Shultz and dems say no questions asked when killing 7-lb in utero babies.

If you have ever experienced infertility you would know how cruel it is to take fertility from anyone.

Do you have any idea whatsoever how cruel it is to kill a well-developed fully formed fetus? Obviously not.
no more cruel than killing a litter of puppies or other animals.
being human makes no difference cruelty is cruelty.
sometimes it's necessary..

Serial-killer jargon. :eusa_hand:
Nazi pro-death camp jargon.

".... propagandists universally seek to justify the use of ....violence by portraying it as morally defensible and necessary."

"...The Nazi leadership aimed to deceive the German population, the victims, and the outside world regarding their genocidal policy.."

Deceiving the Public
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Issue Clash Late Abortions . NOW on PBS

Under what, if any, circumstances are late abortions an appropriate procedure?


Troy Newman: The pro-life ethic defines human life from the moment of conception until natural death. Abortion, or the killing of a pre-born child, is never appropriate. The Kansas Department of Health and Environment reports that there has never been a late-term abortion in Kansas to save a woman's life. The majority of physicians concur that a post-viability abortion is never medically necessary. If there is a life-threatening condition to the mother or child, the baby should be delivered and given the appropriate medical treatment.

Are they going to say that the majority of doctors just don't know what they are talking about? That is a lot of doctors, and those doctors that don't weigh in probably just want to get involved in the issue.

And it was the finding of congress.

What impact does access to late abortions have on our society?


Troy Newman: A civilized society is judged by how it treats the weakest of its members. Access to an act that kills a viable baby devalues the lives of all members of society. I believe that drive-by shootings, mothers throwing away their children, and even the shootings of abortionists all stem from the abortion culture that openly implies that a person who is inconvenient is somehow disposable. That creates an environment that fosters violence, and is something that the pro-life movement is working to change.
Here's my 2 cents....

If a fetus is viable and can survive outside of the womb, it is no longer a fetus, it's a baby. Killing it at that point is murder. Period. End of story.
Here's my two cents. If a woman is carrying a fetus which your male Millennial ass will never do why do you feel you should have a right to tell her what she should do with it?

Because someone has to be the voice of the unborn, they cannot speak for themselves.

Your'e talking about a fetus that's either dead or near dead. Or a fetus inside a woman who will die if the abortion isn't performed. A 7 lb fetus that's dead will never speak for themselves. A 7 lb fetus that's inside a woman who will die without an abortion is already dead and will never speak for itself.

Guess what? If that woman dies so does that 7 lb fetus.

It's been illegal to abort a 7 lb fetus since Roe V. Wade. That law makes it illegal to abort a 7 lb fetus with the exception of there being a serious problem. Either with the fetus or with the woman.

Why do you want women to die just because their pregnancy goes wrong?

If the unborn human is dead then removing it from the womb will not be an abortion ... as the unborn human is already dead. Did you seriously not know this??

Abortion terminates life ... ends life ... kills the unborn ... stops their very existence. That's what abortion does.

And you stand there saying no one should speak up for those whose life is snuffed out.


I said it was strangled. It didn't say it was completely dead. It had a faint heart beat and it was only a matter of time until it died. The whole time it would have suffered through the death while inside the womb. I guess you wanted that fetus to suffer while it died slowly.


My best friend's husband's sister was pregnant with a fetus that had no brain.

She didn't believe in abortion so she didn't have one and it died at birth.

However, there are many women who are faced with that situation and they choose abortion. The fetus isn't dead inside her.

My friend who does my hair had been trying to have a baby for years. She finally got pregnant. Late in the second trimester they found the fetus had severe spina bifida. It wouldn't live outside the womb. It was alive in the womb. She elected to have an abortion.

Then there are the women who find out that the pregnancy will put their life in jeopardy. Whether it's from a disease she has or the pregnancy has gone septic. Many women who are faced with cancer have to abort the fetus or die. The treatment for the cancer would kill the fetus.

There are many very good reasons why a 7 lb fetus is aborted. All you need to know is that it's legal to do only if there's a serious problem with the pregnancy or the woman.

Beyond that it's none of your business. It's only the business of the woman and her doctor. If the man is involved great. If he's not, he isn't involved with the decisions of the pregnancy.

You and people like you have no business getting involved with it. You also have no business deciding what our laws should be. The laws are very clear and if you don't like them then you can elected people who will pass laws you want. Then you can force as many women to die as you want or force as many new borns to suffer until they die as you want. You can be as cruel as your sick heart desires.

Good luck with that.
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Here's my 2 cents....

If a fetus is viable and can survive outside of the womb, it is no longer a fetus, it's a baby. Killing it at that point is murder. Period. End of story.
Here's my two cents. If a woman is carrying a fetus which your male Millennial ass will never do why do you feel you should have a right to tell her what she should do with it?

Because someone has to be the voice of the unborn, they cannot speak for themselves.

Your'e talking about a fetus that's either dead or near dead. Or a fetus inside a woman who will die if the abortion isn't performed. A 7 lb fetus that's dead will never speak for themselves. A 7 lb fetus that's inside a woman who will die without an abortion is already dead and will never speak for itself.

Guess what? If that woman dies so does that 7 lb fetus.

It's been illegal to abort a 7 lb fetus since Roe V. Wade. That law makes it illegal to abort a 7 lb fetus with the exception of there being a serious problem. Either with the fetus or with the woman.

Why do you want women to die just because their pregnancy goes wrong?

If the unborn human is dead then removing it from the womb will not be an abortion ... as the unborn human is already dead. Did you seriously not know this??

Abortion terminates life ... ends life ... kills the unborn ... stops their very existence. That's what abortion does.

And you stand there saying no one should speak up for those whose life is snuffed out.


I said it was strangled. It didn't say it was completely dead. It had a faint heart beat and it was only a matter of time until it died. The whole time it would have suffered through the dead while inside the womb. I guess you wanted that fetus to suffer while it died slowly.


My best friend's husband's sister was pregnant with a fetus that had no brain.

She didn't believe in abortion so she didn't have one and it died at birth.

However, there are many women who are faced with that situation and they choose abortion. The fetus isn't dead inside her.

My friend who does my hair had been trying to have a baby for years. She finally got pregnant. Late in the second trimester they found the fetus had severe spina bifida. It wouldn't live outside the womb. It was alive in the womb. She elected to have an abortion.

Then there are the women who find out that the pregnancy will put their life in jeopardy. Whether it's from a disease she has or the pregnancy has gone septic. Many women who are faced with cancer have to abort the fetus or die. The treatment for the cancer would kill the fetus.

There are many very good reasons why a 7 lb fetus is aborted. All you need to know is that it's legal to do only if there's a serious problem with the pregnancy or the woman.

Beyond that it's none of your business. It's only the business of the woman and her doctor. If the man is involved great. If he's not, he isn't involved with the decisions of the pregnancy.

You and people like you have no business getting involved with it. You also have no business deciding what our laws should be. The laws are very clear and if you don't like them then you can elected people who will pass laws you want. Then you can force as many women to die as you want or force as many new borns to suffer until they die as you want. You can be as cruel as your sick heart desires.

Good luck with that.

Oh. So they killed their almost to term baby because it had a cord wrapped around its neck.

So did 2 of my kids.

There's something wrong with you people.
Yes the woman's health is more important than a fetus. Yes a woman's fertility is more important than a fetus.

My cousin's wife had a third trimester fetus inside that was strangled by the umbilical cord.

If they had not performed that abortion s
he would have either died or have been left infertile.

Which means that the two children she later had would have never been born.

If you have ever experienced infertility you would know how cruel it is to take fertility from anyone.

You're an idiot. Seriously.

If the umbilical cord wrapped around the baby's neck and strangled the baby, the baby was dead. Removing the dead baby was not an abortion. I repeat, removing an already dead baby IS NOT an abortion.

A person or fetus can be strangled and not die.

That's why there's the term "strangled to death."

The fetus was strangled but not strangled to death. It had a faint heart beat. It would have died eventually but it would have suffered while it died and it probably would have started to be septic or start growing peritonitis. Both would have killed her or if she lived would have left her infertile. Which would have prevented her 2 other children to have been born. It would have left my cousin a widower and he would have had to go through his life without his soulmate.

They both are orthodox christians. They're very religious and neither believe in divorce or remarrying after a death. It's their faith. So my cousin would have been left without his soulmate when he was in his late 20s.

For your information here's the definition of strangle as you can see, it doesn't always require death:

Full Definition of STRANGLE
transitive verb
a : to choke to death by compressing the throat with something (as a hand or rope) : throttle

b : to obstruct seriously or fatally the normal breathing of

c : stifle

: to suppress or hinder the rise, expression, or growth of <repression strangles free speech>

And here is the meaning of the word abortion:

Full Definition of ABORTION
1: the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus: as

a : spontaneous expulsion of a human fetus during the first 12 weeks of gestation — compare miscarriage

b : induced expulsion of a human fetus

Now if you look at all of those definitions you will see that the third one B, doesn't require the death after the procedure is done. If you see the second definition A, that also doesn't require the fetus to be dead after the abortion is performed.

If you're from a family that has a lot of people who work in the medical profession as I do, you will also look at the medical dictionary to find the REAL definition of an abortion. Which is the following:

1. expulsion from the uterus of the products of conception before the fetus is viable.
2. premature stoppage of a natural or a pathological process.

An abortion is stopping a pregnancy. Whether the fetus is alive or not inside the womb.

An abortion doesn't always end in terminating the fetus. The fetus can already be dead before the abortion is performed.

Now, who is the idiot here?
Yes the woman's health is more important than a fetus. Yes a woman's fertility is more important than a fetus.

My cousin's wife had a third trimester fetus inside that was strangled by the umbilical cord.

If they had not performed that abortion s
he would have either died or have been left infertile.

Which means that the two children she later had would have never been born.

If you have ever experienced infertility you would know how cruel it is to take fertility from anyone.

You're an idiot. Seriously.

If the umbilical cord wrapped around the baby's neck and strangled the baby, the baby was dead. Removing the dead baby was not an abortion. I repeat, removing an already dead baby IS NOT an abortion.

A person or fetus can be strangled and not die.

That's why there's the term "strangled to death."

The fetus was strangled but not strangled to death. It had a faint heart beat. It would have died eventually but it would have suffered while it died and it probably would have started to be septic or start growing peritonitis. Both would have killed her or if she lived would have left her infertile. Which would have prevented her 2 other children to have been born. It would have left my cousin a widower and he would have had to go through his life without his soulmate.

They both are orthodox christians. They're very religious and neither believe in divorce or remarrying after a death. It's their faith. So my cousin would have been left without his soulmate when he was in his late 20s.

For your information here's the definition of strangle as you can see, it doesn't always require death:

Full Definition of STRANGLE
transitive verb
a : to choke to death by compressing the throat with something (as a hand or rope) : throttle

b : to obstruct seriously or fatally the normal breathing of

c : stifle

: to suppress or hinder the rise, expression, or growth of <repression strangles free speech>

And here is the meaning of the word abortion:

Full Definition of ABORTION
1: the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus: as

a : spontaneous expulsion of a human fetus during the first 12 weeks of gestation — compare miscarriage

b : induced expulsion of a human fetus

Now if you look at all of those definitions you will see that the third one B, doesn't require the death after the procedure is done. If you see the second definition A, that also doesn't require the fetus to be dead after the abortion is performed.

If you're from a family that has a lot of people who work in the medical profession as I do, you will also look at the medical dictionary to find the REAL definition of an abortion. Which is the following:

1. expulsion from the uterus of the products of conception before the fetus is viable.
2. premature stoppage of a natural or a pathological process.

An abortion is stopping a pregnancy. Whether the fetus is alive or not inside the womb.

An abortion doesn't always end in terminating the fetus. The fetus can already be dead before the abortion is performed.

Now, who is the idiot here?

You still are.
If you have ever experienced infertility you would know how cruel it is to take fertility from anyone.

Do you have any idea whatsoever how cruel it is to kill a well-developed fully formed fetus? Obviously not.

The only time a 7 lb fetus can be terminated is when there's a serious problem with the pregnancy or with the woman.

No perfectly healthy 7 lb pregnancy is terminated. That's the thing. It's not healthy and is either dead or close to death. Or the woman would die. Guess what? If the woman dies so does that 7 lb fetus so it's going to die whether the abortion is performed or not. Why force a woman to die and not be able to live to go on to have other children? Or why take her fertility from her so she will not be able to have more children?

How many times must you be told this?

When a 7 lb fetus is aborted it's for very serious medical reasons. There's a serious problem with the pregnancy like spina bifida or the fetus doesn't have a brain or it's missing a heart or other major organ. Or the woman has a serious medical situation like cancer. Or the fetus is already dead inside the womb.

Why do you believe it's ok to kill a woman just because her pregnancy went wrong? Or why do you want to take fertility from a woman just because her pregnancy went wrong? Or why do you want to force a new born to suffer needlessly and then die?

And why do you think you have the right to judge any crisis pregnancy? It's up to the woman and her doctor.

Not you.

Where did you get your medical degree and do you think it's wise to diagnose someone you haven't met or examined properly? Doctors can lose their medical license by doing something like that. At the very least face malpractice charges and lawsuit.

I will never understand the cruelty of people like you.
If you have ever experienced infertility you would know how cruel it is to take fertility from anyone.

Do you have any idea whatsoever how cruel it is to kill a well-developed fully formed fetus? Obviously not.
no more cruel than killing a litter of puppies or other animals.
being human makes no difference cruelty is cruelty.
sometimes it's necessary..

Serial-killer jargon. :eusa_hand:

Actually it's you and people like you who are the serial killers.

You want to force women to die just because their pregnancy went wrong.

We want women to live and be healthy to go on to be able to have more children.
Yes the woman's health is more important than a fetus. Yes a woman's fertility is more important than a fetus.

My cousin's wife had a third trimester fetus inside that was strangled by the umbilical cord.

If they had not performed that abortion s
he would have either died or have been left infertile.

Which means that the two children she later had would have never been born.

If you have ever experienced infertility you would know how cruel it is to take fertility from anyone.

You're an idiot. Seriously.

If the umbilical cord wrapped around the baby's neck and strangled the baby, the baby was dead. Removing the dead baby was not an abortion. I repeat, removing an already dead baby IS NOT an abortion.

A person or fetus can be strangled and not die.

That's why there's the term "strangled to death."

The fetus was strangled but not strangled to death. It had a faint heart beat. It would have died eventually but it would have suffered while it died and it probably would have started to be septic or start growing peritonitis. Both would have killed her or if she lived would have left her infertile. Which would have prevented her 2 other children to have been born. It would have left my cousin a widower and he would have had to go through his life without his soulmate.

They both are orthodox christians. They're very religious and neither believe in divorce or remarrying after a death. It's their faith. So my cousin would have been left without his soulmate when he was in his late 20s.

For your information here's the definition of strangle as you can see, it doesn't always require death:

Full Definition of STRANGLE
transitive verb
a : to choke to death by compressing the throat with something (as a hand or rope) : throttle

b : to obstruct seriously or fatally the normal breathing of

c : stifle

: to suppress or hinder the rise, expression, or growth of <repression strangles free speech>

And here is the meaning of the word abortion:

Full Definition of ABORTION
1: the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus: as

a : spontaneous expulsion of a human fetus during the first 12 weeks of gestation — compare miscarriage

b : induced expulsion of a human fetus

Now if you look at all of those definitions you will see that the third one B, doesn't require the death after the procedure is done. If you see the second definition A, that also doesn't require the fetus to be dead after the abortion is performed.

If you're from a family that has a lot of people who work in the medical profession as I do, you will also look at the medical dictionary to find the REAL definition of an abortion. Which is the following:

1. expulsion from the uterus of the products of conception before the fetus is viable.
2. premature stoppage of a natural or a pathological process.

An abortion is stopping a pregnancy. Whether the fetus is alive or not inside the womb.

An abortion doesn't always end in terminating the fetus. The fetus can already be dead before the abortion is performed.

Now, who is the idiot here?

You still are.

An honest person would say that the person who doesn't know the meaning of words in the English language and is too lazy to look them up is the idiot.

Which is you.
If a woman is aborting a 'seven pound fetus" (They only reach that weight at about 8 months in) it's because something has gone horribly wrong with the pregnancy.

Everyone else should mind their own fucking business.

A seven-pound fetus has all the sensitivity and feeling that you have and deserves every possible life-saving measure.

uh, no, it doesn't. frankly, bringing a baby into the world with brittle bone syndrome or tay sachs or Down Syndrome is not doing it any favors.
Here's my two cents. If a woman is carrying a fetus which your male Millennial ass will never do why do you feel you should have a right to tell her what she should do with it?
Because what she's carrying is not an it. He/she is an unborn baby.
Still none of your business.
Is it my business when an infant is taken home from the hospital and abused? Is it my business when an elderly Altzheimer's patient who doesn't even know who they are is abused in a nursing home? How about when a man is killed because he is gay? I submit it is my business anywhere that people are being abused and slaughtered. Or perhaps you only want certain groups of people protected.
Man you need to put down the pipe.
Well, is it my business or not? Or should we all just point and laugh as the girl is gang raped on a public beach?
No it is not your business.
A person or fetus can be strangled and not die.

That's why there's the term "strangled to death."

The fetus was strangled but not strangled to death. It had a faint heart beat. It would have died eventually but it would have suffered while it died and it probably would have started to be septic or start growing peritonitis. Both would have killed her or if she lived would have left her infertile. Which would have prevented her 2 other children to have been born. It would have left my cousin a widower and he would have had to go through his life without his soulmate.

They both are orthodox christians. They're very religious and neither believe in divorce or remarrying after a death. It's their faith. So my cousin would have been left without his soulmate when he was in his late 20s.

For your information here's the definition of strangle as you can see, it doesn't always require death:

Full Definition of STRANGLE
transitive verb
a : to choke to death by compressing the throat with something (as a hand or rope) : throttle

b : to obstruct seriously or fatally the normal breathing of

c : stifle

: to suppress or hinder the rise, expression, or growth of <repression strangles free speech>

And here is the meaning of the word abortion:

Full Definition of ABORTION
1: the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus: as

a : spontaneous expulsion of a human fetus during the first 12 weeks of gestation — compare miscarriage

b : induced expulsion of a human fetus

Now if you look at all of those definitions you will see that the third one B, doesn't require the death after the procedure is done. If you see the second definition A, that also doesn't require the fetus to be dead after the abortion is performed.

If you're from a family that has a lot of people who work in the medical profession as I do, you will also look at the medical dictionary to find the REAL definition of an abortion. Which is the following:

1. expulsion from the uterus of the products of conception before the fetus is viable.
2. premature stoppage of a natural or a pathological process.

An abortion is stopping a pregnancy. Whether the fetus is alive or not inside the womb.

An abortion doesn't always end in terminating the fetus. The fetus can already be dead before the abortion is performed.

Now, who is the idiot here?

You do know that a fetus that dies naturally inside the womb and must be removed or is naturally expelled is known as a miscarriage, right? Oh I know, technical term is 'spontaneous abortion'. No one who has had a miscarriage would refer to it as an abortion, even as a spontaneous abortion, as abortion is referred to and understood as: the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy by deliberately terminating the fetus. No one who has a miscarriage would want people to think they deliberately ended the life of their child. If the fetus dies in utero people will not say 'I had an abortion', as that implies they intentionally terminated the life of their unborn. They will say 'I lost the baby and needed a d&c'. Abortion ends a pregnancy by deliberately ending the life of the unborn. That is the definition that people are referring to when discussing abortion. You can massage the definition all you want with what the medical community calls it but the reality is that when a woman has an abortion she purposely and deliberately ends the life of the unborn; she terminates her pregnancy by terminating a life. Don't believe me? Go out and ask people what abortion is, what abortion does. They will tell you it's the termination of pregnancy due to the deliberate ending of the fetus. Well, anit-lifers won't. Anti-lifers will throw out all kinds of things to see what sticks, hoping that distraction works.

You keep saying that the only time anyone would ever abort a 7lb fetus is if the fetus had some kind of health problem. Tell that to the terminated ones that Gosnell murdered after his botched late term abortions. Show me where each of those fetus's had health issues.


"For many years, abortion-rights advocates have asserted that abortions after 20 weeks are performed because of maternal health complications or lethal fetal anomalies discovered late in pregnancy.[8] However, wider data from both the medical literature and late-term abortion providers indicates that most late-term procedures are not performed for these reasons. Previous survey studies of late-term abortion patients have confirmed that most late-term abortions are performed because of a delay in pregnancy diagnosis and for reasons similar to those given by first-trimester abortion patients: financial stressors, relationship problems, education concerns or parenting challenges.[9]

A recent paper entitled, “Who seeks abortion at or after 20 weeks?” supports these conclusions.[10] The study, published in Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, a journal of the Guttmacher Institute, marks a notable departure from previous statements by abortion rights advocates that late-term abortions were rarely elective."

The Reality of Late-Term Abortion Procedures Charlotte Lozier Institute

You want to support abortion? Have at it, that's your choice. It's twisted thinking though that people who support abortion somehow think that abortion doesn't kill a human being. It's truly mind-boggling that they don't think anyone should be a voice for the unborn, for those cannot speak for themselves. You're perfectly fine with 1 million + unborn humans having their lives ended each year; we're not.
A person or fetus can be strangled and not die.

That's why there's the term "strangled to death."

The fetus was strangled but not strangled to death. It had a faint heart beat. It would have died eventually but it would have suffered while it died and it probably would have started to be septic or start growing peritonitis. Both would have killed her or if she lived would have left her infertile. Which would have prevented her 2 other children to have been born. It would have left my cousin a widower and he would have had to go through his life without his soulmate.

They both are orthodox christians. They're very religious and neither believe in divorce or remarrying after a death. It's their faith. So my cousin would have been left without his soulmate when he was in his late 20s.

For your information here's the definition of strangle as you can see, it doesn't always require death:

Full Definition of STRANGLE
transitive verb
a : to choke to death by compressing the throat with something (as a hand or rope) : throttle

b : to obstruct seriously or fatally the normal breathing of

c : stifle

: to suppress or hinder the rise, expression, or growth of <repression strangles free speech>

And here is the meaning of the word abortion:

Full Definition of ABORTION
1: the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus: as

a : spontaneous expulsion of a human fetus during the first 12 weeks of gestation — compare miscarriage

b : induced expulsion of a human fetus

Now if you look at all of those definitions you will see that the third one B, doesn't require the death after the procedure is done. If you see the second definition A, that also doesn't require the fetus to be dead after the abortion is performed.

If you're from a family that has a lot of people who work in the medical profession as I do, you will also look at the medical dictionary to find the REAL definition of an abortion. Which is the following:

1. expulsion from the uterus of the products of conception before the fetus is viable.
2. premature stoppage of a natural or a pathological process.

An abortion is stopping a pregnancy. Whether the fetus is alive or not inside the womb.

An abortion doesn't always end in terminating the fetus. The fetus can already be dead before the abortion is performed.

Now, who is the idiot here?

You do know that a fetus that dies naturally inside the womb and must be removed or is naturally expelled is known as a miscarriage, right? Oh I know, technical term is 'spontaneous abortion'. No one who has had a miscarriage would refer to it as an abortion, even as a spontaneous abortion, as abortion is referred to and understood as: the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy by deliberately terminating the fetus. No one who has a miscarriage would want people to think they deliberately ended the life of their child. If the fetus dies in utero people will not say 'I had an abortion', as that implies they intentionally terminated the life of their unborn. They will say 'I lost the baby and needed a d&c'. Abortion ends a pregnancy by deliberately ending the life of the unborn. That is the definition that people are referring to when discussing abortion. You can massage the definition all you want with what the medical community calls it but the reality is that when a woman has an abortion she purposely and deliberately ends the life of the unborn; she terminates her pregnancy by terminating a life. Don't believe me? Go out and ask people what abortion is, what abortion does. They will tell you it's the termination of pregnancy due to the deliberate ending of the fetus. Well, anit-lifers won't. Anti-lifers will throw out all kinds of things to see what sticks, hoping that distraction works.

You keep saying that the only time anyone would ever abort a 7lb fetus is if the fetus had some kind of health problem. Tell that to the terminated ones that Gosnell murdered after his botched late term abortions. Show me where each of those fetus's had health issues.


"For many years, abortion-rights advocates have asserted that abortions after 20 weeks are performed because of maternal health complications or lethal fetal anomalies discovered late in pregnancy.[8] However, wider data from both the medical literature and late-term abortion providers indicates that most late-term procedures are not performed for these reasons. Previous survey studies of late-term abortion patients have confirmed that most late-term abortions are performed because of a delay in pregnancy diagnosis and for reasons similar to those given by first-trimester abortion patients: financial stressors, relationship problems, education concerns or parenting challenges.[9]

A recent paper entitled, “Who seeks abortion at or after 20 weeks?” supports these conclusions.[10] The study, published in Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, a journal of the Guttmacher Institute, marks a notable departure from previous statements by abortion rights advocates that late-term abortions were rarely elective."

The Reality of Late-Term Abortion Procedures Charlotte Lozier Institute

You want to support abortion? Have at it, that's your choice. It's twisted thinking though that people who support abortion somehow think that abortion doesn't kill a human being. It's truly mind-boggling that they don't think anyone should be a voice for the unborn, for those cannot speak for themselves. You're perfectly fine with 1 million + unborn humans having their lives ended each year; we're not.

I tried to read your post but I couldn't get past the lies in the first paragraph.

If you want to debate with me then you'll have to be honest. Otherwise I do what I did with the post above. Just scroll right past when I got to the lies.

You can redefine abortion all you want but it still won't be the correct definition. Words have meanings and you can't redefine words in the English language.

Also, if a fetus is dead inside a woman it can stay there for months. It happened to my nephew's wife. She was pregnant and several months later she found out that the fetus was dead and had been dead for over a month. It wasn't found until a routine check up and by that time it was growing an infection called peritonitis which would have killed her. She was lucky, it was in the first stages and she lived.

It can take weeks for a dead fetus to spontaneously abort. And while the person who it happened to will call it a miscarriage, it's recorded and reported as a spontaneous abortion. It's counted as an abortion with all other abortions whether it's induced or spontaneous.

So you might want to stick with honest facts if you want to debate with me. But then if you do, you lose the debate.
A person or fetus can be strangled and not die.

That's why there's the term "strangled to death."

The fetus was strangled but not strangled to death. It had a faint heart beat. It would have died eventually but it would have suffered while it died and it probably would have started to be septic or start growing peritonitis. Both would have killed her or if she lived would have left her infertile. Which would have prevented her 2 other children to have been born. It would have left my cousin a widower and he would have had to go through his life without his soulmate.

They both are orthodox christians. They're very religious and neither believe in divorce or remarrying after a death. It's their faith. So my cousin would have been left without his soulmate when he was in his late 20s.

For your information here's the definition of strangle as you can see, it doesn't always require death:

Full Definition of STRANGLE
transitive verb
a : to choke to death by compressing the throat with something (as a hand or rope) : throttle

b : to obstruct seriously or fatally the normal breathing of

c : stifle

: to suppress or hinder the rise, expression, or growth of <repression strangles free speech>

And here is the meaning of the word abortion:

Full Definition of ABORTION
1: the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus: as

a : spontaneous expulsion of a human fetus during the first 12 weeks of gestation — compare miscarriage

b : induced expulsion of a human fetus

Now if you look at all of those definitions you will see that the third one B, doesn't require the death after the procedure is done. If you see the second definition A, that also doesn't require the fetus to be dead after the abortion is performed.

If you're from a family that has a lot of people who work in the medical profession as I do, you will also look at the medical dictionary to find the REAL definition of an abortion. Which is the following:

1. expulsion from the uterus of the products of conception before the fetus is viable.
2. premature stoppage of a natural or a pathological process.

An abortion is stopping a pregnancy. Whether the fetus is alive or not inside the womb.

An abortion doesn't always end in terminating the fetus. The fetus can already be dead before the abortion is performed.

Now, who is the idiot here?

You do know that a fetus that dies naturally inside the womb and must be removed or is naturally expelled is known as a miscarriage, right? Oh I know, technical term is 'spontaneous abortion'. No one who has had a miscarriage would refer to it as an abortion, even as a spontaneous abortion, as abortion is referred to and understood as: the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy by deliberately terminating the fetus. No one who has a miscarriage would want people to think they deliberately ended the life of their child. If the fetus dies in utero people will not say 'I had an abortion', as that implies they intentionally terminated the life of their unborn. They will say 'I lost the baby and needed a d&c'. Abortion ends a pregnancy by deliberately ending the life of the unborn. That is the definition that people are referring to when discussing abortion. You can massage the definition all you want with what the medical community calls it but the reality is that when a woman has an abortion she purposely and deliberately ends the life of the unborn; she terminates her pregnancy by terminating a life. Don't believe me? Go out and ask people what abortion is, what abortion does. They will tell you it's the termination of pregnancy due to the deliberate ending of the fetus. Well, anit-lifers won't. Anti-lifers will throw out all kinds of things to see what sticks, hoping that distraction works.

You keep saying that the only time anyone would ever abort a 7lb fetus is if the fetus had some kind of health problem. Tell that to the terminated ones that Gosnell murdered after his botched late term abortions. Show me where each of those fetus's had health issues.


"For many years, abortion-rights advocates have asserted that abortions after 20 weeks are performed because of maternal health complications or lethal fetal anomalies discovered late in pregnancy.[8] However, wider data from both the medical literature and late-term abortion providers indicates that most late-term procedures are not performed for these reasons. Previous survey studies of late-term abortion patients have confirmed that most late-term abortions are performed because of a delay in pregnancy diagnosis and for reasons similar to those given by first-trimester abortion patients: financial stressors, relationship problems, education concerns or parenting challenges.[9]

A recent paper entitled, “Who seeks abortion at or after 20 weeks?” supports these conclusions.[10] The study, published in Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, a journal of the Guttmacher Institute, marks a notable departure from previous statements by abortion rights advocates that late-term abortions were rarely elective."

The Reality of Late-Term Abortion Procedures Charlotte Lozier Institute

You want to support abortion? Have at it, that's your choice. It's twisted thinking though that people who support abortion somehow think that abortion doesn't kill a human being. It's truly mind-boggling that they don't think anyone should be a voice for the unborn, for those cannot speak for themselves. You're perfectly fine with 1 million + unborn humans having their lives ended each year; we're not.

I tried to read your post but I couldn't get past the lies in the first paragraph.

If you want to debate with me then you'll have to be honest. Otherwise I do what I did with the post above. Just scroll right past when I got to the lies.

You can redefine abortion all you want but it still won't be the correct definition. Words have meanings and you can't redefine words in the English language.

Also, if a fetus is dead inside a woman it can stay there for months. It happened to my nephew's wife. She was pregnant and several months later she found out that the fetus was dead and had been dead for over a month. It wasn't found until a routine check up and by that time it was growing an infection called peritonitis which would have killed her. She was lucky, it was in the first stages and she lived.

It can take weeks for a dead fetus to spontaneously abort. And while the person who it happened to will call it a miscarriage, it's recorded and reported as a spontaneous abortion. It's counted as an abortion with all other abortions whether it's induced or spontaneous.

So you might want to stick with honest facts if you want to debate with me. But then if you do, you lose the debate.

I'm not redefining anything. You think everyday people believe the term 'abortion' refers to the fetus having already died on its own and the 'abortion' part means its remains are just being removed ... go for it. ftr, no I did not know that the medical community referred to removing an already deceased fetus as an abortion and I doubt that others outside the medical community do either. Why? Because that's not what the abortion debate is about and it certainly is not the definition of abortion that 99% of people understand. Why? Because abortion - as it is discussed/debated/referred to in the terms of ending a human life - means that the termination of the pregnancy occurs because the fetus is deliberately killed. Do you agree with that definition?
If you have ever experienced infertility you would know how cruel it is to take fertility from anyone.

Do you have any idea whatsoever how cruel it is to kill a well-developed fully formed fetus? Obviously not.

The only time a 7 lb fetus can be terminated is when there's a serious problem with the pregnancy or with the woman.

No perfectly healthy 7 lb pregnancy is terminated. That's the thing. It's not healthy and is either dead or close to death. Or the woman would die. Guess what? If the woman dies so does that 7 lb fetus so it's going to die whether the abortion is performed or not. Why force a woman to die and not be able to live to go on to have other children? Or why take her fertility from her so she will not be able to have more children?

How many times must you be told this?

When a 7 lb fetus is aborted it's for very serious medical reasons. There's a serious problem with the pregnancy like spina bifida or the fetus doesn't have a brain or it's missing a heart or other major organ. Or the woman has a serious medical situation like cancer. Or the fetus is already dead inside the womb.

Why do you believe it's ok to kill a woman just because her pregnancy went wrong? Or why do you want to take fertility from a woman just because her pregnancy went wrong? Or why do you want to force a new born to suffer needlessly and then die?

And why do you think you have the right to judge any crisis pregnancy? It's up to the woman and her doctor.

Not you.

Where did you get your medical degree and do you think it's wise to diagnose someone you haven't met or examined properly? Doctors can lose their medical license by doing something like that. At the very least face malpractice charges and lawsuit.

I will never understand the cruelty of people like you.

Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The statute includes two findings of Congress:

(1) A moral, medical, and ethical consensus exists that the practice of performing a partial-birth a gruesome and inhumane procedure that is never medically necessary and should be prohibited.

You have conveniently blocked out what I have posted earlier.

Why would you want to kill a fetus/baby more or less looks like this?

A seven-pound fetus has all the sensitivity and feeling that you have and deserves every possible life-saving measure.

uh, no, it doesn't. frankly, bringing a baby into the world with brittle bone syndrome or tay sachs or Down Syndrome is not doing it any favors.

Which is worse... brittle bone syndrome, tay sachs, Down Syndrome or being killed in the womb?

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