Should Young Minorities Be Allowed To Buy Guns ?

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Honestly no one with a Felony Conviction or any form of Domestic Abuse should be allow to own a firearm no matter their race, religion or sex.

The failure to stop Cruz fall on the LEO and their programs and that is why I have stated we do not need anymore laws but what we need to do is enforce the ones we have, stiffer sentences for domestic abuse and violent crimes and require agencies from Federal to Local to share data and if a failure occurs then be held accountable for their failure.

Again, for me the race, sex or religion of the individual matter not but the severity of the crime does.

Someone who has been convicted of any violent crime that results in a Felony conviction should never be allow to own a gun!

As for a misdemeanor crime that is of a violent nature there should be a probation period and for me it would be ten years.

Simple as that...
Looking back at my post, I see a gross misspelling which completely alters the tone to a darker racist one which is wrong. While typing I misspelled minors and typed minorities. Sorry about that. Any and all minorities that are not criminals can indeed purchase firearms, unless they are MINORS.
As well as those who ARE criminals, with a criminal record, if they are/were in schools utilizing the Promise Program.

The Promise Program only effects students with misdemeanor records. And, other than Domestic Abuse, no misdemeanor records prevent the purchase of a firearm.
I wrote a series of OPs on the Promise Program, but they were quite a while ago. I'll look it over again over the next few days + Florida firearm laws.

And how do you know about Florida law, when you live in Georgia ?

How would anyone know a law from another State?

You look it up and read it...
Great. Now how about answering the question of the title of the thread ?

1. If you have any issue with what I wrote feel free to report it and have a Moderator deal with the issue because you are no one to demand anything at all!

2. It was your ignorant comment to winterborn that caused me to respond with the fact you can look up the law to see what it is from State to State.

3. Your thread is about denying someone based on race which make this thread about your bigotry and not reality!

4. No one no matter race, sex or religion should be allow to own a goddamn firearm if they have committed a violent felony and if a misdemeanor it should be a ten year probation until they are able to buy a firearm again.

5. The Program you are blaming Obama for was a local Program and not Federal, so blame the Local Authorities but you can not and need to blame a mixed race man for the LEO failure!
As well as those who ARE criminals, with a criminal record, if they are/were in schools utilizing the Promise Program.

The Promise Program only effects students with misdemeanor records. And, other than Domestic Abuse, no misdemeanor records prevent the purchase of a firearm.
I wrote a series of OPs on the Promise Program, but they were quite a while ago. I'll look it over again over the next few days + Florida firearm laws.

And how do you know about Florida law, when you live in Georgia ?

How would anyone know a law from another State?

You look it up and read it...
Great. Now how about answering the question of the title of the thread ?

1. If you have any issue with what I wrote feel free to report it and have a Moderator deal with the issue because you are no one to demand anything at all!

2. It was your ignorant comment to winterborn that caused me to respond with the fact you can look up the law to see what it is from State to State.

3. Your thread is about denying someone based on race which make this thread about your bigotry and not reality!

4. No one no matter race, sex or religion should be allow to own a goddamn firearm if they have committed a violent felony and if a misdemeanor it should be a ten year probation until they are able to buy a firearm again.

5. The Program you are blaming Obama for was a local Program and not Federal, so blame the Local Authorities but you can not and need to blame a mixed race man for the LEO failure!

Well said. Thanks.
As much as I am against gun control, I do believe criminals (those with records) shouldn't be free to buy guns. Their records should be public information, and available to gun sellers.

This wasn't the case with Nicolas Cruz, the Parkland Massacre killer, whose criminal activity was covered up, due to Obama's "Promise Program". Gun sellers, unable to see the Cruz background dirt, freely sold him the guns he used to kill 17 people.

So now we have many young minorities with criminal backgrounds, impervious to background checks. Where do we go from here ? Hopefully, not to more Parkland shootings.
You've spent your entire life voting for the Nicolas Cruz's of the world to be able to get guns. And you still are.
Absolutely not. I have never advocated for those with criminal records to buy guns.
Looks like you don’t have a problem with white kids owning guns.
Why is that?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Read the OP, lazybones, so as to avoid asking stupid questions. This thread is for smart people

It can't be. YOu started it and you are known to be a dumbass.

Wait, does calling you a dumbass qualify as a crime that would prevent me from buying a gun?
Wow. Did your feelings get hurt somewhere along the line, here ? Or maybe from the past. Something you couldn't quite get over ?

The thread is not only for smart people, it's for those able to exercise a modicum of mature, self-control.

Maybe I should play another soothing tune on the mandolin again, to calm you down. :chillpill::flameth::flameth::flameth:
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You've spent your entire life voting for the Nicolas Cruz's of the world to be able to get guns. And you still are.
Absolutely not. I have never advocated for those with criminal records to buy guns.
Looks like you don’t have a problem with white kids owning guns.
Why is that?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Read the OP, lazybones, so as to avoid asking stupid questions. This thread is for smart people

It can't be. YOu started it and you are known to be a dumbass.

Wait, does calling you a dumbass qualify as a crime that would prevent me from buying a gun?
Wow. Did your feelings get hurt somewhere along the line, here ? Or maybe from the past. Something you couldn't quite get over ?

The thread is not only for smart people, it's for those able to exercise a modicum of mature, self-control.

I have plenty of self-control. I also enjoy fucking with an ignorant, self-centered racist, on occasion. I am sure you hope some of your stupider comments are forgotten. They aren't. They come back to haunt you. And that includes your claim that, after you were called a "dumbass", you kept talking about how you called the Sheriff's office and the poster was going to be arrested. YOu even said the Sheriff's Dept told you they were going to arrest them.
As well as those who ARE criminals, with a criminal record, if they are/were in schools utilizing the Promise Program.

The Promise Program only effects students with misdemeanor records. And, other than Domestic Abuse, no misdemeanor records prevent the purchase of a firearm.
I wrote a series of OPs on the Promise Program, but they were quite a while ago. I'll look it over again over the next few days + Florida firearm laws.

And how do you know about Florida law, when you live in Georgia ?

How would anyone know a law from another State?

You look it up and read it...
Great. Now how about answering the question of the title of the thread ?

1. If you have any issue with what I wrote feel free to report it and have a Moderator deal with the issue because you are no one to demand anything at all!

2. It was your ignorant comment to winterborn that caused me to respond with the fact you can look up the law to see what it is from State to State.

3. Your thread is about denying someone based on race which make this thread about your bigotry and not reality!

4. No one no matter race, sex or religion should be allow to own a goddamn firearm if they have committed a violent felony and if a misdemeanor it should be a ten year probation until they are able to buy a firearm again.

5. The Program you are blaming Obama for was a local Program and not Federal, so blame the Local Authorities but you can not and need to blame a mixed race man for the LEO failure!
1. I have no need or wish to contact any moderators about anything you've said, nor did I indicate that in any way. If I have any issue with anything you say, I'll report it to you, and I don't need coaching about how I respond.

2. I don't care your comment about looking up laws. I've already responded to that. Done

3. You miss the point of the thread. It is about PROTECTION of the public. Race distinction is merely part of the overall scenario, and it was introduced by Obama and his people, and OK'd by Broward County people, as well as similar PPs around the country, I think I recall reading.

4. I agree with that, and don't think I've ever indicated disagreement in this thread.

5. It would be awfully strange if I were blaming somebody for something, based on him being "mixed race", since I am mixed race myself, as was stated earlier in the thread, and 100 times in this forum over the last 6 years.
As for local and federal, I've already addressed that previously here.

6. No, it was NOT a "well said" post.
Absolutely not. I have never advocated for those with criminal records to buy guns.
Looks like you don’t have a problem with white kids owning guns.
Why is that?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Read the OP, lazybones, so as to avoid asking stupid questions. This thread is for smart people

It can't be. YOu started it and you are known to be a dumbass.

Wait, does calling you a dumbass qualify as a crime that would prevent me from buying a gun?
Wow. Did your feelings get hurt somewhere along the line, here ? Or maybe from the past. Something you couldn't quite get over ?

The thread is not only for smart people, it's for those able to exercise a modicum of mature, self-control.

I have plenty of self-control. I also enjoy fucking with an ignorant, self-centered racist, on occasion. I am sure you hope some of your stupider comments are forgotten. They aren't. They come back to haunt you. And that includes your claim that, after you were called a "dumbass", you kept talking about how you called the Sheriff's office and the poster was going to be arrested. YOu even said the Sheriff's Dept told you they were going to arrest them.
Not interested in your Sheriff Dept talk. Ho hum. No, you don't have mature self-control. Now you're adding the f bomb, and calling me a racist, which shows you can't discern what's being said here, or you just can't control yourself.

The people who engineered the Promise Program, are the ones who made this about race. They are also the ones who came up with the assinine idea of concealing criminal records.

And they are the ones who put some perspective about race above the safety of the public, giving us 17 needless deaths, that could/should have been avoided.

No gun seller should be deprived of seeing any criminal record of anyone. But since the Obamans and Broward County people chose to do that, and made it about race, that now is the problem we have had given to us, thus the title of this OP ? Get it ?
Honestly no one with a Felony Conviction or any form of Domestic Abuse should be allow to own a firearm no matter their race, religion or sex.

The failure to stop Cruz fall on the LEO and their programs and that is why I have stated we do not need anymore laws but what we need to do is enforce the ones we have, stiffer sentences for domestic abuse and violent crimes and require agencies from Federal to Local to share data and if a failure occurs then be held accountable for their failure.

Again, for me the race, sex or religion of the individual matter not but the severity of the crime does.

Someone who has been convicted of any violent crime that results in a Felony conviction should never be allow to own a gun!

As for a misdemeanor crime that is of a violent nature there should be a probation period and for me it would be ten years.

Simple as that...
I don't disagree with any of that, nor have I during this thread. The only things I would take issue with is your non-mention of the Promise Program, and how we are to deal with IT now.

It was not dealt with up to the time of the Parkland slayings. I don't even know if this crazy thing is still in effect now. Do you ?
Let me make sure I'm understanding the premise here. You don't want people with criminal records to be able to buy guns (What sort of criminal record, by the way? You don't specify), so you think young minorities should be prevented from buying guns? Is that it?
He's basically trying to imply that all young minorities have criminal records.
Let me make sure I'm understanding the premise here. You don't want people with criminal records to be able to buy guns (What sort of criminal record, by the way? You don't specify), so you think young minorities should be prevented from buying guns? Is that it?
He's basically trying to imply that all young minorities have criminal records.
This thread could be setting a USMB record for number of misinterpretations, unless they are just pretending to be that. I find myself hesitating to dignify some of these comments with the dignity of a response.

Anyway, it would be strange for me to imply that "all young minorities have criminal records", since 50 years ago, I was a young minority, and I've never had a criminal record.

Secondly, I never imply, insinuate, or infer anything. If I have something to say, I simply say it. :biggrin:
I just want to confirm what you're trying to say before I comment. It's a bit hard to understand why, if your problem is with criminals buying guns, you'd limit a ban to young minorities. It makes it seem that you are really concerned with minorities rather than criminals.

That's not taking into account the absurdity of the idea that one might successfully ban only minorities from owning guns, of course.
Did you read the OP ? Never comment in a thread without reading the OP, and understanding it fully.

All that you're asking about is in the OP (Promise Program , Nicolas Cruz, etc).

Yes, I read the OP. I also read the title you made for the thread. The OP doesn't explain why you'd want to specifically prevent young minorities from owning guns, rather than just criminals. And of course, the thread title doesn't mention criminals at all, just young minorities. So again, I'm trying to clarify what you're saying. Do you oppose young minorities being able to purchase guns? Do you only oppose criminals being able to purchase guns? Do you think all young minorities are criminals? Is there a reason you seem hesitant to make such clarifications?
You seem to be the only one in this thread having trouble understanding the OP. Maybe you might try a course in reading comprehension.

In the OP very first sentence, I stated that I'm opposed to criminals buying guns. I also stated that due to the Promise Program criminals with crime records are impervious to background checks, because their records are concealed.

So the question then is, since gun sellers cannot determine the backgrounds of PP kids, should all young minorities (the PP designation) be kept from buying guns (in order to stop the criminal, young minorities from buying them.

Or do we want to gamble, with another Parkland massacre as the stakes. Got it ?

OK, so are you saying you only want to prevent minority students in Broward county public schools from purchasing guns? Aren't those the ones who fell under the PROMISE program? Or are you claiming the program is nationwide?

Do you have any evidence that the program not only makes it so that "criminals with crime records are impervious to background checks, because their records are concealed," but that this concealing only happens with minority criminals?

And of course no, you can't prevent people from exercising their second amendment right based on their race or ethnicity.
Obviously you don't have even a basic understanding of this thread or its subject matter. The Promise Program only applies to minority schoolkids with criminal records.

As for "based on their race or ethnicity", that came from the Obamans, when they created the Promise Program.

Always remember, US governments first duty is to PROTECT the American people, not moan about "can't do". If minorities were prevented from buying guns, it would be because their records are concealed, not because they are minorities, per se (which I happen to be one myself, incidentally)

You keep making various claims about the PROMISE program, but I haven't seen any evidence to back those claims up. Can you provide evidence that the program was created by Obama? Can you provide evidence that the program caused minority youths to have their criminal records hidden from background checks, and that it is only minority youths who had their records hidden by the program? From what I've read, the program was a Broward county initiative, and it was about not involving police at all in school incidents, not about kids getting criminal records and then having those records concealed. By not involving the police, there would be no criminal record, therefor nothing to conceal.

I have a perfectly fine understanding of what you're saying, but since what you're saying appears to be based on falsehoods from what I've seen, I've been hoping you would do more than throw out unsubstantiated claims about young minorities and how they should have their second amendment rights denied because you say so. ;)
As much as I am against gun control, I do believe criminals (those with records) shouldn't be free to buy guns. Their records should be public information, and available to gun sellers.

This wasn't the case with Nicolas Cruz, the Parkland Massacre killer, whose criminal activity was covered up, due to Obama's "Promise Program". Gun sellers, unable to see the Cruz background dirt, freely sold him the guns he used to kill 17 people.

So now we have many young minorities with criminal backgrounds, impervious to background checks. Where do we go from here ? Hopefully, not to more Parkland shootings.

Why am I not surprised that you equate minorities with criminals?

See you could have had a thread stating that you were opposed to convicted criminals being allowed to legally buy guns- which would cover both whites and minorities- and young and old- but you chose to ask whether young minorities should be allowed to buy guns.

So I guess the question is- why exactly do you think we should deny a young law abiding black woman from buying a gun?

Myself- I think that the gun laws should apply equally to every adult- regardless of age or race.
A great many false perceptions can be avoided, making this a much better thread, if everyone would watch this 4 minute video.

Ingraham: 'PROMISE Program' Hailed By Obama Admin Led to Florida Schools Ignoring Violent Students

A video?

This thread was started with a false premise other than your clear desire to prevent law abiding 'young minorities' from buying guns.
1. The title is a QUESTION, not a "desire".

2. Yes, a video. Watch it, so you gave some idea of what you're talking about.
As much as I am against gun control, I do believe criminals (those with records) shouldn't be free to buy guns. Their records should be public information, and available to gun sellers.

This wasn't the case with Nicolas Cruz, the Parkland Massacre killer, whose criminal activity was covered up, due to Obama's "Promise Program". Gun sellers, unable to see the Cruz background dirt, freely sold him the guns he used to kill 17 people.

So now we have many young minorities with criminal backgrounds, impervious to background checks. Where do we go from here ? Hopefully, not to more Parkland shootings.

Why am I not surprised that you equate minorities with criminals?

See you could have had a thread stating that you were opposed to convicted criminals being allowed to legally buy guns- which would cover both whites and minorities- and young and old- but you chose to ask whether young minorities should be allowed to buy guns.

So I guess the question is- why exactly do you think we should deny a young law abiding black woman from buying a gun?

Myself- I think that the gun laws should apply equally to every adult- regardless of age or race.
It looks like you haven't READ THE OP, you haven't read the thread, you just come tumbling in here unaware of subject matter, and are babbling jibberish.

It's about the Promise Program, you negligent, irresponsible poster.
Did you read the OP ? Never comment in a thread without reading the OP, and understanding it fully.

All that you're asking about is in the OP (Promise Program , Nicolas Cruz, etc).

Yes, I read the OP. I also read the title you made for the thread. The OP doesn't explain why you'd want to specifically prevent young minorities from owning guns, rather than just criminals. And of course, the thread title doesn't mention criminals at all, just young minorities. So again, I'm trying to clarify what you're saying. Do you oppose young minorities being able to purchase guns? Do you only oppose criminals being able to purchase guns? Do you think all young minorities are criminals? Is there a reason you seem hesitant to make such clarifications?
You seem to be the only one in this thread having trouble understanding the OP. Maybe you might try a course in reading comprehension.

In the OP very first sentence, I stated that I'm opposed to criminals buying guns. I also stated that due to the Promise Program criminals with crime records are impervious to background checks, because their records are concealed.

So the question then is, since gun sellers cannot determine the backgrounds of PP kids, should all young minorities (the PP designation) be kept from buying guns (in order to stop the criminal, young minorities from buying them.

Or do we want to gamble, with another Parkland massacre as the stakes. Got it ?

OK, so are you saying you only want to prevent minority students in Broward county public schools from purchasing guns? Aren't those the ones who fell under the PROMISE program? Or are you claiming the program is nationwide?

Do you have any evidence that the program not only makes it so that "criminals with crime records are impervious to background checks, because their records are concealed," but that this concealing only happens with minority criminals?

And of course no, you can't prevent people from exercising their second amendment right based on their race or ethnicity.
Obviously you don't have even a basic understanding of this thread or its subject matter. The Promise Program only applies to minority schoolkids with criminal records.

As for "based on their race or ethnicity", that came from the Obamans, when they created the Promise Program.

Always remember, US governments first duty is to PROTECT the American people, not moan about "can't do". If minorities were prevented from buying guns, it would be because their records are concealed, not because they are minorities, per se (which I happen to be one myself, incidentally)

You keep making various claims about the PROMISE program, but I haven't seen any evidence to back those claims up. Can you provide evidence that the program was created by Obama? Can you provide evidence that the program caused minority youths to have their criminal records hidden from background checks, and that it is only minority youths who had their records hidden by the program? From what I've read, the program was a Broward county initiative, and it was about not involving police at all in school incidents, not about kids getting criminal records and then having those records concealed. By not involving the police, there would be no criminal record, therefor nothing to conceal.

I have a perfectly fine understanding of what you're saying, but since what you're saying appears to be based on falsehoods from what I've seen, I've been hoping you would do more than throw out unsubstantiated claims about young minorities and how they should have their second amendment rights denied because you say so. ;)
If you had read the links I provided earlier in the thread, and the links they included too, you would not have needed to ask these questions.o

Go back and read, but first watch the video I just posted. Just to answer one thing for you, then Obama administration gave the Broward schools a $54 million grant. Read the info, I've given you, to find out about that instead of yammering questions .

Also, maybe you're fixated on Obama. I'm not. My concern is to not have more unecessary school shootings.

And in the Wikipedia link I posted, in it's subsection entitled "Suspect",to be sure to read the amazing long list of Nicolas Cruz concealed crimes, 45 trips cops made to his house, public forum craziness, psychiatrist analyses, etc, all concealed from his gun seller.

Stoneman Douglas High School shooting - Wikipedia
Yes, I read the OP. I also read the title you made for the thread. The OP doesn't explain why you'd want to specifically prevent young minorities from owning guns, rather than just criminals. And of course, the thread title doesn't mention criminals at all, just young minorities. So again, I'm trying to clarify what you're saying. Do you oppose young minorities being able to purchase guns? Do you only oppose criminals being able to purchase guns? Do you think all young minorities are criminals? Is there a reason you seem hesitant to make such clarifications?
You seem to be the only one in this thread having trouble understanding the OP. Maybe you might try a course in reading comprehension.

In the OP very first sentence, I stated that I'm opposed to criminals buying guns. I also stated that due to the Promise Program criminals with crime records are impervious to background checks, because their records are concealed.

So the question then is, since gun sellers cannot determine the backgrounds of PP kids, should all young minorities (the PP designation) be kept from buying guns (in order to stop the criminal, young minorities from buying them.

Or do we want to gamble, with another Parkland massacre as the stakes. Got it ?

OK, so are you saying you only want to prevent minority students in Broward county public schools from purchasing guns? Aren't those the ones who fell under the PROMISE program? Or are you claiming the program is nationwide?

Do you have any evidence that the program not only makes it so that "criminals with crime records are impervious to background checks, because their records are concealed," but that this concealing only happens with minority criminals?

And of course no, you can't prevent people from exercising their second amendment right based on their race or ethnicity.
Obviously you don't have even a basic understanding of this thread or its subject matter. The Promise Program only applies to minority schoolkids with criminal records.

As for "based on their race or ethnicity", that came from the Obamans, when they created the Promise Program.

Always remember, US governments first duty is to PROTECT the American people, not moan about "can't do". If minorities were prevented from buying guns, it would be because their records are concealed, not because they are minorities, per se (which I happen to be one myself, incidentally)

You keep making various claims about the PROMISE program, but I haven't seen any evidence to back those claims up. Can you provide evidence that the program was created by Obama? Can you provide evidence that the program caused minority youths to have their criminal records hidden from background checks, and that it is only minority youths who had their records hidden by the program? From what I've read, the program was a Broward county initiative, and it was about not involving police at all in school incidents, not about kids getting criminal records and then having those records concealed. By not involving the police, there would be no criminal record, therefor nothing to conceal.

I have a perfectly fine understanding of what you're saying, but since what you're saying appears to be based on falsehoods from what I've seen, I've been hoping you would do more than throw out unsubstantiated claims about young minorities and how they should have their second amendment rights denied because you say so. ;)
If you had read the links I provided earlier in the thread, and the links they included too, you would not have needed to ask these questions.o

Go back and read, but first watch the video I just posted. Just to answer one thing for you, then Obama administration gave the Broward schools a $54 million grant. Read the info, I've given you, to find out about that instead of yammering questions .

Also, maybe you're fixated on Obama. I'm not. My concern is to not have more unecessary school shootings.

And in the Wikipedia link I posted, be sure to read the amazing long list of Nicolas Cruz concealed crimes, 45 trips cops made to his house, public forum craziness, psychiatrist analyses, etc, all concealed from his gun seller.

Again, the PROMISE program is a Broward county program. Are you saying only Broward county minorities should be denied their second amendment rights, or all young minorities nationwide? What age criteria do you think should be used, and why? What makes you think that denying someone a Constitutional right, based on their race or ethnicity, would be allowed?

Also again, even according to the Ingraham video, the PROMISE program doesn't conceal crimes from background checks, it allows schools to discipline in-house and avoid involving the police. Is that what you mean by claiming that crimes are concealed from background checks, that they are never actually charged to begin with? Because you may not be aware, but pretty much every adult is going to have committed some crimes during their life for which they are never charged. Perhaps we should simply deny everyone their Constitutional rights based on that?

You can make all the statements you want about how you are just concerned with preventing things like school shootings, but when you title the thread as you did, and focus on young minorities, you are pretty clearly not simply worried about school shootings. And if you really want to avoid the dangers you see in something like the PROMISE program, why wouldn't you just call to end the program, rather than denying Constitutional rights to a group of people based on their age and race?
Looks like you don’t have a problem with white kids owning guns.
Why is that?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Read the OP, lazybones, so as to avoid asking stupid questions. This thread is for smart people

It can't be. YOu started it and you are known to be a dumbass.

Wait, does calling you a dumbass qualify as a crime that would prevent me from buying a gun?
Wow. Did your feelings get hurt somewhere along the line, here ? Or maybe from the past. Something you couldn't quite get over ?

The thread is not only for smart people, it's for those able to exercise a modicum of mature, self-control.

I have plenty of self-control. I also enjoy fucking with an ignorant, self-centered racist, on occasion. I am sure you hope some of your stupider comments are forgotten. They aren't. They come back to haunt you. And that includes your claim that, after you were called a "dumbass", you kept talking about how you called the Sheriff's office and the poster was going to be arrested. YOu even said the Sheriff's Dept told you they were going to arrest them.
Not interested in your Sheriff Dept talk. Ho hum. No, you don't have mature self-control. Now you're adding the f bomb, and calling me a racist, which shows you can't discern what's being said here, or you just can't control yourself.

The people who engineered the Promise Program, are the ones who made this about race. They are also the ones who came up with the assinine idea of concealing criminal records.

And they are the ones who put some perspective about race above the safety of the public, giving us 17 needless deaths, that could/should have been avoided.

No gun seller should be deprived of seeing any criminal record of anyone. But since the Obamans and Broward County people chose to do that, and made it about race, that now is the problem we have had given to us, thus the title of this OP ? Get it ?

Reading is still not your strong suit, huh?

You claimed you called the Sheriff's Dept because someone called you a dumbass. YOU claimed the person who called you a dumbass on these forums was going to be arrested.
Read the OP, lazybones, so as to avoid asking stupid questions. This thread is for smart people

It can't be. YOu started it and you are known to be a dumbass.

Wait, does calling you a dumbass qualify as a crime that would prevent me from buying a gun?
Wow. Did your feelings get hurt somewhere along the line, here ? Or maybe from the past. Something you couldn't quite get over ?

The thread is not only for smart people, it's for those able to exercise a modicum of mature, self-control.

I have plenty of self-control. I also enjoy fucking with an ignorant, self-centered racist, on occasion. I am sure you hope some of your stupider comments are forgotten. They aren't. They come back to haunt you. And that includes your claim that, after you were called a "dumbass", you kept talking about how you called the Sheriff's office and the poster was going to be arrested. YOu even said the Sheriff's Dept told you they were going to arrest them.
Not interested in your Sheriff Dept talk. Ho hum. No, you don't have mature self-control. Now you're adding the f bomb, and calling me a racist, which shows you can't discern what's being said here, or you just can't control yourself.

The people who engineered the Promise Program, are the ones who made this about race. They are also the ones who came up with the assinine idea of concealing criminal records.

And they are the ones who put some perspective about race above the safety of the public, giving us 17 needless deaths, that could/should have been avoided.

No gun seller should be deprived of seeing any criminal record of anyone. But since the Obamans and Broward County people chose to do that, and made it about race, that now is the problem we have had given to us, thus the title of this OP ? Get it ?

Reading is still not your strong suit, huh?

You claimed you called the Sheriff's Dept because someone called you a dumbass. YOU claimed the person who called you a dumbass on these forums was going to be arrested.
Off topic, and I'm only interested in discussing the topic. I' m a bit disappointed that your posts have diverged from good ones about background checks.

Over some years, despite our differences of opinion, I have found you to be a relatively outstanding poster, who typically presents factual material worthy of being rated "Informative". I'm rooting for you to get back to that. This is an important thread, as minorities, we can have a positive voice to help this overall situation.

Like I said a while ago, I don't even know if the Promise Program is still active in Broward or other places. This is a good time and place for updates and information to come forth, along with the OP question. That's what we need to be doing, rather than whatever else.

PS- to all those posters ragging at me about race, I wonder if they have ever taken racial insults as I have, and told to shut up when talking in Spanish, just for a minute or 2.
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