Should Young Minorities Be Allowed To Buy Guns ?

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You seem to be the only one in this thread having trouble understanding the OP. Maybe you might try a course in reading comprehension.

In the OP very first sentence, I stated that I'm opposed to criminals buying guns. I also stated that due to the Promise Program criminals with crime records are impervious to background checks, because their records are concealed.

So the question then is, since gun sellers cannot determine the backgrounds of PP kids, should all young minorities (the PP designation) be kept from buying guns (in order to stop the criminal, young minorities from buying them.

Or do we want to gamble, with another Parkland massacre as the stakes. Got it ?

OK, so are you saying you only want to prevent minority students in Broward county public schools from purchasing guns? Aren't those the ones who fell under the PROMISE program? Or are you claiming the program is nationwide?

Do you have any evidence that the program not only makes it so that "criminals with crime records are impervious to background checks, because their records are concealed," but that this concealing only happens with minority criminals?

And of course no, you can't prevent people from exercising their second amendment right based on their race or ethnicity.
Obviously you don't have even a basic understanding of this thread or its subject matter. The Promise Program only applies to minority schoolkids with criminal records.

As for "based on their race or ethnicity", that came from the Obamans, when they created the Promise Program.

Always remember, US governments first duty is to PROTECT the American people, not moan about "can't do". If minorities were prevented from buying guns, it would be because their records are concealed, not because they are minorities, per se (which I happen to be one myself, incidentally)

You keep making various claims about the PROMISE program, but I haven't seen any evidence to back those claims up. Can you provide evidence that the program was created by Obama? Can you provide evidence that the program caused minority youths to have their criminal records hidden from background checks, and that it is only minority youths who had their records hidden by the program? From what I've read, the program was a Broward county initiative, and it was about not involving police at all in school incidents, not about kids getting criminal records and then having those records concealed. By not involving the police, there would be no criminal record, therefor nothing to conceal.

I have a perfectly fine understanding of what you're saying, but since what you're saying appears to be based on falsehoods from what I've seen, I've been hoping you would do more than throw out unsubstantiated claims about young minorities and how they should have their second amendment rights denied because you say so. ;)
If you had read the links I provided earlier in the thread, and the links they included too, you would not have needed to ask these questions.o

Go back and read, but first watch the video I just posted. Just to answer one thing for you, then Obama administration gave the Broward schools a $54 million grant. Read the info, I've given you, to find out about that instead of yammering questions .

Also, maybe you're fixated on Obama. I'm not. My concern is to not have more unecessary school shootings.

And in the Wikipedia link I posted, be sure to read the amazing long list of Nicolas Cruz concealed crimes, 45 trips cops made to his house, public forum craziness, psychiatrist analyses, etc, all concealed from his gun seller.

Again, the PROMISE program is a Broward county program. Are you saying only Broward county minorities should be denied their second amendment rights, or all young minorities nationwide? What age criteria do you think should be used, and why? What makes you think that denying someone a Constitutional right, based on their race or ethnicity, would be allowed?

Also again, even according to the Ingraham video, the PROMISE program doesn't conceal crimes from background checks, it allows schools to discipline in-house and avoid involving the police. Is that what you mean by claiming that crimes are concealed from background checks, that they are never actually charged to begin with? Because you may not be aware, but pretty much every adult is going to have committed some crimes during their life for which they are never charged. Perhaps we should simply deny everyone their Constitutional rights based on that?

You can make all the statements you want about how you are just concerned with preventing things like school shootings, but when you title the thread as you did, and focus on young minorities, you are pretty clearly not simply worried about school shootings. And if you really want to avoid the dangers you see in something like the PROMISE program, why wouldn't you just call to end the program, rather than denying Constitutional rights to a group of people based on their age and race?
Obviously, you have not gone back into this thread and read my links and sublinks. I've been calling for an end to the Promise Program for 2 years, and it's in my numerous OPs and posts on the subject. You're wasting my time.

Also, I'm aghast that you're in this thread, and you question if the PP conceals criminal records. :rolleyes:

Yes, it does, as we've been discussing for 2 years in this forum. Please go back and get a basic understanding of what's going on before you post any more here.
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You seem to be the only one in this thread having trouble understanding the OP. Maybe you might try a course in reading comprehension.

In the OP very first sentence, I stated that I'm opposed to criminals buying guns. I also stated that due to the Promise Program criminals with crime records are impervious to background checks, because their records are concealed.

So the question then is, since gun sellers cannot determine the backgrounds of PP kids, should all young minorities (the PP designation) be kept from buying guns (in order to stop the criminal, young minorities from buying them.

Or do we want to gamble, with another Parkland massacre as the stakes. Got it ?

OK, so are you saying you only want to prevent minority students in Broward county public schools from purchasing guns? Aren't those the ones who fell under the PROMISE program? Or are you claiming the program is nationwide?

Do you have any evidence that the program not only makes it so that "criminals with crime records are impervious to background checks, because their records are concealed," but that this concealing only happens with minority criminals?

And of course no, you can't prevent people from exercising their second amendment right based on their race or ethnicity.
Obviously you don't have even a basic understanding of this thread or its subject matter. The Promise Program only applies to minority schoolkids with criminal records.

As for "based on their race or ethnicity", that came from the Obamans, when they created the Promise Program.

Always remember, US governments first duty is to PROTECT the American people, not moan about "can't do". If minorities were prevented from buying guns, it would be because their records are concealed, not because they are minorities, per se (which I happen to be one myself, incidentally)

You keep making various claims about the PROMISE program, but I haven't seen any evidence to back those claims up. Can you provide evidence that the program was created by Obama? Can you provide evidence that the program caused minority youths to have their criminal records hidden from background checks, and that it is only minority youths who had their records hidden by the program? From what I've read, the program was a Broward county initiative, and it was about not involving police at all in school incidents, not about kids getting criminal records and then having those records concealed. By not involving the police, there would be no criminal record, therefor nothing to conceal.

I have a perfectly fine understanding of what you're saying, but since what you're saying appears to be based on falsehoods from what I've seen, I've been hoping you would do more than throw out unsubstantiated claims about young minorities and how they should have their second amendment rights denied because you say so. ;)
If you had read the links I provided earlier in the thread, and the links they included too, you would not have needed to ask these questions.o

Go back and read, but first watch the video I just posted. Just to answer one thing for you, then Obama administration gave the Broward schools a $54 million grant. Read the info, I've given you, to find out about that instead of yammering questions .

Also, maybe you're fixated on Obama. I'm not. My concern is to not have more unecessary school shootings.

And in the Wikipedia link I posted, be sure to read the amazing long list of Nicolas Cruz concealed crimes, 45 trips cops made to his house, public forum craziness, psychiatrist analyses, etc, all concealed from his gun seller.

Again, the PROMISE program is a Broward county program. Are you saying only Broward county minorities should be denied their second amendment rights, or all young minorities nationwide? What age criteria do you think should be used, and why? What makes you think that denying someone a Constitutional right, based on their race or ethnicity, would be allowed?

Also again, even according to the Ingraham video, the PROMISE program doesn't conceal crimes from background checks, it allows schools to discipline in-house and avoid involving the police. Is that what you mean by claiming that crimes are concealed from background checks, that they are never actually charged to begin with? Because you may not be aware, but pretty much every adult is going to have committed some crimes during their life for which they are never charged. Perhaps we should simply deny everyone their Constitutional rights based on that?

You can make all the statements you want about how you are just concerned with preventing things like school shootings, but when you title the thread as you did, and focus on young minorities, you are pretty clearly not simply worried about school shootings. And if you really want to avoid the dangers you see in something like the PROMISE program, why wouldn't you just call to end the program, rather than denying Constitutional rights to a group of people based on their age and race?
You seem to be the only one in this thread having trouble understanding the OP. Maybe you might try a course in reading comprehension.

In the OP very first sentence, I stated that I'm opposed to criminals buying guns. I also stated that due to the Promise Program criminals with crime records are impervious to background checks, because their records are concealed.

So the question then is, since gun sellers cannot determine the backgrounds of PP kids, should all young minorities (the PP designation) be kept from buying guns (in order to stop the criminal, young minorities from buying them.

Or do we want to gamble, with another Parkland massacre as the stakes. Got it ?

OK, so are you saying you only want to prevent minority students in Broward county public schools from purchasing guns? Aren't those the ones who fell under the PROMISE program? Or are you claiming the program is nationwide?

Do you have any evidence that the program not only makes it so that "criminals with crime records are impervious to background checks, because their records are concealed," but that this concealing only happens with minority criminals?

And of course no, you can't prevent people from exercising their second amendment right based on their race or ethnicity.
Obviously you don't have even a basic understanding of this thread or its subject matter. The Promise Program only applies to minority schoolkids with criminal records.

As for "based on their race or ethnicity", that came from the Obamans, when they created the Promise Program.

Always remember, US governments first duty is to PROTECT the American people, not moan about "can't do". If minorities were prevented from buying guns, it would be because their records are concealed, not because they are minorities, per se (which I happen to be one myself, incidentally)

You keep making various claims about the PROMISE program, but I haven't seen any evidence to back those claims up. Can you provide evidence that the program was created by Obama? Can you provide evidence that the program caused minority youths to have their criminal records hidden from background checks, and that it is only minority youths who had their records hidden by the program? From what I've read, the program was a Broward county initiative, and it was about not involving police at all in school incidents, not about kids getting criminal records and then having those records concealed. By not involving the police, there would be no criminal record, therefor nothing to conceal.

I have a perfectly fine understanding of what you're saying, but since what you're saying appears to be based on falsehoods from what I've seen, I've been hoping you would do more than throw out unsubstantiated claims about young minorities and how they should have their second amendment rights denied because you say so. ;)
If you had read the links I provided earlier in the thread, and the links they included too, you would not have needed to ask these questions.o

Go back and read, but first watch the video I just posted. Just to answer one thing for you, then Obama administration gave the Broward schools a $54 million grant. Read the info, I've given you, to find out about that instead of yammering questions .

Also, maybe you're fixated on Obama. I'm not. My concern is to not have more unecessary school shootings.

And in the Wikipedia link I posted, be sure to read the amazing long list of Nicolas Cruz concealed crimes, 45 trips cops made to his house, public forum craziness, psychiatrist analyses, etc, all concealed from his gun seller.

Again, the PROMISE program is a Broward county program. Are you saying only Broward county minorities should be denied their second amendment rights, or all young minorities nationwide? What age criteria do you think should be used, and why? What makes you think that denying someone a Constitutional right, based on their race or ethnicity, would be allowed?

Also again, even according to the Ingraham video, the PROMISE program doesn't conceal crimes from background checks, it allows schools to discipline in-house and avoid involving the police. Is that what you mean by claiming that crimes are concealed from background checks, that they are never actually charged to begin with? Because you may not be aware, but pretty much every adult is going to have committed some crimes during their life for which they are never charged. Perhaps we should simply deny everyone their Constitutional rights based on that?

You can make all the statements you want about how you are just concerned with preventing things like school shootings, but when you title the thread as you did, and focus on young minorities, you are pretty clearly not simply worried about school shootings. And if you really want to avoid the dangers you see in something like the PROMISE program, why wouldn't you just call to end the program, rather than denying Constitutional rights to a group of people based on their age and race?
So you're concerned about the title of the thread. Well, you wouldn't be if you would just read the OP, and then comprehend the title IN CONTEXT of the full OP.

That 's because the title is just a piece out of the OP. But unlike the OP, the title is short. You can't fit too many words. You read the OP, you put the OP and title together, and then you come here with a good, basic understanding.
OK, so are you saying you only want to prevent minority students in Broward county public schools from purchasing guns? Aren't those the ones who fell under the PROMISE program? Or are you claiming the program is nationwide?

Do you have any evidence that the program not only makes it so that "criminals with crime records are impervious to background checks, because their records are concealed," but that this concealing only happens with minority criminals?

And of course no, you can't prevent people from exercising their second amendment right based on their race or ethnicity.
Obviously you don't have even a basic understanding of this thread or its subject matter. The Promise Program only applies to minority schoolkids with criminal records.

As for "based on their race or ethnicity", that came from the Obamans, when they created the Promise Program.

Always remember, US governments first duty is to PROTECT the American people, not moan about "can't do". If minorities were prevented from buying guns, it would be because their records are concealed, not because they are minorities, per se (which I happen to be one myself, incidentally)

You keep making various claims about the PROMISE program, but I haven't seen any evidence to back those claims up. Can you provide evidence that the program was created by Obama? Can you provide evidence that the program caused minority youths to have their criminal records hidden from background checks, and that it is only minority youths who had their records hidden by the program? From what I've read, the program was a Broward county initiative, and it was about not involving police at all in school incidents, not about kids getting criminal records and then having those records concealed. By not involving the police, there would be no criminal record, therefor nothing to conceal.

I have a perfectly fine understanding of what you're saying, but since what you're saying appears to be based on falsehoods from what I've seen, I've been hoping you would do more than throw out unsubstantiated claims about young minorities and how they should have their second amendment rights denied because you say so. ;)
If you had read the links I provided earlier in the thread, and the links they included too, you would not have needed to ask these questions.o

Go back and read, but first watch the video I just posted. Just to answer one thing for you, then Obama administration gave the Broward schools a $54 million grant. Read the info, I've given you, to find out about that instead of yammering questions .

Also, maybe you're fixated on Obama. I'm not. My concern is to not have more unecessary school shootings.

And in the Wikipedia link I posted, be sure to read the amazing long list of Nicolas Cruz concealed crimes, 45 trips cops made to his house, public forum craziness, psychiatrist analyses, etc, all concealed from his gun seller.

Again, the PROMISE program is a Broward county program. Are you saying only Broward county minorities should be denied their second amendment rights, or all young minorities nationwide? What age criteria do you think should be used, and why? What makes you think that denying someone a Constitutional right, based on their race or ethnicity, would be allowed?

Also again, even according to the Ingraham video, the PROMISE program doesn't conceal crimes from background checks, it allows schools to discipline in-house and avoid involving the police. Is that what you mean by claiming that crimes are concealed from background checks, that they are never actually charged to begin with? Because you may not be aware, but pretty much every adult is going to have committed some crimes during their life for which they are never charged. Perhaps we should simply deny everyone their Constitutional rights based on that?

You can make all the statements you want about how you are just concerned with preventing things like school shootings, but when you title the thread as you did, and focus on young minorities, you are pretty clearly not simply worried about school shootings. And if you really want to avoid the dangers you see in something like the PROMISE program, why wouldn't you just call to end the program, rather than denying Constitutional rights to a group of people based on their age and race?
OK, so are you saying you only want to prevent minority students in Broward county public schools from purchasing guns? Aren't those the ones who fell under the PROMISE program? Or are you claiming the program is nationwide?

Do you have any evidence that the program not only makes it so that "criminals with crime records are impervious to background checks, because their records are concealed," but that this concealing only happens with minority criminals?

And of course no, you can't prevent people from exercising their second amendment right based on their race or ethnicity.
Obviously you don't have even a basic understanding of this thread or its subject matter. The Promise Program only applies to minority schoolkids with criminal records.

As for "based on their race or ethnicity", that came from the Obamans, when they created the Promise Program.

Always remember, US governments first duty is to PROTECT the American people, not moan about "can't do". If minorities were prevented from buying guns, it would be because their records are concealed, not because they are minorities, per se (which I happen to be one myself, incidentally)

You keep making various claims about the PROMISE program, but I haven't seen any evidence to back those claims up. Can you provide evidence that the program was created by Obama? Can you provide evidence that the program caused minority youths to have their criminal records hidden from background checks, and that it is only minority youths who had their records hidden by the program? From what I've read, the program was a Broward county initiative, and it was about not involving police at all in school incidents, not about kids getting criminal records and then having those records concealed. By not involving the police, there would be no criminal record, therefor nothing to conceal.

I have a perfectly fine understanding of what you're saying, but since what you're saying appears to be based on falsehoods from what I've seen, I've been hoping you would do more than throw out unsubstantiated claims about young minorities and how they should have their second amendment rights denied because you say so. ;)
If you had read the links I provided earlier in the thread, and the links they included too, you would not have needed to ask these questions.o

Go back and read, but first watch the video I just posted. Just to answer one thing for you, then Obama administration gave the Broward schools a $54 million grant. Read the info, I've given you, to find out about that instead of yammering questions .

Also, maybe you're fixated on Obama. I'm not. My concern is to not have more unecessary school shootings.

And in the Wikipedia link I posted, be sure to read the amazing long list of Nicolas Cruz concealed crimes, 45 trips cops made to his house, public forum craziness, psychiatrist analyses, etc, all concealed from his gun seller.

Again, the PROMISE program is a Broward county program. Are you saying only Broward county minorities should be denied their second amendment rights, or all young minorities nationwide? What age criteria do you think should be used, and why? What makes you think that denying someone a Constitutional right, based on their race or ethnicity, would be allowed?

Also again, even according to the Ingraham video, the PROMISE program doesn't conceal crimes from background checks, it allows schools to discipline in-house and avoid involving the police. Is that what you mean by claiming that crimes are concealed from background checks, that they are never actually charged to begin with? Because you may not be aware, but pretty much every adult is going to have committed some crimes during their life for which they are never charged. Perhaps we should simply deny everyone their Constitutional rights based on that?

You can make all the statements you want about how you are just concerned with preventing things like school shootings, but when you title the thread as you did, and focus on young minorities, you are pretty clearly not simply worried about school shootings. And if you really want to avoid the dangers you see in something like the PROMISE program, why wouldn't you just call to end the program, rather than denying Constitutional rights to a group of people based on their age and race?
So you're concerned about the title of the thread. Well, you wouldn't be if you would just read the OP, and then comprehend the title IN CONTEXT of the full OP.

That 's because the title is just a piece out of the OP. But unlike the OP, the title is short. You can't fit too many words. You read the OP, you put the OP and title together, and then you come here with a good, basic understanding.
You can try to spin all you like, but you are the one asking if people should have a Constitutional right denied based on their age and race/ethnicity. Your reasoning has in no way made that idea any more acceptable. Nor does your own background or experience make it any better of a thought.
The Promise Program only effects students with misdemeanor records. And, other than Domestic Abuse, no misdemeanor records prevent the purchase of a firearm.
I wrote a series of OPs on the Promise Program, but they were quite a while ago. I'll look it over again over the next few days + Florida firearm laws.

And how do you know about Florida law, when you live in Georgia ?

How would anyone know a law from another State?

You look it up and read it...
Great. Now how about answering the question of the title of the thread ?

1. If you have any issue with what I wrote feel free to report it and have a Moderator deal with the issue because you are no one to demand anything at all!

2. It was your ignorant comment to winterborn that caused me to respond with the fact you can look up the law to see what it is from State to State.

3. Your thread is about denying someone based on race which make this thread about your bigotry and not reality!

4. No one no matter race, sex or religion should be allow to own a goddamn firearm if they have committed a violent felony and if a misdemeanor it should be a ten year probation until they are able to buy a firearm again.

5. The Program you are blaming Obama for was a local Program and not Federal, so blame the Local Authorities but you can not and need to blame a mixed race man for the LEO failure!
1. I have no need or wish to contact any moderators about anything you've said, nor did I indicate that in any way. If I have any issue with anything you say, I'll report it to you, and I don't need coaching about how I respond.

2. I don't care your comment about looking up laws. I've already responded to that. Done

3. You miss the point of the thread. It is about PROTECTION of the public. Race distinction is merely part of the overall scenario, and it was introduced by Obama and his people, and OK'd by Broward County people, as well as similar PPs around the country, I think I recall reading.

4. I agree with that, and don't think I've ever indicated disagreement in this thread.

5. It would be awfully strange if I were blaming somebody for something, based on him being "mixed race", since I am mixed race myself, as was stated earlier in the thread, and 100 times in this forum over the last 6 years.
As for local and federal, I've already addressed that previously here.

6. No, it was NOT a "well said" post.

Well it was you telling another poster that you were reporting them, so you should just know only a punk does that nonsense.

Also I do not care if you are mixed or pure blood because the Constitution is clear and you can not deny anyone based on goddamn race do I make myself clear!

You were the one asking about how would someone knew about a law in Florida, and I told you correctly you can look it up, so get over yourself for once!

Now let me make this very clear you want to ban someone based on race which is clear in your damn OP, and no walking it back!

People make mistakes but some mistakes will cost you for your entire life which they should!

If I am found guilty of a violent crime or domestic violence then I damn sure understand I lose some rights and I am pure white!

So no they should not be prohibited by race, sex or religion and that is the end of this conversation!
Obviously you don't have even a basic understanding of this thread or its subject matter. The Promise Program only applies to minority schoolkids with criminal records.

As for "based on their race or ethnicity", that came from the Obamans, when they created the Promise Program.

Always remember, US governments first duty is to PROTECT the American people, not moan about "can't do". If minorities were prevented from buying guns, it would be because their records are concealed, not because they are minorities, per se (which I happen to be one myself, incidentally)

You keep making various claims about the PROMISE program, but I haven't seen any evidence to back those claims up. Can you provide evidence that the program was created by Obama? Can you provide evidence that the program caused minority youths to have their criminal records hidden from background checks, and that it is only minority youths who had their records hidden by the program? From what I've read, the program was a Broward county initiative, and it was about not involving police at all in school incidents, not about kids getting criminal records and then having those records concealed. By not involving the police, there would be no criminal record, therefor nothing to conceal.

I have a perfectly fine understanding of what you're saying, but since what you're saying appears to be based on falsehoods from what I've seen, I've been hoping you would do more than throw out unsubstantiated claims about young minorities and how they should have their second amendment rights denied because you say so. ;)
If you had read the links I provided earlier in the thread, and the links they included too, you would not have needed to ask these questions.o

Go back and read, but first watch the video I just posted. Just to answer one thing for you, then Obama administration gave the Broward schools a $54 million grant. Read the info, I've given you, to find out about that instead of yammering questions .

Also, maybe you're fixated on Obama. I'm not. My concern is to not have more unecessary school shootings.

And in the Wikipedia link I posted, be sure to read the amazing long list of Nicolas Cruz concealed crimes, 45 trips cops made to his house, public forum craziness, psychiatrist analyses, etc, all concealed from his gun seller.

Again, the PROMISE program is a Broward county program. Are you saying only Broward county minorities should be denied their second amendment rights, or all young minorities nationwide? What age criteria do you think should be used, and why? What makes you think that denying someone a Constitutional right, based on their race or ethnicity, would be allowed?

Also again, even according to the Ingraham video, the PROMISE program doesn't conceal crimes from background checks, it allows schools to discipline in-house and avoid involving the police. Is that what you mean by claiming that crimes are concealed from background checks, that they are never actually charged to begin with? Because you may not be aware, but pretty much every adult is going to have committed some crimes during their life for which they are never charged. Perhaps we should simply deny everyone their Constitutional rights based on that?

You can make all the statements you want about how you are just concerned with preventing things like school shootings, but when you title the thread as you did, and focus on young minorities, you are pretty clearly not simply worried about school shootings. And if you really want to avoid the dangers you see in something like the PROMISE program, why wouldn't you just call to end the program, rather than denying Constitutional rights to a group of people based on their age and race?
Obviously you don't have even a basic understanding of this thread or its subject matter. The Promise Program only applies to minority schoolkids with criminal records.

As for "based on their race or ethnicity", that came from the Obamans, when they created the Promise Program.

Always remember, US governments first duty is to PROTECT the American people, not moan about "can't do". If minorities were prevented from buying guns, it would be because their records are concealed, not because they are minorities, per se (which I happen to be one myself, incidentally)

You keep making various claims about the PROMISE program, but I haven't seen any evidence to back those claims up. Can you provide evidence that the program was created by Obama? Can you provide evidence that the program caused minority youths to have their criminal records hidden from background checks, and that it is only minority youths who had their records hidden by the program? From what I've read, the program was a Broward county initiative, and it was about not involving police at all in school incidents, not about kids getting criminal records and then having those records concealed. By not involving the police, there would be no criminal record, therefor nothing to conceal.

I have a perfectly fine understanding of what you're saying, but since what you're saying appears to be based on falsehoods from what I've seen, I've been hoping you would do more than throw out unsubstantiated claims about young minorities and how they should have their second amendment rights denied because you say so. ;)
If you had read the links I provided earlier in the thread, and the links they included too, you would not have needed to ask these questions.o

Go back and read, but first watch the video I just posted. Just to answer one thing for you, then Obama administration gave the Broward schools a $54 million grant. Read the info, I've given you, to find out about that instead of yammering questions .

Also, maybe you're fixated on Obama. I'm not. My concern is to not have more unecessary school shootings.

And in the Wikipedia link I posted, be sure to read the amazing long list of Nicolas Cruz concealed crimes, 45 trips cops made to his house, public forum craziness, psychiatrist analyses, etc, all concealed from his gun seller.

Again, the PROMISE program is a Broward county program. Are you saying only Broward county minorities should be denied their second amendment rights, or all young minorities nationwide? What age criteria do you think should be used, and why? What makes you think that denying someone a Constitutional right, based on their race or ethnicity, would be allowed?

Also again, even according to the Ingraham video, the PROMISE program doesn't conceal crimes from background checks, it allows schools to discipline in-house and avoid involving the police. Is that what you mean by claiming that crimes are concealed from background checks, that they are never actually charged to begin with? Because you may not be aware, but pretty much every adult is going to have committed some crimes during their life for which they are never charged. Perhaps we should simply deny everyone their Constitutional rights based on that?

You can make all the statements you want about how you are just concerned with preventing things like school shootings, but when you title the thread as you did, and focus on young minorities, you are pretty clearly not simply worried about school shootings. And if you really want to avoid the dangers you see in something like the PROMISE program, why wouldn't you just call to end the program, rather than denying Constitutional rights to a group of people based on their age and race?
So you're concerned about the title of the thread. Well, you wouldn't be if you would just read the OP, and then comprehend the title IN CONTEXT of the full OP.

That 's because the title is just a piece out of the OP. But unlike the OP, the title is short. You can't fit too many words. You read the OP, you put the OP and title together, and then you come here with a good, basic understanding.
You can try to spin all you like, but you are the one asking if people should have a Constitutional right denied based on their age and race/ethnicity. Your reasoning has in no way made that idea any more acceptable. Nor does your own background or experience make it any better of a thought.
You are still not understanding this thread. You seem to be so consumed with the idea of racial discrimination, that you're not grasping the point of this thread.

It's because minorities were chosen by the people who chose them (not me), to be kept away from identification of their crimes, that a question arises of whether to sell guns to them.

You can spin this yourself, by calling what I'm saying "spin", but all I'm doing is asking if guns should or shouldn't be sold to a group of people with criminal records that are not being available for gun sellers to see and know.

This is simple, but while you foam at the mouth over the slightest thought of racial distinctions, you barely touch on the serious subject of this thread.

And through all your pious pontificating, I wonder if you've ever experienced any racial bigotry tossed at you.
I wrote a series of OPs on the Promise Program, but they were quite a while ago. I'll look it over again over the next few days + Florida firearm laws.

And how do you know about Florida law, when you live in Georgia ?

How would anyone know a law from another State?

You look it up and read it...
Great. Now how about answering the question of the title of the thread ?

1. If you have any issue with what I wrote feel free to report it and have a Moderator deal with the issue because you are no one to demand anything at all!

2. It was your ignorant comment to winterborn that caused me to respond with the fact you can look up the law to see what it is from State to State.

3. Your thread is about denying someone based on race which make this thread about your bigotry and not reality!

4. No one no matter race, sex or religion should be allow to own a goddamn firearm if they have committed a violent felony and if a misdemeanor it should be a ten year probation until they are able to buy a firearm again.

5. The Program you are blaming Obama for was a local Program and not Federal, so blame the Local Authorities but you can not and need to blame a mixed race man for the LEO failure!
1. I have no need or wish to contact any moderators about anything you've said, nor did I indicate that in any way. If I have any issue with anything you say, I'll report it to you, and I don't need coaching about how I respond.

2. I don't care your comment about looking up laws. I've already responded to that. Done

3. You miss the point of the thread. It is about PROTECTION of the public. Race distinction is merely part of the overall scenario, and it was introduced by Obama and his people, and OK'd by Broward County people, as well as similar PPs around the country, I think I recall reading.

4. I agree with that, and don't think I've ever indicated disagreement in this thread.

5. It would be awfully strange if I were blaming somebody for something, based on him being "mixed race", since I am mixed race myself, as was stated earlier in the thread, and 100 times in this forum over the last 6 years.
As for local and federal, I've already addressed that previously here.

6. No, it was NOT a "well said" post.

Well it was you telling another poster that you were reporting them, so you should just know only a punk does that nonsense.

Also I do not care if you are mixed or pure blood because the Constitution is clear and you can not deny anyone based on goddamn race do I make myself clear!

You were the one asking about how would someone knew about a law in Florida, and I told you correctly you can look it up, so get over yourself for once!

Now let me make this very clear you want to ban someone based on race which is clear in your damn OP, and no walking it back!

People make mistakes but some mistakes will cost you for your entire life which they should!

If I am found guilty of a violent crime or domestic violence then I damn sure understand I lose some rights and I am pure white!

So no they should not be of this conversation!
The distinguishing based on race came from the Promise Program. This thread is about how to deal with that, and keep the American people protected. They were not in the case of Nicolas Cruz. Are you accepting a continuation of that ? Do you think gun sellers who can't see prospective gun buyers' criminal backgrounds, should sell sell guns to them ?

The reason why we're talking about young minorities, is because that's who the concealed background people are. And they were made that way by the folks who set up the Promise Program, not anybody in this thread.

So if the exact same case as Nicolas Cruz were to occur again, you would, with no knowledge of a horrible criminal background of the buyer, sell guns to that person, only to have them then go out and massacre 17 people, and you are putting racial distinctions ,(which really came from Obama and PP officials) as more important than all those lives.

You also are wrong in saying that I want to ban someone based on race. What's the matter ? Nobody ever taught you what a question mark means ? There's one in the title of this thread.

I haven't said one way or the other what the sellers (lacking background information) should do, but you did. You said nobody should be banned from gun sales based on race. So you are for gambling with the lives of thousands of schoolkids. I'm not saying if you're right or wrong, but that's the position you have taken here. Take a good hard look at it.
Last edited:
You keep making various claims about the PROMISE program, but I haven't seen any evidence to back those claims up. Can you provide evidence that the program was created by Obama? Can you provide evidence that the program caused minority youths to have their criminal records hidden from background checks, and that it is only minority youths who had their records hidden by the program? From what I've read, the program was a Broward county initiative, and it was about not involving police at all in school incidents, not about kids getting criminal records and then having those records concealed. By not involving the police, there would be no criminal record, therefor nothing to conceal.

I have a perfectly fine understanding of what you're saying, but since what you're saying appears to be based on falsehoods from what I've seen, I've been hoping you would do more than throw out unsubstantiated claims about young minorities and how they should have their second amendment rights denied because you say so. ;)
If you had read the links I provided earlier in the thread, and the links they included too, you would not have needed to ask these questions.o

Go back and read, but first watch the video I just posted. Just to answer one thing for you, then Obama administration gave the Broward schools a $54 million grant. Read the info, I've given you, to find out about that instead of yammering questions .

Also, maybe you're fixated on Obama. I'm not. My concern is to not have more unecessary school shootings.

And in the Wikipedia link I posted, be sure to read the amazing long list of Nicolas Cruz concealed crimes, 45 trips cops made to his house, public forum craziness, psychiatrist analyses, etc, all concealed from his gun seller.

Again, the PROMISE program is a Broward county program. Are you saying only Broward county minorities should be denied their second amendment rights, or all young minorities nationwide? What age criteria do you think should be used, and why? What makes you think that denying someone a Constitutional right, based on their race or ethnicity, would be allowed?

Also again, even according to the Ingraham video, the PROMISE program doesn't conceal crimes from background checks, it allows schools to discipline in-house and avoid involving the police. Is that what you mean by claiming that crimes are concealed from background checks, that they are never actually charged to begin with? Because you may not be aware, but pretty much every adult is going to have committed some crimes during their life for which they are never charged. Perhaps we should simply deny everyone their Constitutional rights based on that?

You can make all the statements you want about how you are just concerned with preventing things like school shootings, but when you title the thread as you did, and focus on young minorities, you are pretty clearly not simply worried about school shootings. And if you really want to avoid the dangers you see in something like the PROMISE program, why wouldn't you just call to end the program, rather than denying Constitutional rights to a group of people based on their age and race?
You keep making various claims about the PROMISE program, but I haven't seen any evidence to back those claims up. Can you provide evidence that the program was created by Obama? Can you provide evidence that the program caused minority youths to have their criminal records hidden from background checks, and that it is only minority youths who had their records hidden by the program? From what I've read, the program was a Broward county initiative, and it was about not involving police at all in school incidents, not about kids getting criminal records and then having those records concealed. By not involving the police, there would be no criminal record, therefor nothing to conceal.

I have a perfectly fine understanding of what you're saying, but since what you're saying appears to be based on falsehoods from what I've seen, I've been hoping you would do more than throw out unsubstantiated claims about young minorities and how they should have their second amendment rights denied because you say so. ;)
If you had read the links I provided earlier in the thread, and the links they included too, you would not have needed to ask these questions.o

Go back and read, but first watch the video I just posted. Just to answer one thing for you, then Obama administration gave the Broward schools a $54 million grant. Read the info, I've given you, to find out about that instead of yammering questions .

Also, maybe you're fixated on Obama. I'm not. My concern is to not have more unecessary school shootings.

And in the Wikipedia link I posted, be sure to read the amazing long list of Nicolas Cruz concealed crimes, 45 trips cops made to his house, public forum craziness, psychiatrist analyses, etc, all concealed from his gun seller.

Again, the PROMISE program is a Broward county program. Are you saying only Broward county minorities should be denied their second amendment rights, or all young minorities nationwide? What age criteria do you think should be used, and why? What makes you think that denying someone a Constitutional right, based on their race or ethnicity, would be allowed?

Also again, even according to the Ingraham video, the PROMISE program doesn't conceal crimes from background checks, it allows schools to discipline in-house and avoid involving the police. Is that what you mean by claiming that crimes are concealed from background checks, that they are never actually charged to begin with? Because you may not be aware, but pretty much every adult is going to have committed some crimes during their life for which they are never charged. Perhaps we should simply deny everyone their Constitutional rights based on that?

You can make all the statements you want about how you are just concerned with preventing things like school shootings, but when you title the thread as you did, and focus on young minorities, you are pretty clearly not simply worried about school shootings. And if you really want to avoid the dangers you see in something like the PROMISE program, why wouldn't you just call to end the program, rather than denying Constitutional rights to a group of people based on their age and race?
So you're concerned about the title of the thread. Well, you wouldn't be if you would just read the OP, and then comprehend the title IN CONTEXT of the full OP.

That 's because the title is just a piece out of the OP. But unlike the OP, the title is short. You can't fit too many words. You read the OP, you put the OP and title together, and then you come here with a good, basic understanding.
You can try to spin all you like, but you are the one asking if people should have a Constitutional right denied based on their age and race/ethnicity. Your reasoning has in no way made that idea any more acceptable. Nor does your own background or experience make it any better of a thought.
You are still not understanding this thread. You seem to be so consumed with the idea of racial discrimination, that you're not grasping the point of this thread.

It's because minorities were chosen by the people who chose them (not me), to be kept away from identification of their crimes, that a question arises of whether to sell guns to them.

You can spin this yourself, by calling what I'm saying "spin", but all I'm doing is asking if guns should or shouldn't be sold to a group of people with criminal records that are not being available for gun sellers to see and know.

This is simple, but while you foam at the mouth over the slightest thought of racial distinctions, you barely touch on the serious subject of this thread.

And through all your pious pontificating, I wonder if you've ever experienced any racial bigotry tossed at you.

But that is NOT what you've been saying. You asked if young minorities should be denied the right to buy guns, not those with criminal records. Unless you are going to argue that all young minorities have criminal records, those are very different things.

In addition, you still have not shown evidence that the PROMISE program either a)extends beyond Broward county, or b)hides criminal records from background checks, as opposed to giving schools the option to not involve police, or even c)only applies to minorities.

Finally, when you make the title of your thread racial, you should probably expect some comments about the racial nature of your premise. :lol:

You can keep insisting this is all about preventing criminals from obtaining guns, but your words in the thread say differently.

You can wonder all you like about whether I've experienced racial bigotry. It doesn't change either the things you've posted, nor the fact that denying a group of people the right to buy guns based on their race or age would be illegally discriminatory, something that ought to be obvious.
In 2018, after a 19-year-old carried out a mass school shooting in Parkland, Florida, the state enacted a law prohibiting minors under age 21 from purchasing firearms.1 The law also prohibits licensed dealers from making or facilitating the sale or transfer of a firearm to a person under 21 years of age.

to little to late

for a state that doesn't require a permit or a license for someone to own a gun.

in 2018 Gov. Rick Scott signed into law raising the minimum age to purchase a firearm to 21 and extending the waiting period to three days in response to the Parkland shooting

Florida which is know as the Gunshine state
and the NRA had rated them an A plus state
As much as I am against gun control, I do believe criminals (those with records) shouldn't be free to buy guns. Their records should be public information, and available to gun sellers.

This wasn't the case with Nicolas Cruz, the Parkland Massacre killer, whose criminal activity was covered up, due to Obama's "Promise Program". Gun sellers, unable to see the Cruz background dirt, freely sold him the guns he used to kill 17 people.

So now we have many young minorities with criminal backgrounds, impervious to background checks. Where do we go from here ? Hopefully, not to more Parkland shootings.
Anyone with a violent criminal background should be denied access to firearms.
If you had read the links I provided earlier in the thread, and the links they included too, you would not have needed to ask these questions.o

Go back and read, but first watch the video I just posted. Just to answer one thing for you, then Obama administration gave the Broward schools a $54 million grant. Read the info, I've given you, to find out about that instead of yammering questions .

Also, maybe you're fixated on Obama. I'm not. My concern is to not have more unecessary school shootings.

And in the Wikipedia link I posted, be sure to read the amazing long list of Nicolas Cruz concealed crimes, 45 trips cops made to his house, public forum craziness, psychiatrist analyses, etc, all concealed from his gun seller.

Again, the PROMISE program is a Broward county program. Are you saying only Broward county minorities should be denied their second amendment rights, or all young minorities nationwide? What age criteria do you think should be used, and why? What makes you think that denying someone a Constitutional right, based on their race or ethnicity, would be allowed?

Also again, even according to the Ingraham video, the PROMISE program doesn't conceal crimes from background checks, it allows schools to discipline in-house and avoid involving the police. Is that what you mean by claiming that crimes are concealed from background checks, that they are never actually charged to begin with? Because you may not be aware, but pretty much every adult is going to have committed some crimes during their life for which they are never charged. Perhaps we should simply deny everyone their Constitutional rights based on that?

You can make all the statements you want about how you are just concerned with preventing things like school shootings, but when you title the thread as you did, and focus on young minorities, you are pretty clearly not simply worried about school shootings. And if you really want to avoid the dangers you see in something like the PROMISE program, why wouldn't you just call to end the program, rather than denying Constitutional rights to a group of people based on their age and race?
If you had read the links I provided earlier in the thread, and the links they included too, you would not have needed to ask these questions.o

Go back and read, but first watch the video I just posted. Just to answer one thing for you, then Obama administration gave the Broward schools a $54 million grant. Read the info, I've given you, to find out about that instead of yammering questions .

Also, maybe you're fixated on Obama. I'm not. My concern is to not have more unecessary school shootings.

And in the Wikipedia link I posted, be sure to read the amazing long list of Nicolas Cruz concealed crimes, 45 trips cops made to his house, public forum craziness, psychiatrist analyses, etc, all concealed from his gun seller.

Again, the PROMISE program is a Broward county program. Are you saying only Broward county minorities should be denied their second amendment rights, or all young minorities nationwide? What age criteria do you think should be used, and why? What makes you think that denying someone a Constitutional right, based on their race or ethnicity, would be allowed?

Also again, even according to the Ingraham video, the PROMISE program doesn't conceal crimes from background checks, it allows schools to discipline in-house and avoid involving the police. Is that what you mean by claiming that crimes are concealed from background checks, that they are never actually charged to begin with? Because you may not be aware, but pretty much every adult is going to have committed some crimes during their life for which they are never charged. Perhaps we should simply deny everyone their Constitutional rights based on that?

You can make all the statements you want about how you are just concerned with preventing things like school shootings, but when you title the thread as you did, and focus on young minorities, you are pretty clearly not simply worried about school shootings. And if you really want to avoid the dangers you see in something like the PROMISE program, why wouldn't you just call to end the program, rather than denying Constitutional rights to a group of people based on their age and race?
So you're concerned about the title of the thread. Well, you wouldn't be if you would just read the OP, and then comprehend the title IN CONTEXT of the full OP.

That 's because the title is just a piece out of the OP. But unlike the OP, the title is short. You can't fit too many words. You read the OP, you put the OP and title together, and then you come here with a good, basic understanding.
You can try to spin all you like, but you are the one asking if people should have a Constitutional right denied based on their age and race/ethnicity. Your reasoning has in no way made that idea any more acceptable. Nor does your own background or experience make it any better of a thought.
You are still not understanding this thread. You seem to be so consumed with the idea of racial discrimination, that you're not grasping the point of this thread.

It's because minorities were chosen by the people who chose them (not me), to be kept away from identification of their crimes, that a question arises of whether to sell guns to them.

You can spin this yourself, by calling what I'm saying "spin", but all I'm doing is asking if guns should or shouldn't be sold to a group of people with criminal records that are not being available for gun sellers to see and know.

This is simple, but while you foam at the mouth over the slightest thought of racial distinctions, you barely touch on the serious subject of this thread.

And through all your pious pontificating, I wonder if you've ever experienced any racial bigotry tossed at you.

But that is NOT what you've been saying. You asked if young minorities should be denied the right to buy guns, not those with criminal records. Unless you are going to argue that all young minorities have criminal records, those are very different things.

In addition, you still have not shown evidence that the PROMISE program either a)extends beyond Broward county, or b)hides criminal records from background checks, as opposed to giving schools the option to not involve police, or even c)only applies to minorities.

Finally, when you make the title of your thread racial, you should probably expect some comments about the racial nature of your premise. :lol:

You can keep insisting this is all about preventing criminals from obtaining guns, but your words in the thread say differently.

You can wonder all you like about whether I've experienced racial bigotry. It doesn't change either the things you've posted, nor the fact that denying a group of people the right to buy guns based on their race or age would be illegally discriminatory, something that ought to be obvious.
No puppy. You're not going to come in here and change the topic to how you want it to be, just because you find racial discrimination to be more important than anything else in the world, and you desire to be the knight in shining armor, to come in and rescue every minority who's threatened with discrimination.

The OP and my posts are clear. Take the thread it is, or get out And there will be a quiz tonight, on all the stuff I've posted, including my links and sublinks. Better get ready. You haven't been looking very knowledgable up to now.
As much as I am against gun control, I do believe criminals (those with records) shouldn't be free to buy guns. Their records should be public information, and available to gun sellers.

This wasn't the case with Nicolas Cruz, the Parkland Massacre killer, whose criminal activity was covered up, due to Obama's "Promise Program". Gun sellers, unable to see the Cruz background dirt, freely sold him the guns he used to kill 17 people.

So now we have many young minorities with criminal backgrounds, impervious to background checks. Where do we go from here ? Hopefully, not to more Parkland shootings.
Anyone with a violent criminal background should be denied access to firearms.
Correct. And young minorities shielded by the Promise Program are NOT denied access to firearms, because they (like Nicolas Cruz) pass their background checks, despite having the worst background anybody ever saw. Problem is the gun sellers don't get to see it.

This is a much bigger problem than just gun sales and mass shooters. What if a kid had child molester crimes in his background, covered up by insane Promise Program loons ? What if that kid, now an adult, applies for jobs working with children ?

Baby sitter. Scout leader, etc. And the parents have no chance to see the true background. What's heavier on the balance scale ? Preventing the minority child molester from being discriminated against, or preventing the children from being molested ?

Well, do gooders. What's your answer to that ? (no deflections)
In 2018, after a 19-year-old carried out a mass school shooting in Parkland, Florida, the state enacted a law prohibiting minors under age 21 from purchasing firearms.1 The law also prohibits licensed dealers from making or facilitating the sale or transfer of a firearm to a person under 21 years of age.

to little to late

for a state that doesn't require a permit or a license for someone to own a gun.

in 2018 Gov. Rick Scott signed into law raising the minimum age to purchase a firearm to 21 and extending the waiting period to three days in response to the Parkland shooting

Florida which is know as the Gunshine state
and the NRA had rated them an A plus state
What does this have to do with the topic of faulty background checks (like Nicolas Cruz), caused by the Promise Program, and many other young, minority criminals and nut jobs, appearing to have clean backgrounds?
Again, the PROMISE program is a Broward county program. Are you saying only Broward county minorities should be denied their second amendment rights, or all young minorities nationwide? What age criteria do you think should be used, and why? What makes you think that denying someone a Constitutional right, based on their race or ethnicity, would be allowed?

Also again, even according to the Ingraham video, the PROMISE program doesn't conceal crimes from background checks, it allows schools to discipline in-house and avoid involving the police. Is that what you mean by claiming that crimes are concealed from background checks, that they are never actually charged to begin with? Because you may not be aware, but pretty much every adult is going to have committed some crimes during their life for which they are never charged. Perhaps we should simply deny everyone their Constitutional rights based on that?

You can make all the statements you want about how you are just concerned with preventing things like school shootings, but when you title the thread as you did, and focus on young minorities, you are pretty clearly not simply worried about school shootings. And if you really want to avoid the dangers you see in something like the PROMISE program, why wouldn't you just call to end the program, rather than denying Constitutional rights to a group of people based on their age and race?
Again, the PROMISE program is a Broward county program. Are you saying only Broward county minorities should be denied their second amendment rights, or all young minorities nationwide? What age criteria do you think should be used, and why? What makes you think that denying someone a Constitutional right, based on their race or ethnicity, would be allowed?

Also again, even according to the Ingraham video, the PROMISE program doesn't conceal crimes from background checks, it allows schools to discipline in-house and avoid involving the police. Is that what you mean by claiming that crimes are concealed from background checks, that they are never actually charged to begin with? Because you may not be aware, but pretty much every adult is going to have committed some crimes during their life for which they are never charged. Perhaps we should simply deny everyone their Constitutional rights based on that?

You can make all the statements you want about how you are just concerned with preventing things like school shootings, but when you title the thread as you did, and focus on young minorities, you are pretty clearly not simply worried about school shootings. And if you really want to avoid the dangers you see in something like the PROMISE program, why wouldn't you just call to end the program, rather than denying Constitutional rights to a group of people based on their age and race?
So you're concerned about the title of the thread. Well, you wouldn't be if you would just read the OP, and then comprehend the title IN CONTEXT of the full OP.

That 's because the title is just a piece out of the OP. But unlike the OP, the title is short. You can't fit too many words. You read the OP, you put the OP and title together, and then you come here with a good, basic understanding.
You can try to spin all you like, but you are the one asking if people should have a Constitutional right denied based on their age and race/ethnicity. Your reasoning has in no way made that idea any more acceptable. Nor does your own background or experience make it any better of a thought.
You are still not understanding this thread. You seem to be so consumed with the idea of racial discrimination, that you're not grasping the point of this thread.

It's because minorities were chosen by the people who chose them (not me), to be kept away from identification of their crimes, that a question arises of whether to sell guns to them.

You can spin this yourself, by calling what I'm saying "spin", but all I'm doing is asking if guns should or shouldn't be sold to a group of people with criminal records that are not being available for gun sellers to see and know.

This is simple, but while you foam at the mouth over the slightest thought of racial distinctions, you barely touch on the serious subject of this thread.

And through all your pious pontificating, I wonder if you've ever experienced any racial bigotry tossed at you.

But that is NOT what you've been saying. You asked if young minorities should be denied the right to buy guns, not those with criminal records. Unless you are going to argue that all young minorities have criminal records, those are very different things.

In addition, you still have not shown evidence that the PROMISE program either a)extends beyond Broward county, or b)hides criminal records from background checks, as opposed to giving schools the option to not involve police, or even c)only applies to minorities.

Finally, when you make the title of your thread racial, you should probably expect some comments about the racial nature of your premise. :lol:

You can keep insisting this is all about preventing criminals from obtaining guns, but your words in the thread say differently.

You can wonder all you like about whether I've experienced racial bigotry. It doesn't change either the things you've posted, nor the fact that denying a group of people the right to buy guns based on their race or age would be illegally discriminatory, something that ought to be obvious.
No puppy. You're not going to come in here and change the topic to how you want it to be, just because you find racial discrimination to be more important than anything else in the world, and you desire to be the knight in shining armor, to come in and rescue every minority who's threatened with discrimination.

The OP and my posts are clear. Take the thread it is, or get out And there will be a quiz tonight, on all the stuff I've posted, including my links and sublinks. Better get ready. You haven't been looking very knowledgable up to now.

LOL. You think you have a lot of control over what other people post, do you? :p

I'm not changing the subject. I'm discussing what you've posted in the thread.

I'm certainly not saving anyone from anything by posting about a silly thread on a message board. Your premise of denying young minorities their second amendment rights because of a local Florida program for schools is clearly not going to happen; no one needs saving anyway. ;)
As much as I am against gun control, I do believe criminals (those with records) shouldn't be free to buy guns. Their records should be public information, and available to gun sellers.

This wasn't the case with Nicolas Cruz, the Parkland Massacre killer, whose criminal activity was covered up, due to Obama's "Promise Program". Gun sellers, unable to see the Cruz background dirt, freely sold him the guns he used to kill 17 people.

So now we have many young minorities with criminal backgrounds, impervious to background checks. Where do we go from here ? Hopefully, not to more Parkland shootings.
Anyone with a violent criminal background should be denied access to firearms.
Correct. And young minorities shielded by the Promise Program are NOT denied access to firearms, because they (like Nicolas Cruz) pass their background checks, despite having the worst background anybody ever saw. Problem is the gun sellers don't get to see it.

This is a much bigger problem than just gun sales and mass shooters. What if a kid had child molester crimes in his background, covered up by insane Promise Program loons ? What if that kid, now an adult, applies for jobs working with children ?

Baby sitter. Scout leader, etc. And the parents have no chance to see the true background. What's heavier on the balance scale ? Preventing the minority child molester from being discriminated against, or preventing the children from being molested ?

Well, do gooders. What's your answer to that ? (no deflections)

Are you now claiming that the PROMISE program prevents child molestation from showing up in a background check?
So you're concerned about the title of the thread. Well, you wouldn't be if you would just read the OP, and then comprehend the title IN CONTEXT of the full OP.

That 's because the title is just a piece out of the OP. But unlike the OP, the title is short. You can't fit too many words. You read the OP, you put the OP and title together, and then you come here with a good, basic understanding.
You can try to spin all you like, but you are the one asking if people should have a Constitutional right denied based on their age and race/ethnicity. Your reasoning has in no way made that idea any more acceptable. Nor does your own background or experience make it any better of a thought.
You are still not understanding this thread. You seem to be so consumed with the idea of racial discrimination, that you're not grasping the point of this thread.

It's because minorities were chosen by the people who chose them (not me), to be kept away from identification of their crimes, that a question arises of whether to sell guns to them.

You can spin this yourself, by calling what I'm saying "spin", but all I'm doing is asking if guns should or shouldn't be sold to a group of people with criminal records that are not being available for gun sellers to see and know.

This is simple, but while you foam at the mouth over the slightest thought of racial distinctions, you barely touch on the serious subject of this thread.

And through all your pious pontificating, I wonder if you've ever experienced any racial bigotry tossed at you.

But that is NOT what you've been saying. You asked if young minorities should be denied the right to buy guns, not those with criminal records. Unless you are going to argue that all young minorities have criminal records, those are very different things.

In addition, you still have not shown evidence that the PROMISE program either a)extends beyond Broward county, or b)hides criminal records from background checks, as opposed to giving schools the option to not involve police, or even c)only applies to minorities.

Finally, when you make the title of your thread racial, you should probably expect some comments about the racial nature of your premise. :lol:

You can keep insisting this is all about preventing criminals from obtaining guns, but your words in the thread say differently.

You can wonder all you like about whether I've experienced racial bigotry. It doesn't change either the things you've posted, nor the fact that denying a group of people the right to buy guns based on their race or age would be illegally discriminatory, something that ought to be obvious.
No puppy. You're not going to come in here and change the topic to how you want it to be, just because you find racial discrimination to be more important than anything else in the world, and you desire to be the knight in shining armor, to come in and rescue every minority who's threatened with discrimination.

The OP and my posts are clear. Take the thread it is, or get out And there will be a quiz tonight, on all the stuff I've posted, including my links and sublinks. Better get ready. You haven't been looking very knowledgable up to now.

LOL. You think you have a lot of control over what other people post, do you? :p

I'm not changing the subject. I'm discussing what you've posted in the thread.

I'm certainly not saving anyone from anything by posting about a silly thread on a message board. Your premise of denying young minorities their second amendment rights because of a local Florida program for schools is clearly not going to happen; no one needs saving anyway. ;)
As much as I am against gun control, I do believe criminals (those with records) shouldn't be free to buy guns. Their records should be public information, and available to gun sellers.

This wasn't the case with Nicolas Cruz, the Parkland Massacre killer, whose criminal activity was covered up, due to Obama's "Promise Program". Gun sellers, unable to see the Cruz background dirt, freely sold him the guns he used to kill 17 people.

So now we have many young minorities with criminal backgrounds, impervious to background checks. Where do we go from here ? Hopefully, not to more Parkland shootings.
Anyone with a violent criminal background should be denied access to firearms.
Correct. And young minorities shielded by the Promise Program are NOT denied access to firearms, because they (like Nicolas Cruz) pass their background checks, despite having the worst background anybody ever saw. Problem is the gun sellers don't get to see it.

This is a much bigger problem than just gun sales and mass shooters. What if a kid had child molester crimes in his background, covered up by insane Promise Program loons ? What if that kid, now an adult, applies for jobs working with children ?

Baby sitter. Scout leader, etc. And the parents have no chance to see the true background. What's heavier on the balance scale ? Preventing the minority child molester from being discriminated against, or preventing the children from being molested ?

Well, do gooders. What's your answer to that ? (no deflections)

Are you now claiming that the PROMISE program prevents child molestation from showing up in a background check?
Possibly. Once you commit to acquiescence to Promises of big Bucks$$, to not report crime to police, anything in this vein can happen. And when the crimes go unreported, as is standard in PP, then they of course never show up in background checks.

This could be true of ANY crime, at any level. Once the behavior becomes routine, limitations wither, in favor of the money flow.
So you're concerned about the title of the thread. Well, you wouldn't be if you would just read the OP, and then comprehend the title IN CONTEXT of the full OP.

That 's because the title is just a piece out of the OP. But unlike the OP, the title is short. You can't fit too many words. You read the OP, you put the OP and title together, and then you come here with a good, basic understanding.
You can try to spin all you like, but you are the one asking if people should have a Constitutional right denied based on their age and race/ethnicity. Your reasoning has in no way made that idea any more acceptable. Nor does your own background or experience make it any better of a thought.
You are still not understanding this thread. You seem to be so consumed with the idea of racial discrimination, that you're not grasping the point of this thread.

It's because minorities were chosen by the people who chose them (not me), to be kept away from identification of their crimes, that a question arises of whether to sell guns to them.

You can spin this yourself, by calling what I'm saying "spin", but all I'm doing is asking if guns should or shouldn't be sold to a group of people with criminal records that are not being available for gun sellers to see and know.

This is simple, but while you foam at the mouth over the slightest thought of racial distinctions, you barely touch on the serious subject of this thread.

And through all your pious pontificating, I wonder if you've ever experienced any racial bigotry tossed at you.

But that is NOT what you've been saying. You asked if young minorities should be denied the right to buy guns, not those with criminal records. Unless you are going to argue that all young minorities have criminal records, those are very different things.

In addition, you still have not shown evidence that the PROMISE program either a)extends beyond Broward county, or b)hides criminal records from background checks, as opposed to giving schools the option to not involve police, or even c)only applies to minorities.

Finally, when you make the title of your thread racial, you should probably expect some comments about the racial nature of your premise. :lol:

You can keep insisting this is all about preventing criminals from obtaining guns, but your words in the thread say differently.

You can wonder all you like about whether I've experienced racial bigotry. It doesn't change either the things you've posted, nor the fact that denying a group of people the right to buy guns based on their race or age would be illegally discriminatory, something that ought to be obvious.
No puppy. You're not going to come in here and change the topic to how you want it to be, just because you find racial discrimination to be more important than anything else in the world, and you desire to be the knight in shining armor, to come in and rescue every minority who's threatened with discrimination.

The OP and my posts are clear. Take the thread it is, or get out And there will be a quiz tonight, on all the stuff I've posted, including my links and sublinks. Better get ready. You haven't been looking very knowledgable up to now.

LOL. You think you have a lot of control over what other people post, do you? :p

I'm not changing the subject. I'm discussing what you've posted in the thread.

I'm certainly not saving anyone from anything by posting about a silly thread on a message board. Your premise of denying young minorities their second amendment rights because of a local Florida program for schools is clearly not going to happen; no one needs saving anyway. ;)
1. I have no idea what you're referring to by the word "premise". My thrust here is a QUESTION (which is the title of the OP). Posters may respond with what they think.

2. No one needs saving ? Yes they do. We all need to be protected by our system of Justice, which includes arresting criminals when they commit crime. We are furthermore saved from their crime by having their reported crimes tabulated in criminal records.

If no crime is reported, and no arrest, then the criminals are still among us instead of in jail, and we are unable to ascertain their criminality as Nicolas Cruz' gun sellers were unable to know his lengthy and nasty record of crimes, antisocial behavior and craziness, including threats to shoot up Marjorie Stoneman HS.

17 people might have been "saved" if the PP had not shielded Cruz from law enforcement, and kept his background hidden.
You can try to spin all you like, but you are the one asking if people should have a Constitutional right denied based on their age and race/ethnicity. Your reasoning has in no way made that idea any more acceptable. Nor does your own background or experience make it any better of a thought.
You are still not understanding this thread. You seem to be so consumed with the idea of racial discrimination, that you're not grasping the point of this thread.

It's because minorities were chosen by the people who chose them (not me), to be kept away from identification of their crimes, that a question arises of whether to sell guns to them.

You can spin this yourself, by calling what I'm saying "spin", but all I'm doing is asking if guns should or shouldn't be sold to a group of people with criminal records that are not being available for gun sellers to see and know.

This is simple, but while you foam at the mouth over the slightest thought of racial distinctions, you barely touch on the serious subject of this thread.

And through all your pious pontificating, I wonder if you've ever experienced any racial bigotry tossed at you.

But that is NOT what you've been saying. You asked if young minorities should be denied the right to buy guns, not those with criminal records. Unless you are going to argue that all young minorities have criminal records, those are very different things.

In addition, you still have not shown evidence that the PROMISE program either a)extends beyond Broward county, or b)hides criminal records from background checks, as opposed to giving schools the option to not involve police, or even c)only applies to minorities.

Finally, when you make the title of your thread racial, you should probably expect some comments about the racial nature of your premise. :lol:

You can keep insisting this is all about preventing criminals from obtaining guns, but your words in the thread say differently.

You can wonder all you like about whether I've experienced racial bigotry. It doesn't change either the things you've posted, nor the fact that denying a group of people the right to buy guns based on their race or age would be illegally discriminatory, something that ought to be obvious.
No puppy. You're not going to come in here and change the topic to how you want it to be, just because you find racial discrimination to be more important than anything else in the world, and you desire to be the knight in shining armor, to come in and rescue every minority who's threatened with discrimination.

The OP and my posts are clear. Take the thread it is, or get out And there will be a quiz tonight, on all the stuff I've posted, including my links and sublinks. Better get ready. You haven't been looking very knowledgable up to now.

LOL. You think you have a lot of control over what other people post, do you? :p

I'm not changing the subject. I'm discussing what you've posted in the thread.

I'm certainly not saving anyone from anything by posting about a silly thread on a message board. Your premise of denying young minorities their second amendment rights because of a local Florida program for schools is clearly not going to happen; no one needs saving anyway. ;)
1. I have no idea what you're referring to by the word "premise". My thrust here is a QUESTION (which is the title of the OP). Posters may respond with what they think.

2. No one needs saving ? Yes they do. We all need to be protected by our system of Justice, which includes arresting criminals when they commit crime. We are furthermore saved from their crime by having their reported crimes tabulated in criminal records.

If no crime is reported, and no arrest, then the criminals are still among us instead of in jail, and we are unable to ascertain their criminality as Nicolas Cruz' gun sellers were unable to know his lengthy and nasty record of crimes, antisocial behavior and craziness, including threats to shoot up Marjorie Stoneman HS.

17 people might have been "saved" if the PP had not shielded Cruz from law enforcement, and kept his background hidden.

And once again I’m left to wonder why, if the PROMISE program is so terrible, you’d ask for discriminatory denial of Constitutional rights for minorities rather than the end of the program.
In 2018, after a 19-year-old carried out a mass school shooting in Parkland, Florida, the state enacted a law prohibiting minors under age 21 from purchasing firearms.1 The law also prohibits licensed dealers from making or facilitating the sale or transfer of a firearm to a person under 21 years of age.

to little to late

for a state that doesn't require a permit or a license for someone to own a gun.

in 2018 Gov. Rick Scott signed into law raising the minimum age to purchase a firearm to 21 and extending the waiting period to three days in response to the Parkland shooting

Florida which is know as the Gunshine state
and the NRA had rated them an A plus state
What does this have to do with the topic of faulty background checks (like Nicolas Cruz), caused by the Promise Program, and many other young, minority criminals and nut jobs, appearing to have clean backgrounds?

because it was the states gun law and with Nicolas Cruz was a factor in his ability to carry out his crimes

In fact since the state has changed the age to 21, then even they recognized that the state gun law age was a major factor and minorities has nothing to do with it.

Age was a major factor and the ability to buy weapons in the Gunshine State and rated A plus state by the NRA

Promise program initiated by the county did not cause the incident because you have to look at causality factors
You are still not understanding this thread. You seem to be so consumed with the idea of racial discrimination, that you're not grasping the point of this thread.

It's because minorities were chosen by the people who chose them (not me), to be kept away from identification of their crimes, that a question arises of whether to sell guns to them.

You can spin this yourself, by calling what I'm saying "spin", but all I'm doing is asking if guns should or shouldn't be sold to a group of people with criminal records that are not being available for gun sellers to see and know.

This is simple, but while you foam at the mouth over the slightest thought of racial distinctions, you barely touch on the serious subject of this thread.

And through all your pious pontificating, I wonder if you've ever experienced any racial bigotry tossed at you.

But that is NOT what you've been saying. You asked if young minorities should be denied the right to buy guns, not those with criminal records. Unless you are going to argue that all young minorities have criminal records, those are very different things.

In addition, you still have not shown evidence that the PROMISE program either a)extends beyond Broward county, or b)hides criminal records from background checks, as opposed to giving schools the option to not involve police, or even c)only applies to minorities.

Finally, when you make the title of your thread racial, you should probably expect some comments about the racial nature of your premise. :lol:

You can keep insisting this is all about preventing criminals from obtaining guns, but your words in the thread say differently.

You can wonder all you like about whether I've experienced racial bigotry. It doesn't change either the things you've posted, nor the fact that denying a group of people the right to buy guns based on their race or age would be illegally discriminatory, something that ought to be obvious.
No puppy. You're not going to come in here and change the topic to how you want it to be, just because you find racial discrimination to be more important than anything else in the world, and you desire to be the knight in shining armor, to come in and rescue every minority who's threatened with discrimination.

The OP and my posts are clear. Take the thread it is, or get out And there will be a quiz tonight, on all the stuff I've posted, including my links and sublinks. Better get ready. You haven't been looking very knowledgable up to now.

LOL. You think you have a lot of control over what other people post, do you? :p

I'm not changing the subject. I'm discussing what you've posted in the thread.

I'm certainly not saving anyone from anything by posting about a silly thread on a message board. Your premise of denying young minorities their second amendment rights because of a local Florida program for schools is clearly not going to happen; no one needs saving anyway. ;)
1. I have no idea what you're referring to by the word "premise". My thrust here is a QUESTION (which is the title of the OP). Posters may respond with what they think.

2. No one needs saving ? Yes they do. We all need to be protected by our system of Justice, which includes arresting criminals when they commit crime. We are furthermore saved from their crime by having their reported crimes tabulated in criminal records.

If no crime is reported, and no arrest, then the criminals are still among us instead of in jail, and we are unable to ascertain their criminality as Nicolas Cruz' gun sellers were unable to know his lengthy and nasty record of crimes, antisocial behavior and craziness, including threats to shoot up Marjorie Stoneman HS.

17 people might have been "saved" if the PP had not shielded Cruz from law enforcement, and kept his background hidden.

And once again I’m left to wonder why, if the PROMISE program is so terrible, you’d ask for discriminatory denial of Constitutional rights for minorities rather than the end of the program.
I've always been for abolition of the Promise Program, as well as penalties for it's perpetrators. Are you feeling OK ?

And I see deceit in your words. You know that I only asked a question about denial of rights, I didn't ask for it.

But it sounds to me like you're willing to put everyone at risk, by selling guns to people without background checks (like Nicolas Cruz). Maybe you'd even hire them as babysitter ? Scout leaders ?
In 2018, after a 19-year-old carried out a mass school shooting in Parkland, Florida, the state enacted a law prohibiting minors under age 21 from purchasing firearms.1 The law also prohibits licensed dealers from making or facilitating the sale or transfer of a firearm to a person under 21 years of age.

to little to late

for a state that doesn't require a permit or a license for someone to own a gun.

in 2018 Gov. Rick Scott signed into law raising the minimum age to purchase a firearm to 21 and extending the waiting period to three days in response to the Parkland shooting

Florida which is know as the Gunshine state
and the NRA had rated them an A plus state
What does this have to do with the topic of faulty background checks (like Nicolas Cruz), caused by the Promise Program, and many other young, minority criminals and nut jobs, appearing to have clean backgrounds?

because it was the states gun law and with Nicolas Cruz was a factor in his ability to carry out his crimes

In fact since the state has changed the age to 21, then even they recognized that the state gun law age was a major factor and minorities has nothing to do with it.

Age was a major factor and the ability to buy weapons in the Gunshine State and rated A plus state by the NRA

Promise program initiated by the county did not cause the incident because you have to look at causality factors
You are dead wrong. The Promise Program had everything to do with Nicolas Cruz and the Parkland Massacre. If the people who sold Cruz his guns would have known 1/10 of his atrocious background, (including published threats to shoot up the school), they would never have sold him this guns.

It was all unknown to them, because of that practice of not reporting, and keeping bad background information hidden.

Obama, Holder, Duncan, Israel, Runcie, et al should be sued for Millions$$, at the very least.

'There Were Failures': Parkland Victims' Families File 22 Lawsuits Alleging Negligence

Parents of MSD Shooting Victim File Lawsuit Against FBI, Federal Government
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