Should welfare recipients be banned from having a TV, computer, or cell phone

tsk tsk tsk

libs get so angry when you confront them with reality:

the Left CREATES poor people to "help".
that isnt blaming the poor for being poor; libs just spew stupid sh*t like that for the same reason they spew most of the stuff they spew; it's a projection of their own failure onto others. it's also easier for libs to just hurl the racism or "hate" charge at critics of obama; than to have to confront the realities of the failed Progressive agenda
These goddam poor (who are mostly black) and homosexuals and Muslims and Mexicans are fucking everything up for everyone else.

When, oh when, will a leader rise up and toss this garbage into the incinerator?

Actually, it's goddamn elitist progressives who are fucking things up. People who have either grown up dependent upon the system, or who have never in their entire lives HAD to work for a living....

Who think it's *unfair* that people *have* to work to survive...based upon their reality..which is "you don't have to work and you can still get fat as a pig and that's teh way it should be!"

Poor people themselves are remarkable adept at surviving. Have a little faith. Those minorities aren't quite as stupid as you think they are. They'll be just fine if you cut off their welfare, and they will quickly surpass you in net worth.

They socialist elites, KG.

Through and through
Anybody who wants a TV can easily get a free TV with very little effort.

Check the bulletin board in most supermarkets and you'll find TVs free. Sometimes for a few bucks but even those, offer to haul 'em away and they're yours for free.

What's the catch?

They won't be big flat screen TVS.

Most being given away are the older variety. Physically large with deep chassis.

Problem: Most won't tune today's off-air digital TV channels. But many being given away are also accompanied by converter boxes and if they're not listed on the poster, ASK.

Without the converter box they'll still work with cable - basic cable is dirt cheap in most places. They'll also work well with DVD players and VCRS, also often given away. Program material is FREE from libraries or cheap in thrift stores. Oh, yeah, with a converter box you'll need some kind of antanna. Cheap "rabbit ears" are often free for the asking or dirt cheap in big box stores.

T'ain't rocket science to watch FREE TV.

Just work a bit in your own interest.
Do you know how long it has been since I had a new television?

I'm not sure I ever have.

The one I have now I've had for 10 years, and it wasn't new when I got it. It weighs about 1000 lbs. I'm terrified someday it's going to fall on someone and kill them.

I don't have cable.

We eat raman pretty regularly.

My car isn't quite 10 years old...but it's close. And it isn't even really's my sister's because I can't afford a car payment + rent + food. Her husband gifted her a luxury car to celebrate a promotion a few years ago, and when he did that, she gifted me the exploder.

I don't get my nails done. I don't get pedicures. I don't even get my freaking hair done..I have to spend $$ on my kids for things like sports and glasses. Then there are things like garbage disposal, water, heat....we have pets so I have vet bills though they are minimal because I CAN'T AFFORD EXPENSIVE PET BILLS (hence no horses for me).

Why should welfare recipients live better than working slobs live? It's CHARITY. We can and should dictate how it's spent. And if they don't like it, they can support themselves. If they refuse to support their children, then their children will be taken from them..and they can hurry up and starve to death.
We need to make life unpleasant for these people to encourage them to work. Reducing benefits always leads to the "mothers" cutting back on food for the kids so the mother can keep her luxuries.

Since computers and cells need an outside provider for internet use, it would be fairly simple to enforce a ban on them. If they really need a computer for something, they can go to a friend or library. TVs are bulky and would be hard to hide when a social worker pays a visit.

Fucking idiot.
Umm.. do any of you know that a whole bunch of welfare recipients are military spouses?

I think they sacrifice enough donating their spouses to the lastest war effort.

Do you know a whole bunch of welfare recipients are retired seniors?

Should they be punished for being too old to work?

About half of those receiving welfare are children.

Poor children should never be allowed to have computers - they might help the child keep up with others in school, right?

The OP is a tard and this thread should be kicked downstairs.
46 million Americans are on food stamps and the average monthly allotment is around $30 which already makes it hard enough to afford food all month. Dropping 46 million people out of the communications network would cripple what little productivity there is left in the US and leave those 46 million people without enough to eat.

Perhaps if the "job creators" actually created any jobs then perhaps more Americans would be able to find jobs. But that plan requires the least amount of basic human thought possible, so it just won't work.

This is an exceptionally retarded forum. Thread after thread is just "Liberals hate freedom!" and other mindless bullshit to enable every other old white Teabagger choad to congratulate each other for hating Obama. Do any of you Conservatives know how fucking stupid you all sound? Of course you don't.

How about a compromise? Welfare recipients will give up their tvs if Southern racist hicks born before 1964 will kill themselves. That's fair and balanced.

why 64? that the year you were born?.....hey just askin....
Do you know how long it has been since I had a new television?

I'm not sure I ever have.

The one I have now I've had for 10 years, and it wasn't new when I got it. It weighs about 1000 lbs. I'm terrified someday it's going to fall on someone and kill them.

I don't have cable.

We eat raman pretty regularly.

My car isn't quite 10 years old...but it's close. And it isn't even really's my sister's because I can't afford a car payment + rent + food. Her husband gifted her a luxury car to celebrate a promotion a few years ago, and when he did that, she gifted me the exploder.

I don't get my nails done. I don't get pedicures. I don't even get my freaking hair done..I have to spend $$ on my kids for things like sports and glasses. Then there are things like garbage disposal, water, heat....we have pets so I have vet bills though they are minimal because I CAN'T AFFORD EXPENSIVE PET BILLS (hence no horses for me).

Why should welfare recipients live better than working slobs live? It's CHARITY. We can and should dictate how it's spent. And if they don't like it, they can support themselves. If they refuse to support their children, then their children will be taken from them..and they can hurry up and starve to death.

God bless you. Your children will reward your sacrifices some day.

If, when you call your car the 'exploder' you mean an Explorer?

Lose it sooner rather than later. The transmission in those things is a POS. The 5R55 was made in France and is the worst transmission ever made.

What Is The Worst Transmission Ever Made? - ETE Reman - Stay Away From The Ford 5R55W Transmission

Ford sold the plant and got out. The French never fail to disappoint...

The rest of the vehicle is pretty decent, but the tranny.... Forget it.


You could save some money for a rebuilt or reman Transmission. Might be the way to go. :dunno:
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We've had it since it was brand new, and I love it. I have around 200,000 miles on it.

I know the tranny will go...when it does I'll either have my son replace it, or trade it in.

But I've been driving it for years and absolutely LOVE it. I've had to spend exactly $0.00 in repairs on it...going to take it in for servicing here shortly...will spend a little then because I have a tail light out.

The year I got it, I was also driving a brand new Jeep Cherokee Laredo...I literally couldn't tell them apart when I was in them, except the Ford wasn't as loud.
46 million Americans are on food stamps and the average monthly allotment is around $30 which already makes it hard enough to afford food all month. Dropping 46 million people out of the communications network would cripple what little productivity there is left in the US and leave those 46 million people without enough to eat.

Perhaps if the "job creators" actually created any jobs then perhaps more Americans would be able to find jobs. But that plan requires the least amount of basic human thought possible, so it just won't work.

This is an exceptionally retarded forum. Thread after thread is just "Liberals hate freedom!" and other mindless bullshit to enable every other old white Teabagger choad to congratulate each other for hating Obama. Do any of you Conservatives know how fucking stupid you all sound? Of course you don't.

How about a compromise? Welfare recipients will give up their tvs if Southern racist hicks born before 1964 will kill themselves. That's fair and balanced.

How about if they just start playing 'Cowboys and *******'?

Would you like that?
Do you know how long it has been since I had a new television?

I'm not sure I ever have.

The one I have now I've had for 10 years, and it wasn't new when I got it. It weighs about 1000 lbs. I'm terrified someday it's going to fall on someone and kill them.

I don't have cable.

We eat raman pretty regularly.

My car isn't quite 10 years old...but it's close. And it isn't even really's my sister's because I can't afford a car payment + rent + food. Her husband gifted her a luxury car to celebrate a promotion a few years ago, and when he did that, she gifted me the exploder.

I don't get my nails done. I don't get pedicures. I don't even get my freaking hair done..I have to spend $$ on my kids for things like sports and glasses. Then there are things like garbage disposal, water, heat....we have pets so I have vet bills though they are minimal because I CAN'T AFFORD EXPENSIVE PET BILLS (hence no horses for me).

Why should welfare recipients live better than working slobs live? It's CHARITY. We can and should dictate how it's spent. And if they don't like it, they can support themselves. If they refuse to support their children, then their children will be taken from them..and they can hurry up and starve to death.

God bless you. Your children will reward your sacrifices some day.

If, when you call your car the 'exploder' you mean an Explorer?

Lose it sooner rather than later. The transmission in those things is a POS. The 5R55 was made in France and is the worst transmission ever made.

What Is The Worst Transmission Ever Made? - ETE Reman - Stay Away From The Ford 5R55W Transmission

Ford sold the plant and got out. The French never fail to disappoint...

The rest of the vehicle is pretty decent, but the tranny.... Forget it.


You could save some money for a rebuilt or reman Transmission. Might be the way to go. :dunno:

The kids reward me now, btw. And being self sufficient really is its own reward. I can look anyone in the eye and feel confident of my place in the world, and my value.
No, but they should pass tests for any drug addictions interfering with work ability and lawabiding status; and should be required to pay back any funds they didn't work for (ie that weren't deductions from their own pay) similar to student loans or microloans for business.

We need to make life unpleasant for these people to encourage them to work. Reducing benefits always leads to the "mothers" cutting back on food for the kids so the mother can keep her luxuries.

Since computers and cells need an outside provider for internet use, it would be fairly simple to enforce a ban on them. If they really need a computer for something, they can go to a friend or library. TVs are bulky and would be hard to hide when a social worker pays a visit.

If they are held responsible for paying back their loans, what difference would it make: they can buy what they want as long as it isn't illegal.

You need to think this through, how does being on welfare justify depriving someone of liberty without due process? what crime is committed?
why not set up a system that documents them paying back loans just like with student loans? doesn't that make more business sense?

BTW this is the same argument against liberals pushing ACA, and trying to make people pay for things that interfere with liberty when they did not commit any crime or go through due process.
you sound like you are making a similar overreach against poor people who haven't committed a crime, as people against rich people who haven't committed a crime either. where is the due process?
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We've had it since it was brand new, and I love it. I have around 200,000 miles on it.

I know the tranny will go...when it does I'll either have my son replace it, or trade it in.

But I've been driving it for years and absolutely LOVE it. I've had to spend exactly $0.00 in repairs on it...going to take it in for servicing here shortly...will spend a little then because I have a tail light out.

The year I got it, I was also driving a brand new Jeep Cherokee Laredo...I literally couldn't tell them apart when I was in them, except the Ford wasn't as loud.

200k.....? :ack-1:

That car owes you NOTHING!

My wife just got pissed and traded her 2003 Mountaineer. Same girl in a different dress.

The tranny was fixing to go and I didn't want to put 2k in a car worth 3k.

But your car owes you nothing.

When it goes, give it a decent burial and play taps.

All people on food stamps have brand new 60-inch plasma TVs, drive Mercedes Benz's, eat steak for dinner every night, and live in 3000 square foot houses in the best part of town.

This is FACT!!! We know this is FACT because we BELIEVE it. What I BELIEVE and what is FACT are the same thing. Q.E.D.

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All people on food stamps have brand new 60-inch plasma TVs, drive Mercedes Benz's, eat steak for dinner every night, and live in 3000 square foot houses in the best part of town.

This is FACT!!! We know this is FACT because we BELIEVE it. What I BELIEVE and what is FACT are the same thing. Q.E.D.


Shut up, bitch.

Get supper ready
We've had it since it was brand new, and I love it. I have around 200,000 miles on it.

I know the tranny will go...when it does I'll either have my son replace it, or trade it in.

But I've been driving it for years and absolutely LOVE it. I've had to spend exactly $0.00 in repairs on it...going to take it in for servicing here shortly...will spend a little then because I have a tail light out.

The year I got it, I was also driving a brand new Jeep Cherokee Laredo...I literally couldn't tell them apart when I was in them, except the Ford wasn't as loud.

200k.....? :ack-1:

That car owes you NOTHING!

My wife just got pissed and traded her 2003 Mountaineer. Same girl in a different dress.

The tranny was fixing to go and I didn't want to put 2k in a car worth 3k.

But your car owes you nothing.

When it goes, give it a decent burial and play taps.

I think it has quite a bit of life left in it, lol.

We drove my mom's geo to death...I keep telling her to make it into a planter in the yard. She still entertains dreams of having it rebuilt. I'm like, WHY???? WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT??? WHY???

It's just so wrong on so many levels. That thing has a bullet hole in the back of the driver's seat, for pete's sake. There's nothing about it that rates a stupid rebuild. RIP you piece of shit, I cherish the year that I had to push you to start you...and I cherish the fact that I was able to do that, by myself hahaha, but I don't miss you a bit.

All people on food stamps have brand new 60-inch plasma TVs, drive Mercedes Benz's, eat steak for dinner every night, and live in 3000 square foot houses in the best part of town.

This is FACT!!! We know this is FACT because we BELIEVE it. What I BELIEVE and what is FACT are the same thing. Q.E.D.


Shut up, bitch.

Get supper ready

It hurts having your mental fantasies ridiculed, don't it. :lol:
Every time a middle class conservative blames the Poor for his problems,

another 1%er gets his wings.

All people on food stamps have brand new 60-inch plasma TVs, drive Mercedes Benz's, eat steak for dinner every night, and live in 3000 square foot houses in the best part of town.

This is FACT!!! We know this is FACT because we BELIEVE it. What I BELIEVE and what is FACT are the same thing. Q.E.D.


Do you take advantage of the child tax credit? Do you have employer sponsored health insurance? Do you take advantage of the mortgage interest deduction?

Then you are on government welfare. Please turn in your TV, computer, and cell phone immediately.

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