Shouldn’t Kamala Harris be Indicted for Encouraging BLM riots?

Look it up I'm not here to do your work for you
So you can't produce it either? Not surprising, nobody else can either, because it simply doesn't exist. Never once did she encouraged anyone to help bail out rioters. But feel free to prove me wrong with a quote if you can.
So you can't produce it either? Not surprising, nobody else can either, because it simply doesn't exist. Never once did she encouraged anyone to help bail out rioters. But feel free to prove me wrong with a quote if you can.
You can't find it on the web? What kind of an idiot are you? Damn no wonder this country isn't so much trouble.
You can't find it on the web? What kind of an idiot are you? Damn no wonder this country isn't so much trouble.
I understand your condition. You think the Art of Insulting is somehow political discussion. Like I said it simply doesn't exist in the real world or on the web. Where and when did she encourage riots? Could it be that when she was talking about protests and the fake news conflated the two for you? That's my guess.
I understand your condition. You think the Art of Insulting is somehow political discussion. Like I said it simply doesn't exist in the real world or on the web. Where and when did she encourage riots? Could it be that when she was talking about protests and the fake news conflated the two for you? That's my guess.
You can't find it on the web? Do you have Duck Duck Go? It's widely known. Just look backwards in this thread. Prove to me that you are not as dumb as I think you are
Did you read the article? It's kind of damning to your handlers. You're being lied to. Nothing new, which of these hoaxes did you fall for, probably all of them
You can't find it on the web? Do you have Duck Duck Go? It's widely known. Just look backwards in this thread. Prove to me that you are not as dumb as I think you are
Correct, it is no where on the web. I searched and searched for Harris encouraging rioters and all any engine ever points to is her lone tweet about protesters and/or the Colbert interview where she talks about the protests, or some lying hacks like Faux "Not News" who conflates protest with riots. I accept your concession that you can't find it either and you're afraid to link to her lone tweet.

Correct, it is no where on the web. I searched and searched for Harris encouraging rioters and all any engine ever points to is her lone tweet about protesters and/or the Colbert interview where she talks about the protests, or some lying hacks like Faux "Not News" who conflates protest with riots. I accept your concession that you can't find it either and you're afraid to link to her lone tweet.

Asking me if you are right? How do you think anybody knows about her encouraging rioters? Why is this a thread? Looks like I am right that you were as dumb as a bag of rocks, congratulations
Asking me if you are right? How do you think anybody knows about her encouraging rioters? Why is this a thread? Looks like I am right that you were as dumb as a bag of rocks, congratulations
Gotta love the Neo-GOP political discourse when confronted with facts. She never encouraged riots and you have no proof she did.
Gotta love the Neo-GOP political discourse when confronted with facts. She never encouraged riots and you have no proof she did.
It's obvious she did. You are just too stupid to do any research about it. Typical leftist, communist Democrat.
It's obvious she did. You are just too stupid to do any research about it. Typical leftist, communist Democrat.
I already told you I searched and search until my fingers were blue, and not one story has a quote of her encouraging rioters. So it's obviously just a talking point that has turned you and your kind into political versions of Pavlov's Dogs. They ring the little bells and ya'll respond as one.
I already told you I searched and search until my fingers were blue, and not one story has a quote of her encouraging rioters. So it's obviously just a talking point that has turned you and your kind into political versions of Pavlov's Dogs. They ring the little bells and ya'll respond as one.
You never said how many of these hoaxes you fell for? You're obviously too stupid to find any information out about Kamala Harris encouraging rioters so I imagine all of them?
You need a break, see ya when I clean off my ignore list
So nothing on VP Harris. Just like everyone else.

Well that was easy.

Yes, it's easy to ignore questions. And it's easy to put you on ignore for a spell because you are ignoring my questions. See ya when I clean off my ignore list and we'll see if you're in more of a mood to discuss issues. The most bizarre part is your insistence you don't grasp the thread title. Anyway, see ya later
Because nobody until I came along had any idea how corrupt our elections were.

And again, most people would stand there at 9 o'clock in the evening and say I want to thank you very much, and they go off to some other life. But I said something's wrong here, something is really wrong, can have happened.

And we fight. We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore.
So we're going to, we're going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue. I love Pennsylvania Avenue. And we're going to the Capitol, and we're going to try and give.

The Democrats are hopeless — they never vote for anything. Not even one vote. But we're going to try and give our Republicans, the weak ones because the strong ones don't need any of our help. We're going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.

So let's walk down Pennsylvania Avenue.


So just to be clear, this is your standard and if I show you quotes of Democrats who are going to "fight" for their cause, you'll blast them and call for their prosecution?

We both know you won't because we both know it's figurative. This is yet another glaring Democrat double standard. You're pathetic and a total lying loser
You never said how many of these hoaxes you fell for?
Say that's a nice poll vaulting technique you've developed, just vault yourself away from your pitiful loss!

Harris never once encouraged riots or rioters and you have no proof to offer that she did do you?
Say that's a nice poll vaulting technique you've developed, just vault yourself away from your pitiful loss!

Harris never once encouraged riots or rioters and you have no proof to offer that she did do you?

But if she ever said to "fight" for the cause, then you'll flip and blast her for inciting violence, that's what you said. Yes, it's pretty stupid. Fighting for a cause is clearly not a reference to violence for anyone smarter than you, which is everyone
You can't find it on the web? Do you have Duck Duck Go? It's widely known. Just look backwards in this thread. Prove to me that you are not as dumb as I think you are

It can't be found because she never said what you falsely claimed she said.

That's like Trump said he had sex with Don Jr.. Now go find that quote.

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