Should we teach time and space in public schools?


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Apr 21, 2012
I hear the complaints that Intelligent Design has no business being taught in public schools because it has no basis in science and has no scientific evidence to support it. Of course there is no physical evidence to support spiritual nature, but there is also no physical evidence to support time and space.

Time and space exist but they are non-physical, and science doesn't fully understand them at this time. So why are we teaching children about time and space? It's a fairy tale and myth, isn't it? I mean, science can't explain it or prove it physically exists. Aside from not having a religion devoted to it, I see no difference between time and space, and God.

So theories of time and space need not be indoctrinated into kids. If science ever comes up with physical proof they exist, then we can teach them as science. Until science can offer physical proof they do exist, we should refrain from allowing them to be discussed as science.

Of course I am being facetious here, but my point is clear, time and space are every bit as mysterious to science as spiritual nature. There is no physical component, we don't comprehend how they work, there remains many unanswered questions with their regard. If the criteria is going to be set at dismissing things that science is unable to explain at this time, then surely time and space fall into the same category as intelligent designers and spirituality.

While we're at it, might as well get rid of quantum mechanics. Why it's full of quirky ideas like multiverses and as many as 11 dimensions.... Wow, 11 dimensions sounds like a bunch of hocus pocus and fairy tales to me. And alternate universes where reality may operate by completely different laws and principles? Man ain't that some nutty stuff to be teaching? Must surely be a bunch of religious fanatics trying to infiltrate our beloved science with gobbledygook theories and nonsense... probably those damn Mormons!
I hear the complaints that Intelligent Design has no business being taught in public schools because it has no basis in science and has no scientific evidence to support it. Of course there is no physical evidence to support spiritual nature, but there is also no physical evidence to support time and space.

Time and space exist but they are non-physical, and science doesn't fully understand them at this time. So why are we teaching children about time and space? It's a fairy tale and myth, isn't it? I mean, science can't explain it or prove it physically exists. Aside from not having a religion devoted to it, I see no difference between time and space, and God.

So theories of time and space need not be indoctrinated into kids. If science ever comes up with physical proof they exist, then we can teach them as science. Until science can offer physical proof they do exist, we should refrain from allowing them to be discussed as science.

Of course I am being facetious here, but my point is clear, time and space are every bit as mysterious to science as spiritual nature. There is no physical component, we don't comprehend how they work, there remains many unanswered questions with their regard. If the criteria is going to be set at dismissing things that science is unable to explain at this time, then surely time and space fall into the same category as intelligent designers and spirituality.

While we're at it, might as well get rid of quantum mechanics. Why it's full of quirky ideas like multiverses and as many as 11 dimensions.... Wow, 11 dimensions sounds like a bunch of hocus pocus and fairy tales to me. And alternate universes where reality may operate by completely different laws and principles? Man ain't that some nutty stuff to be teaching? Must surely be a bunch of religious fanatics trying to infiltrate our beloved science with gobbledygook theories and nonsense... probably those damn Mormons!

Time-space was proven back in 1919 during a solar eclipse. Predictions made by Einstein were confirmed noting how the stars which should be blocked by the solar disk (face of the Sun) were visible as their light 'bent' around the disk to be visible from Earth.

Einstein Was Right: General Relativity Confirmed |

Spacetime - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And special relativity has been confirmed to death. The faster you travel, the slower the passage of time. Confirmed via pairs of atomic clocks. One on the ground, another in a jet. The one in the jet progressing measurably slower than the ground-based one.

Most recently, the 'fabric' of space-time itself has been illustrated as 'quantum foam' and this site has a wonderful app illustrating the various sizes of things in the universe from 1D 'superstrings' and quantum foam out to the whole of the universe itself (and mind-blowingly beyond)

Scale of Universe - Interactive Scale of the Universe Tool
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I hear the complaints that Intelligent Design has no business being taught in public schools because it has no basis in science and has no scientific evidence to support it. Of course there is no physical evidence to support spiritual nature, but there is also no physical evidence to support time and space.

Time and space exist but they are non-physical, and science doesn't fully understand them at this time. So why are we teaching children about time and space? It's a fairy tale and myth, isn't it? I mean, science can't explain it or prove it physically exists. Aside from not having a religion devoted to it, I see no difference between time and space, and God.

So theories of time and space need not be indoctrinated into kids. If science ever comes up with physical proof they exist, then we can teach them as science. Until science can offer physical proof they do exist, we should refrain from allowing them to be discussed as science.

Of course I am being facetious here, but my point is clear, time and space are every bit as mysterious to science as spiritual nature. There is no physical component, we don't comprehend how they work, there remains many unanswered questions with their regard. If the criteria is going to be set at dismissing things that science is unable to explain at this time, then surely time and space fall into the same category as intelligent designers and spirituality.

While we're at it, might as well get rid of quantum mechanics. Why it's full of quirky ideas like multiverses and as many as 11 dimensions.... Wow, 11 dimensions sounds like a bunch of hocus pocus and fairy tales to me. And alternate universes where reality may operate by completely different laws and principles? Man ain't that some nutty stuff to be teaching? Must surely be a bunch of religious fanatics trying to infiltrate our beloved science with gobbledygook theories and nonsense... probably those damn Mormons!

You are right

Gravity is just a theory also
Come up with a testable and repeatable (i.e. scientific) proof for G-d and we'll teach it in public schools. :)
"The custom of substituting the word "God" with G-d in English is based on the traditional practice in Jewish law of giving God's Hebrew name a high degree of respect and reverence. When written or printed, God's Hebrew name (and many of the stand in names used to refer to God) cannot be erased or destroyed. (See below)

There is no prohibition in Jewish law against writing out or erasing the word "God" in English. However, many Jews have afforded the word "God" with the same level of respect as the Hebrew equivalents. Because of this, many Jews substitute "God with G-d so that they can erase or dispose of the writing without showing disrespect to God. Some Jews also use G!d in the same way, utilizing the exclamation point to convey their enthusiasm"
Why Do Some Jews Spell "God" G-d?
Time-space was proven back in 1919 during a solar eclipse. Predictions made by Einstein were confirmed noting how the stars which should be blocked by the solar disk (face of the Sun) were visible as their light 'bent' around the disk to be visible from Earth.

Well no... Time and space were not proven. A theory was made by Einstein, but it remains a theory. It is still being challenged today by the likes of Steven Hawking and theoretical physicists studying string theory.

You can't "prove" time and space with physical science because neither are physical. Like spiritual nature.
Time is a fact
space is a fact

What is provable without question is a fact. A nitpicker would think other wise!
And special relativity has been confirmed to death. The faster you travel, the slower the passage of time. Confirmed via pairs of atomic clocks. One on the ground, another in a jet. The one in the jet progressing measurably slower than the ground-based one.

So time is not absolute and proven fact. We must stop teaching it to children!! ;)

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