Should welfare recipients be banned from having a TV, computer, or cell phone

Why are liberals such idiots?

there ARE people who dont mind sitting back and collecting some government benefit. no not everybody would prefer a job.
Sometimes i wonder do some of you left-wing idiots actually know anybody that is poor.

The leftwing progressives with any clue or experience working with the poor on sustainable solutions are those who support:
* microlending and business training models (ex: Grameen Foundation | Connecting the World's Poor to Their Potential)
* students for fair trade who set up coops for farmers to own and manage their businesses
* local labor-backed currency such as Ithaca Hours - Local Currency - Ithaca, New York or .com

and the concept of community campuses, so even if people start out at the bottom, with homelessness or jobless disabilities, there can be a sustainable network of supervised student internships providing services until families can stabilize or become independent:

These solutions are developed and promoted by liberal progressives.

Generally censored by the same media that promotes corporate sellouts left and right,
where constituents both parties are diametrically represented as either socialist pigs or
extreme rightwing nutters or teabonkers. which only benefits the power mongers more.

Most moderates could be organized to work on common solutions satisfying all sides if they weren't so conditioned and painted to be irreconcileable enemies set up to bully each other.
We need to make life unpleasant for these people to encourage them to work. Reducing benefits always leads to the "mothers" cutting back on food for the kids so the mother can keep her luxuries.

Since computers and cells need an outside provider for internet use, it would be fairly simple to enforce a ban on them. If they really need a computer for something, they can go to a friend or library. TVs are bulky and would be hard to hide when a social worker pays a visit.

Should welfare recipients be banned from having a TV, computer, or cell phone

Every time a middle class conservative blames the Poor for his problems,

another 1%er gets his wings.

It's more like
for each person who blames the poor for welfare
there is someone who blames the rich corporations

you just make enemies this way, by judging by class, and don't solve problems.

here's an idea:
why not hold criminals responsible for their crimes and restitution paid back for the costs
and quit blaming poor people who commit no crimes or rich people who don't either

why not hold to account the criminals and corporations responsible for crime and corruption

would that serve several good purposes:
either get taxpayers paid back for welfare abuse by either rich or poor or anyone convicted,
AND/OR DETER abuses since there are consequences proportionate to the crime and costs

what a concept

gee, with all the law schools and lawyers we turn out every year,
don't you think we could hire lawyers to research, police, sue or collect
on behalf of taxpayers? why not pay lawyers or legal teams commission to collect
instead of charging lawabiding taxpayers the costs of "other people's crimes"
rich or poor

why blame a whole class, why not hold the actual crooks responsible
if they want to retain exercise of civil rights in this country as citizens.
Since so little of the average working person's paycheck goes to taxes that pay for welfare,

maybe you should just think of that money as coming out of those times when you were fucking off instead of working,

i.e., the time you got paid for doing nothing. And don't pretend there's no such time in your workday lolol.
every time a middle class conservative blames the poor for his problems,

another 1%er gets his wings.

it's more like
for each person who blames the poor for welfare
there is someone who blames the rich corporations

you just make enemies this way, by judging by class, and don't solve problems.

Here's an idea:
Why not hold criminals responsible for their crimes and restitution paid back for the costs
whether they are rich or poor

That's crazy talk!!! We're going to have to hate you now.
Since so little of the average working person's paycheck goes to taxes that pay for welfare,

maybe you should just think of that money as coming out of those times when you were fucking off instead of working,

i.e., the time you got paid for doing nothing. And don't pretend there's no such time in your workday lolol.

Who are you talking to?

Define "average working person". If you are referring to single men, then you are 100 percent wrong. A huge percentage of a single working man's check goes to pay freeloaders.
Every time a middle class conservative blames the Poor for his problems,

another 1%er gets his wings.

I'm sorry, you are a member of the one percent.

The percentage of elitist Americans who think that people should receive money for sitting on their asses.
We need to make life unpleasant for these people to encourage them to work. Reducing benefits always leads to the "mothers" cutting back on food for the kids so the mother can keep her luxuries.

Since computers and cells need an outside provider for internet use, it would be fairly simple to enforce a ban on them. If they really need a computer for something, they can go to a friend or library. TVs are bulky and would be hard to hide when a social worker pays a visit.

You want to deny a child television because his or her mother is poor?

You're either trolling or mentally retarded.

We need to make life unpleasant for these people to encourage them to work. Reducing benefits always leads to the "mothers" cutting back on food for the kids so the mother can keep her luxuries.

Since computers and cells need an outside provider for internet use, it would be fairly simple to enforce a ban on them. If they really need a computer for something, they can go to a friend or library. TVs are bulky and would be hard to hide when a social worker pays a visit.

someone needs to take your Computer away.....

I wouldn't be a bit surprised if he doesn't use the one at his local library or didn't buy it with SSDI funds. Hypocrites post shit like this.
Edgetho won't admit he hates poor people so he neg reps us that stand up for them and calls us commies! ROFL...what a pathetic clown.

Ignorant bitch. I neg rep people who talk out of their ass... Like you do.

When I first got out of the Army, in 1971, I slept on my brother's couch and walked the streets looking for Coke and Pepsi bottles so I could take them to the store across the street and buy something to eat with the deposit money I earned.

IIRC, twinkie packages had some kind of return money you could earn when you turned them in as well... A few pennies but it added up.

My first Civilian Job was at a 'Royal Castle' in Ohio for $1 an hour.

My brother's buddy finally got me on at GE in the Mail Room for shit wages.

I learned, I worked, I moved on and I moved up.

I tried College but I found that I was too old for it and had forgotten how to study... Studying is an art.

Don't shed any tears for me. I made it. Not rich by any stretch but I made it. Not by ANY stretch

My wife's mother died when she was 3 years old. Her father died when she was 17 and still in High School.

Wanna talk about having it tough?

You have no clue. I had it tough. So did my Wife

You should have seen how I was forced to live my first couple years in civilian life.

Don't talk to me about who was poor and who wasn't. I know what it's like to actually go hungry.

Do you? I doubt it. You sound like a punk-ass kid anyway. One that has no idea what adversity is all about

Grow up
Fascinating story bro. Fact remains you hate poor people. :) You can't defeat my argument so like the bitch you are you neg rep me instead.
Since so little of the average working person's paycheck goes to taxes that pay for welfare,

maybe you should just think of that money as coming out of those times when you were fucking off instead of working,

i.e., the time you got paid for doing nothing. And don't pretend there's no such time in your workday lolol.

Who are you talking to?

Define "average working person". If you are referring to single men, then you are 100 percent wrong. A huge percentage of a single working man's check goes to pay freeloaders.
Hon? They're Moochers...
Edgetho won't admit he hates poor people so he neg reps us that stand up for them and calls us commies! ROFL...what a pathetic clown.

Ignorant bitch. I neg rep people who talk out of their ass... Like you do.

When I first got out of the Army, in 1971, I slept on my brother's couch and walked the streets looking for Coke and Pepsi bottles so I could take them to the store across the street and buy something to eat with the deposit money I earned.

IIRC, twinkie packages had some kind of return money you could earn when you turned them in as well... A few pennies but it added up.

My first Civilian Job was at a 'Royal Castle' in Ohio for $1 an hour.

My brother's buddy finally got me on at GE in the Mail Room for shit wages.

I learned, I worked, I moved on and I moved up.

I tried College but I found that I was too old for it and had forgotten how to study... Studying is an art.

Don't shed any tears for me. I made it. Not rich by any stretch but I made it. Not by ANY stretch

My wife's mother died when she was 3 years old. Her father died when she was 17 and still in High School.

Wanna talk about having it tough?

You have no clue. I had it tough. So did my Wife

You should have seen how I was forced to live my first couple years in civilian life.

Don't talk to me about who was poor and who wasn't. I know what it's like to actually go hungry.

Do you? I doubt it. You sound like a punk-ass kid anyway. One that has no idea what adversity is all about

Grow up
Fascinating story bro. Fact remains you hate poor people. :) You can't defeat my argument so like the bitch you are you neg rep me instead.
He doesn't HATE poor people...just ones whom MOOCH off the system when they are capable of working. And YOU deserve to be neg-repped...early and OFTEN.
Should welfare recipients be banned from having a TV, computer, or cell phone

What's great is these Cons here vote for the retards that speak like they do and believe like they its a pretty good chance that their candidates WON'T get elected.
Ignorant bitch. I neg rep people who talk out of their ass... Like you do.

When I first got out of the Army, in 1971, I slept on my brother's couch and walked the streets looking for Coke and Pepsi bottles so I could take them to the store across the street and buy something to eat with the deposit money I earned.

IIRC, twinkie packages had some kind of return money you could earn when you turned them in as well... A few pennies but it added up.

My first Civilian Job was at a 'Royal Castle' in Ohio for $1 an hour.

My brother's buddy finally got me on at GE in the Mail Room for shit wages.

I learned, I worked, I moved on and I moved up.

I tried College but I found that I was too old for it and had forgotten how to study... Studying is an art.

Don't shed any tears for me. I made it. Not rich by any stretch but I made it. Not by ANY stretch

My wife's mother died when she was 3 years old. Her father died when she was 17 and still in High School.

Wanna talk about having it tough?

You have no clue. I had it tough. So did my Wife

You should have seen how I was forced to live my first couple years in civilian life.

Don't talk to me about who was poor and who wasn't. I know what it's like to actually go hungry.

Do you? I doubt it. You sound like a punk-ass kid anyway. One that has no idea what adversity is all about

Grow up
Fascinating story bro. Fact remains you hate poor people. :) You can't defeat my argument so like the bitch you are you neg rep me instead.
He doesn't HATE poor people...just ones whom MOOCH off the system when they are capable of working. And YOU deserve to be neg-repped...early and OFTEN.

Yes he does and so do you. You see a very few and think everyone is like that. Go ahead neg skin off my back. Neg rep is for pussies who can't come up with an answer and must neg people to feel better about having their ass kicked.
We need to make life unpleasant for these people to encourage them to work. Reducing benefits always leads to the "mothers" cutting back on food for the kids so the mother can keep her luxuries.

Since computers and cells need an outside provider for internet use, it would be fairly simple to enforce a ban on them. If they really need a computer for something, they can go to a friend or library. TVs are bulky and would be hard to hide when a social worker pays a visit.

No they should not be banned. However, I believe any person who is able to work should be required to do so to receive benefits. If they receive 600 dollars a month then they should work the appropriate amount of hours. Meaning, if minimum wages is 7.50 an hour then they should work 80 hours a month and so on.

Similar to the Federal Work-Study Program.

Work-Study Jobs | Federal Student Aid
We need to make life unpleasant for these people to encourage them to work. Reducing benefits always leads to the "mothers" cutting back on food for the kids so the mother can keep her luxuries.

Since computers and cells need an outside provider for internet use, it would be fairly simple to enforce a ban on them. If they really need a computer for something, they can go to a friend or library. TVs are bulky and would be hard to hide when a social worker pays a visit.

Some people had those things prior to losing their jobs or having to settle for a lower paying job after getting laid off.

I don't begrudge people anything, but do have issues with certain individuals who have always been on welfare and having many unneeded items paid for by taxpayers.

I know some work as well as receive food stamps and other assistance with housing and utilities. It doesn't seem fair that the tax payers would pay for rent, food and utilities and then the people have more disposable income than the rest of us.

Times are tough and us tax payers can't keep footing the bill for every hair brained idea out of Washington on top of a fast growing population of welfare recipients. Safety nets are meant to keep people going with the bare necessities, not anything above and beyond that. If people have enough money left over after tax payers pay their bills that they can easily afford things many of us can't, like expensive shoes, big screen televisions and other luxury items, then it's not fair to those who have to sacrifice even more because a chunk of our wages are confiscated. Helping is one thing, but going without because government gives your money to others so they can turn around and afford things you can't is just wrong.

If a person is struggling and needs welfare, then they shouldn't spend a dime on something foolish. If they have extra leftover after tax payers subsidize them, the least they can do is save it to buy necessities and not frivolous shit.

I know so many people living paycheck to paycheck and have little or nothing left over. It's wrong for those on subsidies to have more spending cash than the tax payers. You'd have to be gaming the system to afford the luxuries you mention if they are totally dependent on government.

Of course, the phones are free now and they don't bother to oversee the program, which allows fraud.

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