Should We Teach Creation As Science In Public Schools?

Seek help.

I'm not the one who believes birds from dinosaurs as science. Why is that so important for you anyway? Weren't you the one who insisted birds are dinosaurs and the reason for the Satan thread? The humans from monkeys argument isn't as stupid. Dinosaurs are usually huge beasts. Birds are smaller. Someone else claimed birds are land animals. They're flying animals. Why can't birds just be birds? Before that, it was birds from reptiles.

Basically, the secular scientists and the MSM try too hard to make you believe their bullshit. We got people fearing the end of the world due to an asteroid hit. We got hit by a huge meteor before and survived. Probably a few dinosaurs survived. Stop ignoring the evidence just to make stuff fit your stupid science.
How Necking Shaped the Giraffe
The private life of the African giant offers a remarkable view on evolution.
How Necking Shaped the Giraffe: The quirks of the giraffe offer a remarkable view on evolution.

Funny Bones: As notably long as a giraffe’s neck may be, it is outclassed by its legs. In fact, that monumental neck is too short to comfortably reach a puddle; as a result, a drinking giraffe must splay its front feet wide apart, an awkward stance that makes it vulnerable to predators.Giraffe neck detail photo by Mike Taylor and Matt Wedel

". . . As an evolutionary biologist and professor, I have put Giraffa camelopardalis on stage in my classrooms—well, not literally—as the embodiment of how natural selection has produced a creature that on the one hand is spectacularly adapted to its peculiar ecological niche and on the other is an example of evolution’s “clumsy, wasteful and blundering” process, to borrow Darwin’s own words. It’s sometimes assumed those blunders result from mutations or evolutionary errors. But in fact they result from history: the fact that at any given point natural selection has no choice but to work from what is already available. More than most animals, giraffes reflect the fact that organisms have not been created from scratch (or if they were, the Special Creator was notably inept). Rather, they have been cobbled together, via trial and success, from their historical antecedents. . . . " (MORE)
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J.B.S. Haldane suggested that anyone wishing to disprove evolutionary theory only needs to discover a rabbit fossil from pre-Cambrian rock. That would do just fine. A few creationist frauds have been claimed, but nothing to challenge science.

What science? It's fake. Evolution is built up fossil evidence. What creation scientists have found are a number of out-of-place fossils.

It ends up disproving evolution and the silly birds from dinosaurs. No one is going to go see feathered dinosaurs.

We'll probably have reboots of those old, old, old sci-fi movies from the 50s again (sarcasm) :auiqs.jpg:.

The entire literature of creationism (and of its recent offspring, "intelligent design" creationism) works entirely on that principle: they don't like any science that disagrees with their view of religion, so they pick tiny bits out of context that seem to support what they want to believe, and cherry-pick individual cases which fits their bias. In their writings, they are legendary for "quote-mining": taking a quote out of context to mean the exact opposite of what the author clearly intended (sometimes unintentionally, but often deliberately and maliciously). They either cannot understand the scientific meaning of many fields from genetics to paleontology to geochronology, or their bias filters out all but tiny bits of a research subject that seems to comfort them, and they ignore all the rest.

CC214: Transitional Birds
We've always had a lot of myths written about birds going back to ancient times. There are plenty of stories about dragons, dinosaurs of ancient times, too. There are no mythical stories of dinosaurs turning into birds

10 Truly Crazy Birds From World Mythology - Listverse

"After Alexander the Great invaded India he brought back reports of seeing a great hissing dragon living in a cave. Later Greek rulers supposedly brought dragons alive from Ethiopia. (Gould, Charles, Mythical Monsters, W.H. Allen & Co., London, 1886, pp. 382-383.) Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia (“Dinosaur” entry) explains that the historical references to dinosaur bones may extend as far back as the 5th century BC. In fact, some scholars think that the Greek historian Herodotus was referring to fossilized dinosaur skeletons and eggs when he described griffins guarding nests in central Asia. “Dragon bones” mentioned in a 3rd century AD text from China are thought to refer to bones of dinosaurs.

Titus Flavius Josephus

Herodotus – “Father of History”

Ancient explorers and historians, like Josephus, told of small flying reptiles in ancient Egypt and Arabia and described their predators, the ibis, stopping their invasion into Egypt. (Epstein, Perle S., Monsters: Their Histories, Homes, and Habits, 1973, p.43.) A third century historian Gaius Solinus, discussed the Arabian flying serpents, and stated that “the poison is so quick that death follows before pain can be felt.” (Cobbin, Ingram, Condensed Commentary and Family Exposition on the Whole Bible, 1837, p. 171.) The well-respected Greek researcher Herodotus wrote: “There is a place in Arabia, situated very near the city of Buto, to which I went, on hearing of some winged serpents; and when I arrived there, I saw bones and spines of serpents, in such quantities as it would be impossible to describe. The form of the serpent is like that of the water-snake; but he has wings without feathers, and as like as possible to the wings of a bat.” (Herodotus, Historiae, tr. Henry Clay, 1850, pp. 75-76.) This is a remarkable description of a pterosaur! In his third volume Herodotus goes on to tell how these animals could sometimes be found in the Arabian spice groves. He describes their size, coloration, and reproduction. It seems that venomous flying serpents were infamous for living in frankincense trees. When workers wanted to gather the tree’s incense, they would employ putrid smoke to drive the flying reptiles away. (Note the illustration below to the the right.) Herodotus has been called “the Father of History” because he was the first historian we know who collected his materials systematically and then tested them for accuracy. John Goertzen noted the Egyptian representation of tail vanes with flying reptiles and concluded that they must have observed pterosaurs or they would not have known to sketch this leaf-shaped tail. (Goertzen, J.C., “Shadows of Rhamphorhynchoid Pterosaurs in Ancient Egypt and Nubia,” Cryptozoology, Vol 13, 1998.)"

Dragons in History | Genesis Park

Paleontologists brought to tears, laughter by Creation Museum
by Britt Kennerly

Paleontologists brought to tears, laughter by Creation Museum

For a group of paleontologists, a tour of the Creation Museum seemed like a great tongue-in-cheek way to cap off a serious conference.

But while there were a few laughs and some clowning for the camera, most left more offended than amused by the frightening way in which evolution -- and their life's work -- was attacked.

"It's sort of a monument to scientific illiteracy, isn't it?" said Jerry Lipps, professor of geology, paleontology and evolution at University of California, Berkeley.

"Like Sunday school with statues... this is a special brand of religion here. I don't think even most mainstream Christians would believe in this interpretation of Earth's history."

The 27 million dollar, 70,000-square-foot (6,500-square-metre) museum which has been dubbed a "creationist Disneyland" has attracted 715,000 visitors since it opened in mid-2007 with a vow to "bring the pages of the Bible to life."

Its presents a literal interpretation of the Bible and argues that believing otherwise leads to moral relativism and the destruction of social values.

Creationism is a theory not supported by most mainstream Christian churches.

Lisa Park of the University of Akron cried at one point as she walked a hallway full of flashing images of war, famine and natural disasters which the museum blames on belief in evolution.

"I think it's very bad science and even worse theology -- and the theology is far more offensive to me," said Park, a professor of paleontology who is an elder in the Presbyterian Church.

"I think there's a lot of focus on fear, and I don't think that's a very Christian message... I find it a malicious manipulation of the public."

Phil Jardine posed for a picture below a towering, toothy dinosaur display.

The museum argues that the fossil record has been misinterpreted and that Tyrannosaurus rex was a vegetarian before Adam and Eve bit into that sin-inducing apple.

Jardine, a palaeobiologist graduate student from the University of Birmingham, was having fun on the tour, but told a reporter that he was disturbed by the museum's cartoonish portrayal of scientists and teachers.

"I feel very sorry for teachers when the children who come here start guessing if what they're being taught is wrong," Jardine said.

Arnie Miller, a palentologist at the University of Cincinnati who was chairman of the convention, said he hoped the tour would introduce the scientists to "the lay of the land" and show them firsthand what's being put forth in a place that has elicited vehement criticism from the scientific community.
Maybe wrap your bibles with duct tape

Maybe you should duct tape your pie hole and stick to the science. Oh, wait, you can't do the science either.

Those sites are not talking about fossilized transitional forms entailing one organism evolving into an entirely new organism. They're alternately talking about fossilized specimens of adaptive radiation within species or genera, or the non-fossilized, branchings of the hypothetical extrapolation. You're a know-nothing, a fraud, a pretender.

You’re not paying attention. Your tired, cut and paste nonsense has been addressed and refuted previously.

You crank, xtian Taliban are a joke.
The entire literature of creationism (and of its recent offspring, "intelligent design" creationism) works entirely on that principle: they don't like any science that disagrees with their view of religion, so they pick tiny bits out of context that seem to support what they want to believe, and cherry-pick individual cases which fits their bias. In their writings, they are legendary for "quote-mining": taking a quote out of context to mean the exact opposite of what the author clearly intended (sometimes unintentionally, but often deliberately and maliciously). They either cannot understand the scientific meaning of many fields from genetics to paleontology to geochronology, or their bias filters out all but tiny bits of a research subject that seems to comfort them, and they ignore all the rest.

Creationism and ID are not the same, but both are against the false science of evolution. It's as simple as that. There is the creator God, the supernatural in Genesis, and the Bible theory in regards to creation science. Creation science has a history of creating the scientific method, debunking spontaneous generation, eternal universe that evolutionary thinking has long believed. Furthermore, it has exposed the fraudulence in the Piltdown Man and racist Ernst Haeckel's drawings of the embryos to support Darwinism. Moreover, Darwin was exposed as a racist believing in eugenics created by his cousin, Francis Galton, based on Theory of Evolution. Hitler picked it up and used it to commit the Holocaust. Darwinism inspired socialDarwinism and genocide of blacks which continues to this day with Planned Parenthood. Contrary, to popular belief, Darwin did not come up with ToE. He started with a single-cell and explained how evolution worked. You have not been able to explain what ToE and evolutionary thinking and history has been. Thus, what you post about creationism and creation science is wrong. My arguments are not cherry picked, use quote mining, nor use evidence to back up theory like the evolutionists and you do. We do not make hasty generalizations like you just did. Creation science and I try to avoid using fallacies in our arguments like you just did. If you examine what you just posted, then it is made to fit evolution.

I have no idea why you post your link. Care to explain what it is I am suppose to get out of it? Why did you waste time writing criticism of creationism and ID and then post something that is a non sequitur to what you wrote?
Paleontologists brought to tears, laughter by Creation Museum
by Britt Kennerly

Paleontologists brought to tears, laughter by Creation Museum

For a group of paleontologists, a tour of the Creation Museum seemed like a great tongue-in-cheek way to cap off a serious conference.

But while there were a few laughs and some clowning for the camera, most left more offended than amused by the frightening way in which evolution -- and their life's work -- was attacked.

"It's sort of a monument to scientific illiteracy, isn't it?" said Jerry Lipps, professor of geology, paleontology and evolution at University of California, Berkeley.

"Like Sunday school with statues... this is a special brand of religion here. I don't think even most mainstream Christians would believe in this interpretation of Earth's history."

The 27 million dollar, 70,000-square-foot (6,500-square-metre) museum which has been dubbed a "creationist Disneyland" has attracted 715,000 visitors since it opened in mid-2007 with a vow to "bring the pages of the Bible to life."

Its presents a literal interpretation of the Bible and argues that believing otherwise leads to moral relativism and the destruction of social values.

Creationism is a theory not supported by most mainstream Christian churches.

Lisa Park of the University of Akron cried at one point as she walked a hallway full of flashing images of war, famine and natural disasters which the museum blames on belief in evolution.

"I think it's very bad science and even worse theology -- and the theology is far more offensive to me," said Park, a professor of paleontology who is an elder in the Presbyterian Church.

"I think there's a lot of focus on fear, and I don't think that's a very Christian message... I find it a malicious manipulation of the public."

Phil Jardine posed for a picture below a towering, toothy dinosaur display.

The museum argues that the fossil record has been misinterpreted and that Tyrannosaurus rex was a vegetarian before Adam and Eve bit into that sin-inducing apple.

Jardine, a palaeobiologist graduate student from the University of Birmingham, was having fun on the tour, but told a reporter that he was disturbed by the museum's cartoonish portrayal of scientists and teachers.

"I feel very sorry for teachers when the children who come here start guessing if what they're being taught is wrong," Jardine said.

Arnie Miller, a palentologist at the University of Cincinnati who was chairman of the convention, said he hoped the tour would introduce the scientists to "the lay of the land" and show them firsthand what's being put forth in a place that has elicited vehement criticism from the scientific community.

This is really biased science.
I’ve been reading Marvel and DC since I was a little kid. I love beings with super powers. I think super powers are so cool.

Paleontologists brought to tears, laughter by Creation Museum
by Britt Kennerly

Paleontologists brought to tears, laughter by Creation Museum

For a group of paleontologists, a tour of the Creation Museum seemed like a great tongue-in-cheek way to cap off a serious conference.

But while there were a few laughs and some clowning for the camera, most left more offended than amused by the frightening way in which evolution -- and their life's work -- was attacked.

"It's sort of a monument to scientific illiteracy, isn't it?" said Jerry Lipps, professor of geology, paleontology and evolution at University of California, Berkeley.

"Like Sunday school with statues... this is a special brand of religion here. I don't think even most mainstream Christians would believe in this interpretation of Earth's history."

The 27 million dollar, 70,000-square-foot (6,500-square-metre) museum which has been dubbed a "creationist Disneyland" has attracted 715,000 visitors since it opened in mid-2007 with a vow to "bring the pages of the Bible to life."

Its presents a literal interpretation of the Bible and argues that believing otherwise leads to moral relativism and the destruction of social values.

Creationism is a theory not supported by most mainstream Christian churches.

Lisa Park of the University of Akron cried at one point as she walked a hallway full of flashing images of war, famine and natural disasters which the museum blames on belief in evolution.

"I think it's very bad science and even worse theology -- and the theology is far more offensive to me," said Park, a professor of paleontology who is an elder in the Presbyterian Church.

"I think there's a lot of focus on fear, and I don't think that's a very Christian message... I find it a malicious manipulation of the public."

Phil Jardine posed for a picture below a towering, toothy dinosaur display.

The museum argues that the fossil record has been misinterpreted and that Tyrannosaurus rex was a vegetarian before Adam and Eve bit into that sin-inducing apple.

Jardine, a palaeobiologist graduate student from the University of Birmingham, was having fun on the tour, but told a reporter that he was disturbed by the museum's cartoonish portrayal of scientists and teachers.

"I feel very sorry for teachers when the children who come here start guessing if what they're being taught is wrong," Jardine said.

Arnie Miller, a palentologist at the University of Cincinnati who was chairman of the convention, said he hoped the tour would introduce the scientists to "the lay of the land" and show them firsthand what's being put forth in a place that has elicited vehement criticism from the scientific community.

This is really biased science.

You’re really struggling to make excuses for religious quackery.
How can you trust birds are dinosaurs when evolutionists have lied and committed fraud before? We had Piltdown Man and Haeckel's false embryo drawings based on Darwin's OoS book fool an entire generation.

We had a Chinese farmer glue together fossils to create the fake Archaeoraptor. The composite fossil was purchased by a United States museum and was prominently written about in National Geographic in 1999 despite the evidence against it. The fake was not stopped.

The 5 Greatest Palaeontology Hoaxes Of All Time #3. Archaeoraptor

Professor Reiner Protsch von Zieten was a professor of anthropology at Frankfurt University for 30 years before he was forced to resign. He falsified dates on many "stone age" fossils which included a skull fragment named Hahnhöfersand Man which supposedly linked humans and Neanderthals.

Reiner Rudolph Robert Protsch (von Zieten) - The Skeptic's Dictionary -

Do I need to publicly whip cnm arse again? Holy Toledo!
How can you trust birds are dinosaurs when evolutionists have lied and committed fraud before? We had Piltdown Man and Haeckel's false embryo drawings based on Darwin's OoS book fool an entire generation.

We had a Chinese farmer glue together fossils to create the fake Archaeoraptor. The composite fossil was purchased by a United States museum and was prominently written about in National Geographic in 1999 despite the evidence against it. The fake was not stopped.

The 5 Greatest Palaeontology Hoaxes Of All Time #3. Archaeoraptor

Professor Reiner Protsch von Zieten was a professor of anthropology at Frankfurt University for 30 years before he was forced to resign. He falsified dates on many "stone age" fossils which included a skull fragment named Hahnhöfersand Man which supposedly linked humans and Neanderthals.

Reiner Rudolph Robert Protsch (von Zieten) - The Skeptic's Dictionary -

Do I need to publicly whip cnm arse again? Holy Toledo!

You bought into the fraud of Archaeoraptor. Science did not. The alleged fossil discovery of Archaeoraptor was published in National Geographic, not in peer-reviewed journals.

The link you provided states”Archaeoraptor was suspicious right from the start.”

What a shame you don’t know facts but mindlessly cut and paste from quack fundamentalist web sites,
The entire literature of creationism (and of its recent offspring, "intelligent design" creationism) works entirely on that principle: they don't like any science that disagrees with their view of religion, so they pick tiny bits out of context that seem to support what they want to believe, and cherry-pick individual cases which fits their bias. In their writings, they are legendary for "quote-mining": taking a quote out of context to mean the exact opposite of what the author clearly intended (sometimes unintentionally, but often deliberately and maliciously). They either cannot understand the scientific meaning of many fields from genetics to paleontology to geochronology, or their bias filters out all but tiny bits of a research subject that seems to comfort them, and they ignore all the rest.

Creationism and ID are not the same, but both are against the false science of evolution. It's as simple as that. There is the creator God, the supernatural in Genesis, and the Bible theory in regards to creation science. Creation science has a history of creating the scientific method, debunking spontaneous generation, eternal universe that evolutionary thinking has long believed. Furthermore, it has exposed the fraudulence in the Piltdown Man and racist Ernst Haeckel's drawings of the embryos to support Darwinism. Moreover, Darwin was exposed as a racist believing in eugenics created by his cousin, Francis Galton, based on Theory of Evolution. Hitler picked it up and used it to commit the Holocaust. Darwinism inspired socialDarwinism and genocide of blacks which continues to this day with Planned Parenthood. Contrary, to popular belief, Darwin did not come up with ToE. He started with a single-cell and explained how evolution worked. You have not been able to explain what ToE and evolutionary thinking and history has been. Thus, what you post about creationism and creation science is wrong. My arguments are not cherry picked, use quote mining, nor use evidence to back up theory like the evolutionists and you do. We do not make hasty generalizations like you just did. Creation science and I try to avoid using fallacies in our arguments like you just did. If you examine what you just posted, then it is made to fit evolution.

I have no idea why you post your link. Care to explain what it is I am suppose to get out of it? Why did you waste time writing criticism of creationism and ID and then post something that is a non sequitur to what you wrote?

Creation science has a history of creating the scientific method,

How do you figure that?
How can you trust birds are dinosaurs when evolutionists have lied and committed fraud before? We had Piltdown Man and Haeckel's false embryo drawings based on Darwin's OoS book fool an entire generation.

We had a Chinese farmer glue together fossils to create the fake Archaeoraptor. The composite fossil was purchased by a United States museum and was prominently written about in National Geographic in 1999 despite the evidence against it. The fake was not stopped.

The 5 Greatest Palaeontology Hoaxes Of All Time #3. Archaeoraptor

Professor Reiner Protsch von Zieten was a professor of anthropology at Frankfurt University for 30 years before he was forced to resign. He falsified dates on many "stone age" fossils which included a skull fragment named Hahnhöfersand Man which supposedly linked humans and Neanderthals.

Reiner Rudolph Robert Protsch (von Zieten) - The Skeptic's Dictionary -

Do I need to publicly whip cnm arse again? Holy Toledo!

How can you trust birds are dinosaurs when evolutionists have lied and committed fraud before?

How can you trust birds are dinosaurs when evolutionists have picked their noses before?
How can you trust birds are dinosaurs when evolutionists have lied and cheated on their taxes before?
How can you trust birds are dinosaurs when evolutionists have farted in an elevator before?

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