Shroud of Turin and the Sudarium of Oviedo Covered the Same Person

You said my name again (coming back=return=place back=restore=redeem)=HaShev
Bible code and Rabbis are declaring this the year Moshiach comes to be known.
Yom Teruah 5777 [Oct. 02, 2016] - The day of the RETURNING (HaShev)...
Rabbi Judah ben Samuel's Jubilee Prophecy gives the Year 5777 RoshHashanah
I reported that Berkley scam to Berkley police whereby they claimed they could clone Jesus from the shroud, they agreed it was a scam because it's clay not blood and everyone knows Charlie Manson was Jesus resurrected.
These silly claims to Jesus being Messiah are based on saying he fit 300 prophecy, most of which aren't even messianic or properly read and stated. Some are even comically based on NT post dated script instead of OT.

Using this logic if Charles Manson fit 300 characteristics of Jesus without manipulating the characteristics or cheating like people do in emulating Moshiach then Charles Manson has to be Jesus according to Christian standards of reasoning. And since Charles Manson does fulfill the coming of Jesus in over 300 ways then Jesus came back bringing division & as a murderer as he said he would in Matthew, Thomas, and Peter.
Since Jesus fulfilled over 300 verses on Satan then he must be Satan of the Bible.
Therefore Christianity standards and reasoning suggest Satan was Jesus and he came back as Charles Manson and your arguing this fact would suggest you are admitting Christianity's logic and reasoning on Moshiach is skewed.

Therfore moshiach claims must be forfeited and the standard to decipher MOshiach has to be re-evaluated and rediscovered by fulfillment of legitimate expectations that are Torah based not oral pagan borrowed traditions and self testimony.
Conclusion" Jesus either wasn't messiah like you thought or by your standards he had to be Satan, either way your character becomes the adversary and thief, thus either way he can be concluded as Satan.

FACT: Jesus is depicted like a long haired hippy in sandles.
Charles Manson claimed to be Jesus and was a hippy in sandles, we must take Manson for his word in even standard to Christians taking Jesus self testified word and claims.
Fact: they say Jesus is son of man & Charles is Man/son.
Fact: Jesus family said he was crazy
Manson and his family is crazy.
Jesus was a murderer from the begining who promised to not bring peace but to cause opposite through division describing a world inferno. Manson did the same with his race war he planed division chaos and worlds end in the same manner setting it a blaze.
Fact: Jesus asked his followers to disregard their parents for sake of him being their new family as did Manson.
Jesus lived in a shack so did Manson.
Jesus hated the Romans, Manson hsted Roman Polanski. Jesus took mushrooms as did his followers according to found texts, Manson did as well as his followers.
Cult leaderJesus had his apostles Manson had his cult flock called his family. Jesus lived and roamed the desert, so did Manson.

Using Christian logic & standards
Charlie Manson Was Jesus and Jesus was Lucifer cause all the verses on Lucifer were 100% fulfilled by the first fallen Christ.

To disagree is to admit the standard used to call him Moshiach is flawed making him Lucifer anyway.... this is called Check mate...
because every excuse maneuver you make out of this still means ypu reject your own logic and claims based on selective recognition.

You are getting your info on cloning from the wrong places. Berkley? LOL

You putting all the conspiracy theories in a blender to come up your hodge podge?

You have a strange obsession with Lucifer and Jesus. Not orthodox teachings. Not Jewish.

Way too much disinformation on the internet. Way too much apocalyptic nonsense
Ha Shev believes he is the real Jewish Messiah, Turzovka thinks he is the Russian Catholic Messiah, Jeremiah thinks she is the Pentecostal Mary Magdalene, and Holly is in the bull pen waiting to be called.

He is not god, by any name, and he will not be returning from the dead thankfully

just this forum
Christ is coming back. It could be tomorrow, it could be 10,000 years from now.

I'm not holding my breath

Feel free to though. I'm sure blue will be a good colour for you
You said my name again (coming back=return=place back=restore=redeem)=HaShev
Bible code and Rabbis are declaring this the year Moshiach comes to be known.
Yom Teruah 5777 [Oct. 02, 2016] - The day of the RETURNING (HaShev)...
Rabbi Judah ben Samuel's Jubilee Prophecy gives the Year 5777 RoshHashanah

Islamic anti-christ? 2017?

Go prep you cave instead of being on the internet
aww cute, I got me another Ad Hominem stalker.
Keep missinforming people with lacking sources and info and I'll keep exposing the lies&Folly(darkness).
And thank you for calling me the archangel Michael, that was all to kind of you to observe my distaste for the thief.
"So you are saying you don't believe the Bible which calls my name or Jesus who said my name more then he said any other name?" I said I don't believe you, shev pokey. I will say my Lord's Name all I want. I call Him Lord and He calls me by first name. My Lord calls you lost.
So you are saying you don't believe the Bible which calls my name or Jesus who said my name more then he said any other name?
I turned on the TV and the first words poped up in the preachers mouth was
Place Back(HaShev) Jesus Christ.
If you aren't a believer then stop saying my name everytime as much as you say his who said mine. :)

My name is Michael, I got a nickle, I got a nickle shiny and new, I'm gonna buy me all kinds of candy, thats what I'm gonna do.......
"So you are saying you don't believe the Bible which calls my name or Jesus who said my name more then he said any other name?" I said I don't believe you, shev pokey. I will say my Lord's Name all I want. I call Him Lord and He calls me by first name. My Lord calls you lost.
Umm you do understand that lord in Hebrew is Baal right?
You do admit Jesus constantly said he'd return right? Then when you say "nuh uh" you do so not knowing Hebrew Return-restore-redeem-place back=HaShev.
Everytime you say redeemer you say my name.
Sheva[7], HaSheva[redeemer], Micah
The suffix “ah” (a) appears on the end of many Hebrew names and words, and means “of God” or “from God.”
"So you are saying you don't believe the Bible which calls my name or Jesus who said my name more then he said any other name?" I said I don't believe you, shev pokey. I will say my Lord's Name all I want. I call Him Lord and He calls me by first name. My Lord calls you lost.
Umm you do understand that lord in Hebrew is Baal right?
You do admit Jesus constantly said he'd return right? Then when you say "nuh uh" you do so not knowing Hebrew Return-restore-redeem-place back=HaShev.
Everytime you say redeemer you say my name.
Sheva[7], HaSheva[redeemer], Micah
The suffix “ah” (a) appears on the end of many Hebrew names and words, and means “of God” or “from God.”

Oh great and shiny one!

Are those who follow the teachings of the Baal ShemTov devil worshippers?

Or is Baal, just a term of respect, like master, Lord, or sir?
You said my name again (coming back=return=place back=restore=redeem)=HaShev
Bible code and Rabbis are declaring this the year Moshiach comes to be known.
Yom Teruah 5777 [Oct. 02, 2016] - The day of the RETURNING (HaShev)...
Rabbi Judah ben Samuel's Jubilee Prophecy gives the Year 5777 RoshHashanah
Yeshua is Lord.
So you are saying you don't believe the Bible which calls my name or Jesus who said my name more then he said any other name?
I turned on the TV and the first words poped up in the preachers mouth was
Place Back(HaShev) Jesus Christ.
If you aren't a believer then stop saying my name everytime as much as you say his who said mine. :)

My name is Michael, I got a nickle, I got a nickle shiny and new, I'm gonna buy me all kinds of candy, thats what I'm gonna do.......

The same nickle with the term
in God we trust and Liberty
on it or are you so old that you hold wooden ones?

Isaiah mentions the Prince of the Congregation-"Michael", as the Davidic Messiah (scroll 4 Q285 Fr. 5 which is written in the Book of Isaiah &
In the "Isaiah Commentary" scroll: (IQSb,v 20-29), who slays by strokes (writings)with his sword (words), and claims "He'll Proclaim "LIBERTY" to the captives" (Those bound by the Roman Authority) (Isaiah lxi,I) In Isaiah 44-45 it’s the
redeemer (HaSheva)who changes Cyrus heart and in Dan 10 the person battling the concious of the King/Prince of Persia is none other then Michael.
And thus says:
In Hebrew it says:
in Dan 10:20 where it says in regards to Michael:
*"Knowest thou wherefore I come unto thee And now will
*Hashev Lacham Sar Parac"
(HaShev fight the prince of Persia).
because 1 Ezra 1:1 it was the Lord (king of hosts) who stirred up the spirit of Cyrus, king of Persia. Giving him the vision and anointing (Isaiah 45) to give the decree in 538, liberating the Jews who were captive in Babylonia and allowing them to return to their homeland. Cyrus battle was not physical it was spiritually in concious through the messenger Dan describes as Michael HaShev. This proves Moshiach already fulfilled the liberating, gathering and Temple building in those days of old as will be done in our day.

But yeah keep telling them my name is just Michael like every other Michael, because Jesus never gathered, liberated,
"restored" nor built any temple, so mocking greater than and the scripture means lesser than is a bigger mockery especially sonce it relies on scripture.
You hit your king again using your own methods of reasoning. :)
Check mate!
So you are saying you don't believe the Bible which calls my name or Jesus who said my name more then he said any other name?
I turned on the TV and the first words poped up in the preachers mouth was
Place Back(HaShev) Jesus Christ.
If you aren't a believer then stop saying my name everytime as much as you say his who said mine. :)

My name is Michael, I got a nickle, I got a nickle shiny and new, I'm gonna buy me all kinds of candy, thats what I'm gonna do.......

The same nickle with the term
in God we trust and Liberty
on it or are you so old that you hold wooden ones?

Isaiah mentions the Prince of the Congregation-"Michael", as the Davidic Messiah (scroll 4 Q285 Fr. 5 which is written in the Book of Isaiah &
In the "Isaiah Commentary" scroll: (IQSb,v 20-29), who slays by strokes (writings)with his sword (words), and claims "He'll Proclaim "LIBERTY" to the captives" (Those bound by the Roman Authority) (Isaiah lxi,I) In Isaiah 44-45 it’s the
redeemer (HaSheva)who changes Cyrus heart and in Dan 10 the person battling the concious of the King/Prince of Persia is none other then Michael.
And thus says:
In Hebrew it says:
in Dan 10:20 where it says in regards to Michael:
*"Knowest thou wherefore I come unto thee And now will
*Hashev Lacham Sar Parac"
(HaShev fight the prince of Persia).
because 1 Ezra 1:1 it was the Lord (king of hosts) who stirred up the spirit of Cyrus, king of Persia. Giving him the vision and anointing (Isaiah 45) to give the decree in 538, liberating the Jews who were captive in Babylonia and allowing them to return to their homeland. Cyrus battle was not physical it was spiritually in concious through the messenger Dan describes as Michael HaShev. This proves Moshiach already fulfilled the liberating, gathering and Temple building in those days of old as will be done in our day.

But yeah keep telling them my name is just Michael like every other Michael, because Jesus never gathered, liberated,
"restored" nor built any temple, so mocking greater than and the scripture means lesser than is a bigger mockery especially sonce it relies on scripture.
You hit your king again using your own methods of reasoning. :)
Check mate!
Yeshua is Lord.
Yeah no, Hobe made that same mistake Yeshu was a 100bc Christ son of the Harlot Mary the one the Harlot church favors because he was half Roman (son of Pantheras a Roman Soldier).

I believe you want Yehuda the 6bc Galilean tax revolter(Bill O'Reilly's Jesus) or Theudas the Jordan river AD era christ with the apostles who died martyrs.

Numbers 23:19A day in store for all the proud and lofty, for all that is exalted (and they will be humbled)," (Isaiah 2:12).
They will be shameless and arrogant, (Midrash Rabbah on Song of Songs 2:29 )
truthfulness will all but disappear. (Mishnah Sota 9:15)
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Yeah no, Hobe made that same mistake Yeshu was a 100bc Christ don of the Harlot Mary the one the Harlot church facors because hexwas half Roman (son of Pantheras a Roman Soldier).

Yeshua was a name as common a name as michael is and really is aside from the point.

The person Jesus recorded in the gospels fits the description of none of the people you are talking about because people thought that he was just another sinful drunkard spouting incoherent hubris that no one took seriously and no historian of the time would have written about. He was executed as a petty criminal that didn't know when to shut up. He didn't lead any revolt. When he said that unless you eat my flesh you can have no life in you almost everyone left him and probably felt sorry for him because they thought he was mental.

Did you read the story? everyone but a small handful of people, some of whom the gospels are attributed to, thought that he was out of his mind.

You should get together with saint Brad. He thinks that he is the messiah too.

I know he exists even though he never made it to the cover of the rolling stone magazine and his exploits pushing a shopping cart around in the name of the Lord to warn of the coming magma were never documented by the history channel..
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Yeah that would be why you lied leaving out the last name that you yourself accidentally called your christ. I have witnesses.
That would also be why heritages (places of origen) held in last initials of last names becomes significant to this discussion.
Narrows down who from where and helps if you are the only one in the planet who has ever known and revealed these things that your imaginary non gathering, non temple Building christ ever was able to reveal.
Especially the secret of the name of God.
Moshiach will know the secret wisdom of the name of God 4Q300I ii4=4Q299 2 i I4.
(because "the name is shared" and the definition is the reflection and teaching)
The most basic tell tale sign of the fraud church who never names God nor defines the source and power of life.
Saying it's a mystery is a cop out admission they know nothing.
>>You should get together with saint Brad. He thinks that he is the messiah too.

Good everyone should want to be head Rabbis-liberators-redeemers(HaShevas) for their people (Jewish version of the Pope's High office). If you think that's odd then you obviously are a crab in a crab bucket who is using the mistaken deified precept of Moshiach through that same RCC you love to poke fun at.
Proving my point that no matter how much you remove yourself away from the Roman church you still are tools and fools for the concepts they embedded in your logic and thinking. Stop using Roman precepts on Judaic concepts when discussing Jewish concepts.
"The Shroud of Turin is one of the many relics manufactured for profit during the Middle Ages. Shortly after the Shroud emerged it was declared a fake by the bishop who discovered the artist."

Carbon-14 dating has demonstrated that the shroud is a 14th-century forgery and is one of many such deliberately created relics produced in the same period, all designed to attract pilgrims to specific shrines to enhance and increase the status and financial income of the local church.

Is the Shroud of Turin Real? | History | Science
Not only is the Turin Shroud probably a medieval fake but it is just one of an astonishing 40 so-called burial cloths of Jesus, according to an eminent church historian.

Antonio Lombatti said the false shrouds circulated in the Middle Ages, but most of them were later destroyed.

He said the Turin Shroud itself – showing an image of a bearded man and venerated for centuries as Christ’s burial cloth – appears to have originated in Turkey some 1,300 years after the Crucifixion.

The Turin Shroud is a fake… and it’s one of 40: Historian claims linen cloths were produced 1,300 years after crucifixion
Ha Shev believes he is the real Jewish Messiah, Turzovka thinks he is the Russian Catholic Messiah, Jeremiah thinks she is the Pentecostal Mary Magdalene, and Holly is in the bull pen waiting to be called.

He is not god, by any name, and he will not be returning from the dead thankfully

just this forum
Christ is coming back. It could be tomorrow, it could be 10,000 years from now.
that is not what your dead failed goy god on 2 sticks said

“For the Son of Man is going to come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and will then repay every man according to his deeds. Truly I say to you, there are some of those who are standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom. (Matthew 16: 27, 28)

“Behold, I have told you in advance. So if they say to you, ‘Behold, He is in the wilderness,’ do not go out, or, ‘Behold, He is in the inner rooms,’ do not believe them. For just as the lightning comes from the east and flashes even to the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man be. Wherever the corpse is, there the vultures will gather.

But immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory. And He will send forth His angels with a great trumpet and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other.

Now learn the parable from the fig tree: when its branch has already become tender and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near; so, you too, when you see all these things, recognize that He is near, right at the door. Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place. (Matthew 24: 25-34)

The fact that Christianity started as a Jewish apocalyptic movement is evidenced by the teachings of the Biblical Jesus concerning the end of days. Not only did he preach he would rise from the grave, but that he would also ascend to the Heaven and one day return to judge and rule over the world. When did Jesus say his return would be? While he said no one, including himself, knew the exact time of his return, he knew it would be before the end of his generation.

Obviously, no divine final judgement and end of days has occurred. Jesus isn’t sitting on some throne somewhere on Earth ruling over the planet. His first century followers had to find a way to make sense of the predicament of having devoted their lives to a prophecy that seemed to have failed. Over the past two millenia since the prophecy was supposedly uttered by Jesus, believers have come up with a variety of explanations for why he had not come back. If can be easily seen that all the explanations are rationalizations that don’t really work when compared to the Christian scripture. Yet they persist among the faithful to this day.

Jesus’ Failed Prophecy About His Return

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