Shout Out to the Mods. :)

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What Stat said^ Fair and objective, even to some of the most disgusting filth here.

I would fail at their job.

You wouldn't be able to move a hate thread to the badlands or enforce the 4 rules that exist. Bah, not a hard job...I rarely see any moderation, just jackasses like westhall spewing nonsense and personal attacks whenever someone disagrees with him. Worst thing...he is a mod, so you can't put him and his vitriol on ignore.

Not that I think it is a hard job, I guess what my experience has been with the mods here is that they have been fair. I have not seen much flaming, but then again, there are forums like The Flame Zone that I don't visit.
Hell, you don't need to go to the flame zone to see it. Nonetheless, it is not a hard all. Like I said earlier...most the mods are cool. Just a few are worthless and give the rest a bad name.

When was the last time a suggestion was made and enforced? I've been a mod before...all they do is talk shit about everyone else in their protected forum.
Then you have mods flaming and making personal in the hell is a mod supposed to be a mod when their level of debate is nothing more than personal attacks and flaming?

they are still posters

and back when I got here, the mods were some of the best flamers

seriously, usmb is kiddie pool vs the shark tank it used to be.

Mods shouldn't be able to leads to an abuse of power.

I don't understand the point of mods here anyway. They don't do anything(except encourage racism and enable idiots like shitspeeders, matthew and their ilk.

If a mod is giving you shit, give it back.

Dirty fighting is the hallmark of usmb, so throw an elbow, kick someone in the nutz, or keep crying like a bitch, that's just blood in the water

and every racist is allowed to go off, not just the white ones

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We should have a rep a Moderator / Admin day. Only Moderators / Admins get repped for 24 hours straight. Call it Appreciation Day! - Jeri

I second Jeri's motion.

How about February 29th? :badgrin::badgrin:

I think that'd be too frequent and thus the thrill wouldn't be at the level of absolute euphoria. So, how about doing it every time a Republican gets elected president instead?

Hmmm, do we really wanna wait THAT long?!?!?


Some USMB members have been banned from other sites, as have I. One of the problems with other sites is that their moderators are immune to the criticisms and sentiments that rank-and-file members are not. The ban hammer, therefore, is a tool too often used for personal reasons. A mod could at his own discretion deem a member in contempt of the staff.

On these boards, however, the moderators are not elitists. They act as rank-and-file members in their intercourse, and as moderators while maintaining the site and enforcing the rules. Their objectivity is commendable.

you really are new here arent you?

the ban hammer is used often on this if the daily color....look about....

lets see if you feel this way after a year or so more....

there is a difference between true earned appreciation and simple ego stroking ...this just seems to be ego stroking....

being a mod is a taxing job at best....but again poor management begins at the top..and ask yourself....why are there so few ex mods on this board? how many boards have you been on where ex mods and admins are banned? think about it.....
You wouldn't be able to move a hate thread to the badlands or enforce the 4 rules that exist. Bah, not a hard job...I rarely see any moderation, just jackasses like westhall spewing nonsense and personal attacks whenever someone disagrees with him. Worst thing...he is a mod, so you can't put him and his vitriol on ignore.

Not that I think it is a hard job, I guess what my experience has been with the mods here is that they have been fair. I have not seen much flaming, but then again, there are forums like The Flame Zone that I don't visit.
Hell, you don't need to go to the flame zone to see it. Nonetheless, it is not a hard all. Like I said earlier...most the mods are cool. Just a few are worthless and give the rest a bad name.

When was the last time a suggestion was made and enforced? I've been a mod before...all they do is talk shit about everyone else in their protected forum.

on here they do it in public....and threaten posters.....its really not nice...
and if one can have 'appreciation' threads...why cant one have threads where the admins/mods answer serious questions about their actions? or at least an appeal system for those who get the ban hammer.....
or they answer questions about the zone rules.....that is sillie....rules should either be rules and enforced .... equally to everyone...having rules for this zone differ from zones from that zone is a bit odd....note: they dont moderate the flame zone till they do
Some USMB members have been banned from other sites, as have I. One of the problems with other sites is that their moderators are immune to the criticisms and sentiments that rank-and-file members are not. The ban hammer, therefore, is a tool too often used for personal reasons. A mod could at his own discretion deem a member in contempt of the staff.

On these boards, however, the moderators are not elitists. They act as rank-and-file members in their intercourse, and as moderators while maintaining the site and enforcing the rules. Their objectivity is commendable.

you really are new here arent you?

the ban hammer is used often on this if the daily color....look about....

lets see if you feel this way after a year or so more....

there is a difference between true earned appreciation and simple ego stroking ...this just seems to be ego stroking....

being a mod is a taxing job at best....but again poor management begins at the top..and ask yourself....why are there so few ex mods on this board? how many boards have you been on where ex mods and admins are banned? think about it.....

The key word being "seems".

Of course, it's your right to see it as you wish.

But it appears to me that WelfareQueen just felt moved to say something nice about the mods and admin. I saw no ego stroking in it. Seemed pretty normal and reasonable to me.

And why not? Looks like they had a busy week. They are people, too and it's probably a welcome sight to read something kinder, gentler for a change...
or they answer questions about the zone rules.....that is sillie....rules should either be rules and enforced .... equally to everyone...having rules for this zone differ from zones from that zone is a bit odd....note: they dont moderate the flame zone till they do

They generally stay out of the flame zone until something egregious is reported.
Some USMB members have been banned from other sites, as have I. One of the problems with other sites is that their moderators are immune to the criticisms and sentiments that rank-and-file members are not. The ban hammer, therefore, is a tool too often used for personal reasons. A mod could at his own discretion deem a member in contempt of the staff.

On these boards, however, the moderators are not elitists. They act as rank-and-file members in their intercourse, and as moderators while maintaining the site and enforcing the rules. Their objectivity is commendable.

you really are new here arent you?

the ban hammer is used often on this if the daily color....look about....

lets see if you feel this way after a year or so more....

there is a difference between true earned appreciation and simple ego stroking ...this just seems to be ego stroking....

being a mod is a taxing job at best....but again poor management begins at the top..and ask yourself....why are there so few ex mods on this board? how many boards have you been on where ex mods and admins are banned? think about it.....

Call it what you will Bones....I was expressing genuine appreciation. I wouldn't want the job. There are so many obvious wack jobs on this site....I cannot imagine running herd over this group...can you?

I have been on boards where a number of the mods were completely arbitrary, vindictive assholes. That is not my experience all.

And finally....I have never seen any board where you have appeal rights to a mod's decision. If you know of such a site....tell me. It might be the only one on the internet. :)
Staff has to put up with a lot of snarky, disingenuous bullshit on a daily basis, and they don't get paid for it one bit.

People who try to carry out their personal vendettas and conceited plots upstairs as a way to sow chaos and hatred don't tend to last long. This is CK's ship, and everyone should try to remember that every once in a while, instead of acting like disrespectful, entitled children. Staff deals with a lot of crap, which takes time, energy, and patience. How about we show some damned respect for them and one another here?
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you really expect me to be all about respecting an avatar on a computer screen? sorry.....i will give people their due for what they do and what they earn....other wise...its not my problem they opt to do this...and if you opt to do it fairly and consistently is that too much to ask?
you really expect me to be all about respecting an avatar on a computer screen? sorry.....i will give people their due for what they do and what they earn....other wise...its not my problem they opt to do this...and if you opt to do it fairly and consistently is that too much to ask?

It's not about avatars or computer screens, but the people behind them. Everyone, including the people that have to deal with all the drama that erupts upstairs, the troll threads, and all manner of personal underhandedness and partisan hatred.
you really expect me to be all about respecting an avatar on a computer screen? sorry.....i will give people their due for what they do and what they earn....other wise...its not my problem they opt to do this...and if you opt to do it fairly and consistently is that too much to ask?

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