Should welfare recipients be able to vote?

Should welfare recipients be allowed to vote or is it a conflict of interest?

  • It's a conflict of interest, they should not vote until they are contributing again

    Votes: 11 23.4%
  • Everyone should be able to vote regardless of if they take or receive from government

    Votes: 36 76.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Define a "federal government welfare check." I know of no one who gets a check just for being poor or out of work. If a person's income or disability qualifies for certain health care, food, rent subsidy, those are all separately administered on a case-by-case basis, usually with more help from state social welfare programs than the federal government.
A welfare check is a check that is written to a citizen of the United States which they did nothing to earn. The money is plundered from someone else and redistributed to you by a politician. Social Security is welfare because while we pay a tax, it is spent and your check will be confiscated from future taxpayers. Private Pension funds are actually funded and invested for your future benefit and they are based on your working for the money. Social Security is based on you paid welfare to your parents, they paid welfare to their parents, your kids will pay welfare to you...

Then stop collecting social security money for people who work. or stop paying it out to people who have never worked.

No, because no money is saved. There is no connection whatsoever between the money you paid and the money you receive. If our money were saved (ala a saving plan) then you would have a valid point. Because you are taxed for working and that paid to your parents doesn't make your children being taxed for working and giving that money to you not welfare. Sorry, it's welfare.
1) I am talking about all forms of welfare, including social security and medicare. You are living on someone else's money, it's welfare.

No you are not. What about the bankers, the corporatists, the bureaucrats, and the MIC?

You are only attacking poor people.

You are full of shit, you haven't read anything I've written. I believe in responding to valid points, but you are an intellectually lazy, pompous twit. Don't go into a conversation and pull accusations out of your ass and expect that your points be treated seriously. I don't agree with Maggie's view, but at least she's asking them based on the conversation. Not an over inflated ego with a blow hole.

I don't support any of those things, I support free markets, go fuck yourself, ass wipe.

Why are you such an angry douchebag?

You don't support the free markets. In fact, you just validated Hamilton in another thread.

Now, go fuck yourself.
people having their basic needs met is not the cause of our woes

then what iz??? The way I see it the takers will soon outnumber the givers,, it's about 50 50 now.. when that scale tips it's all over but the crying dude.

and why would that scale tip ? because having basic food and shelter has become the new american dream ? or because government and corporate america has looted the nation ?

Progressive tax system will tip the scale, helped along by 20 million illegals helping themselves to our hard word and tresure. You should be careful what you ask for. sometimes.
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One thing about it, not allowing certain people to vote would create a lot of jobs. Think how many bureaucrats it would take to stamp and mail out the denial letters, and how many more it would take to process all the applications for reinstatement. By Jove! I think you're on to someting here!
Define a "federal government welfare check." I know of no one who gets a check just for being poor or out of work. If a person's income or disability qualifies for certain health care, food, rent subsidy, those are all separately administered on a case-by-case basis, usually with more help from state social welfare programs than the federal government.
A welfare check is a check that is written to a citizen of the United States which they did nothing to earn. The money is plundered from someone else and redistributed to you by a politician. Social Security is welfare because while we pay a tax, it is spent and your check will be confiscated from future taxpayers. Private Pension funds are actually funded and invested for your future benefit and they are based on your working for the money. Social Security is based on you paid welfare to your parents, they paid welfare to their parents, your kids will pay welfare to you...

Are farm subsidies welfare checks?

Do we want to block farmers from voting?

Fair question. In a moral sense it is welfare. But it does not meet my definition. I specifically said a direct government check for not working. To apply it to "benefits" of government is too encompassing and not part of my proposal. But it is wrong for the same reasons and should be stopped.
A welfare check is a check that is written to a citizen of the United States which they did nothing to earn. The money is plundered from someone else and redistributed to you by a politician. Social Security is welfare because while we pay a tax, it is spent and your check will be confiscated from future taxpayers. Private Pension funds are actually funded and invested for your future benefit and they are based on your working for the money. Social Security is based on you paid welfare to your parents, they paid welfare to their parents, your kids will pay welfare to you...

Then stop collecting social security money for people who work. or stop paying it out to people who have never worked.

No, because no money is saved. There is no connection whatsoever between the money you paid and the money you receive. If our money were saved (ala a saving plan) then you would have a valid point. Because you are taxed for working and that paid to your parents doesn't make your children being taxed for working and giving that money to you not welfare. Sorry, it's welfare.

Then I'm sure you donate yours..
for basic needs they should..this country has vast natural resources and our Representative simply administers the profits for these resources for us and often time wastefully ,a citizen should be able to access these funds for basic needs..just as the Representative draws from these revenue source for its needs

For temporary "basic needs" there is PRIVATE CHARITY.

But to allow a member of the Parasitic Faction to vote encourages the welfare state purveyors to increase benefits and widen the basic needs.


people having their basic needs met is not the cause of our woes

Agreed. It becoming a way of life for them and a meal ticket for who promise them more of other people's money is though
people having their basic needs met is not the cause of our woes

then what iz??? The way I see it the takers will soon outnumber the givers,, it's about 50 50 now.. when that scale tips it's all over but the crying dude.

and why would that scale tip ? because having basic food and shelter has become the new american dream ? or because government and corporate america has looted the nation ?

You have to explain the corporate looting America. I do agree with you that corporations and both parties catering to them skew markets and I believe in free markets. But in the end, all government money comes from the private sector, so how does it make sense that corporations loot that which they created? You're going to have to explain how that one makes sense.
for basic needs they should..this country has vast natural resources and our Representative simply administers the profits for these resources for us and often time wastefully ,a citizen should be able to access these funds for basic needs..just as the Representative draws from these revenue source for its needs

For temporary "basic needs" there is PRIVATE CHARITY.

But to allow a member of the Parasitic Faction to vote encourages the welfare state purveyors to increase benefits and widen the basic needs.


people having their basic needs met is not the cause of our woes

Well, that shows you that bureaucrats can not be trusted with defining "basic needs". Once they have that power they will become demagogues and will attempt to help ANYONE who will get them re-elected. War profiteers like KBR, Halliburton , Moesha, Juan, etc.

No you are not. What about the bankers, the corporatists, the bureaucrats, and the MIC?

You are only attacking poor people.

You are full of shit, you haven't read anything I've written. I believe in responding to valid points, but you are an intellectually lazy, pompous twit. Don't go into a conversation and pull accusations out of your ass and expect that your points be treated seriously. I don't agree with Maggie's view, but at least she's asking them based on the conversation. Not an over inflated ego with a blow hole.

I don't support any of those things, I support free markets, go fuck yourself, ass wipe.

Why are you such an angry douchebag?

You don't support the free markets. In fact, you just validated Hamilton in another thread.

Now, go fuck yourself.

I thought you deserved to have your chain yanked after you came into a conversation and without reading the discussion started hurling accusations. Mission accomplished.

So how do I not support free markets? Explain, this is going to be good...
For temporary "basic needs" there is PRIVATE CHARITY.

But to allow a member of the Parasitic Faction to vote encourages the welfare state purveyors to increase benefits and widen the basic needs.


people having their basic needs met is not the cause of our woes

Agreed. It becoming a way of life for them and a meal ticket for who promise them more of other people's money is though

You and Rand are just slaves !

A welfare check is a check that is written to a citizen of the United States which they did nothing to earn. The money is plundered from someone else and redistributed to you by a politician. Social Security is welfare because while we pay a tax, it is spent and your check will be confiscated from future taxpayers. Private Pension funds are actually funded and invested for your future benefit and they are based on your working for the money. Social Security is based on you paid welfare to your parents, they paid welfare to their parents, your kids will pay welfare to you...

Are farm subsidies welfare checks?

Do we want to block farmers from voting?

Fair question. In a moral sense it is welfare. But it does not meet my definition.

Of course corporate subsidies does not meet your definition of welfare. You are a hack who parades around like he loves the free market while ridiculing anyone who disagrees with him.

Subsidies to large agribusiness are a fucking handout that have been abused.

A handout takes money from one group of people to give it to another is welfare.
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Then stop collecting social security money for people who work. or stop paying it out to people who have never worked.

No, because no money is saved. There is no connection whatsoever between the money you paid and the money you receive. If our money were saved (ala a saving plan) then you would have a valid point. Because you are taxed for working and that paid to your parents doesn't make your children being taxed for working and giving that money to you not welfare. Sorry, it's welfare.

Then I'm sure you donate yours..

Donate my what?
Are farm subsidies welfare checks?

Do we want to block farmers from voting?

Fair question. In a moral sense it is welfare. But it does not meet my definition.

Of course corporate subsidies does not meet your definition of welfare. You are a hack who parades around like he loves the free market while ridiculing anyone who disagrees with him.

Lots of people disagreed with me, I ridiculed you. Read discussions before you jump in with both ass cheeks.

Subsidies to large agribusiness are a fucking handout that have been abused.

A handout takes money from one group of people to give it to another is welfare.

I said the same, again READ THE DISCUSSION moron
Ever notice how when someone has a big/great idea, they have competelhy overlooked the tangled logistics and expense of what it would take to pull it off?

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