Should Women Be Pastors Of The Church?

It always helps to go back to the Hebrew and Greek when studying scripture to get the full understanding of a verse. I remember the part in the Bible where poor people were gleaning the fields for grain on the Sabbath and people ask Jesus should not they be punished and he said along the lines No, God understands their need. So if a congregation would need women to lead due to some circumstances it would be okay with God. KJV man here. I am looking up the verses now, ;)
Making women second class citizens is one of my biggest issues with organized Christianity.

I have known too many women who are wise, strong, compassionate and just what a congregation would need. When I was active in the church, I was a Methodist. I have known some amazing women who were pastors.
Everyone should have to earn their position or their job thru merit......not if they have boobs.

I could use me a good woman pastor to explore the sacred mysteries and find religion with about right now.


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Should Women Be Pastors Of The Church?​

The first question to ask is whether the separation of females from the church stems from God himself or from ordinary human social conventions.
  1. Are there any books of the Bible written by women?
  2. We have the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost---- where is Mom?
  3. Original Sin was caused by knowledge of good and evil, sin being basically rooted in earthly, material pleasures, ie., forgetfulness of God, and lust for women is perhaps central to and strongest of them all, ie.: passion.
  4. Woman was created FROM man by taking a rib from Adam. Many argue this makes man intrinsically closer to God.
So the question becomes: was God a chauvinist? Were women simply less educated back in Jesus' time? Do men play a special role in the execution of religion? Or is the church simply dealing with the practicality of not having women mixed among a bunch of celibate priests knowing the last thing they need disturbing their solemnity is the temptation of having women nearby?
The first question to ask is whether the separation of females from the church stems from God himself or from ordinary human social conventions.
  1. Are there any books of the Bible written by women?
  2. We have the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost---- where is Mom?
  3. Original Sin was caused by knowledge of good and evil, sin being basically rooted in earthly, material pleasures, ie., forgetfulness of God, and lust for women is perhaps central to and strongest of them all, ie.: passion.
  4. Woman was created FROM man by taking a rib from Adam. Many argue this makes man intrinsically closer to God.
So the question becomes: was God a chauvinist? Were women simply less educated back in Jesus' time? Do men play a special role in the execution of religion? Or is the church simply dealing with the practicality of not having women mixed among a bunch of celibate priests knowing the last thing they need disturbing their solemnity is the temptation of having women nearby?
The bible was written BY man. FOR man. Which is why I take all that is said in it with a grain of salt. Agendas existed back then too. And whomever formed the guts of the bible CHOSE which gospels would be included. Hence, Mary's was not. How many others are hidden in caves or the deep tunnels under the vatican and never brought forth? I'm betting a lot.
Women found more churches than men do these days, and they were prominent in the early church as founders in many cities in Paul's time. So, Timothy doesn't have squat to do with women as church leaders or preaching.
I think my post discussed good reasons for women to be allowed to be pastors.

And also, shouldn't men have to earn their position or job through merit?
Everyone should.
I don't believe in giving someone a job or a position because it's historic or breaks some sort of glass ceiling.
When I joined the military they wouldn't let minorities hold any jobs in the Navy other than cook or shopkeeper.
This was wrong.
But I don't believe anyone should be awarded their position because they're a black female either.
Do not make the mistakes of the Pharisees who had a strict interpretation of the law. Jesus used David as an example who was hungry and was his companion and they ate bread only the priest was supposed to eat. It wasn't out of disrespect but out of starvation.
As far as women being leaders let's not forget Deborah who was not just a leader but a Prophetes and Judge. Was her leadership breaking the law of God? There was a need to lead so she did. The thing is why do you as a woman want the leadership? Is it to serve God or for a selfish reason? That needs to be asked of all church leaders male or female. Deborah - Wikipedia
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I think you're mixing that up with pork but other than that yes you are correct

If fact, while scripture does list eating the flesh of pigs, and many other types of common and less common meat and fish, as unclean ... it also specifies not to eat even clean animals mixed with dairy products.

So, cheeseburgers are off the menu.

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