Shouldn’t Kamala Harris be Indicted for Encouraging BLM riots?

So you have no TV video of Harris saying “the “riots” won’t stop and they should not stop”,

Is that correct?

Are you confused that a riot and a protest are not synonymous?

Nope, I’m not confused. I said in the video of Colbert, Harris didn’t make the distinction of the peaceful “protests”. I said that during a time when riots were happening, Harris goes on tv and says the “protests should not stop”, considering the timing, it may have been a bad idea, especially when the riots that were happening were being labeled as “protests” by the left.

Also, didn’t the left say continually that the riots were “peaceful protests”? I’m pretty sure there is a meme of the CNN guy talking about “peaceful protests” while stuff was on fire in the background.
considering the timin
timing schmiming nyouvare s lout.

Protest means protest and riot means riot

You got nothing on Harris

BKM were protesting a cop murdering a suspect and you support the murdere

J6 MAGA were protesting a billionaire politician’s fictional sore loser complaint that he did not win when he got less votes
And trump condemned the white supremacists at Charlottesville.
He never told them to obstruct anything
He said if Pence does the right thing “we win” that is intent to obstruct what Congress was doing that day . Recording the certified WINNER for peaceful transfer of power which was the will of the people.

Trump could not win because all states certified that he did not win. when he says he could win he was attempting to deprive every Biden voter of having their vote count which is violence in its own right - Trump violated Federal Law created to be used against the KKK - nine out of ten black voters chose Biden and Biden won.

IF you support Trumps Kkk attempt after witnessing it on Jan 6 you are a racist

Seems like a president shouldn’t be allowed to reverse the outcome of an election he lost.
What if he lost it due to fraud? He should be allowed to contest it try and have it reversed?
All states certified their elections by December 14, 2020. Trump had until that date to prove in a courtroom that he won a state that was called for Biden.

A rational human being will recognize that democracy cannot function if a loser is the one who gets to declare fraud and everything just stops to appease the loser.

So five or six weeks may not be much time for a fucking sore assed loser like Trump to prove the fraud he suspects cost him the election; but the Constitution says certify by December 14 (2020 election) and then count the certified results on January 6.

Of course there has been weeping and gnashing of teeth in Trump’s Biblical Fantasy Land over no court granting Loser Orange Messiah (LOM) a court ruling to stop seven states from certifying their challenged but verified results.

On December 14 the election was over and there became no avenue of redress for Trump to avoid conceding he had lost.

Your line of argument Rawley was dead before you brought it up;

Electoral College electors are scheduled to meet in states across the country on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December (Dec. 14 this year) to cast their votes.
And if a state has finalized its results six days before then, according to the ECA, then those results qualify for "safe harbor" status — meaning Congress must treat them as the "conclusive" results, even if, for example, a state's legislature sends in a competing set of results.

The âGapâ in the Constitution That Led to January 6th

Trump and his allies exploited key vulnerabilities in the electoral process. Is the biggest one Congress itself?
Every state except Wisconsin appears to have met the deadline, according to The Associated Press. Wisconsin's 10 electoral votes are still expected to be cast for Biden on Monday; he won the state by just over 20,000 votes.

Key Election Dates​

Dec. 8: States finish vote certification
Dec. 14: Electors vote
Jan. 6: Congress formalizes the outcome
Jan. 20: Inauguration Day
»Read a full timeline from Election Day to Inauguration Day.

"If a state can conclude its process of appointing electors by that [safe harbor deadline] then Congress is bound by federal law to accept the slate of electors that is arrived upon by that date," said Rebecca Green, the co-director of the Election Law program at William and Mary.
Jesus! Orange Persons! get some basic High School Civics homework before spewing Trump Trash on a message board

mrnr.23.08.05 #47
rwly.23.08.05 #49
nf.23,08,06 #141
nf.23.08.16 #145
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If Trump is being indicted for encouraging his supporters to protest peacefully, shouldn’t Kamala Harris be indicted for encouraging rioters by helping raise funds for their bail upon arrest?

In another example, she also said that protestors “should protest“ [the lie] about George Floyd being about police racism, while Trump said his supporters should make their voices heard - although he emphasized PEACEFULLY while Harris did no such thing.

And finally, the damage done during the Summer of Hate and Violence was much worse than the few hours on Jan 6.

Why lie? She gave that fund a shout out for "protestors," not rioters.
trump told them that they just wanted to send the votes back to the states to recertify.
Sorry racist: Trump was attempting to deprive every single Biden voter of the right to have their sacred American vote count -

And somehow the private Trump white supremacy militias (Oath Keepers and Proud Boys and Three Percenters) knew the plot to overturn the ejection involved Mike Pence befire they started stacking the Capitol Police.,

The reason Pence was supposed to ignite the coup was to send the certifications fro seven states back but not count them and it gives to Congress to decide the winner creating chaos.

The fucking goal was chaos to stay in power .
He said if Pence does the right thing “we win” that is intent to obstruct what Congress was doing that day . Recording the certified WINNER for peaceful transfer of power which was the will of the people.

Trump could not win because all states certified that he did not win. when he says he could win he was attempting to deprive every Biden voter of having their vote count which is violence in its own right - Trump violated Federal Law created to be used against the KKK - nine out of ten black voters chose Biden and Biden won.

IF you support Trumps Kkk attempt after witnessing it on Jan 6 you are a racist

All states certified their elections by December 14, 2020. Trump had until that date to prove in a courtroom that he won a state that was called for Biden.

A rational human being will recognize that democracy cannot function if a loser is the one who gets to declare fraud and everything just stops to appease the loser.

So five or six weeks may not be much time for a fucking sore assed loser like Trump to prove the fraud he suspects cost him the election; but the Constitution says certify by December 14 (2020 election) and then count the certified results on January 6.

Of course there has been weeping and gnashing of teeth in Trump’s Biblical Fantasy Land over no court granting Loser Orange Messiah (LOM) a court ruling to stop seven states from certifying their challenged but verified results.

On December 14 the election was over and there became no avenue of redress for Trump to avoid conceding he had lost.

Your line of argument Rawley was dead before you brought it up;

Electoral College electors are scheduled to meet in states across the country on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December (Dec. 14 this year) to cast their votes.
And if a state has finalized its results six days before then, according to the ECA, then those results qualify for "safe harbor" status — meaning Congress must treat them as the "conclusive" results, even if, for example, a state's legislature sends in a competing set of results.

The âGapâ in the Constitution That Led to January 6th

Trump and his allies exploited key vulnerabilities in the electoral process. Is the biggest one Congress itself?
Every state except Wisconsin appears to have met the deadline, according to The Associated Press. Wisconsin's 10 electoral votes are still expected to be cast for Biden on Monday; he won the state by just over 20,000 votes.

Key Election Dates​

Dec. 8: States finish vote certification
Dec. 14: Electors vote
Jan. 6: Congress formalizes the outcome
Jan. 20: Inauguration Day
»Read a full timeline from Election Day to Inauguration Day.

"If a state can conclude its process of appointing electors by that [safe harbor deadline] then Congress is bound by federal law to accept the slate of electors that is arrived upon by that date," said Rebecca Green, the co-director of the Election Law program at William and Mary.
Jesus! Orange Persons! get some basic High School Civics homework before spewing Trump Trash on a message board

mrnr.23.08.05 #47
rwly.23.08.05 #49
nf.23,08,06 #141
nf.23.08.16 #145

He said if Pence does the right thing “we win” that is intent to obstruct what Congress was doing that day . Recording the certified WINNER for peaceful transfer of power which was the will of the people.

Why selectively edit what I said. I said he never told the crowd to obstruct anything. The crowd didn’t know. Why do you take a snippet from that statement and then write a rebuttal that has nothing to do with that?

Trump, however, is not being indicted because he called for peaceful protests. He is not being indicted because those protests became violent. He is being indicted for conspiracy to overthrow the election results. This makes the calls that Harris should be indicted for encouraging BLM rioters, which she clearly did, irrelevant.
Right, and those charges are a fever dream from the demented LEFT, and a fucking JOKE!!!
Sorry racist: Trump was attempting to deprive every single Biden voter of the right to have their sacred American vote count -

And somehow the private Trump white supremacy militias (Oath Keepers and Proud Boys and Three Percenters) knew the plot to overturn the ejection involved Mike Pence befire they started stacking the Capitol Police.,

The reason Pence was supposed to ignite the coup was to send the certifications fro seven states back but not count them and it gives to Congress to decide the winner creating chaos.

The fucking goal was chaos to stay in power .

Sorry racist

Lol, and there it is…the old stand by. Just call everything you don’t like “a racist”…or is that your tactic to try and get people to back down? Or you just like throwing that word around?

As to the rest of your post, it is yet again, taking something i wasnt referring to and making a complete rebuttal.

Again, I was referring to what he told the crowd, to what the crowd knew….

Trump, however, is not being indicted because he called for peaceful protests. He is not being indicted because those protests became violent. He is being indicted for conspiracy to overthrow the election results. This makes the calls that Harris should be indicted for encouraging BLM rioters, which she clearly did, irrelevant.
What type of conspiracy? Given all the anomalies with the halted count in the swing states and his belief that the election did not reflect the will of the people, he asked for a legal process.

What about what Gore did? He demanded, and got, a recount of specific areas in Florida that were majority Democrat in order to FIND more Democrat votes. He got the recount, but still couldn’t FIND the votes he needed. How come he wasn’t charged with the RICO act and put in prison?
What type of conspiracy? Given all the anomalies with the halted count in the swing states and his belief that the election did not reflect the will of the people, he asked for a legal process.

What about what Gore did? He demanded, and got, a recount of specific areas in Florida that were majority Democrat in order to FIND more Democrat votes. He got the recount, but still couldn’t FIND the votes he needed. How come he wasn’t charged with the RICO act and put in prison?
The hypocrisy from the demented LEFT is staggering!
What type of conspiracy? Given all the anomalies with the halted count in the swing states and his belief that the election did not reflect the will of the people, he asked for a legal process.

What about what Gore did? He demanded, and got, a recount of specific areas in Florida that were majority Democrat in order to FIND more Democrat votes. He got the recount, but still couldn’t FIND the votes he needed. How come he wasn’t charged with the RICO act and put in prison?
Once he had a recount; he accepted the results you daft bitch.
What type of conspiracy? Given all the anomalies with the halted count in the swing states and his belief that the election did not reflect the will of the people, he asked for a legal process.
You mean the anomaly of vote counters clocking out of work at the end of their day, going home to sleep and then coming back to work the next day to resume the count? 😄
What about what Gore did? He demanded, and got, a recount of specific areas in Florida that were majority Democrat in order to FIND more Democrat votes. He got the recount, but still couldn’t FIND the votes he needed. How come he wasn’t charged with the RICO act and put in prison?
Gore won those recounts through the judicial process you dumb Bingo.
So now context matters? I watched the 6 minute segment of the Colbert show where they talked about this. She never actually makes the distinction, in that clip, of peaceful protests. She just talks about “the protests”. I guess you can blame media for not really focusing on the peaceful protests, and only airing the violent ones day after day.

Context ALWAYS matters and it is the first thing people strip away to make false comparisons or distort what someone says. It happens with Trump as well (the very fine people statement).

In the interview Colbert was asking her about the her participation in the DC protest, her advocacy for police reform and the criminal justice system. No discussion of riots. The statement you claim is a call for violence came at tbe end of the interview. you watched the clip, you would realize that. Not only that, she had on at least two prior occasions specifically condemned the riots.

Compare that with the context of Trump’s rally. It was an hour long speech, preceded by months of planning, inflammatory rhetoric, the airing of grievance and claims of injustice on his supporters, reiterations of how the election was being stolen from THEM, and then the was rally itself. There was no attempt to calm the crowd of thousands of supporters and it’s finale was a March on the Capitol. Where was Trump’s condemnation of violence…? Not until hours later, and he had been watching it unfold on television!

So how is that comparable?

Because he did tell them to be peaceful. You know what else he only uttered one time in that hour speech? The call to march to the capitol. You say context matters, well, look at the context of his speech. He spoke for about an hour about how he felt the election was stolen, and then he said they were going to go to the capitol, and peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard, and cheer on the senators to do the right thing (paraphrasing cause I don’t remember the exact words). At no time did he say they should become violent, or break in to the capitol, or fight with the police. If context matters….that’s context.

"You don't concede when there's theft involved. Our country has had enough. We will not take it anymore."

"You will have an illegitimate president. That is what you will have, and we can't let that happen."

'If you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore'

Now here is the context.

Trump was speaking to a crowd of passionate supporters he had been whipping up for weeks. “Big protest in DC on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!”

Harris was talking in an interview with Colbert about the Floyd protests.

And trump condemned the white supremacists at Charlottesville. Why are you only applying context in certain cases?

Exactly my point. That is one example where his statement was snipped out of a larger context and unfairly distorted. Now apply that to Harris.

Or…apply that to Trump’s J6 rally where you pick the one reference to “peaceful” from the larger context that is whipping up supporters.
If the violent riots of 2020 were a right wing thing, but there were also peaceful protests going on, and trump has said what Harris did, the left wouldn’t care about context. They’d say trump was supporting the violent protests.
Yes! Again, I have made that point. Like the Floyd protests, the vast majority of those at the J6 rally stopped short of the Capitol, turned back, went home.

Did Trump say or do anything to stop the others?

What did Trump FIBALLY tell those who ransacked the Capitol? That they were special, he loved them, go home. Hours later.

I agree, protests are fine and riots are bad, but, you also have to make people accountable for their own actions. Yeah, trump gave a speech, maybe it got some people riled up, but you don’t know if his goal that day was to cause them to riot, or to just get them energized to go protest at the capitol…peacefullily, and make your voices heard…like he said.

The first part of accountability is honesty…yes people are accountable for their own actions, but that doesn’t absolve those who deliberately sought to rile them up and then aim them at a target.

I’ve always maintained, if you can prove his intention that day was to get people to be violent, I’d agree that he was trying to manipulate the crowd to a violent end, and that would be wrong…without that, we only have his words to go on.
Words have power in certain situations. Trump knows this.
What type of conspiracy? Given all the anomalies with the halted count in the swing states and his belief that the election did not reflect the will of the people, he asked for a legal process.

What about what Gore did? He demanded, and got, a recount of specific areas in Florida that were majority Democrat in order to FIND more Democrat votes. He got the recount, but still couldn’t FIND the votes he needed. How come he wasn’t charged with the RICO act and put in prison?

Different rules for Democrats.
You just can't get around that fact.
Context ALWAYS matters and it is the first thing people strip away to make false comparisons or distort what someone says. It happens with Trump as well (the very fine people statement).

In the interview Colbert was asking her about the her participation in the DC protest, her advocacy for police reform and the criminal justice system. No discussion of riots. The statement you claim is a call for violence came at tbe end of the interview. you watched the clip, you would realize that. Not only that, she had on at least two prior occasions specifically condemned the riots.

Compare that with the context of Trump’s rally. It was an hour long speech, preceded by months of planning, inflammatory rhetoric, the airing of grievance and claims of injustice on his supporters, reiterations of how the election was being stolen from THEM, and then the was rally itself. There was no attempt to calm the crowd of thousands of supporters and it’s finale was a March on the Capitol. Where was Trump’s condemnation of violence…? Not until hours later, and he had been watching it unfold on television!

So how is that comparable?

"You don't concede when there's theft involved. Our country has had enough. We will not take it anymore."

"You will have an illegitimate president. That is what you will have, and we can't let that happen."

'If you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore'

Now here is the context.

Trump was speaking to a crowd of passionate supporters he had been whipping up for weeks. “Big protest in DC on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!”

Harris was talking in an interview with Colbert about the Floyd protests.

Exactly my point. That is one example where his statement was snipped out of a larger context and unfairly distorted. Now apply that to Harris.

Or…apply that to Trump’s J6 rally where you pick the one reference to “peaceful” from the larger context that is whipping up supporters.

Yes! Again, I have made that point. Like the Floyd protests, the vast majority of those at the J6 rally stopped short of the Capitol, turned back, went home.

Did Trump say or do anything to stop the others?

What did Trump FIBALLY tell those who ransacked the Capitol? That they were special, he loved them, go home. Hours later.

The first part of accountability is honesty…yes people are accountable for their own actions, but that doesn’t absolve those who deliberately sought to rile them up and then aim them at a target.

Words have power in certain situations. Trump knows this.
You can twist yourself into a fucking pretzel all day long, but you CANNOT shed the utter HYPOCRISY of the demented LEFT!!!!!

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