Should Young Minorities Be Allowed To Buy Guns ?

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Minorities, as a percentage, commit most of the violent crimes in America. That is a fact. Why let them have guns?
Because it is in the Constitution?
So anyone convicted of a violent crime using a firearm should be allowed to own guns?
That may be what you meant but that that is not what you said. Do you want to keep guns away from anyone convicted of a violent crime using a firearm or from minorities no matter what their criminal record since they commit most of the violent crimes in America?
I'm using the same logic as the left. A lot of restrictions have been put on the second amendment, the vast majority of them by the left, and the vast majority of them aimed at law abiding citizens. Dems like to use the argument of "potential crimes" and "predisposition to criminal behavior" based on statistics and anything else they can cite. The one thing they always conspicuously leave out, however, is the gun violence in the black community. I'm pointing out their inconsistencies and hypocrisy. If they were consistent in their logic they would be against blacks being allowed to own firearms but that would not serve them well politically, which is what is important to them. But just to be clear, I support the second amendment for ALL legal citizens (except the ones who like to kill people).
The Racist Roots of Gun Control

Before the Civil War, the great anti-slavery writer Lysander Spooner used the Second Amendment to argue that slavery was unconstitutional. Since a slave is a person who cannot possess arms, and the Second Amendment guarantees that all persons can possess arms, no person in the United States, therefore, can be a slave. “The right of a man ‘to keep and bear arms,’ is a right palpably inconsistent with the idea of his being a slave,” Spooner wrote.

On the other hand, in the infamous Dred Scott decision, U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Roger B. Taney announced that free blacks were not citizens; if they were, he warned, free blacks would have the right “to keep and carry arms wherever they went.”

Immediately after the Civil War, Southern states enacted Black Codes, designed to keep the ex-slaves in de facto slavery and submission. Mississippi’s provision was typical: No freedman “shall keep or carry fire-arms of any kind, or any ammunition” without police permission. In areas where the Ku Klux Klan took control, “almost universally the first thing done was to disarm the negroes and leave them defenseless,” recounted the civil rights attorney Albion Tourgée, who represented Plessy in Plessy v. Ferguson. The Ku Klux Klan was America’s first gun control group, as well as America’s first domestic terrorist organization.

Congress responded with the Freedman’s Bureau Act, insisting that “the constitutional right to bear arms, shall be secured to and enjoyed by all the citizens.” Congress followed up with the Civil Rights Act, and the Fourteenth Amendment, to ensure that no state could ever again violate the civil rights of Americans.

Repeatedly the congressional proponents of the Fourteenth Amendment announced that a key purpose of the Amendment was to guarantee that freedmen could exercise their Second Amendment right to own guns for self-defense, especially against gun control organizations such as the KKK. Senator Samuel Pomeroy (R-Kan.) explained the three “indispensable” “safeguards of liberty under our form of government”: the sanctity of the home; the right to vote; and “the right to bear arms…[so] if the cabin door of the freedman is broken open and the intruder enters…then should a well-loaded musket be in the hand of the occupant to send the polluted wretch to another world.”

Reconstruction and the Fourteenth Amendment forced Southern states to repeal laws explicitly forbidding blacks to have guns. So the white supremacist legislature in Tennessee enacted the 1871 “Army and Navy” law, barring the sale of any handguns except the “Army and Navy model.” The ex-Confederate soldiers already had their high-quality Army and Navy guns. But cash-poor freedmen could barely afford lower-cost, simpler firearms not of the Army and Navy quality.

Many Southern states followed Tennessee’s lead, with facially neutral laws banning inexpensive guns, or requiring permits to own or carry a gun. As one Florida judge explained, the laws were “passed for the purpose of disarming the negro laborers . . . [and] never intended to be applied to the white population.” (Watson v. Stone, Florida, 1941).

Jim Crow laws became the foundation of gun control in America. These laws spread north in the early decades of the twentieth century, aimed primarily at immigrants (Italians and Jews in New York City) or labor agitators (California), or in response to blacks having defended themselves against race riots (Missouri and Michigan).

In the 1950s and 1960s, a new civil rights movement arose in the South. White supremacist tactics were just as violent as they had been during Reconstruction. Blacks and civil rights workers armed for self-defense.

John Salter, a professor at Tougaloo College and chief organizer of the NAACP’s Jackson Movement during the early 1960s, wrote, “No one knows what kind of massive racist retaliation would have been directed against grass-roots black people had the black community not had a healthy measure of firearms within it.”

Civil rights professionals and the black community generally viewed nonviolence as a useful tactic for certain situations, not as a moral injunction to let oneself be murdered on a deserted road in the middle of the night. As the 1959 NAACP national convention resolved, “We do not deny but reaffirm the right of individual and collective self-defense against unlawful assaults.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., agreed, supporting violence “exercised in self-defense,” which he described “as moral and legal” in all societies; he noted that not even Gandhi condemned it.

This piece has been adapted from The Truth About Gun Control by David B. Kopel.
Encounter Books is an activity of Encounter for Culture and Education, a tax-exempt, non-profit corporation dedicated to strengthening the marketplace of ideas.

Not one word of this oversized, off topic essay mentioned the Promise Program, or concealed criminal records, or the danger which that poses to the public (especially schoolkids).
Still there is a federal law that bans those who have been convicted of certain crimes from ever possessing firearms which does include domestic violence offenses.

Texas, Under Texas state law a convicted felon may possess a firearm in the residence, in which he lives, once five years have elapsed from the date his sentence was discharged. This means the later of release from prison or parole. This is not true under federal law.

Montana is considered a restorative state, meaning under the Montana Constitution, felons who have completed their sentences and probationary periods have their rights restored — and technically can do things that regular citizens do, including possess a firearm and vote

Alaska - Ten years after completing felony probation, the state no longer bans felons from possessing firearms.
Alaska has no waiting period for the purchase of a handgun, rifle or shotgun. There is no requirement to register any firearm with the state of Alaska.

yet State laws say differently
But with Obama's Promise Program, young minorities like Nicolas Cruz can buy guns ANYTIME, with gun sellers unaware of their criminal background.

Liberal Obama supporters cry out for background checks, but then say nothing when their hero devises a program obliterating these checks, and one of the kids protected, goes out and shoots 34 people, killing 17 of them.

Sorry you just reading to many right wing sites. The program that you referred to was being pushed as an obama initiative but in reality it was a local program

Broward County, Florida program called PROMISE (Preventing Recidivism Through Opportunities, Mentoring, Interventions, Support and Education.) PROMISE was begun in 2013 by the Broward County School District and Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale; it is an intervention program for student behavior that would otherwise prompt a suspension, expulsion or arrest

this program was a local initiative and did not involve federal agencies or Obama

I am sure OB welcome the local initiative as an intervention for trouble youth but it was hardly a federal program and had nothing to do with OB

But that doesn't stop right wing from tying the two together to make some statement

Also if I remember correctly Cruz had already left school and as soon as he was of age and able to buy a gun , he did get a gun

look at Florida state laws which allow 18 year old kids to possess fire arms
1. The program originated from Obama. You create it, you own it.

2. Doesn't matter if Cruz out of school. Point is the PP kept his bad record hidden from gun sellers, in school or not.

PROMISE Program Getting Very Little Press

Parkland Parents Mad About the PROMISE Program-Look To Oust School Board

Overseer of Broward Schools' PROMISE Program Getting Big Rai$e

What Punishment for PROMISE Program leaders ?

well how did OB create it, its repeated but know says specifically how he created it when it well know that it was a local initiative

what law or executive order are you referring to

Congress makes laws not the president

well if you do not believe me how about Laura Ingrham

LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS: Broward's broken PROMISE program and its deadly effects. That's the focus of tonight's angle.

The more we learn about the school shooting in Florida, the more it appears that a Broward County invention may have played a role in what happened. And what am I talking about?

In 2013, Broward County and their new school superintendent, Robert Runcie had a novel idea. Lower school expulsions and arrests by reducing police involvement. Sounds simple. They called it the PROMISE Program -- Preventing Recidivism through Opportunities, Mentoring, Intervention, Support, and Education. It's quite an acronym.

quoted from a fox source
and if you can't believe fox who can you believe if your a repub

it wasn't an OB initiative but he like the idea and supported it
This is an issue which I wrote about extensively a couple of years ago. Not all the details are fresh in my mind, but I do recall that Runcie was just a county guy who picked up the PP idea from the Obamans. As I get more time, I'll look back into my own OPs and their links, and address it.

Note that although the PP came from the Obama administration originally, that is just a side note to the topic here, which is defined in the OP title.
So now the second amendment is only the right of whites.
Another OP overlooker, and that's being generous. Did you notice that not all Americans have the capability to buy a gun ? There are restrictions according to criminal backgrounds, de jure and de facto.

As for race, that came from the Promise Program.
On topic since the person made the comment and it is a fact supported by the Uniform Crime Report.

Now shut the fuck up you stupid ass senile racist motherfucker.
Yes, I read the OP. I also read the title you made for the thread. The OP doesn't explain why you'd want to specifically prevent young minorities from owning guns, rather than just criminals. And of course, the thread title doesn't mention criminals at all, just young minorities. So again, I'm trying to clarify what you're saying. Do you oppose young minorities being able to purchase guns? Do you only oppose criminals being able to purchase guns? Do you think all young minorities are criminals? Is there a reason you seem hesitant to make such clarifications?
You seem to be the only one in this thread having trouble understanding the OP. Maybe you might try a course in reading comprehension.

In the OP very first sentence, I stated that I'm opposed to criminals buying guns. I also stated that due to the Promise Program criminals with crime records are impervious to background checks, because their records are concealed.

So the question then is, since gun sellers cannot determine the backgrounds of PP kids, should all young minorities (the PP designation) be kept from buying guns (in order to stop the criminal, young minorities from buying them.

Or do we want to gamble, with another Parkland massacre as the stakes. Got it ?

You don't seem to understand, the only crimes that prevent being able to buy a gun are felonies and domestic abuse.

The fact that a misdemeanor doesn't show up because of PP is irrelevant. The misdemeanor wouldn't stop the purchase anyway.
Non-violent misdemeanors shouldn't prevent an individual from purchasing a firearm. Speeding, parking illegally, being drunk in public, not picking up your dogs feces, et cetera, are all misdemeanors and thus have no bearing on firearms ownership. I do believe that certain psychiatric diagnoses should prevent individuals from firearms ownership.
I just addressed that in my previous post. ANY crime (or non crime) can stop a gun sale.

No. Any felony and the misdemeanor crime of domestic abuse are the only crimes that prevent buying a gun.
FALSE! Gun buying is not simply a de jure matter. It is very often de facto as well. Many gun buyers are denied based on their answers to questions asked by the sellers.

I know of some people who were denied, in fact I myself, was denied once, many years ago, in California. I went to buy a .22 rifle, and walked out without it, when the guy wouldn't sell it. I don't think it was racial in any way.

The seller asked me some questions, and didn't like one of my answers. I still don't know what he objected to, but it had nothing to do with any criminal record, because I have never had one.
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On topic since the person made the comment and it is a fact supported by the Uniform Crime Report.

Now shut the fuck up you stupid ass senile racist motherfucker.
Off topic, just as I said it was, and now reported to the moderators. If you want scream that I'm being racist to you, go ahead. Make my day. lol
As much as I am against gun control, I do believe criminals (those with records) shouldn't be free to buy guns. Their records should be public information, and available to gun sellers.

This wasn't the case with Nicolas Cruz, the Parkland Massacre killer, whose criminal activity was covered up, due to Obama's "Promise Program". Gun sellers, unable to see the Cruz background dirt, freely sold him the guns he used to kill 17 people.

So now we have many young minorities with criminal backgrounds, impervious to background checks. Where do we go from here ? Hopefully, not to more Parkland shootings.

Cruz had felony convictions prior to his shooting spree? Do you have a link? I did a Google search and found nothing.
I don't recall if they were felonies or not. I wouldn't care. You can attack someone violently, damn near kill him, and it's just a misdemeanor.
I wouldn't sell a gun to someone with that background.

Ok, so you wouldn't. But the system used for background checks only shows felonies (and domestic violence) as far as criminal activity goes.

If he had no felonies, he could have bought a gun without the PP.
That would be wrong.

What is wrong about what I said.
I didn't mean YOU were wrong. I meant the limited design of the law would be wrong to not include misdemeanors.
Minorities, as a percentage, commit most of the violent crimes in America. That is a fact. Why let them have guns?
Wrong. Whites do that.
Blacks are 13% of the population and commit over 50% of the violent crimes. Deal with it.

You keep repeating an untrue comment that is debunked by the Uniform Crime Reports on an annual basis you fucking white idiot. Whites commit 60 percent of the violent crime and 70 percent of all crime. Deal with the truth white boy.
You sound like a violent person. I would not be surprised if you ended up in prison.
Incarceration in the United States - Wikipedia
Minorities, as a percentage, commit most of the violent crimes in America. That is a fact. Why let them have guns?
Wrong. Whites do that.
Blacks are 13% of the population and commit over 50% of the violent crimes. Deal with it.

You keep repeating an untrue comment that is debunked by the Uniform Crime Reports on an annual basis you fucking white idiot. Whites commit 60 percent of the violent crime and 70 percent of all crime. Deal with the truth white boy.
Minorities, as a percentage, commit most of the violent crimes in America. That is a fact. Why let them have guns?
Wrong. Whites do that.
Blacks are 13% of the population and commit over 50% of the violent crimes. Deal with it.

You keep repeating an untrue comment that is debunked by the Uniform Crime Reports on an annual basis you fucking white idiot. Whites commit 60 percent of the violent crime and 70 percent of all crime. Deal with the truth white boy.
Guess why Obama and his cohorts chose MINORITY youth to focus on in the Promise Program. You think it just might have had something to do with their higher crime rates ?

Just looking at the most serious of all violent crime, blacks commit 52.5% of homicides, despite being only 12% of the population. Whites, therefore are committing homicide at a far lower rate than blacks.

Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia
But if young minorities with criminal records couldn't have a gun -- that would mean that George Zimmerman wouldn't have been able to own a gun and later shoot Trayvon with it...

And we all know how much you coward ass racists loved that shooting
Minorities, as a percentage, commit most of the violent crimes in America. That is a fact. Why let them have guns?
Wrong. Whites do that.
Blacks are 13% of the population and commit over 50% of the violent crimes. Deal with it.

You keep repeating an untrue comment that is debunked by the Uniform Crime Reports on an annual basis you fucking white idiot. Whites commit 60 percent of the violent crime and 70 percent of all crime. Deal with the truth white boy.
You sound like a violent person. I would not be surprised if you ended up in prison.
Incarceration in the United States - Wikipedia
Maybe he's there now. :biggrin:
As much as I am against gun control, I do believe criminals (those with records) shouldn't be free to buy guns. Their records should be public information, and available to gun sellers.

This wasn't the case with Nicolas Cruz, the Parkland Massacre killer, whose criminal activity was covered up, due to Obama's "Promise Program". Gun sellers, unable to see the Cruz background dirt, freely sold him the guns he used to kill 17 people.

So now we have many young minorities with criminal backgrounds, impervious to background checks. Where do we go from here ? Hopefully, not to more Parkland shootings.
You've spent your entire life voting for the Nicolas Cruz's of the world to be able to get guns. And you still are.
Absolutely not. I have never advocated for those with criminal records to buy guns.
Looks like you don’t have a problem with white kids owning guns.
Why is that?

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But if young minorities with criminal records couldn't have a gun -- that would mean that George Zimmerman wouldn't have been able to own a gun and later shoot Trayvon with it...

And we all know how much you coward ass racists loved that shooting
Not that we all want to see anybody get shot to death, but there's nothing wrong with exercising one's 2nd amendment and state self-defense law rights.

What there is something wrong with, is trying to create a crime where there is none, and arresting an innocent person, as part of a racial/political hustle.

As for George Zimmerman, he did not have a criminal record, nor was his background concealed by the Promise Program. I see no reason for a gun seller to deny him a gun
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As much as I am against gun control, I do believe criminals (those with records) shouldn't be free to buy guns. Their records should be public information, and available to gun sellers.

This wasn't the case with Nicolas Cruz, the Parkland Massacre killer, whose criminal activity was covered up, due to Obama's "Promise Program". Gun sellers, unable to see the Cruz background dirt, freely sold him the guns he used to kill 17 people.

So now we have many young minorities with criminal backgrounds, impervious to background checks. Where do we go from here ? Hopefully, not to more Parkland shootings.
I am 100% pro-gun and firmly believe that the Second Amendment gives us the right to own firearms. But...minorities being allowed to purchase firearms....absolutely NOT! I have no problem with youths learning the use of them at firing ranges and on farms, so that should someone with evil intent breaks into their home, they can defend themselves with the firearm, rather than become a victim. But, to go out and be able to just up and buy a gun is absurd. The pre-frontal cortex (reason and rational thinking) isn't fully developed in young people until after their teen years, so it's best to have some restrictions in place on them.
Looking back at my post, I see a gross misspelling which completely alters the tone to a darker racist one which is wrong. While typing I misspelled minors and typed minorities. Sorry about that. Any and all minorities that are not criminals can indeed purchase firearms, unless they are MINORS.
As well as those who ARE criminals, with a criminal record, if they are/were in schools utilizing the Promise Program.

The Promise Program only effects students with misdemeanor records. And, other than Domestic Abuse, no misdemeanor records prevent the purchase of a firearm.
I wrote a series of OPs on the Promise Program, but they were quite a while ago. I'll look it over again over the next few days + Florida firearm laws.

And how do you know about Florida law, when you live in Georgia ?

How would anyone know a law from another State?

You look it up and read it...
As much as I am against gun control, I do believe criminals (those with records) shouldn't be free to buy guns. Their records should be public information, and available to gun sellers.

This wasn't the case with Nicolas Cruz, the Parkland Massacre killer, whose criminal activity was covered up, due to Obama's "Promise Program". Gun sellers, unable to see the Cruz background dirt, freely sold him the guns he used to kill 17 people.

So now we have many young minorities with criminal backgrounds, impervious to background checks. Where do we go from here ? Hopefully, not to more Parkland shootings.
You've spent your entire life voting for the Nicolas Cruz's of the world to be able to get guns. And you still are.
Absolutely not. I have never advocated for those with criminal records to buy guns.
Looks like you don’t have a problem with white kids owning guns.
Why is that?

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Read the OP, lazybones, so as to avoid asking stupid questions. This thread is for smart people
As much as I am against gun control, I do believe criminals (those with records) shouldn't be free to buy guns. Their records should be public information, and available to gun sellers.

This wasn't the case with Nicolas Cruz, the Parkland Massacre killer, whose criminal activity was covered up, due to Obama's "Promise Program". Gun sellers, unable to see the Cruz background dirt, freely sold him the guns he used to kill 17 people.

So now we have many young minorities with criminal backgrounds, impervious to background checks. Where do we go from here ? Hopefully, not to more Parkland shootings.
You've spent your entire life voting for the Nicolas Cruz's of the world to be able to get guns. And you still are.
Absolutely not. I have never advocated for those with criminal records to buy guns.
Looks like you don’t have a problem with white kids owning guns.
Why is that?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Read the OP, lazybones, so as to avoid asking stupid questions. This thread is for smart people

Read your title.
It speaks volumes.

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I am 100% pro-gun and firmly believe that the Second Amendment gives us the right to own firearms. But...minorities being allowed to purchase firearms....absolutely NOT! I have no problem with youths learning the use of them at firing ranges and on farms, so that should someone with evil intent breaks into their home, they can defend themselves with the firearm, rather than become a victim. But, to go out and be able to just up and buy a gun is absurd. The pre-frontal cortex (reason and rational thinking) isn't fully developed in young people until after their teen years, so it's best to have some restrictions in place on them.
Looking back at my post, I see a gross misspelling which completely alters the tone to a darker racist one which is wrong. While typing I misspelled minors and typed minorities. Sorry about that. Any and all minorities that are not criminals can indeed purchase firearms, unless they are MINORS.
As well as those who ARE criminals, with a criminal record, if they are/were in schools utilizing the Promise Program.

The Promise Program only effects students with misdemeanor records. And, other than Domestic Abuse, no misdemeanor records prevent the purchase of a firearm.
I wrote a series of OPs on the Promise Program, but they were quite a while ago. I'll look it over again over the next few days + Florida firearm laws.

And how do you know about Florida law, when you live in Georgia ?

How would anyone know a law from another State?

You look it up and read it...
Great. Now how about answering the question of the title of the thread ?
As much as I am against gun control, I do believe criminals (those with records) shouldn't be free to buy guns. Their records should be public information, and available to gun sellers.

This wasn't the case with Nicolas Cruz, the Parkland Massacre killer, whose criminal activity was covered up, due to Obama's "Promise Program". Gun sellers, unable to see the Cruz background dirt, freely sold him the guns he used to kill 17 people.

So now we have many young minorities with criminal backgrounds, impervious to background checks. Where do we go from here ? Hopefully, not to more Parkland shootings.
You've spent your entire life voting for the Nicolas Cruz's of the world to be able to get guns. And you still are.
Absolutely not. I have never advocated for those with criminal records to buy guns.
Looks like you don’t have a problem with white kids owning guns.
Why is that?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Read the OP, lazybones, so as to avoid asking stupid questions. This thread is for smart people

Read your title.
It speaks volumes.

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It's not me who needs to read the title, it's you who needs to read the OP article.
As much as I am against gun control, I do believe criminals (those with records) shouldn't be free to buy guns. Their records should be public information, and available to gun sellers.

This wasn't the case with Nicolas Cruz, the Parkland Massacre killer, whose criminal activity was covered up, due to Obama's "Promise Program". Gun sellers, unable to see the Cruz background dirt, freely sold him the guns he used to kill 17 people.

So now we have many young minorities with criminal backgrounds, impervious to background checks. Where do we go from here ? Hopefully, not to more Parkland shootings.
You've spent your entire life voting for the Nicolas Cruz's of the world to be able to get guns. And you still are.
Absolutely not. I have never advocated for those with criminal records to buy guns.
Looks like you don’t have a problem with white kids owning guns.
Why is that?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Read the OP, lazybones, so as to avoid asking stupid questions. This thread is for smart people

It can't be. YOu started it and you are known to be a dumbass.

Wait, does calling you a dumbass qualify as a crime that would prevent me from buying a gun?
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