Should welfare recipients be banned from having a TV, computer, or cell phone

We need to make life unpleasant for these people to encourage them to work.

Yes. Making life even more unpleasant for them is the way to go. You fucking psycho. :cuckoo:

he's a psycho? i think you are idiot.

while you're at it lets try your theory. why not make it as comfortable as possible for them? i wonder if they will stay on for a longer period or a shorter time then?
Government doesn't create jobs, remember? 1% job creators in the free market private sector are what made America the single greatest whatever in history, remember? Cutting taxes for corporations and rich people gives them more money to spend which then "trickles down" to the stupid 47% moocher class, remember?

So when do those precious 1% billionaire job creators start spending their collected trillions of dollars which will then trickle down on the employees and communities that enabled those corporations to become so rich in the first place?
Government doesn't create jobs, remember? 1% job creators in the free market private sector are what made America the single greatest whatever in history, remember? Cutting taxes for corporations and rich people gives them more money to spend which then "trickles down" to the stupid 47% moocher class, remember?

So when do those precious 1% billionaire job creators start spending their collected trillions of dollars which will then trickle down on the employees and communities that enabled those corporations to become so rich in the first place?

if government doest create jobs you should stop claiming you did moron

oh; and while you're at it stop asking for hundreds of billions more to "create jobs"

you either believe they do or you dont

all the real evidence says you havent
job creators created more jobs under Bush and Republicans; true story

losers like KNB want you to think corporations just got "greedy" in the last 5 years; and started holding on to their money; not putting it back in their companies; just to make poor ol black man obama look bad

what an idiot
We need to make life unpleasant for these people to encourage them to work.

Yes. Making life even more unpleasant for them is the way to go. You fucking psycho. :cuckoo:

he's a psycho? i think you are idiot.

while you're at it lets try your theory. why not make it as comfortable as possible for them? i wonder if they will stay on for a longer period or a shorter time then?

I wasn't aware my theory was to make it as comfortable as possible. I'm guessing you can quote where I said that. You wouldn't just make shit up or anything, right?

People like you see everything in black and white. You are incapable of an original thought. Of course it can only be one extreme or the other.

And, no. You are idiot. :eusa_whistle:
Why are liberals such idiots?

there ARE people who dont mind sitting back and collecting some government benefit. no not everybody would prefer a job.
Sometimes i wonder do some of you left-wing idiots actually know anybody that is poor.

Well, I'm a conservative idiot and I know a lot of poor people. That's because I started a faith-based non-profit that helps people in crisis.

So I can speak with quite a bit of authority when I say the poor-bashers in this topic have their heads firmly up their asses.

Lets see...

I will break this down.....

Taking your quote.....

Well, I'm a conservative (LIE) idiot (TRUE) and I know a lot of poor people (OF WHICH YOU ARE LIKELY ONE OF). That's because I started a faith-based non-profit that helps people in crisis (I HAVE no doubt a lie).

So I can speak with quite a bit of authority (YOU NEVER HAVE SO FAR TO DATE) when I say the poor-bashers in this topic have their heads firmly up their asses are full of shit and folks on both sides in this forum see right through you.

In January of 2009, the first Month the scumbag-in-chief infested the office of president, there were 142,099,000 people with jobs in the United States according to the officialist of official gubmint documents

The last Month for which I can find full data shows that in Dec 2013, FIVE YEARS after the scumbag-in-chief infested the office of president, there are more than Five Million (5,000,000) fewer Americans employed.

And THAT doesn't even take into consideration the number of people who enter the work force every month, which is between 86,000 and 120,000 depending on who you choose to believe.

That's somewhere between 5,000,000 and 7,000,000 NEW people in the last five years looking for jobs that don't exist.

You people that voted for this piece of fucking shit?

You should be the ones on welfare and living in a refrigerator box by the railroad tracks.

You fucking deserve it.
Yes. Making life even more unpleasant for them is the way to go. You fucking psycho. :cuckoo:

he's a psycho? i think you are idiot.

while you're at it lets try your theory. why not make it as comfortable as possible for them? i wonder if they will stay on for a longer period or a shorter time then?

I wasn't aware my theory was to make it as comfortable as possible. I'm guessing you can quote where I said that. You wouldn't just make shit up or anything, right?

People like you see everything in black and white. You are incapable of an original thought. Of course it can only be one extreme or the other.

And, no. You are idiot. :eusa_whistle:

lol go cry; you were the one crying what a sin it is to make life "more uncomfortable" for people. i carried it to it's logical exent
Every welfare recipient should have to wear an orange jumpsuit and not allowed any other garments. Can you imagine seeign the CEO of GM wearing an orange jumpsuit to the whitehouse to meet the president. Or almost every farmer in America? Or all food stamp recipients? Their children?

You would be looking at the largest prison on planet earth. it's not just poor people who receive government welfare.
lol go cry; you were the one crying what a sin it is to make life "more uncomfortable" for people. i carried it to it's logical exent

So, you made shit up. Thanks for admitting it.

Are you even aware what the word logic means?

EDIT: And you type like a fucking third grader. I wouldn't be calling anybody on this board an idiot.
food stamps are on sale in the street for 2 to 1. give somebody $100 cash and they'll let you use $200 off their EBT card

liberals are liars and losers who dont know what's going on.

libs are people who spew hatred in the name of tolerance; because it isnt about helping people for libs; it's all about them stroking their own egos and feeling sanctimoniously self-righteously indignant; about feeling superior to others

idiots and hypocrites
Welfare people should have to live in county homes for the poor. The county should be able to rent those people out to factories, farms whatever, just like the old days.
lol go cry; you were the one crying what a sin it is to make life "more uncomfortable" for people. i carried it to it's logical exent

So, you made shit up. Thanks for admitting it.

Are you even aware what the word logic means?

did you rage at that another for wanting to make things "more uncomfortable" on others?

like i said; i think you did; unless that wasnt you

go cry
you either believe they do or you dont

Again, with your simple-minded, all or nothing, extremist bullshit.

You are idiot.

dimoocrap arguments are usually textbook examples of logical fallacies, formal and informal.

Like children, they argue like children.

A false dilemma (also called black-and/or-white thinking, bifurcation, denying a conjunct, the either-or fallacy, false dichotomy, fallacy of exhaustive hypotheses, the fallacy of false choice, the fallacy of the false alternative, or the fallacy of the excluded middle) is a type of informal fallacy that involves a situation in which limited alternatives are considered, when in fact there is at least one additional option.
there were less people on welfare when Republicans ran things

true story

what better way to be compassionate to the poor than to make less of them dependent on the government for their survival? What more callous way is there than to enlarge the number of people dependent on the government for their every need?

great job Progressives!!

face it; you lefties and your inept Chicago community activist have failed
lol go cry; you were the one crying what a sin it is to make life "more uncomfortable" for people. i carried it to it's logical exent

So, you made shit up. Thanks for admitting it.

Are you even aware what the word logic means?

EDIT: And you type like a fucking third grader. I wouldn't be calling anybody on this board an idiot.

Reductio ad absurdum (Latin: "reduction to absurdity"), also known as argumentum ad absurdum (Latin: argument to absurdity), is a common form of argument which seeks to demonstrate that a statement is true by showing that a false, untenable, or absurd result follows from its denial, or in turn to demonstrate that a statement is false by showing that a false, untenable, or absurd result follows from its acceptance.
lol go cry; you were the one crying what a sin it is to make life "more uncomfortable" for people. i carried it to it's logical exent

So, you made shit up. Thanks for admitting it.

Are you even aware what the word logic means?

did you rage at that another for wanting to make things "more uncomfortable" on others?

like i said; i think you did; unless that wasnt you

go cry

These goddam poor (who are mostly black) and homosexuals and Muslims and Mexicans are fucking everything up for everyone else.

When, oh when, will a leader rise up and toss this garbage into the incinerator?

Actually, it's goddamn elitist progressives who are fucking things up. People who have either grown up dependent upon the system, or who have never in their entire lives HAD to work for a living....

Who think it's *unfair* that people *have* to work to survive...based upon their reality..which is "you don't have to work and you can still get fat as a pig and that's teh way it should be!"

Poor people themselves are remarkable adept at surviving. Have a little faith. Those minorities aren't quite as stupid as you think they are. They'll be just fine if you cut off their welfare, and they will quickly surpass you in net worth.
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