Shouldn’t Kamala Harris be Indicted for Encouraging BLM riots?

Trump isn’t charged with inciting a riot,

Trump conspired with others to defraud the United States and become the first sitting president who lost reelection but attempted to overturn the election so he and Mike Pence could remain in power.

Trump led a criminal enterprise to overturn the 2020 election that was certified accurate by all fifty states by December 14 of that same year,, After that date there was no constitutional pathway for Trump to win.

But Trump told a mob on January 6th that if Pence did the right thing (commit fraud for him) He wins the election. There must be delay of January 6th proceeding.

nf.23.08.07 #80

Oddball said: He's lying.

NotfooledbyW said: All states certified their elections by December 14, 2020. Trump had until that date to prove in a courtroom that he won a state that was called for Biden. •••• A rational human being will recognize that democracy cannot function if a loser is the one who gets to declare fraud and everything just stops to appease the loser. •••• So five or six weeks may not be much time for a fucking sore assed loser like Trump to prove the fraud he suspects cost him the election; but the Constitution says certify by December 14 (2020 election) and then count the certified results on January 6. •••• Of course there has been weeping and gnashing of teeth in Trump’s Biblical Fantasy Land over no court granting Loser Orange Messiah (LOM) a court ruling to stop seven states from certifying their challenged but verified results. •••• On December 14 the election was over and there became no avenue of redress for Trump to avoid conceding he had lost. •••• Your line of argument Rawley was dead before you brought it up; •••• Electoral College electors are scheduled to meet in states across the country on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December (Dec. 14 this year) to cast their votes. And if a state has finalized its results six days before then, according to the ECA, then those results qualify for "safe harbor" status — meaning Congress must treat them as the "conclusive" results, even if, for example, a state's legislature sends in a competing set of results.

Oddball said: Even if the election had been thrown to the HoR, there's no guarantee that Trump wold have won there...We do know that Cheney wouldn't have been an elector for him, leaving just two delegations that may have not done so.

DGS49 said: The actual objective on January 6th was just to put on the brakes for a short time while these allegations and claims could be examined more closely.

nf.23.08.07 #80 Putting on the brakes was option D as in dumb idea. One of trumps defense lawyers on the Laura Ingraham show already confessed to the world that Trump expressly chose option D with co-conspirators after other options failed because Mike Pence was “too honest”.

If you read my post #141 it will explain why trumps conspiracy to a delay the January 6 joint session of Congress proceeding is a violation of the law.
"safe harbor" status — meaning Congress must treat them as the "conclusive” results

Because all sixty of trumps lawsuits, claiming election fraud were thrown out, and every state, certified the election by the so-called “safe Harbor” deadline Trump had to pursue other legal remedies if he truly believes in the election was stolen from him by outcome determinative fraud.

The law clearly states that Congress must declare every “safe harbor“ slate of electors to be conclusive. Trump, as he stated in his speech on the morning of January 6 very plainly, and he cited his co-conspirators by name, told the mob that his had assembled in DC, that day, that if Pence does the right thing “we win”.

Trump violated federal law, and it was clear the moment that he said if Pence does the right thing “we win” and you are the happiest people. Meaning orange Cult45 people who do not believe in continuation of our lawful democratic republic were to become the happiest people with an unlawful delay

vddbll.23.08.06 #5

nf.23.08.06 #141

vddbll.23.08.06 #5

dgsnn.23.08.07 #20

nf.23.08.07 #80

You think it’s FUNNY that most Americans see the political persecution for what it is - an attempt to block Biden’s #1 political opponent?

I think it is funny that you think that when a majority of Americans think these charges are serious, feel democracy is threatened and that Trump used illegal means to attempt to stay in office.

These antics in the blue cities will end up costing the Democrats the election. Most Americans don’t want a Banana Republic.

These indictments are because most Americans do not want a Banana Republic and that is precisely what Trump was attempting to make us.

But this just confirms what we know…
So she only encouraged the protestors, you say?

That’s what Trump did as well, but he told them to be peaceful. Kamala did not.
Remind me…where was Harris speaking when she encouraged a mob of protesters? Was it a big gathering? Was she extorting them to action? What was the context?

Didn’t she she say rioting and violence was unacceptable?
Remind me…where was Harris speaking when she encouraged a mob of protesters? Was it a big gathering? Was she extorting them to action? What was the context?

Didn’t she she say rioting and violence was unacceptable?
explain how, when violent riots were happening, our VP goes on tv and says “the “protests” won’t stop and they should not stop”, and somehow, you find that perfectly acceptable, but trump tells a rally to peacefully make your voices heard, and…that’s a problem.

How about this, if, while the riot was happening at the capitol, if trump got on tv and said “the protests won’t stop, and they shouldn’t stop”, you’d somehow say that was different?

Or, if the right were to violently protest something Biden did, but there were also peaceful protests going on, and trump said was Harris did, you know, beyond a doubt, that you would say that during a violent protest, it would be reckless and irresponsible for trump to say that, regardless that there were also peaceful protests.

Face it, the left has been guilty of harmful calls to action over the last couple of years. From pelosi saying people should “rise up”, Pressley calling for riots, Maxine waters telling people to harass trumps staff, Schumer threatening kavanaugh and gorsuch, Harris defending and encouraging “protests”,
Apparently they aren’t as corrupt as Democrat prosecutors.
So you are admitting there is no evidence with which to indict them on.

Unfortunately for you there is WAY more than enough evidence to indict Trump such as his own words on his own tapes admitting to crimes.

So you are admitting there is no evidence with which to indict them on.

Unfortunately for you there is WAY more than enough evidence to indict Trump such as his own words on his own tapes admitting to crimes.


Doesn't exist dumbass
explain how, when violent riots were happening, our VP goes on tv and says “the “protests” won’t stop and they should not stop”, and somehow, you find that perfectly acceptable, but trump tells a rally to peacefully make your voices heard, and…that’s a problem.

How about this, if, while the riot was happening at the capitol, if trump got on tv and said “the protests won’t stop, and they shouldn’t stop”, you’d somehow say that was different?

Or, if the right were to violently protest something Biden did, but there were also peaceful protests going on, and trump said was Harris did, you know, beyond a doubt, that you would say that during a violent protest, it would be reckless and irresponsible for trump to say that, regardless that there were also peaceful protests.

Face it, the left has been guilty of harmful calls to action over the last couple of years. From pelosi saying people should “rise up”, Pressley calling for riots, Maxine waters telling people to harass trumps staff, Schumer threatening kavanaugh and gorsuch, Harris defending and encouraging “protests”,

Trump, however, is not being indicted because he called for peaceful protests. He is not being indicted because those protests became violent. He is being indicted for conspiracy to overthrow the election results. This makes the calls that Harris should be indicted for encouraging BLM rioters, which she clearly did, irrelevant.
So you are admitting there is no evidence with which to indict them on.

Unfortunately for you there is WAY more than enough evidence to indict Trump such as his own words on his own tapes admitting to crimes.

No there isn’t.
explain how, when violent riots were happening, our VP goes on tv and says “the “protests” won’t stop and they should not stop”, and somehow, you find that perfectly acceptable, but trump tells a rally to peacefully make your voices heard, and…that’s a problem.

You withhold a whole lot of context here.

I also wonder how you get the idea that Trump told them to peacefully do anything when “peaceful” was uttered one time in an hour inflammatory speech to a mob of angry supporters being told to stop the steal?

Harris condemned the BLM violence, Trump told his rioters they were “very special” and that he loved them.
How about this, if, while the riot was happening at the capitol, if trump got on tv and said “the protests won’t stop, and they shouldn’t stop”, you’d somehow say that was different?

Did Harris do that? Context.

Or, if the right were to violently protest something Biden did, but there were also peaceful protests going on, and trump said was Harris did, you know, beyond a doubt, that you would say that during a violent protest, it would be reckless and irresponsible for trump to say that, regardless that there were also peaceful protests.

I’m not seeing what you are saying here…

Face it, the left has been guilty of harmful calls to action over the last couple of years. From pelosi saying people should “rise up”, Pressley calling for riots, Maxine waters telling people to harass trumps staff, Schumer threatening kavanaugh and gorsuch, Harris defending and encouraging “protests”,

Most of those are taken out of context (but Waters should not have said what she did). None of them stood in front of a mob exporting them to March on the Capitol. Protests are fine, riots are not.

Trump, however, is not being indicted because he called for peaceful protests. He is not being indicted because those protests became violent. He is being indicted for conspiracy to overthrow the election results. This makes the calls that Harris should be indicted for encouraging BLM rioters, which she clearly did, irrelevant.
Yeah, you may be right, but I was responding to coyotes attempt to dismiss Harris’ actions.
when violent riots were happening, our VP goes on tv and says “the “protests” won’t stop and they should not stop”,
Protests should never stop ever .

Protesters should never engage in violence ever and the vast majority do not.

Harris never called a protest to the US Capitol to overturn a presidential election.

Trump called a protest to the US Capitol for the purpose of obstructing the peaceful transfer of power from him to Biden.

He controlled the entire 30,000 mob with his Twitter account

he saw some of his protesters become violent for him flying Trump Flags attacking the Capitol for him.

One tweet after violence erupted shouid have been sent. “I said peacefully protest- get out of the Capitol and stop fighting with police who swore to defend it and everybody in it including Mike Pence.

No such tweet came out.

Instead he told a violent mob that Pence was a coward and would not keep him in power.

And the violence continued for hours
explain how, when violent riots were happening, our VP goes on tv and says “the “protests” won’t stop and they should not stop”,

So you have no TV video of Harris saying “the “riots” won’t stop and they should not stop”,

Is that correct?

Are you confused that a riot and a protest are not synonymous?
This makes the calls that Harris should be indicted for encouraging BLM rioters, which she clearly did, irrelevant.
Harris never encouraged rioters.

She says BLM protests wouid not stop and should not stop because no government official like her can take away anyone’s first amendment right to protest peacefully, That violates the Constitution.
You withhold a whole lot of context here.

I also wonder how you get the idea that Trump told them to peacefully do anything when “peaceful” was uttered one time in an hour inflammatory speech to a mob of angry supporters being told to stop the steal?

Harris condemned the BLM violence, Trump told his rioters they were “very special” and that he loved them.

Did Harris do that? Context.

I’m not seeing what you are saying here…

Most of those are taken out of context (but Waters should not have said what she did). None of them stood in front of a mob exporting them to March on the Capitol. Protests are fine, riots are not.

You withhold a whole lot of context here.

So now context matters? I watched the 6 minute segment of the Colbert show where they talked about this. She never actually makes the distinction, in that clip, of peaceful protests. She just talks about “the protests”. I guess you can blame media for not really focusing on the peaceful protests, and only airing the violent ones day after day.

I also wonder how you get the idea that Trump told them to peacefully do anything when “peaceful” was uttered one time in an hour inflammatory speech to a mob of angry supporters being told to stop the steal?

Because he did tell them to be peaceful. You know what else he only uttered one time in that hour speech? The call to march to the capitol. You say context matters, well, look at the context of his speech. He spoke for about an hour about how he felt the election was stolen, and then he said they were going to go to the capitol, and peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard, and cheer on the senators to do the right thing (paraphrasing cause I don’t remember the exact words). At no time did he say they should become violent, or break in to the capitol, or fight with the police. If context matters….that’s context.

Harris condemned the BLM violence, Trump told his rioters they were “very special” and that he loved them.

And trump condemned the white supremacists at Charlottesville. Why are you only applying context in certain cases?

I’m not seeing what you are saying here

If the violent riots of 2020 were a right wing thing, but there were also peaceful protests going on, and trump has said what Harris did, the left wouldn’t care about context. They’d say trump was supporting the violent protests.

Most of those are taken out of context (but Waters should not have said what she did). None of them stood in front of a mob exporting them to March on the Capitol. Protests are fine, riots are not.

I agree, protests are fine and riots are bad, but, you also have to make people accountable for their own actions. Yeah, trump gave a speech, maybe it got some people riled up, but you don’t know if his goal that day was to cause them to riot, or to just get them energized to go protest at the capitol…peacefullily, and make your voices heard…like he said.

I’ve always maintained, if you can prove his intention that day was to get people to be violent, I’d agree that he was trying to manipulate the crowd to a violent end, and that would be wrong…without that, we only have his words to go on.
Protests should never stop ever .

Protesters should never engage in violence ever and the vast majority do not.

Harris never called a protest to the US Capitol to overturn a presidential election.

Trump called a protest to the US Capitol for the purpose of obstructing the peaceful transfer of power from him to Biden.

He controlled the entire 30,000 mob with his Twitter account

he saw some of his protesters become violent for him flying Trump Flags attacking the Capitol for him.

One tweet after violence erupted shouid have been sent. “I said peacefully protest- get out of the Capitol and stop fighting with police who swore to defend it and everybody in it including Mike Pence.

No such tweet came out.

Instead he told a violent mob that Pence was a coward and would not keep him in power.

And the violence continued for hours

Trump called a protest to the US Capitol for the purpose of obstructing the peaceful transfer of power from him to Biden.

Actually no. He never told them to obstruct anything. In fact, the crowd had no idea of what was taking place, other than trump told them that they just wanted to send the votes back to the states to recertify. He only told the protestors to go peacefully cheer for the senators to do the right thing.

One tweet after violence erupted shouid have been sent. “I said peacefully protest- get out of the Capitol and stop fighting with police who swore to defend it and everybody in it including Mike Pence.

Actually they did:

Donald J. Trump

Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful!
1:38 PM · Jan 6, 2021




Donald J. Trump

I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order – respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!
2:13 PM · Jan 6, 2021




I’ll grant you, they should have come much quicker, but the first came about 50 minutes after the riot started and the second about 40 minutes after that.

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