Should Women Be Pastors Of The Church?

If fact, while scripture does list eating the flesh of pigs, and many other types of common and less common meat and fish, as unclean ... it also specifies not to eat even clean animals mixed with dairy products.

So, cheeseburgers are off the menu.
You are missing out on good stuff, it's better with mayonnaise...
It's the raw eggs that turn me on.

Since the bible was written by men, for men.........then it would be advantageous for a woman to look at the bible as a guide for misogyny.

There is so much hate, racism, sexism, suicide, and murder..........I'm shocked the entire religious line of people never wiped themselves out millenia ago.
I was having a conversation with Golfing Gator about this how it's against the Bible for women to be pastors. I say that it's only because at that time women weren't allowed to do much of anything so that's why God had made it a law. I'm really curious to hear other thoughts and opinions about this because my pastor is a woman and I think she is amazing. :D (And pretty funny too. XD)
They might be able to correct many of the wrongs the churches continue to do.
Since the bible was written by men, for men.........then it would be advantageous for a woman to look at the bible as a guide for misogyny.

There is so much hate, racism, sexism, suicide, and murder..........I'm shocked the entire religious line of people never wiped themselves out millenia ago.

I was having a conversation with Golfing Gator about this how it's against the Bible for women to be pastors. I say that it's only because at that time women weren't allowed to do much of anything so that's why God had made it a law. I'm really curious to hear other thoughts and opinions about this because my pastor is a woman and I think she is amazing. :D (And pretty funny too. XD)
The issue is rather complicated. There are good arguments on both sides. I personally feel we have to keep in mind that things in society were quite different two thousand years ago.

I feel this article discusses the issue fairly.

This article views the issue differently.

I was having a conversation with Golfing Gator about this how it's against the Bible for women to be pastors. I say that it's only because at that time women weren't allowed to do much of anything so that's why God had made it a law. I'm really curious to hear other thoughts and opinions about this because my pastor is a woman and I think she is amazing. :D (And pretty funny too. XD)
Why not? I don't get it. If a woman has a sex change operation, and becomes a man, can she become a pastor?

The church is just so pathetically close-minded, and it won't even allow sex. Except in secret.
I was having a conversation with Golfing Gator about this how it's against the Bible for women to be pastors. I say that it's only because at that time women weren't allowed to do much of anything so that's why God had made it a law. I'm really curious to hear other thoughts and opinions about this because my pastor is a woman and I think she is amazing. :D (And pretty funny too. XD)

I have been in many Protestant churches over my Christian life. The one I belong to for the last 15 years adheres closest to the Bible. Only male pastors and elders. Women can be deacons and in other positions of leadership. It is by far the healthiest church to which I have ever belonged.

The verses in Timothy about women being pastors are not about women as lesser humans. They're about the established order of authority--that's it. And important.

And by the way, even for Christians this only goes for marriage and the church. I am submitted to my husband and I am not to be a pastor or elder in my church. This does NOT mean I submit to any man anywhere else. The Proverbs Woman is a great example of an enterprising woman who mixed it up quite well with the men in the marketplace. Plenty of examples in the NT as well.
That's a sad life, knowing you can't advance due to not having a penis. I like that you're cool with it.
That's why I believe that even as Christians we can be our own people and like I said before, I have an incredible female pastor. :D

I'm just going to say it. Female pastors have hugely feminized the American church. Hugely.

In part this is why the church has been bleeding men for decades--and this is only getting worse.


Once you start opening the door for well, this verse no longer applies, nor that one--you are basically rewriting the Bible. We went out to dinner last night in a town about an hour away and saw two "Protestant" churches with no visible Crosses, but instead gay flags.

The open door to this heresy is being led by "feelings": it's "mean" to tell people about sin. Etc. Don't get me wrong. Many people in my church have gay family members and loved ones and we are encouraged to open our homes to them, love them, invite them to church. Etc. We have no right to condemn them and ostracize them as sinners when WE are IN CHURCH because we know we are sinners. But there's a good deal of difference between hanging a Cross on a church "Here is the remedy for sin"....and hanging a gay flag on a church "Here is a sin we celebrate".

It is quite possible that your pastor is not given to "feelings over facts", and if so good on her. But women as a whole ARE. God knows what He's doing--always.

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