Should We Teach Creation As Science In Public Schools?

I have evidence disproving your gods. You do not even have any evidence disproving my disproof.

I can imagine seeing the veins pop out of your neck. You could not disprove Satan and his rebellious nature by contradicting everything God said in Genesis ch. 1 & 2. This is another contradiction as God created animals that fly such as birds on the fifth day. Land animals were the sixth day. Are you going to go for another contradiction by saying birds are land animals? We have some nutzos that believe this, again circular reasoning, but flightless birds could just be via natural selection. Variations within a species is part of God's design. It's another evidence for God.
Actually, none of the gods said anything in any of the bibles. The bibles were written by various men, none of whom had any meetings, luncheons, or even just an evening out to yuck it up with the gods over a few beers.

I can see the veins popping out in your neck but there is no evidence to suggest that the gods magically created existence in six days, all of which occurred just 6,000 years ago.

However, there is ample evidence to suggest bireds descended from dinosaurs over immense time periods.

CC214.1: Archaeopteryx as a Transitional Bird
Faith shouldn't be taught in schools. Period.
The couple of times I've talked to students about early hominds, "Neanderthal man" and the theory of all humans evolving and spreading out of Africa, I explain that there is another belief system by some Christians, that of Creationism, which holds that God created the world.

But that's pretty much all I know about it, so if a student ever asked for more information about it, I'd have to refer them to their minister.

Science raises a whole slew of questions about what happened to cause the Big Bang; what came 'before' the flow of space time.

But there is no 'before' the beginning of time, and so science has no answers and I doubt it will be abler to offer anything more than a wild guess for another century or two.

But by definition, the *cause* of the universe coming into being *must* be extra-natural or super-natural as a thing cannot cause itself, and anything outside our universe is 'extra-natural' therefore whatever caused the universe is extra-natural.

But science cannot answer this question as it must remain within the naturalistic assumptions/framework.

Therefore, 'Creation Science' is by definition not science, but a set of scientific evidence the believers believes supports their theology..
This is the biggest pile of bullshit I've ever read. Atheism is not a "religion," you twit. There is no such thing as a "creation scientist." You cult people are such a bunch of fools. You are trying to wreck our educational system so that we become a third-world country full of the ignorant. BTW: which god? Every civilization has a creation myth.

It is evident that you have fallen into the idiotic belief that the bible is inerrant and infallible, brought to us by the stupid side of protestantism.

My saying it probably bugs you because it is a religion. The US Government agreed and gave in tax-exempt status, so who is the farking twit who is ignorant and stupid af? Get lost, creepl.
This is the biggest pile of bullshit I've ever read. Atheism is not a "religion," you twit. There is no such thing as a "creation scientist." You cult people are such a bunch of fools. You are trying to wreck our educational system so that we become a third-world country full of the ignorant. BTW: which god? Every civilization has a creation myth.

It is evident that you have fallen into the idiotic belief that the bible is inerrant and infallible, brought to us by the stupid side of protestantism.

My saying it probably bugs you because it is a religion. The US Government agreed and gave in tax-exempt status, so who is the farking twit who is ignorant and stupid af? Get lost, creepl.

It is not a "religion." When did the US government say it was? What year? Was it the same U.S. Government that sent frankie graham to Jerusalem after this POS said that Islam was not a religion? I still strongly suspect that you are in the southern baptist cult.
Therefore, 'Creation Science' is by definition not science, but a set of scientific evidence the believers believes supports their theology..

Creation science is real science because it can be demonstrated by the scientific method. Nothing in evolution can by using the scientific method except natural selection. That is part of creation science, too, as we saw it with flying birds become flightless birds such as the ostrich and emu to give a couple of examples.

Another example, is the chicken came before the egg as the proteins on the eggshell can only be produced by the ovaries of a chicken. This experiment has been ignored by the evolutionists because they claim the egg came first because everything had to have a common ancestor.

Why do you think the evos are so adamant about birds from dinosaurs? They tried to backward engineer a chicken to become a dinosaur, but failed. Why has evolution from the ancient times contradicted "everything" God said in the Bible?
Therefore, 'Creation Science' is by definition not science, but a set of scientific evidence the believers believes supports their theology..

Creation science is real science because it can be demonstrated by the scientific method. Nothing in evolution can by using the scientific method except natural selection. That is part of creation science, too, as we saw it with flying birds become flightless birds such as the ostrich and emu to give a couple of examples.

Another example, is the chicken came before the egg as the proteins on the eggshell can only be produced by the ovaries of a chicken. This experiment has been ignored by the evolutionists because they claim the egg came first because everything had to have a common ancestor.

Why do you think the evos are so adamant about birds from dinosaurs? They tried to backward engineer a chicken to become a dinosaur, but failed. Why has evolution from the ancient times contradicted "everything" God said in the Bible?

The Supreme Creator did not write the bible.
Therefore, 'Creation Science' is by definition not science, but a set of scientific evidence the believers believes supports their theology..

Creation science is real science because it can be demonstrated by the scientific method. Nothing in evolution can by using the scientific method except natural selection. That is part of creation science, too, as we saw it with flying birds become flightless birds such as the ostrich and emu to give a couple of examples.

Another example, is the chicken came before the egg as the proteins on the eggshell can only be produced by the ovaries of a chicken. This experiment has been ignored by the evolutionists because they claim the egg came first because everything had to have a common ancestor.

Why do you think the evos are so adamant about birds from dinosaurs? They tried to backward engineer a chicken to become a dinosaur, but failed. Why has evolution from the ancient times contradicted "everything" God said in the Bible?

Creation science is real science because it can be demonstrated by the scientific method.

What are your 3 favorite examples of this?
This is the biggest pile of bullshit I've ever read. Atheism is not a "religion," you twit. There is no such thing as a "creation scientist." You cult people are such a bunch of fools. You are trying to wreck our educational system so that we become a third-world country full of the ignorant. BTW: which god? Every civilization has a creation myth.

It is evident that you have fallen into the idiotic belief that the bible is inerrant and infallible, brought to us by the stupid side of protestantism.

My saying it probably bugs you because it is a religion. The US Government agreed and gave in tax-exempt status, so who is the farking twit who is ignorant and stupid af? Get lost, creepl.
Wrong, as always. Atheism is lack of belief. It's not a religion.
This is the biggest pile of bullshit I've ever read. Atheism is not a "religion," you twit. There is no such thing as a "creation scientist." You cult people are such a bunch of fools. You are trying to wreck our educational system so that we become a third-world country full of the ignorant. BTW: which god? Every civilization has a creation myth.

It is evident that you have fallen into the idiotic belief that the bible is inerrant and infallible, brought to us by the stupid side of protestantism.

My saying it probably bugs you because it is a religion. The US Government agreed and gave in tax-exempt status, so who is the farking twit who is ignorant and stupid af? Get lost, creepl.
The federal government did not give atheism tax exempt status, moron.
Therefore, 'Creation Science' is by definition not science, but a set of scientific evidence the believers believes supports their theology..

Creation science is real science because it can be demonstrated by the scientific method. Nothing in evolution can by using the scientific method except natural selection. That is part of creation science, too, as we saw it with flying birds become flightless birds such as the ostrich and emu to give a couple of examples.

Another example, is the chicken came before the egg as the proteins on the eggshell can only be produced by the ovaries of a chicken. This experiment has been ignored by the evolutionists because they claim the egg came first because everything had to have a common ancestor.

Why do you think the evos are so adamant about birds from dinosaurs? They tried to backward engineer a chicken to become a dinosaur, but failed. Why has evolution from the ancient times contradicted "everything" God said in the Bible?
How is supernaturalism demonstrated by the scientific method?
Science raises a whole slew of questions about what happened to cause the Big Bang; what came 'before' the flow of space time.
But there is no 'before' the beginning of time, and so science has no answers and I doubt it will be abler to offer anything more than a wild guess for another century or two.
But by definition, the *cause* of the universe coming into being *must* be extra-natural or super-natural as a thing cannot cause itself, and anything outside our universe is 'extra-natural' therefore whatever caused the universe is extra-natural.
But science cannot answer this question as it must remain within the naturalistic assumptions/framework.
Therefore, 'Creation Science' is by definition not science, but a set of scientific evidence the believers believes supports their theology..

Abu Afak, such a fake name, lol, n ot sure how I lost you in my post, but maybe this might help[ you to understand it.

Bahbah, googoo, glabglab, thppppthppp, gagaga.

There, did that help?

Therefore, 'Creation Science' is by definition not science, but a set of scientific evidence the believers believes supports their theology..

Creation science is real science because it can be demonstrated by the scientific method. Nothing in evolution can by using the scientific method except natural selection. That is part of creation science, too, as we saw it with flying birds become flightless birds such as the ostrich and emu to give a couple of examples.

Another example, is the chicken came before the egg as the proteins on the eggshell can only be produced by the ovaries of a chicken. This experiment has been ignored by the evolutionists because they claim the egg came first because everything had to have a common ancestor.

Why do you think the evos are so adamant about birds from dinosaurs? They tried to backward engineer a chicken to become a dinosaur, but failed. Why has evolution from the ancient times contradicted "everything" God said in the Bible?

Creation science is real science because it can be demonstrated by the scientific method.

What are your 3 favorite examples of this?

First, you ignore my questions, take my quote of context, and just ask me yours. That tells me you cannot answer my questions and that you are one ignorant SOB. You cannot explain science nor complex ideas to others. IOW, you are a simpleton.

Anyway, I'll be generous and answer your questions.

1. Sir Francis Bacon created the scientific method and warned creation scientists to not use God of the gaps. Originally, God of the gaps was a warning to creation scientists to not use God to demonstrate their theories, but evos stole it for their arguments against creation when debating their big bang theory. The scientific method would have to be based on experimental and observable evidence, falsifiable evidence, and repeatable evidence.

2. Dr. Louis Pasteur debunked evolutionary spontaneous generation and showed only life begats life. His experiment also debunks abiogenesis as one cannot have O2 and hydogen present in the early atmosphere, and Miller-Urey assumed the wrong early gases present in the early atmosphere. Thus, no amino acids could form. Evos claim the amino acids formed in the atmosphere via Miller-Urey and these acids fell into the oceans and formed primordial soup. Even if they did form amino acids, that's still a long way from forming proteins, the building blocks of life. They now claim primordial soup and life can form in hot geysers because a lightening would cause an explosion with free oxygen and hydrogen present. Can you demonstrate that amino acids can become proteins outside the cell?

3. Sir Isaac Newton formulated the laws of gravitation and laws of motion for a fixed space universe. Now, we have Einstein's special theory of relativity to show a flexible space-time universe and gravitation, but Newton's calculations for gravitation still work for the most of the universe except for quantum calculations with gravity.

What are yours for evolution?
How is supernaturalism demonstrated by the scientific method?

It goes to show that whatever I said and showed you went in one ear and out the other or over your head. You are another person who cannot answer my questions. What is the difference between creationism and intelligent design? I've explained this to you at least three times and you did not get it so became ignored.

All you do is parrot what the stupid internet atheists have told you. Read and watch the video in post #1. What does the icr article discuss? How does an atheist and then neutral Lee Strobel use science to formulate his ideology? This is a person who wanted to know how things worked?

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