Should Young Minorities Be Allowed To Buy Guns ?

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Yet your first link clearly states

Families of Parkland school shooting victims are filing at least 22 lawsuits against Broward County's school board, sheriff's office and more, alleging they failed to prevent the attack that left 17 people dead and another 17 injured.

In addition to the school district and sheriff's office, other targets in the lawsuits, announced Wednesday, are Henderson Behavioral Health, which provided mental health services to confessed shooter Nikolas Cruz; former Stoneman Douglas security guard Andrew Medina, who was the first to see Cruz on campus but did not call a "code red" lockdown; and former Broward Sheriff's Office Deputy Scot Peterson, the school resource officer who hid during the shooting rather than entering the school building to confront the shooter.

so not one lawsuit against the federal government is mentioned

Your second source mentions the federal government but then clearly only states

Their case says the government, and in particular the FBI, knew that the accused gunman in the case – defendant Nikolas Cruz – had spent time collecting the items he would use in the Valentine's Day shooting and had the "desire and capability" to carry it out.

well no mention of OBama or anything he did

Well any school shooting will have people filing lawsuits, whether there is merit is up to the court .

Still you use this as proof of Obama, Holder, Duncan, Israel, Runcie, et al should be sued for Millions$$, at the very least.

but none of the stories support that position and just goes to show your are grasping at straws

How about this -

if the federal government is sued then it is Trumps federal government as he is the president when the shooting occurred and clearly he had been president for the last 2 years prior to the shooting

Yet he did nothing to stop it

If they sue the FBI then it is on his watch

but that is using your logic and you see how it works
I would give every inner city 60 days to get rid of their illegal guns, the. I would say here is your right to bear arms, we will not restrict it,, let the murders happen for few months.. let the bad die off, do another 6 month gun ban, then reinstate it.. eventually the bad will die off
Yet your first link clearly states

Families of Parkland school shooting victims are filing at least 22 lawsuits against Broward County's school board, sheriff's office and more, alleging they failed to prevent the attack that left 17 people dead and another 17 injured.

In addition to the school district and sheriff's office, other targets in the lawsuits, announced Wednesday, are Henderson Behavioral Health, which provided mental health services to confessed shooter Nikolas Cruz; former Stoneman Douglas security guard Andrew Medina, who was the first to see Cruz on campus but did not call a "code red" lockdown; and former Broward Sheriff's Office Deputy Scot Peterson, the school resource officer who hid during the shooting rather than entering the school building to confront the shooter.

so not one lawsuit against the federal government is mentioned

Your second source mentions the federal government but then clearly only states

Their case says the government, and in particular the FBI, knew that the accused gunman in the case – defendant Nikolas Cruz – had spent time collecting the items he would use in the Valentine's Day shooting and had the "desire and capability" to carry it out.

well no mention of OBama or anything he did

Well any school shooting will have people filing lawsuits, whether there is merit is up to the court .

Still you use this as proof of Obama, Holder, Duncan, Israel, Runcie, et al should be sued for Millions$$, at the very least.

but none of the stories support that position and just goes to show your are grasping at straws

How about this -

if the federal government is sued then it is Trumps federal government as he is the president when the shooting occurred and clearly he had been president for the last 2 years prior to the shooting

Yet he did nothing to stop it

If they sue the FBI then it is on his watch

but that is using your logic and you see how it works
The links are not there as proof that Obama et al should be sued. They are just there for the information they supply. So you don't even know that the Obama administration awarded the BCSD $54 million for their hushing up minority kids' crimes ? You don't know all the praise they gave ?

I don't know what you mean by "stories", but I am assuming (,too generously perhaps) that anyone who is in this thread already knows the involvements of Obama, Holder, Runcie, etc from 2013 and on.

This isn't an educational thread. If you are unaware of the basic facts of this overall issue, you shouldn't be here. Get yourself informed, then post. I'm not your schoolteacher.

You can read from the numerous links and their sublinks that I posted last week in the early pages of this thread.

As for who should be sued, that's up to the plaintiffs. I doubt that they think Trump is much responsible for the Parkland massacre, when the cause of it was the initiation of the Promise Program and the whole idiotic idea of schools not reporting crime to police, thereby nullifying subsequent background "reports", and allowing Cruz to pass his background check, despite having about the worst background anybody could have, including public threats to shoot up the school.

Any attempt to pin this on Trump is just another anti-Trump laughingstock, added to the list of all the other phony ploys.
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I would give every inner city 60 days to get rid of their illegal guns, the. I would say here is your right to bear arms, we will not restrict it,, let the murders happen for few months.. let the bad die off, do another 6 month gun ban, then reinstate it.. eventually the bad will die off

First of all, giving inner cities 60 days to get rid of illegal guns, when they haven't been able to do it in decades, is laughable.

But the idea of letting inner city areas turn into mass chaos in order to kill off criminals is sheer lunacy. How many innocents will die as a result?
Still there is a federal law that bans those who have been convicted of certain crimes from ever possessing firearms which does include domestic violence offenses.

Texas, Under Texas state law a convicted felon may possess a firearm in the residence, in which he lives, once five years have elapsed from the date his sentence was discharged. This means the later of release from prison or parole. This is not true under federal law.

Montana is considered a restorative state, meaning under the Montana Constitution, felons who have completed their sentences and probationary periods have their rights restored — and technically can do things that regular citizens do, including possess a firearm and vote

Alaska - Ten years after completing felony probation, the state no longer bans felons from possessing firearms.
Alaska has no waiting period for the purchase of a handgun, rifle or shotgun. There is no requirement to register any firearm with the state of Alaska.

yet State laws say differently
But with Obama's Promise Program, young minorities like Nicolas Cruz can buy guns ANYTIME, with gun sellers unaware of their criminal background.

Liberal Obama supporters cry out for background checks, but then say nothing when their hero devises a program obliterating these checks, and one of the kids protected, goes out and shoots 34 people, killing 17 of them.

The Broward County Promise Program did not involve any federal agencies or departments, including President Obama.
In 2012, the Obama administration gave the Broward County School District n award of $48 Million for their PP activty.

The Obama administration then awarded the BCSD a $54 Million grant in 2016, for their performance of the Promise Program.

They also involved themselves by issuing public statements highly praising the program.
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I would give every inner city 60 days to get rid of their illegal guns, the. I would say here is your right to bear arms, we will not restrict it,, let the murders happen for few months.. let the bad die off, do another 6 month gun ban, then reinstate it.. eventually the bad will die off

First of all, giving inner cities 60 days to get rid of illegal guns, when they haven't been able to do it in decades, is laughable.

But the idea of letting inner city areas turn into mass chaos in order to kill off criminals is sheer lunacy. How many innocents will die as a result?
Second amendment is our born right.. we can only take away for a short time.. if they want to kill each other then the bad will be eliminated,, god always takes the bad first.
I would give every inner city 60 days to get rid of their illegal guns, the. I would say here is your right to bear arms, we will not restrict it,, let the murders happen for few months.. let the bad die off, do another 6 month gun ban, then reinstate it.. eventually the bad will die off

First of all, giving inner cities 60 days to get rid of illegal guns, when they haven't been able to do it in decades, is laughable.

But the idea of letting inner city areas turn into mass chaos in order to kill off criminals is sheer lunacy. How many innocents will die as a result?
Second amendment is our born right.. we can only take away for a short time.. if they want to kill each other then the bad will be eliminated,, god always takes the bad first.

Like other freedoms and rights, the right to bear arms can be regulated and/or taken away. You have the right to live free. "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness", as it were. But if you commit a crime you can be put in prison. Your rights in prison are seriously limited.
I would give every inner city 60 days to get rid of their illegal guns, the. I would say here is your right to bear arms, we will not restrict it,, let the murders happen for few months.. let the bad die off, do another 6 month gun ban, then reinstate it.. eventually the bad will die off

First of all, giving inner cities 60 days to get rid of illegal guns, when they haven't been able to do it in decades, is laughable.

But the idea of letting inner city areas turn into mass chaos in order to kill off criminals is sheer lunacy. How many innocents will die as a result?
Second amendment is our born right.. we can only take away for a short time.. if they want to kill each other then the bad will be eliminated,, god always takes the bad first.

Like other freedoms and rights, the right to bear arms can be regulated and/or taken away. You have the right to live free. "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness", as it were. But if you commit a crime you can be put in prison. Your rights in prison are seriously limited.
You obviously can’t read
I would give every inner city 60 days to get rid of their illegal guns, the. I would say here is your right to bear arms, we will not restrict it,, let the murders happen for few months.. let the bad die off, do another 6 month gun ban, then reinstate it.. eventually the bad will die off

First of all, giving inner cities 60 days to get rid of illegal guns, when they haven't been able to do it in decades, is laughable.

But the idea of letting inner city areas turn into mass chaos in order to kill off criminals is sheer lunacy. How many innocents will die as a result?
Second amendment is our born right.. we can only take away for a short time.. if they want to kill each other then the bad will be eliminated,, god always takes the bad first.

Like other freedoms and rights, the right to bear arms can be regulated and/or taken away. You have the right to live free. "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness", as it were. But if you commit a crime you can be put in prison. Your rights in prison are seriously limited.
You obviously can’t read

I read quite well.

YOur plan involves getting rid of all illegal guns in 60 days. No idea how you plan to accomplish that. Do you expect the criminals to just turn them over? Or will you have the police do detailed searches of every building in the inner city?

Then, you want to "let the murders happen for a few months". The problem with that is that most criminals are scavengers. They won't attack other, armed criminals. They will attack unarmed citizens. The murders will happen, no doubt. But it won't be the bad guys getting killed. It will be the innocent.

And your last sentence, "god always takes the bad first" is absolute nonsense.
I would give every inner city 60 days to get rid of their illegal guns, the. I would say here is your right to bear arms, we will not restrict it,, let the murders happen for few months.. let the bad die off, do another 6 month gun ban, then reinstate it.. eventually the bad will die off

I am curious. Would you turn in the guns you claim to own? After all, they are, by definition, illegally owned guns.
As much as I am against gun control, I do believe criminals (those with records) shouldn't be free to buy guns. Their records should be public information, and available to gun sellers.

This wasn't the case with Nicolas Cruz, the Parkland Massacre killer, whose criminal activity was covered up, due to Obama's "Promise Program". Gun sellers, unable to see the Cruz background dirt, freely sold him the guns he used to kill 17 people.

So now we have many young minorities with criminal backgrounds, impervious to background checks. Where do we go from here ? Hopefully, not to more Parkland shootings.

so your title was "should young minorities be allowed to buy guns"

and then you immediately SWITCHED IT to....

"young minorities with CRIMINAL RECORDS"

I'm guessing you are a conservative?
As much as I am against gun control, I do believe criminals (those with records) shouldn't be free to buy guns. Their records should be public information, and available to gun sellers.

This wasn't the case with Nicolas Cruz, the Parkland Massacre killer, whose criminal activity was covered up, due to Obama's "Promise Program". Gun sellers, unable to see the Cruz background dirt, freely sold him the guns he used to kill 17 people.

So now we have many young minorities with criminal backgrounds, impervious to background checks. Where do we go from here ? Hopefully, not to more Parkland shootings.

so your title was "should young minorities be allowed to buy guns"

and then you immediately SWITCHED IT to....

"young minorities with CRIMINAL RECORDS"

I'm guessing you are a conservative?

Young minorities shouldn't be able to buy guns if they have a felony record. But then, neither should young whites.
I would give every inner city 60 days to get rid of their illegal guns, the. I would say here is your right to bear arms, we will not restrict it,, let the murders happen for few months.. let the bad die off, do another 6 month gun ban, then reinstate it.. eventually the bad will die off

First of all, giving inner cities 60 days to get rid of illegal guns, when they haven't been able to do it in decades, is laughable.

But the idea of letting inner city areas turn into mass chaos in order to kill off criminals is sheer lunacy. How many innocents will die as a result?
Second amendment is our born right.. we can only take away for a short time.. if they want to kill each other then the bad will be eliminated,, god always takes the bad first.

Like other freedoms and rights, the right to bear arms can be regulated and/or taken away. You have the right to live free. "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness", as it were. But if you commit a crime you can be put in prison. Your rights in prison are seriously limited.
You obviously can’t read

I read quite well.

YOur plan involves getting rid of all illegal guns in 60 days. No idea how you plan to accomplish that. Do you expect the criminals to just turn them over? Or will you have the police do detailed searches of every building in the inner city?

Then, you want to "let the murders happen for a few months". The problem with that is that most criminals are scavengers. They won't attack other, armed criminals. They will attack unarmed citizens. The murders will happen, no doubt. But it won't be the bad guys getting killed. It will be the innocent.

And your last sentence, "god always takes the bad first" is absolute nonsense.
Well cool story
I would give every inner city 60 days to get rid of their illegal guns, the. I would say here is your right to bear arms, we will not restrict it,, let the murders happen for few months.. let the bad die off, do another 6 month gun ban, then reinstate it.. eventually the bad will die off

I am curious. Would you turn in the guns you claim to own? After all, they are, by definition, illegally owned guns.
This has nothing to do with me I’m just the incredible leader these inner cities need
First of all, giving inner cities 60 days to get rid of illegal guns, when they haven't been able to do it in decades, is laughable.

But the idea of letting inner city areas turn into mass chaos in order to kill off criminals is sheer lunacy. How many innocents will die as a result?
Second amendment is our born right.. we can only take away for a short time.. if they want to kill each other then the bad will be eliminated,, god always takes the bad first.

Like other freedoms and rights, the right to bear arms can be regulated and/or taken away. You have the right to live free. "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness", as it were. But if you commit a crime you can be put in prison. Your rights in prison are seriously limited.
You obviously can’t read

I read quite well.

YOur plan involves getting rid of all illegal guns in 60 days. No idea how you plan to accomplish that. Do you expect the criminals to just turn them over? Or will you have the police do detailed searches of every building in the inner city?

Then, you want to "let the murders happen for a few months". The problem with that is that most criminals are scavengers. They won't attack other, armed criminals. They will attack unarmed citizens. The murders will happen, no doubt. But it won't be the bad guys getting killed. It will be the innocent.

And your last sentence, "god always takes the bad first" is absolute nonsense.
Well cool story

Nice dodge.
I would give every inner city 60 days to get rid of their illegal guns, the. I would say here is your right to bear arms, we will not restrict it,, let the murders happen for few months.. let the bad die off, do another 6 month gun ban, then reinstate it.. eventually the bad will die off

I am curious. Would you turn in the guns you claim to own? After all, they are, by definition, illegally owned guns.
This has nothing to do with me I’m just the incredible leader these inner cities need

Not going to answer the question. BTW, good leaders don't exempt themselves from the rules they make. Doing that just makes you a hypocrite, not a leader.
First of all, giving inner cities 60 days to get rid of illegal guns, when they haven't been able to do it in decades, is laughable.

But the idea of letting inner city areas turn into mass chaos in order to kill off criminals is sheer lunacy. How many innocents will die as a result?
Second amendment is our born right.. we can only take away for a short time.. if they want to kill each other then the bad will be eliminated,, god always takes the bad first.

Like other freedoms and rights, the right to bear arms can be regulated and/or taken away. You have the right to live free. "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness", as it were. But if you commit a crime you can be put in prison. Your rights in prison are seriously limited.
You obviously can’t read

I read quite well.

YOur plan involves getting rid of all illegal guns in 60 days. No idea how you plan to accomplish that. Do you expect the criminals to just turn them over? Or will you have the police do detailed searches of every building in the inner city?

Then, you want to "let the murders happen for a few months". The problem with that is that most criminals are scavengers. They won't attack other, armed criminals. They will attack unarmed citizens. The murders will happen, no doubt. But it won't be the bad guys getting killed. It will be the innocent.

And your last sentence, "god always takes the bad first" is absolute nonsense.
Well cool story

So why not tell us how you plan to remove all the illegal guns in 60 days?
Second amendment is our born right.. we can only take away for a short time.. if they want to kill each other then the bad will be eliminated,, god always takes the bad first.

Like other freedoms and rights, the right to bear arms can be regulated and/or taken away. You have the right to live free. "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness", as it were. But if you commit a crime you can be put in prison. Your rights in prison are seriously limited.
You obviously can’t read

I read quite well.

YOur plan involves getting rid of all illegal guns in 60 days. No idea how you plan to accomplish that. Do you expect the criminals to just turn them over? Or will you have the police do detailed searches of every building in the inner city?

Then, you want to "let the murders happen for a few months". The problem with that is that most criminals are scavengers. They won't attack other, armed criminals. They will attack unarmed citizens. The murders will happen, no doubt. But it won't be the bad guys getting killed. It will be the innocent.

And your last sentence, "god always takes the bad first" is absolute nonsense.
Well cool story

So why not tell us how you plan to remove all the illegal guns in 60 days?
We tell them the gun ban will be released in 60 days, you will treated with respect and be allowed to use the 2nd amendment, we will release the police state you live under also in 60 days.. turn your guns in..
then after 60 days we will give everyone a toll for protection. Period
Like other freedoms and rights, the right to bear arms can be regulated and/or taken away. You have the right to live free. "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness", as it were. But if you commit a crime you can be put in prison. Your rights in prison are seriously limited.
You obviously can’t read

I read quite well.

YOur plan involves getting rid of all illegal guns in 60 days. No idea how you plan to accomplish that. Do you expect the criminals to just turn them over? Or will you have the police do detailed searches of every building in the inner city?

Then, you want to "let the murders happen for a few months". The problem with that is that most criminals are scavengers. They won't attack other, armed criminals. They will attack unarmed citizens. The murders will happen, no doubt. But it won't be the bad guys getting killed. It will be the innocent.

And your last sentence, "god always takes the bad first" is absolute nonsense.
Well cool story

So why not tell us how you plan to remove all the illegal guns in 60 days?
We tell them the gun ban will be released in 60 days, you will treated with respect and be allowed to use the 2nd amendment, we will release the police state you live under also in 60 days.. turn your guns in..
then after 60 days we will give everyone a toll for protection. Period

First of all, if you expect criminals to trust the gov't and turn in their guns, you are just naive.

"then after 60 days we will give everyone a toll for protection" What? What toll will protect anyone?
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