Showtime's "The World According To Dick Cheney"


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Have you guys seen this?

It premiered Friday night on Showtime.

Quite an interesting bit of 2-hours of recent history.

Cheney hasn't changed one bit, he's actually proud of what he's done, or what he THINK'S he's done.

The man simply isn't living in reality. He has his own set of facts, although he lies through his teeth about most things of consequence, namely the precedings to the Iraqi War, he actually believes his lies...which makes him the dangerous S.O.B. that he is.

Here's a trailor of it:

[ame=]The World According To Dick Cheney Trailer - YouTube[/ame]

I highly recommend you guys watch it.

For those who have, what's your thoughts?
Cheney is right.

About what exactly?

Don't just say "everything."

Spell out what exactly you agree with Dick about.


Oh, and did you see the documentary? If so, what are your thoughts?
I don't recall that him and Bush had such beef at the end. It was riveting to see how that played out.
It showed how truly evil and devious Cheney is was how he encourage his buddy Rumsfeld not to resign when he first thought about it, then when Bush finally got SOME wits about him, how he argued with him to not fire him. Then how he argued adamantly with Bush to pardon the traitor Scooter Libby, in his mind he thought that Rumsfeld did a bang-up job and that Scooter Libby did nothing wrong.
I mean, the bastard was, well, is truly sick. And I mean that in the worst way possible. He's mentally demented.
There's really nothing good to say about the man.
The documentary really shows how Cheney really and truly was the man pulling the strings behind the scenes during the Bush Regime.
Kinda makes Bush more sympathetic, but just for a brief moment, Bush PUT the bastard on the scene in the first place, so no forgiveness there.
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I don't recall that him and Bush had such beef at the end. It was riveting to see how that played out.
It showed how truly evil and devious Cheney is was how he encourage his buddy Rumsfeld not to resign when he first thought about it, then when Bush finally got SOME wits about him, how he argued with him to not fire him. Then how he argued adamantly with Bush to pardon the traitor Scooter Libby, in his mind he thought that Rumsfeld did a bang-up job and that Scooter Libby did nothing wrong.
I mean, the bastard was, well, is truly sick. And I mean that in the worst way possible. He's mentally demented.
There's really nothing good to say about the man.
The documentary really shows how Cheney really and truly was the man pulling the strings behind the scenes during the Bush Regime.
Kinda makes Bush more sympathetic, but just for a brief moment, Bush PUT the bastard on the scene in the first place, so no forgiveness there.

History will judge him for the evil that he was.
I don't recall that him and Bush had such beef at the end. It was riveting to see how that played out.
It showed how truly evil and devious Cheney is was how he encourage his buddy Rumsfeld not to resign when he first thought about it, then when Bush finally got SOME wits about him, how he argued with him to not fire him. Then how he argued adamantly with Bush to pardon the traitor Scooter Libby, in his mind he thought that Rumsfeld did a bang-up job and that Scooter Libby did nothing wrong.
I mean, the bastard was, well, is truly sick. And I mean that in the worst way possible. He's mentally demented.
There's really nothing good to say about the man.
The documentary really shows how Cheney really and truly was the man pulling the strings behind the scenes during the Bush Regime.
Kinda makes Bush more sympathetic, but just for a brief moment, Bush PUT the bastard on the scene in the first place, so no forgiveness there.

History will judge him for the evil that he was.
In the documentary you will see how Cheney was often the lone hard RWer with radical views in the Administration.

It also shows how he would basically shape policy by being the one man, other than the President who had access to every meeting and could and would sit in on them adding his 2 cents, essentially shaping the policy to his liking by having heavy input in all stages of the process.

Very insightful.
Cheney is right.

About what exactly?

Don't just say "everything."

Spell out what exactly you agree with Dick about.


Oh, and did you see the documentary? If so, what are your thoughts?

I was minding my own bidness watching a bit of it a few nights ago when my wife (who despite some conversion still remains about a half a lib) complained about the channel selection. Evidently I had made the mistake of thinking I could watch a show of my own choice. Imagine my embarrassment.

What little I saw was clearly biased. It bent over backwards to portray Vice President Cheney as a villain. (And, naturally, as part of that convenient meme, it portrayed President Bush as being utterly out of the loop. Praise him with faint damn, We've all seen the drill.)

To give a fuller, more complete, robust and possibly even accurate review of the show, I'd have to watch it again. Of course, that would require finding where my wife has hidden the remote.
Have you guys seen this?

It premiered Friday night on Showtime.

Quite an interesting bit of 2-hours of recent history.

Cheney hasn't changed one bit, he's actually proud of what he's done, or what he THINK'S he's done.

The man simply isn't living in reality. He has his own set of facts, although he lies through his teeth about most things of consequence, namely the precedings to the Iraqi War, he actually believes his lies...which makes him the dangerous S.O.B. that he is.

Here's a trailor of it:

The World According To Dick Cheney Trailer - YouTube

I highly recommend you guys watch it.

For those who have, what's your thoughts?

My thought is the show, produced by undenialbly liberal Showtime, produced this as entertainment for those that appreciate the Liberal Echo Chamber as much as yourself.

I am pleased you enjoyed it: I prefer a more objective source.


However, I agree, that Cheney "simply isn't living in reality:" He should have disowned his queer daughter.
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Cheney is right.

About what exactly?

Don't just say "everything."

Spell out what exactly you agree with Dick about.


Oh, and did you see the documentary? If so, what are your thoughts?

I was minding my own bidness watching a bit of it a few nights ago when my wife (who despite some conversion still remains about a half a lib) complained about the channel selection. Evidently I had made the mistake of thinking I could watch a show of my own choice. Imagine my embarrassment.

What little I saw was clearly biased. It bent over backwards to portray Vice President Cheney as a villain. (And, naturally, as part of that convenient meme, it portrayed President Bush as being utterly out of the loop. Praise him with faint damn, We've all seen the drill.)

To give a fuller, more complete, robust and possibly even accurate review of the show, I'd have to watch it again. Of course, that would require finding where my wife has hidden the remote.
Biased how? Most reviews state that they were too soft on him, or that it didn't give us much (if any) new information and insight into him.

See for yourself...

?The World According to Dick Cheney?: A too-polite form of interrogation - Washington Post
'The World According to Dick Cheney' is place with no regret -
'The World According to Dick Cheney' Review: Cheney's World is a Scary Place

As you can see in all the reviews, they expound on why they feel the way they do about the documentary, they give reasons and give alternatives to what could have made it better in their eyes.

For instance, in one review the writer asks why wasn't the story of his gay daughter included, in another it spoke about the softball questions the interview begins with, like "What's your favorite food?" and bashes that line of questioning for lack of importance.

Things like that. So I ask you again, what exactly causes you to feel the way you do about the documentary?

With that said, I do appreciate your feedback and have repped you for it.

Have you guys seen this?

It premiered Friday night on Showtime.

Quite an interesting bit of 2-hours of recent history.

Cheney hasn't changed one bit, he's actually proud of what he's done, or what he THINK'S he's done.

The man simply isn't living in reality. He has his own set of facts, although he lies through his teeth about most things of consequence, namely the precedings to the Iraqi War, he actually believes his lies...which makes him the dangerous S.O.B. that he is.

Here's a trailor of it:

The World According To Dick Cheney Trailer - YouTube

I highly recommend you guys watch it.

For those who have, what's your thoughts?

My thought is the show, produced by undenialbly liberal Showtime, produced this as entertainment for those that appreciate the Liberal Echo Chamber as much as yourself.

I am pleased you enjoyed it: I prefer a more objective source.


However, I agree, that Cheney "simply isn't living in reality:" He should have disowned his queer daughter.
Now here's another strain of "Conservative thought" that I don't understand. You call Cutler an "undeniably liberal" and by so-doing dismiss the documentary by default, not looking into the merits of the thing. You present no reasons other than the idea that the person who produced it is liberal in your mind. That's not reasoning Samson. You know it, and I know it.

Put some thought into it and respond with some appropriate feedback, like I listed in my reply to IlarMeilyr.

It's not whether or not the producer is liberal or conservative, it's whether or not the documentary portrays a truthful account of the man and what happened.

I invite you to point-out any falsehood you've discovered in the documentary.

I understand if it might be a few days or more before you're able to watch it again.

I'll wait.

And on the comparison to Bush and Cheney, in Bush's case, although he hasn't quite said he regrets anything, he does have a countenance that seems remorseful, he hasn't been pushing his nonsense to the public since his time in Office. However, Cheney has been injecting his brand of radicallness ever since he left Office, he's been a mainstay on the Sunday Show circuit and he not only DOESN'T show any regret, but he's proud of what he did, or thinks he did, and says he would do it again in a heartbeat.

These are from his own words now, so I don't know how anyone could say the documentary, or anyone else for that matter, is portraying him as a villain...he does a damn good job of that HIMSELF.

Correct me if I'm wrong, and please point out exactly where I'm wrong when you do so.

Now here's another strain of "Conservative thought" that I don't understand. You call Cutler an "undeniably liberal" and by so-doing dismiss the documentary by default, not looking into the merits of the thing.

No actually I just don't give a fuck about the subject of Dick Cheney 5 years after it has ceased to be relevant.

And I certainly don't give a fuck about anything titled,
"The World According to Dick Cheney," designed to parody the fiction, "The World According to Garp."

Like I said, enjoy the echo chamber.
Now here's another strain of "Conservative thought" that I don't understand. You call Cutler an "undeniably liberal" and by so-doing dismiss the documentary by default, not looking into the merits of the thing.

No actually I just don't give a fuck about the subject of Dick Cheney 5 years after it has ceased to be relevant.

And I certainly don't give a fuck about anything titled,
"The World According to Dick Cheney," designed to parody the fiction, "The World According to Garp."

Like I said, enjoy the echo chamber.

Is that why you posted on this thread,,,to tell us you're not interested in the topic. Well, OK.

Anyway, I watched most of it and I thought it had a liberal twist to it. I knew about most of Cheney's ambitions and actions taken to accomplish the ambitions. It be fun to watch someone defend Cheney. A majority of Americans believe Cheney to be somewhat on the evil side, that includes people of every stripe. The guy was blatant.
That said, there was no need for a liberal slant.
Now here's another strain of "Conservative thought" that I don't understand. You call Cutler an "undeniably liberal" and by so-doing dismiss the documentary by default, not looking into the merits of the thing.

No actually I just don't give a fuck about the subject of Dick Cheney 5 years after it has ceased to be relevant.

And I certainly don't give a fuck about anything titled,
"The World According to Dick Cheney," designed to parody the fiction, "The World According to Garp."

Like I said, enjoy the echo chamber.

Is that why you posted on this thread,,,to tell us you're not interested in the topic. Well, OK.

Anyway, I watched most of it and I thought it had a liberal twist to it. I knew about most of Cheney's ambitions and actions taken to accomplish the ambitions. It be fun to watch someone defend Cheney. A majority of Americans believe Cheney to be somewhat on the evil side, that includes people of every stripe. The guy was blatant.
That said, there was no need for a liberal slant.
What was the liberal slant in this documentary in your opinion?

It's very difficult to defend Cheney, it's much easier to say something like "I don't care any more since he left 5 years ago" and call it a day. That way you avoid the problem. Nice and easy.
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I watched quit a bit of it, subjective at best, amazing how much some think they know...
Such as...?
The documentary was a bio of Cheney's life, career and time in the Bush Administration.
The bulk of it was with his own words.
The other major part constituted of interviews of people that were in the Administration and/or were investigating the Administration at that time.

What were the specific parts of the doc that you take issue with?

I still have not bothered to watch the whole thing.

What portion I did see appeared to me to have a very pronounced point of view. It was the underpinning.

It assumed -- as undeniable fact -- certain premises about the wisdom (or lack of wisdom) in going into Iraq. It assumed as fact that "the" basis for doing so (i.e., WMDS!) was false. It assumed that President Bush was mislead BY Vice President Cheney and only belatedly came to see how he needed to distance himself from the Vice President and the advice he got from the Vice President.

Everything V.P. Cheney said in the "documentary" was filtered through those underlying assumptions. To the extent that he did not agree with the premise, his comments were used not to illustrate his own point of view, but as a blunt object with which to marginalize everything he had to say.

That's my problem with it. The film seemed to bemoan the fact that the poor President caught on only late in the day to the "problem" with the Vice President. Since I was aware of that editorial slant, I found the documentary to be a bit of a hatchet job. But, as I say, I didn't see all of it.
I watched quit a bit of it, subjective at best, amazing how much some think they know...
Such as...?
The documentary was a bio of Cheney's life, career and time in the Bush Administration.
The bulk of it was with his own words.
The other major part constituted of interviews of people that were in the Administration and/or were investigating the Administration at that time.

What were the specific parts of the doc that you take issue with?

have not watched it

maybe catch it later
Bias is a part of life. Whining about it is childlike.

What interests aware folks are the ways people manage bias.

Given that significant numbers of humans view draft dodging war profiteering NeoCon lowlife cocksucker MicroDick Sheenie as a, well, no other way to say it, "villain", why do you suppose these people promote such an obvious moral degenerate and anti-American scum to the level of "villain"?

Are these people themselves mental defectives, or are they on dope, or Mary Poppins types, or what?

Moving on...

What, specifically did Sheenie get right?
The amusement of reading pointless defenses of a lowlife cocksucker like Sheenie has worn thin over the years.
Defend the draft dodgingchickenhawkwarprofiteering motherfucker or admit by not listing his positive benefits to humankind that the sleazebag can't be defended.
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