Shrinking Government or Dangerous Incompetance?


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
Hundreds of top government jobs under Trump are unfilled. So who's running things?

"The federal government now has close to two million civilian workers nationwide. Now let’s focus on the biggest bosses. There are a few hundred key positions appointed by the president and approved by the Senate. These are the people who run our government day to day. And one year into the Trump presidency, many of those posts are still empty.

Let’s take 630 key jobs, all of them filled by presidential nomination and tracked by the Partnership for Public Service. Of those 630 top jobs, about 240 of them right now have no nominee. Another 140 of those jobs have nominees, but they’re waiting to be confirmed. Upshot?

More than half of key positions right now are unfilled.

What are these jobs exactly? The top jobs, agency heads and the second- and third-highest ranking rungs underneath. What do they do? A lot. Things like keeping roads safe. The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration does not have an administrator, its top job, right now, nor anyone to head its legal, financial or enforcement divisions.

That reportedly has frozen several new safety standards. Something else affected? The opioid crisis. The White House Drug Control Office, meant to work on the issue, has no director, and has seen several other appointees leave.

And there is a long list of other vacancies, top spots at the Pentagon and at the State Department, at the Agriculture Department, the offices overseeing national food safety. And at the Energy Department, several key nuclear oversight jobs are unfilled. That’s just to name a few.

So who’s running things? A change in federal law that went into effect just last year allows a temporary acting replacement in these jobs, but only for 300 days. That’s to give presidents time to make nominations.

But Mr. Trump hasn’t made nominations for hundreds of these jobs, and the 300-day clock has run out. That’s creating an unprecedented situation. Those acting in these jobs do not technically have the legal authority to do them anymore."

Outstanding--Just think of how many lawyers this is going make millionaires? I'm all for shrinking govt.---but not at the cost of increased inefficiencies of services.

MILITARY is running , missiles are ready to go , border patrol is on its toes doing its work , everything is cool EEye !!
Lol! So it doesn't bother you that decisions are being made that will be contested in court, on the basis that they were not legally empowered to make said decisions.
I get it that govt. inefficiency might be a big deal to some..well..until you're the one getting screwed. I don't know if you actually watched the clip---pretty interesting stuff. Trump is is deliberately allowing this to happen. In fact, to the Trump fans--this is a campaign promise faithfully kept. I'm a bit surprised a lot more is not made of this by his supporters.
MILITARY is running , missiles are ready to go , border patrol is on its toes doing its work , everything is cool EEye !!
Lol! So it doesn't bother you that decisions are being made that will be contested in court, on the basis that they were not legally empowered to make said decisions.
I get it that govt. inefficiency might be a big deal to some..well..until you're the one getting screwed. I don't know if you actually watched the clip---pretty interesting stuff. Trump is is deliberately allowing this to happen. In fact, to the Trump fans--this is a campaign promise faithfully kept. I'm a bit surprised a lot more is not made of this by his supporters.
Are you truly so stupid as to think two million less government employees is going to upset us?
I guess you are!
MILITARY is running , missiles are ready to go , border patrol is on its toes doing its work , everything is cool EEye !!
Lol! So it doesn't bother you that decisions are being made that will be contested in court, on the basis that they were not legally empowered to make said decisions.
I get it that govt. inefficiency might be a big deal to some..well..until you're the one getting screwed. I don't know if you actually watched the clip---pretty interesting stuff. Trump is is deliberately allowing this to happen. In fact, to the Trump fans--this is a campaign promise faithfully kept. I'm a bit surprised a lot more is not made of this by his supporters.

The bloated corporate federal "gubermint" is a parasitic entity that produces nothing. States are perfectly able to handle their own affairs. According to their own corporate constitution as a successor to contract? They are to provide the 19 enumerated services per the agreement. USA.INC has been "top heavy" for decades.
MILITARY is running , missiles are ready to go , border patrol is on its toes doing its work , everything is cool EEye !!
Lol! So it doesn't bother you that decisions are being made that will be contested in court, on the basis that they were not legally empowered to make said decisions.
I get it that govt. inefficiency might be a big deal to some..well..until you're the one getting screwed. I don't know if you actually watched the clip---pretty interesting stuff. Trump is is deliberately allowing this to happen. In fact, to the Trump fans--this is a campaign promise faithfully kept. I'm a bit surprised a lot more is not made of this by his supporters.
Are you truly so stupid as to think two million less government employees is going to upset us?
I guess you are!
What an odd reply. I said nothing about upsetting you? And whomever you are purporting to speak for. I was wondering why you..or whomever....would not be pointing this out as a promise kept. Are you having a 'senior moment'..or is it just that reading comprehension is not really your thing?
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MILITARY is running , missiles are ready to go , border patrol is on its toes doing its work , everything is cool EEye !!
Lol! So it doesn't bother you that decisions are being made that will be contested in court, on the basis that they were not legally empowered to make said decisions.
I get it that govt. inefficiency might be a big deal to some..well..until you're the one getting screwed. I don't know if you actually watched the clip---pretty interesting stuff. Trump is is deliberately allowing this to happen. In fact, to the Trump fans--this is a campaign promise faithfully kept. I'm a bit surprised a lot more is not made of this by his supporters.
----------------------------------------------------------- you predict things that you know nothing about , i trust the TRUMPS Judgement and thinking while i think that you are a silly guy EEye . [chuckle]
MILITARY is running , missiles are ready to go , border patrol is on its toes doing its work , everything is cool EEye !!
Lol! So it doesn't bother you that decisions are being made that will be contested in court, on the basis that they were not legally empowered to make said decisions.
I get it that govt. inefficiency might be a big deal to some..well..until you're the one getting screwed. I don't know if you actually watched the clip---pretty interesting stuff. Trump is is deliberately allowing this to happen. In fact, to the Trump fans--this is a campaign promise faithfully kept. I'm a bit surprised a lot more is not made of this by his supporters.
----------------------------------------------------------- you predict things that you know nothing about , i trust the TRUMPS Judgement and thinking while i think that you are a silly guy EEye . [chuckle]

You trust Trump’s judgement. The same judgement that put 7 of his corporations into bankruptcy. The same judgement that thought it was a good idea to open a mortgage company in 2006. Who thought Trump steaks, University, water, vodka, airline, and magazine were good ideas.

You are too stupid to be one person
MILITARY is running , missiles are ready to go , border patrol is on its toes doing its work , everything is cool EEye !!
Lol! So it doesn't bother you that decisions are being made that will be contested in court, on the basis that they were not legally empowered to make said decisions.
I get it that govt. inefficiency might be a big deal to some..well..until you're the one getting screwed. I don't know if you actually watched the clip---pretty interesting stuff. Trump is is deliberately allowing this to happen. In fact, to the Trump fans--this is a campaign promise faithfully kept. I'm a bit surprised a lot more is not made of this by his supporters.
----------------------------------------------------------- you predict things that you know nothing about , i trust the TRUMPS Judgement and thinking while i think that you are a silly guy EEye . [chuckle]
Yup..that's me..silly. Predicting a lawsuit in the US is like predicting rain in Seattle--when, not if.
I applaud your ability to trust Trump..I don't share it. I trust in the strength and flexibility of our institutions--that they can survive the mismanagement of Trump and Congress.
MILITARY is running , missiles are ready to go , border patrol is on its toes doing its work , everything is cool EEye !!
Lol! So it doesn't bother you that decisions are being made that will be contested in court, on the basis that they were not legally empowered to make said decisions.
I get it that govt. inefficiency might be a big deal to some..well..until you're the one getting screwed. I don't know if you actually watched the clip---pretty interesting stuff. Trump is is deliberately allowing this to happen. In fact, to the Trump fans--this is a campaign promise faithfully kept. I'm a bit surprised a lot more is not made of this by his supporters.
----------------------------------------------------------- you predict things that you know nothing about , i trust the TRUMPS Judgement and thinking while i think that you are a silly guy EEye . [chuckle]

You trust Trump’s judgement. The same judgement that put 7 of his corporations into bankruptcy. The same judgement that thought it was a good idea to open a mortgage company in 2006. Who thought Trump steaks, University, water, vodka, airline, and magazine were good ideas.

You are too stupid to be one person
----------------------------------------------------- hey DragonLady , hey Trump is doing fine . From what i hear ghs policies are causing third world refugees and other 'sh1tholers' up Canada way so that a good thing . TRUMP is doing fine as the USA remains Number 1 DLady !!
MILITARY is running , missiles are ready to go , border patrol is on its toes doing its work , everything is cool EEye !!
Lol! So it doesn't bother you that decisions are being made that will be contested in court, on the basis that they were not legally empowered to make said decisions.
I get it that govt. inefficiency might be a big deal to some..well..until you're the one getting screwed. I don't know if you actually watched the clip---pretty interesting stuff. Trump is is deliberately allowing this to happen. In fact, to the Trump fans--this is a campaign promise faithfully kept. I'm a bit surprised a lot more is not made of this by his supporters.
----------------------------------------------------------- you predict things that you know nothing about , i trust the TRUMPS Judgement and thinking while i think that you are a silly guy EEye . [chuckle]
Yup..that's me..silly. Predicting a lawsuit in the US is like predicting rain in Seattle--when, not if.
I applaud your ability to trust Trump..I don't share it. I trust in the strength and flexibility of our institutions--that they can survive the mismanagement of Trump and Congress.
------------------------------------------------------- so Predict the lawsuits , TRUMP is doung as he likes and will handle the lawsuits one way or the other EEye ,
MILITARY is running , missiles are ready to go , border patrol is on its toes doing its work , everything is cool EEye !!
Lol! So it doesn't bother you that decisions are being made that will be contested in court, on the basis that they were not legally empowered to make said decisions.
I get it that govt. inefficiency might be a big deal to some..well..until you're the one getting screwed. I don't know if you actually watched the clip---pretty interesting stuff. Trump is is deliberately allowing this to happen. In fact, to the Trump fans--this is a campaign promise faithfully kept. I'm a bit surprised a lot more is not made of this by his supporters.

What part of drain the swamp didn't you get?
It means smaller government and get rid of the corruption.
Why should we make a big deal out of it?
It's been corrupt for too long.
MILITARY is running , missiles are ready to go , border patrol is on its toes doing its work , everything is cool EEye !!
Lol! So it doesn't bother you that decisions are being made that will be contested in court, on the basis that they were not legally empowered to make said decisions.
I get it that govt. inefficiency might be a big deal to some..well..until you're the one getting screwed. I don't know if you actually watched the clip---pretty interesting stuff. Trump is is deliberately allowing this to happen. In fact, to the Trump fans--this is a campaign promise faithfully kept. I'm a bit surprised a lot more is not made of this by his supporters.
----------------------------------------------------------- you predict things that you know nothing about , i trust the TRUMPS Judgement and thinking while i think that you are a silly guy EEye . [chuckle]

You trust Trump’s judgement. The same judgement that put 7 of his corporations into bankruptcy. The same judgement that thought it was a good idea to open a mortgage company in 2006. Who thought Trump steaks, University, water, vodka, airline, and magazine were good ideas.

You are too stupid to be one person

Don't even go there, "Dragonbitch" because when it comes to stupidity and ignorance as to how this fiat system actually works? You have very few peers . Woodrow Wilson, FDR, LBJ were total disasters. Liberalism/Fabian socialism that work on behalf of their globalist masters are why were are where we are. I will take someone like Trump over the Hildebeast or any neocon Trotsky-ite or DNC commie to take on the shadow government of financial control ANY day of the week.

Go bake some cookies or put on a vagina costume and spew some public angst.....but for the love of all things holy, stop spewing your stupidity's fucking embarrassing for you.

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