Shultz and dems say no questions asked when killing 7-lb in utero babies.

"Why don't we ask the DNC: Is it okay to kill a seven-pound baby in the uterus?" Paul said. "You go back and you ask Debbie Wasserman Schultz if she's OK with killing a seven-pound baby that is not born yet."
Schultz quickly came back with an answer: "I support letting women and their doctors make this decision without government getting involved. Period. End of story."
This was a prepared statement, not an off-the-cuff remark, so we should take Schultz's answer seriously. The "Period. End of story," part clearly implies that there should be zero exceptions to the right to abortion — that is, zero laws, on any level, to protect the unborn if their mothers want them dead."

Rand Paul scratches the Democrats abortion surface bloody extremism pours out

The only time a 7 lb fetus is aborted is if there's a serious problem with the pregnancy. Either there's a serious problem with the fetus or the woman.

It's illegal to abort a fetus that is so close to birth with the exception of a serious problem.

Late term abortions save lives. Like my cousin's wife. She was in the last trimester of a very planned and wanted pregnancy. The cord got wrapped around the fetus' neck and strangled it.

She had to have a late term abortion to save her life. If people like you got their way she would have died.

Instead she lived and went on to have 2 children. If people like you had your way those 2 other children would never have been born and my cousin would have lost his wife.

Except, the laws state that late-term abortion is allowed to protect the health of the mother which can mean just about anything including simply to protect their fertility whether it was really threatened or not.

Prolife OBGYNS AAPLOG American Association of Pro-life Obstetricians Gynecologists Is Late-Term Abortion Ever Necessary

Although most late-term abortions are elective, it is claimed that serious maternal health problems require abortions. Intentional abortion for maternal health, particularly after viability, is one of the great deceptions used to justify all abortion. The very fact that the baby of an ill mother is viable raises the question of why, indeed, it is necessary to perform an abortion to end the pregnancy. With any serious maternal health problem, termination of pregnancy can be accomplished by inducing labor or performing a cesarean section, saving both mother and baby.

Senator McCain's point was that health exceptions, which his rival Senator Barack Obama supports, have "been stretched by the pro-abortion movement in America to mean almost anything." ...

McCain is correct when he suggests that the law does not specify which conditions or complications should be included in the legal definition of what constitutes a threat to the mother's health. That decision is left up to the doctor. Pro-life groups have long complained that the Supreme Court's definition is too vague and includes too many provisions. "It allows abortion under any circumstance because the Supreme Court has defined 'health' to mean a general feeling of well being or age or familial conditions or psychological factors," says David O'Steen, president of the National Right to Life (NRLC). "Health means anything." The NRLC has attacked Obama's own characterization of his abortion position in the debate as disingenuous.

Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Citing the Supreme Court case of Doe v. Bolton, some pro-life supporters have asserted that the word "health" would render any legal restriction meaningless, because of the broad and vague interpretation of "health".[6] This was of particular concern when it came to anticipated arguments that such a definition would encompass "mental health", which some thought would inevitably be expanded by court decisions to include the prevention of depression or other non-physical conditions.

Yes the woman's health is more important than a fetus.

Yes a woman's fertility is more important than a fetus.

My cousin's wife had a third trimester fetus inside that was strangled by the umbilical cord.

If they had not performed that abortion she would have either died or have been left infertile.

Which means that the two children she later had would have never been born.

If you have ever experienced infertility you would know how cruel it is to take fertility from anyone.

Actually, you don't believe that, or you'd agree to oversight of abortion abattoirs. To progressive scum, the ONLY important thing is the death of a baby.

Not the woman's fertility.
Not the woman.

Just a dead baby, first and foremost.

PS...the word abortion defines KILLING the baby. If it was already dead, you fucking idiot, it wasn't an abortion.

This is the sort of lie anti-woman baby killers perpetuate in order to make it look like abortion is needed for the *health* of women.

Nobody has ever said that women shouldn't have access to D&Cs, or medical attention, in the event of accidental death in utero. Babykilling scum.

You pigs like to pretend that prior to abortion on demand, women weren't allowed to access medical care in the event of fetal death, or the (rare) necessity for medical abortion. You lie and claim that abortion *fixes* rape, and you pretend that it's *good* for the fertility of women.

All lies.

Because if you tell the truth you're exposed for the disgusting human-rights abusing pieces of filth you are.
"Why don't we ask the DNC: Is it okay to kill a seven-pound baby in the uterus?" Paul said. "You go back and you ask Debbie Wasserman Schultz if she's OK with killing a seven-pound baby that is not born yet."
Schultz quickly came back with an answer: "I support letting women and their doctors make this decision without government getting involved. Period. End of story."
This was a prepared statement, not an off-the-cuff remark, so we should take Schultz's answer seriously. The "Period. End of story," part clearly implies that there should be zero exceptions to the right to abortion — that is, zero laws, on any level, to protect the unborn if their mothers want them dead."

Rand Paul scratches the Democrats abortion surface bloody extremism pours out

The only time a 7 lb fetus is aborted is if there's a serious problem with the pregnancy. Either there's a serious problem with the fetus or the woman.

It's illegal to abort a fetus that is so close to birth with the exception of a serious problem.

Late term abortions save lives. Like my cousin's wife. She was in the last trimester of a very planned and wanted pregnancy. The cord got wrapped around the fetus' neck and strangled it.

She had to have a late term abortion to save her life. If people like you got their way she would have died.

Instead she lived and went on to have 2 children. If people like you had your way those 2 other children would never have been born and my cousin would have lost his wife.

Except, the laws state that late-term abortion is allowed to protect the health of the mother which can mean just about anything including simply to protect their fertility whether it was really threatened or not.

Prolife OBGYNS AAPLOG American Association of Pro-life Obstetricians Gynecologists Is Late-Term Abortion Ever Necessary

Although most late-term abortions are elective, it is claimed that serious maternal health problems require abortions. Intentional abortion for maternal health, particularly after viability, is one of the great deceptions used to justify all abortion. The very fact that the baby of an ill mother is viable raises the question of why, indeed, it is necessary to perform an abortion to end the pregnancy. With any serious maternal health problem, termination of pregnancy can be accomplished by inducing labor or performing a cesarean section, saving both mother and baby.

Senator McCain's point was that health exceptions, which his rival Senator Barack Obama supports, have "been stretched by the pro-abortion movement in America to mean almost anything." ...

McCain is correct when he suggests that the law does not specify which conditions or complications should be included in the legal definition of what constitutes a threat to the mother's health. That decision is left up to the doctor. Pro-life groups have long complained that the Supreme Court's definition is too vague and includes too many provisions. "It allows abortion under any circumstance because the Supreme Court has defined 'health' to mean a general feeling of well being or age or familial conditions or psychological factors," says David O'Steen, president of the National Right to Life (NRLC). "Health means anything." The NRLC has attacked Obama's own characterization of his abortion position in the debate as disingenuous.

Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Citing the Supreme Court case of Doe v. Bolton, some pro-life supporters have asserted that the word "health" would render any legal restriction meaningless, because of the broad and vague interpretation of "health".[6] This was of particular concern when it came to anticipated arguments that such a definition would encompass "mental health", which some thought would inevitably be expanded by court decisions to include the prevention of depression or other non-physical conditions.

Yes the woman's health is more important than a fetus.

Yes a woman's fertility is more important than a fetus.

My cousin's wife had a third trimester fetus inside that was strangled by the umbilical cord.

If they had not performed that abortion she would have either died or have been left infertile.

Which means that the two children she later had would have never been born.

If you have ever experienced infertility you would know how cruel it is to take fertility from anyone.

Actually, you don't believe that, or you'd agree to oversight of abortion abattoirs. To progressive scum, the ONLY important thing is the death of a baby.

Not the woman's fertility.
Not the woman.

Just a dead baby, first and foremost.

PS...the word abortion defines KILLING the baby. If it was already dead, you fucking idiot, it wasn't an abortion.

This is the sort of lie anti-woman baby killers perpetuate in order to make it look like abortion is needed for the *health* of women.

Nobody has ever said that women shouldn't have access to D&Cs, or medical attention, in the event of accidental death in utero. Babykilling scum.

You pigs like to pretend that prior to abortion on demand, women weren't allowed to access medical care in the event of fetal death, or the (rare) necessity for medical abortion. You lie and claim that abortion *fixes* rape, and you pretend that it's *good* for the fertility of women.

All lies.

Because if you tell the truth you're exposed for the disgusting human-rights abusing pieces of filth you are.

Whatever that's supposed to mean, you baby killing psycho.

noun abor·tion \ə-ˈbȯr-shən\
: a medical procedure used to end a pregnancy and cause the death of the fetus

Abortion - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
your point ?
I made my point. The third cousin's second wife getting medical attention after their baby died isn't an ABORTION, and there's no need for abortion on demand in order to protect such procedures.

But I'm not going to repeat everything multiple times for the retarded baby killers who troll these threads. So scuttle back under your rock, pig.
Last edited:

noun abor·tion \ə-ˈbȯr-shən\
: a medical procedure used to end a pregnancy and cause the death of the fetus

Abortion - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
your point ?
I made my point. Statist's wife getting medical attention after their baby died isn't an ABORTION, and there's no need for abortion on demand in order to protect such procedures.

But I'm not going to repeat everything multiple times for the retarded baby killers who troll these threads. So scuttle back under your rock, pig.
abortion on demand is the law of the matter how many tantrums you throw that will not change.

noun abor·tion \ə-ˈbȯr-shən\
: a medical procedure used to end a pregnancy and cause the death of the fetus

Abortion - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
your point ?
I made my point. Statist's wife getting medical attention after their baby died isn't an ABORTION, and there's no need for abortion on demand in order to protect such procedures.

But I'm not going to repeat everything multiple times for the retarded baby killers who troll these threads. So scuttle back under your rock, pig.
abortion on demand is the law of the matter how many tantrums you throw that will not change.
btw pigs don't live under rocks....

noun abor·tion \ə-ˈbȯr-shən\
: a medical procedure used to end a pregnancy and cause the death of the fetus

Abortion - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
your point ?
I made my point. Statist's wife getting medical attention after their baby died isn't an ABORTION, and there's no need for abortion on demand in order to protect such procedures.

But I'm not going to repeat everything multiple times for the retarded baby killers who troll these threads. So scuttle back under your rock, pig.
The only time a 7 lb fetus is aborted is if there's a serious problem with the pregnancy. Either there's a serious problem with the fetus or the woman.

It's illegal to abort a fetus that is so close to birth with the exception of a serious problem.

Late term abortions save lives. Like my cousin's wife. She was in the last trimester of a very planned and wanted pregnancy. The cord got wrapped around the fetus' neck and strangled it.

She had to have a late term abortion to save her life. If people like you got their way she would have died.

Instead she lived and went on to have 2 children. If people like you had your way those 2 other children would never have been born and my cousin would have lost his wife.

Except, the laws state that late-term abortion is allowed to protect the health of the mother which can mean just about anything including simply to protect their fertility whether it was really threatened or not.

Prolife OBGYNS AAPLOG American Association of Pro-life Obstetricians Gynecologists Is Late-Term Abortion Ever Necessary

Although most late-term abortions are elective, it is claimed that serious maternal health problems require abortions. Intentional abortion for maternal health, particularly after viability, is one of the great deceptions used to justify all abortion. The very fact that the baby of an ill mother is viable raises the question of why, indeed, it is necessary to perform an abortion to end the pregnancy. With any serious maternal health problem, termination of pregnancy can be accomplished by inducing labor or performing a cesarean section, saving both mother and baby.

Senator McCain's point was that health exceptions, which his rival Senator Barack Obama supports, have "been stretched by the pro-abortion movement in America to mean almost anything." ...

McCain is correct when he suggests that the law does not specify which conditions or complications should be included in the legal definition of what constitutes a threat to the mother's health. That decision is left up to the doctor. Pro-life groups have long complained that the Supreme Court's definition is too vague and includes too many provisions. "It allows abortion under any circumstance because the Supreme Court has defined 'health' to mean a general feeling of well being or age or familial conditions or psychological factors," says David O'Steen, president of the National Right to Life (NRLC). "Health means anything." The NRLC has attacked Obama's own characterization of his abortion position in the debate as disingenuous.

Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Citing the Supreme Court case of Doe v. Bolton, some pro-life supporters have asserted that the word "health" would render any legal restriction meaningless, because of the broad and vague interpretation of "health".[6] This was of particular concern when it came to anticipated arguments that such a definition would encompass "mental health", which some thought would inevitably be expanded by court decisions to include the prevention of depression or other non-physical conditions.

Yes the woman's health is more important than a fetus.

Yes a woman's fertility is more important than a fetus.

My cousin's wife had a third trimester fetus inside that was strangled by the umbilical cord.

If they had not performed that abortion she would have either died or have been left infertile.

Which means that the two children she later had would have never been born.

If you have ever experienced infertility you would know how cruel it is to take fertility from anyone.

Actually, you don't believe that, or you'd agree to oversight of abortion abattoirs. To progressive scum, the ONLY important thing is the death of a baby.

Not the woman's fertility.
Not the woman.

Just a dead baby, first and foremost.

PS...the word abortion defines KILLING the baby. If it was already dead, you fucking idiot, it wasn't an abortion.

This is the sort of lie anti-woman baby killers perpetuate in order to make it look like abortion is needed for the *health* of women.

Nobody has ever said that women shouldn't have access to D&Cs, or medical attention, in the event of accidental death in utero. Babykilling scum.

You pigs like to pretend that prior to abortion on demand, women weren't allowed to access medical care in the event of fetal death, or the (rare) necessity for medical abortion. You lie and claim that abortion *fixes* rape, and you pretend that it's *good* for the fertility of women.

All lies.

Because if you tell the truth you're exposed for the disgusting human-rights abusing pieces of filth you are.

Whatever that's supposed to mean, you baby killing psycho.
[ hiˈpäkrisē ]
noun: hypocrisy · plural noun: hypocrisies

  1. the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.
    synonyms: dissimulation · false virtue · cant · posturing · affectation ·
Because what she's carrying is not an it. He/she is an unborn baby.
Still none of your business.
Is it my business when an infant is taken home from the hospital and abused? Is it my business when an elderly Altzheimer's patient who doesn't even know who they are is abused in a nursing home? How about when a man is killed because he is gay? I submit it is my business anywhere that people are being abused and slaughtered. Or perhaps you only want certain groups of people protected.
Man you need to put down the pipe.
Well, is it my business or not? Or should we all just point and laugh as the girl is gang raped on a public beach?
I smell vigilante justice a brewin'
Someone who stands idly by and does nothing while someone else is abused and is helpless to defend themselves is not a very good person.
Here's my 2 cents....

If a fetus is viable and can survive outside of the womb, it is no longer a fetus, it's a baby. Killing it at that point is murder. Period. End of story.
Here's my two cents. If a woman is carrying a fetus which your male Millennial ass will never do why do you feel you should have a right to tell her what she should do with it?

Because someone has to be the voice of the unborn, they cannot speak for themselves.

Your'e talking about a fetus that's either dead or near dead. Or a fetus inside a woman who will die if the abortion isn't performed. A 7 lb fetus that's dead will never speak for themselves. A 7 lb fetus that's inside a woman who will die without an abortion is already dead and will never speak for itself.

Guess what? If that woman dies so does that 7 lb fetus.

It's been illegal to abort a 7 lb fetus since Roe V. Wade. That law makes it illegal to abort a 7 lb fetus with the exception of there being a serious problem. Either with the fetus or with the woman.

Why do you want women to die just because their pregnancy goes wrong?

If the unborn human is dead then removing it from the womb will not be an abortion ... as the unborn human is already dead. Did you seriously not know this??

Abortion terminates life ... ends life ... kills the unborn ... stops their very existence. That's what abortion does.

And you stand there saying no one should speak up for those whose life is snuffed out.

Yes the woman's health is more important than a fetus. Yes a woman's fertility is more important than a fetus.

My cousin's wife had a third trimester fetus inside that was strangled by the umbilical cord.

If they had not performed that abortion s
he would have either died or have been left infertile.

Which means that the two children she later had would have never been born.

If you have ever experienced infertility you would know how cruel it is to take fertility from anyone.

You're an idiot. Seriously.

If the umbilical cord wrapped around the baby's neck and strangled the baby, the baby was dead. Removing the dead baby was not an abortion. I repeat, removing an already dead baby IS NOT an abortion.
They believe that garbage because that's what their handlers teach them.
Still none of your business.
Is it my business when an infant is taken home from the hospital and abused? Is it my business when an elderly Altzheimer's patient who doesn't even know who they are is abused in a nursing home? How about when a man is killed because he is gay? I submit it is my business anywhere that people are being abused and slaughtered. Or perhaps you only want certain groups of people protected.
Man you need to put down the pipe.
Well, is it my business or not? Or should we all just point and laugh as the girl is gang raped on a public beach?
I smell vigilante justice a brewin'
Someone who stands idly by and does nothing while someone else is abused and is helpless to defend themselves is not a very good person.
false just not a very brave person.
If a woman is aborting a 'seven pound fetus" (They only reach that weight at about 8 months in) it's because something has gone horribly wrong with the pregnancy.

Everyone else should mind their own fucking business.

A seven-pound fetus has all the sensitivity and feeling that you have and deserves every possible life-saving measure.
Our health care industry has just about every imaginable procedure available to the public from liposuction to sex changes but nothing for fully formed babies in the womb.
If you have ever experienced infertility you would know how cruel it is to take fertility from anyone.

Do you have any idea whatsoever how cruel it is to kill a well-developed fully formed fetus? Obviously not.
no more cruel than killing a litter of puppies or other animals.
being human makes no difference cruelty is cruelty.
sometimes it's necessary..

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