Should welfare recipients be banned from having a TV, computer, or cell phone

The solution is simple

Step 1. Recognize that we can't simply end welfare and abandon these people

Step 2. Replace welfare with work fare. If you need money you go down to your city hall and they assign you a task, you work at minimum wage tax free , doing whatever. Every community needs streets swept or what have you.

Step 3 -Eliminate all food stamp and other programs for anyone who is able bodied. If you can work , but simply will not, too bad for you.

Step 4 - Mind your business about what these people spend their money on.

Step 5 - Remove children from homes of parents who will not work to provide

Its that simple, and that is ALL the government should be doing
Sing it with me!

'Merka, 'Merka above everything,
Above everything in the world,
When, for protection and defense, it always
takes a brotherly stand together.

Put your hands in the air and... Step away from the pipe.

Seriously, dewd. You're gonna kill what few brain cells you have left.
These goddam poor (who are mostly black) and homosexuals and Muslims and Mexicans are fucking everything up for everyone else.

When, oh when, will a leader rise up and toss this garbage into the incinerator?

What the matter? Your first post in the thread didnt generate enough attention you had to play the race/bigot/homo card?
46 million Americans are on food stamps and the average monthly allotment is around $30 which already makes it hard enough to afford food all month. Dropping 46 million people out of the communications network would cripple what little productivity there is left in the US and leave those 46 million people without enough to eat.

Perhaps if the "job creators" actually created any jobs then perhaps more Americans would be able to find jobs. But that plan requires the least amount of basic human thought possible, so it just won't work.

This is an exceptionally retarded forum. Thread after thread is just "Liberals hate freedom!" and other mindless bullshit to enable every other old white Teabagger choad to congratulate each other for hating Obama. Do any of you Conservatives know how fucking stupid you all sound? Of course you don't.

How about a compromise? Welfare recipients will give up their tvs if Southern racist hicks born before 1964 will kill themselves. That's fair and balanced.
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Why are liberals such idiots?

there ARE people who dont mind sitting back and collecting some government benefit. no not everybody would prefer a job.
Sometimes i wonder do some of you left-wing idiots actually know anybody that is poor.

Well, I'm a conservative idiot and I know a lot of poor people. That's because I started a faith-based non-profit that helps people in crisis.

So I can speak with quite a bit of authority when I say the poor-bashers in this topic have their heads firmly up their asses.
These goddam poor (who are mostly black) and homosexuals and Muslims and Mexicans are fucking everything up for everyone else.

When, oh when, will a leader rise up and toss this garbage into the incinerator?

What the matter? Your first post in the thread didnt generate enough attention you had to play the race/bigot/homo card?

I enjoy poking ignorant haters with a stick. How's it feel so far?
Whenever a poor person uses food stamps at the grocery store, the cashier should turn on a big spinning light and make a PA announcement. "We got a leech over here, and I'm pretty sure she has a cell phone!!"
Edgetho won't admit he hates poor people so he neg reps us that stand up for them and calls us commies! ROFL...what a pathetic clown.
Sing it with me!

'Merka, 'Merka above everything,
Above everything in the world,
When, for protection and defense, it always
takes a brotherly stand together.

'Merken women, 'Merken loyalty,
'Merken wine and 'Merken song
Shall retain in the world
Their old beautiful chime
And inspire us to noble deeds
During all of our life.

Unity and justice and freedom
For the 'Merken fatherland!
For these let us all strive
Brotherly with heart and hand!
Unity and justice and freedom
Are the pledge of fortune

You can't even get your informal logical fallacies right, moron.

Uber Alles Deutschland was about the German State being all as one as opposed to being 37 different States. It was in the early days of the formation of the Country that the song was written.

Nothing whatsoever about racial, ethnic or cultural superiority,

You're just a stupid bitch with a public school education who's read one too many of the wrong books and thinks he's educated.

Grow up.
nobody on welfare should have anything a working poor person cant afford. why do you liberal idiots keep rewarding failure?
These goddam poor (who are mostly black) and homosexuals and Muslims and Mexicans are fucking everything up for everyone else.

When, oh when, will a leader rise up and toss this garbage into the incinerator?

What the matter? Your first post in the thread didnt generate enough attention you had to play the race/bigot/homo card?

I enjoy poking ignorant haters with a stick. How's it feel so far?

Well if that's your game you pretty much suck at it. Being relevant matters.
Even if it means leaving the kids with mom and catching a ferry to Alaska.

Ah, yes. Leave the kids with mom and move to Alaska. The American Dream. :eusa_eh:

Of course people are going to abuse certain government programs, but some people seem to think it's a vast majority. What "conservatives" seem to want is an end to the programs, whether it hurts those who really need them or not.

As for the OP, I couldn't disagree more on the cell phone part. In many cases a cell phone can be cheaper than a landline, and with many places getting rid of pay phones they need to use something. A late 1800s communication device isn't exactly what I would call a luxury.
isnt it the left quick to remind people that supposedly people dont stay long on welfare?
so even if they dont have a tv it wouldnt be for long would it?


idiots and hypocrites
The Left; particularly public unions; opposes workfare programs; they feel it is taking their overpaid city job away to have people getting welfare benefits pick up trash at the park

idiots and hypocrites
Edgetho won't admit he hates poor people so he neg reps us that stand up for them and calls us commies! ROFL...what a pathetic clown.

Ignorant bitch. I neg rep people who talk out of their ass... Like you do.

When I first got out of the Army, in 1971, I slept on my brother's couch and walked the streets looking for Coke and Pepsi bottles so I could take them to the store across the street and buy something to eat with the deposit money I earned.

IIRC, twinkie packages had some kind of return money you could earn when you turned them in as well... A few pennies but it added up.

My first Civilian Job was at a 'Royal Castle' in Ohio for $1 an hour.

My brother's buddy finally got me on at GE in the Mail Room for shit wages.

I learned, I worked, I moved on and I moved up.

I tried College but I found that I was too old for it and had forgotten how to study... Studying is an art.

Don't shed any tears for me. I made it. Not rich by any stretch but I made it. Not by ANY stretch

My wife's mother died when she was 3 years old. Her father died when she was 17 and still in High School.

Wanna talk about having it tough?

You have no clue. I had it tough. So did my Wife

You should have seen how I was forced to live my first couple years in civilian life.

Don't talk to me about who was poor and who wasn't. I know what it's like to actually go hungry.

Do you? I doubt it. You sound like a punk-ass kid anyway. One that has no idea what adversity is all about

Grow up
The Left; particularly public unions; opposes workfare programs; they feel it is taking their overpaid city job away to have people getting welfare benefits pick up trash at the park

idiots and hypocrites
When are job creators going to create jobs?
46 million Americans are on food stamps and the average monthly allotment is around $30 which already makes it hard enough to afford food all month. Dropping 46 million people out of the communications network would cripple what little productivity there is left in the US and leave those 46 million people without enough to eat.

Perhaps if the "job creators" actually created any jobs then perhaps more Americans would be able to find jobs. But that plan requires the least amount of basic human thought possible, so it just won't work.

This is an exceptionally retarded forum. Thread after thread is just "Liberals hate freedom!" and other mindless bullshit to enable every other old white Teabagger choad to congratulate each other for hating Obama. Do any of you Conservatives know how fucking stupid you all sound? Of course you don't.

How about a compromise? Welfare recipients will give up their tvs if Southern racist hicks born before 1964 will kill themselves. That's fair and balanced.

poor angry left-wing loser; your Messiah obama claims to have "created" 7 million jobs?

should we not assume he meant a net creation of jobs?

or maybe you're too stupid to do your own homework; if he created that many job where are they? he had to have lost an equal number of jobs you idiot.

all the lame race card politics and your own maniacal, incredibly hypocritical hatred in the world cant change the facts; obama has failed

now why dont you go hang yourself?
The Left; particularly public unions; opposes workfare programs; they feel it is taking their overpaid city job away to have people getting welfare benefits pick up trash at the park

idiots and hypocrites
When are job creators going to create jobs?

obama and Dems claim like 50 straight months of job growth and more than 7 MILLION jobs created

why are you asking others to create the jobs you are already taking credit for creating you idiot?
The Left; particularly public unions; opposes workfare programs; they feel it is taking their overpaid city job away to have people getting welfare benefits pick up trash at the park

idiots and hypocrites
When are job creators going to create jobs?

When the scumbag-in-chief hits the trash bin of history.

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