Shroud of Turin and the Sudarium of Oviedo Covered the Same Person

Yeah no, Hobe made that same mistake Yeshu was a 100bc Christ son of the Harlot Mary the one the Harlot church favors because he was half Roman (son of Pantheras a Roman Soldier).

I believe you want Yehuda the 6bc Galilean tax revolter(Bill O'Reilly's Jesus) or Theudas the Jordan river AD era christ with the apostles who died martyrs.

Numbers 23:19A day in store for all the proud and lofty, for all that is exalted (and they will be humbled)," (Isaiah 2:12).
They will be shameless and arrogant, (Midrash Rabbah on Song of Songs 2:29 )
truthfulness will all but disappear. (Mishnah Sota 9:15)
No, you misunderstand. Yeshua is Lord Almighty and you will answer to Him.
"The Shroud of Turin is one of the many relics manufactured for profit during the Middle Ages. Shortly after the Shroud emerged it was declared a fake by the bishop who discovered the artist."

Carbon-14 dating has demonstrated that the shroud is a 14th-century forgery and is one of many such deliberately created relics produced in the same period, all designed to attract pilgrims to specific shrines to enhance and increase the status and financial income of the local church.

Is the Shroud of Turin Real? | History | Science

Try updating your research and limiting it to actual science. If you do, you will learn that even within the scientific community, there has been no consensus on whether the shroud is authentic or not. It has neither been proven or disproven. Whether authentic or not, no one knows how the image came to appear on the linen.
Guno, we are not worried about what you think.
you are an ignorant goy and don't know any better

"The Shroud of Turin is one of the many relics manufactured for profit during the Middle Ages. Shortly after the Shroud emerged it was declared a fake by the bishop who discovered the artist."

Carbon-14 dating has demonstrated that the shroud is a 14th-century forgery and is one of many such deliberately created relics produced in the same period, all designed to attract pilgrims to specific shrines to enhance and increase the status and financial income of the local church.

Is the Shroud of Turin Real? | History | Science

Try updating your research and limiting it to actual science. If you do, you will learn that even within the scientific community, there has been no consensus on whether the shroud is authentic or not. It has neither been proven or disproven. Whether authentic or not, no one knows how the image came to appear on the linen.

You mean the science like; Carbon dating has shown a forgery made in the 13th to 14th century
I guess you people need to cling to so called relics. Why? why the praying to dead peoples body parts?



View full size Steven Hughes prays in front of a relic of the True Cross in St. Louis. More than 150 relics were on display throughout the church.

See holy relics at the Treasures of the Church exhibit in Union City
"The Shroud of Turin is one of the many relics manufactured for profit during the Middle Ages. Shortly after the Shroud emerged it was declared a fake by the bishop who discovered the artist."

Carbon-14 dating has demonstrated that the shroud is a 14th-century forgery and is one of many such deliberately created relics produced in the same period, all designed to attract pilgrims to specific shrines to enhance and increase the status and financial income of the local church.

Is the Shroud of Turin Real? | History | Science

Try updating your research and limiting it to actual science. If you do, you will learn that even within the scientific community, there has been no consensus on whether the shroud is authentic or not. It has neither been proven or disproven. Whether authentic or not, no one knows how the image came to appear on the linen.

You mean the science like; Carbon dating has shown a forgery made in the 13th to 14th century
I guess you people need to cling to so called relics. Why? why the praying to dead peoples body parts?



View full size Steven Hughes prays in front of a relic of the True Cross in St. Louis. More than 150 relics were on display throughout the church.

See holy relics at the Treasures of the Church exhibit in Union City

1. Again, not proven. Even scientists admit that. It's one theory.
2. No one prays to relics, statues, icons.
"The Shroud of Turin is one of the many relics manufactured for profit during the Middle Ages. Shortly after the Shroud emerged it was declared a fake by the bishop who discovered the artist."

Carbon-14 dating has demonstrated that the shroud is a 14th-century forgery and is one of many such deliberately created relics produced in the same period, all designed to attract pilgrims to specific shrines to enhance and increase the status and financial income of the local church.

Is the Shroud of Turin Real? | History | Science

Try updating your research and limiting it to actual science. If you do, you will learn that even within the scientific community, there has been no consensus on whether the shroud is authentic or not. It has neither been proven or disproven. Whether authentic or not, no one knows how the image came to appear on the linen.

You mean the science like; Carbon dating has shown a forgery made in the 13th to 14th century
I guess you people need to cling to so called relics. Why? why the praying to dead peoples body parts?



View full size Steven Hughes prays in front of a relic of the True Cross in St. Louis. More than 150 relics were on display throughout the church.

See holy relics at the Treasures of the Church exhibit in Union City

1. Again, not proven. Even scientists admit that. It's one theory.
2. No one prays to relics, statues, icons.
As a part of this worship session, the archbishop makes the Catholic sign of the cross in front of the relic.


The archbishop bow before, and kiss the box that contains the heart of the “saint”.


But yeah keep telling them my name is just Michael like every other Michael, because Jesus never gathered, liberated,
"restored" nor built any temple,

Jesus has gathered people from every nation and kingdom of the world, liberated those under the burden of the law (which is the death for noncompliance) by restoring the law to its original intent, purpose, and meaning, according to way that Moses taught to understand and follow the law, opening the only gate that leads to life in the sanctuary of God to all those who put their faith in him, accept his teaching, and do it...

Why didn't you answer this question sparkie?

Are those who follow the teachings of the Baal ShemTov devil worshippers like you accuse Christians who call Jesus Lord devil worshippers because the word Baal in hebrew means Lord nd was the name of an ancient pagan deity?
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. Truly I say to you, there are some of those who are standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom. (Matthew 16: 27, 28)

Who can say if someone who was standing around at the time did or did not see the kingdom of God in power before they died just like Nebuchadnezzar raised his eyes and saw the kingdom of God already in power in 600 bc. after living like a brute beast for seven years?

Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place. (Matthew 24: 25-34)

The generation that Jesus was speaking about that would persist until his return is the generation of error that teaches a literal interpretation and application of the law.

The fact that Hashev wants to build a temple to slaughter farm animals in and people still think the subject of Kosher law is about what or what not to make for dinner shows that "this generation" that Jesus was referring to has not yet passed away and has been witness to everything he predicted coming true; The siege of Jerusalem, the destruction of the Temple, the second diaspora, his teachings spread all over the world, the great tribulation, the ingathering, wars and rumors of war, etc....
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Well this will just cause more Hobe's
ad hominem rages.
Shimon just sent me info that:
the altar for sacrificing at the temple has been rebuilt and that it is
7(Sheva) ft 7 (Sheva)inches in size.
Once again proving everything in the Temple secrets Moshiach's identity not Jesus.
Jesus did not liberate them, even you previously admit the church enslaved them, Rome scattered them, such a bad shepherd get's his sheep slain and scattered. Baracopa was denounced a messiah when he failed his liberation.
You must do the same, which you partially do when saying Jesus is an idol Rome made an image of. But still clinging to the wrong christs name claiming he's the actual historical under the mask is still using the a Roman compilation image and you are just denouncing the same idol that you are selling. Sort of like what Penelope is trying to tell Jeremiah, and you know I would never agree with Penelope, but this time she's dead on=it's the same concoction from the same adversary manipulative source of Rome.

That being said I posted where Isaiah commentary says who the liberator is, not just any Michael and when you mock that way you inadvertantly admit it problematic that it's never ever referencing anyone by your confused made up names for Jesus and that you should be looking for a Michael not a Jesus. Meaning you are admiting worshiping Lucifer and oposing the Shiloh. Check Mate!
You said it yourself:The generation that Jesus was speaking about that would persist until his HaShev(return) is the generation.
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You might have to change it from adhomenim attacks to adHobenim attacks Michael.... The fact of the altar being some 7 ft 7 inches in height puts even more weight on the fact that Shiva dances on the dwarf Jesus as if the temple sacrifices are reinstituted one of the cornerstones of the Christian faith is completely destroyed because they say Jesus was the sacrifice( which is complete bull) With sacrifices taking place on the Sheva Sheva altar it should be obvious to even the most brain dead fanatic that the claims for Jesus are not only bogus but if any bothered to truthfully read Ezekiel 18 verses 20-22 then they would know that vicarious atonement where one person takes the sins of another is a completely bogus concept with no merit....
The generation that Jesus was speaking about that would persist until his HaShev(return) is the generation.

Yes, the generation of error, the age of darkness, the same generation of error in thought and practice that you would have your own people follow to their destruction still persists to this day just like the Jesus written about only in the gospels said that it would.

If you were the fulfillment of the return of the messiah you would not be disputing with the hidden teaching of Moses that this Jesus revealed and taught people to follow. You most certainly wouldn't be trying so hard to get non Jews to reject Jesus in exchange for your over inflated opinion of yourself in full view of everyone here, especially in the dawn's early light.

Shouldn't you be using your extraordinary powers of revulsion trying to convince other Jews to return to the darkness of primitive superstitious beliefs and the vile and degrading practices of a dying age?

good luck with that!
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