Going and stealing someone else's land by force of arms.... meh, not so much.
Gotcha, because people can't make guns or smuggle them across the border like they do drugs. You know, across the open border you fight for. You never had an answer for that in the thread either. You just kept saying well duh, if they are illegal, no one can get them. You know, like pot, right Joe? It's illegal, no one can get pot, right? LOL, what a tool

Guns need a pretty complicated manufacturing process. So, no, we aren't going to see a lot of them "smuggled across the border".

Again, every other industrialized country has figured this out.
Yes, we should make military grade weapons illegal for civilians to own. We should also make other guns difficult to acquire.

Yet in my thread which went on for over a hundred pages, you never had a plan to accomplish that other than to pass laws that only restrict legal gun ownership and then pretend criminals won't be able to get them too. Then when it doesn't work, pass more laws further restricting legal gun ownership. Remember here where you never actually came up with a plan to address ... illegal ... gun ownership?

Keeping guns from criminals - liberals what is your plan US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

That thread was a master baiter joke. You didn't want any ideas; all you did was try to shout them down and melt down in the process. THAT is why it went on and on -- your own contrarian assholicity dragged it on and on and on.

Poster please.

Did you forget what the thread topic is? Please refer to page 1.

Tell the androgynous troll. He She It brought it up.

I know that. And I'm trying to exercise thread control which is my responsibility. He's got a 168 page gun control thread going, and he wants to turn my thread into another one?

I see that too, but it's not your responsibility to control others. I appreciate that it's your interest to do so. In service of that, Sony has announced that the flick will run on Christmas after all. Nobody seems to have mentioned this pertinent info but I put it in Cereal_Killer's thread yesterday.

(link here)
The Jews - historically and spiritually, and, to a lesser extent, genetically, had a prior claim to Old Palestine.

No, they don't. They are a bunch of Europeans who just happen to share a religion with those people. That's what pisses me off about Zionism. There is no God, and when you say your God wants you to have something, my general inclition is to smack the shit out of you.

If your God was so keen on you, why didn't he stop Hitler from turning them into lampshades and bars of soap to start with? Oh, right. That was God's plan. So Jesus can come back.
Steady, Joe... your disillusionment or detachment from belief in a godhead need not translate into what we see here, amongst your own countrymen.
Steady, Joe... your disillusionment or detachment from belief in a godhead need not translate into what we see here, amongst your own countrymen.

What I see is Americans are pretty sick of sending young men off to die so Israelis can feel safer...
We are sending young men off to die on behalf of Israel?

Does Congress know about this?

Does the Pentagon know about this?

Do the American People know about this?

...It's why we don't see us going into Iran no matter how much Bill Krystol Screams.
We are not going into Iran because there is no compelling reason for doing so - at present.

And, as an afterthought...

This thread has been derailed badly enough already...

I'm going to disengage... not for lack of counterpointing... but out of a belated sense of guilt and courtesy.

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