Shultz and dems say no questions asked when killing 7-lb in utero babies.

"Why don't we ask the DNC: Is it okay to kill a seven-pound baby in the uterus?" Paul said. "You go back and you ask Debbie Wasserman Schultz if she's OK with killing a seven-pound baby that is not born yet."
Schultz quickly came back with an answer: "I support letting women and their doctors make this decision without government getting involved. Period. End of story."
This was a prepared statement, not an off-the-cuff remark, so we should take Schultz's answer seriously. The "Period. End of story," part clearly implies that there should be zero exceptions to the right to abortion — that is, zero laws, on any level, to protect the unborn if their mothers want them dead."

Rand Paul scratches the Democrats abortion surface bloody extremism pours out
There are a litany of questions nasty right wingers won't answer:

Do American children deserve health care education and food US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
"Why don't we ask the DNC: Is it okay to kill a seven-pound baby in the uterus?" Paul said. "You go back and you ask Debbie Wasserman Schultz if she's OK with killing a seven-pound baby that is not born yet."
Schultz quickly came back with an answer: "I support letting women and their doctors make this decision without government getting involved. Period. End of story."
This was a prepared statement, not an off-the-cuff remark, so we should take Schultz's answer seriously. The "Period. End of story," part clearly implies that there should be zero exceptions to the right to abortion — that is, zero laws, on any level, to protect the unborn if their mothers want them dead."

Rand Paul scratches the Democrats abortion surface bloody extremism pours out

The only time a 7 lb fetus is aborted is if there's a serious problem with the pregnancy. Either there's a serious problem with the fetus or the woman.

It's illegal to abort a fetus that is so close to birth with the exception of a serious problem.

Late term abortions save lives. Like my cousin's wife. She was in the last trimester of a very planned and wanted pregnancy. The cord got wrapped around the fetus' neck and strangled it.

She had to have a late term abortion to save her life. If people like you got their way she would have died.

Instead she lived and went on to have 2 children. If people like you had your way those 2 other children would never have been born and my cousin would have lost his wife.
Here's my 2 cents....

If a fetus is viable and can survive outside of the womb, it is no longer a fetus, it's a baby. Killing it at that point is murder. Period. End of story.


I guess you wanted to see my cousin's wife die.

It's very illegal to abort a fetus that is 7 lbs unless there's a serious problem with the fetus or the woman. As in the woman will die without that abortion. Or the fetus is dead or has no brain or one of many other very serious problems that can happen in a pregnancy.

No woman should die just because her pregnancy went wrong. I guess you and people like you would rather impose the death penalty on women whose pregnancy went wrong.

Guess what? If the woman dies so does the fetus.

So instead of having one dead fetus you also have one dead woman.

People like you sure do love to kill women.
Lefties have to oppose all restrictions on abortions, no matter what. Otherwise, their house-of-cards argument collapses.
non sense...on the other hand consevobots oppose ANY abortion under any circumstances
They do indeed but they`ll drop a bomb on a pregnant woman in a heartbeat as long as she`s non-white and poor and she`s living in another country.
Here is what is said in the link: "I support letting women and their doctors make this decision without government getting involved. Period. End of story."

For disagreeing with this statement, Republicans have proven themselves to be hypocritical tards. Try to figure out why.

Kind of lazy to put that sole decision on women imo.

You are not honest.

Obama said a woman AND HER DOCTOR. Not just the woman.

It's illegal to abort a 7 lb fetus with the exception of there being a serious problem with the fetus or the woman.

I guess you also believe that a woman should die just because her pregnancy goes wrong.
Listen to the way Schultz responded to a reasonable question about killing a full term infant in the uterus and then go back to Nazis killing Jews. Not even a touch of concern about ending a life or the pain of being stabbed in the back of the head and having it's brain sucked out with a Frankenstein machine. These modern Nazis are scarier than the old ones.
Listen to the way Schultz responded to a reasonable question about killing a full term infant in the uterus and then go back to Nazis killing Jews. Not even a touch of concern about ending a life or the pain of being stabbed in the back of the head and having it's brain sucked out with a Frankenstein machine. These modern Nazis are scarier than the old ones.
This happened to you? That would explain why you have no idea who the Nazi`s were and what they did. It`s really not your fault.
Here is what is said in the link: "I support letting women and their doctors make this decision without government getting involved. Period. End of story."

For disagreeing with this statement, Republicans have proven themselves to be hypocritical tards. Try to figure out why.

Kind of lazy to put that sole decision on women imo.

You are not honest.

Obama said a woman AND HER DOCTOR. Not just the woman.

It's illegal to abort a 7 lb fetus with the exception of there being a serious problem with the fetus or the woman.

I guess you also believe that a woman should die just because her pregnancy goes wrong.

The Doctor only gives medical diagnosis about the baby and option to the woman, he/she doesn't make the decision for her.

The man who helped impregnate should be allowed to decide as well, that's my opinion.

It is lazy to put the entire responsibility of what to do on the woman, that is also my opinion.
Here's my 2 cents....

If a fetus is viable and can survive outside of the womb, it is no longer a fetus, it's a baby. Killing it at that point is murder. Period. End of story.


I guess you wanted to see my cousin's wife die.

It's very illegal to abort a fetus that is 7 lbs unless there's a serious problem with the fetus or the woman. As in the woman will die without that abortion. Or the fetus is dead or has no brain or one of many other very serious problems that can happen in a pregnancy.

No woman should die just because her pregnancy went wrong. I guess you and people like you would rather impose the death penalty on women whose pregnancy went wrong.

Guess what? If the woman dies so does the fetus.

So instead of having one dead fetus you also have one dead woman.

People like you sure do love to kill women.

Get a grip drama queen.

Obviously there are exceptions if the life of the mother is threatened.
Lefties have to oppose all restrictions on abortions, no matter what. Otherwise, their house-of-cards argument collapses.
non sense...on the other hand consevobots oppose ANY abortion under any circumstances
Who is the real extremist, the one who wants to protect healthy, viable babies in utero or the one who wants them to be killed on the whim of the mother, even if they manage to survive the killing attempt?
"Why don't we ask the DNC: Is it okay to kill a seven-pound baby in the uterus?" Paul said. "You go back and you ask Debbie Wasserman Schultz if she's OK with killing a seven-pound baby that is not born yet."
Schultz quickly came back with an answer: "I support letting women and their doctors make this decision without government getting involved. Period. End of story."
This was a prepared statement, not an off-the-cuff remark, so we should take Schultz's answer seriously. The "Period. End of story," part clearly implies that there should be zero exceptions to the right to abortion — that is, zero laws, on any level, to protect the unborn if their mothers want them dead."

Rand Paul scratches the Democrats abortion surface bloody extremism pours out
These people are pure evil! They also want to kill babies AFTER they're born! They are nothing but a death cult! "PERIOD"!
Not to mention the elderly, the *depressed*, the sick..pretty much anyone who's vulnerable and can't fight them off is at risk.
then you should say in your safe room ..that's if you ever come out....
like everything kosher hag posts this thread is soaked in paranoia and madness ...
Obama believes those babies should be put in a dark room and allowed to die.
please show me where Obama says that.

He fought for it in court. How come you Obots never know the details of your own messiah?
They don't know, because the liberal media didn't report anything negative about Obama.
also false
Oh bullshit, the media would ask Romney what he never paid taxes, and turn around and ask Obama how his children were doing.
that's because Obama did pay his taxes so there was no story there....
talk about buying the bullshit.
that's about right. progressives don't care about humans or anyone in this country. Only when they can USE them for their agendas.

Progressives only care about themselves.

That's why they don't flinch when illegals come to the country, its no skin off their nose, but God forbid jobs go over seas to the poorer bastards who can't afford to illegally immigrate to the US for those jobs. Then they turn 50 shades of red in rage.

It's the same with the unborn. They don't want to have to take care of them, so they kill them.

Progressives are the greediest most self centered people on earth.
that's about right. progressives don't care about humans or anyone in this country. Only when they can USE them for their agendas.

Progressives only care about themselves.

That's why they don't flinch when illegals come to the country, its no skin off their nose, but God forbid jobs go over seas to the poorer bastards who can't afford to illegally immigrate to the US for those jobs. Then they turn 50 shades of red in rage.

It's the same with the unborn. They don't want to have to take care of them, so they kill them.

Progressives are the greediest most self centered people on earth.

[kuh n-sur-vuh-tiv] /kənˈsɜr və tɪv/
disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change.
cautiously moderate or purposefully low:
a conservative estimate.
traditional in style or manner; avoiding novelty or showiness:
conservative suit.
(often initial capital letter) of or relating to the Conservative party.
(initial capital letter) of, relating to, or characteristic of Conservative Jews or Conservative Judaism.
having the power or tendency to conserve or preserve.
you were saying
Here's my 2 cents....

If a fetus is viable and can survive outside of the womb, it is no longer a fetus, it's a baby. Killing it at that point is murder. Period. End of story.


I guess you wanted to see my cousin's wife die.

It's very illegal to abort a fetus that is 7 lbs unless there's a serious problem with the fetus or the woman. As in the woman will die without that abortion. Or the fetus is dead or has no brain or one of many other very serious problems that can happen in a pregnancy.

No woman should die just because her pregnancy went wrong. I guess you and people like you would rather impose the death penalty on women whose pregnancy went wrong.

Guess what? If the woman dies so does the fetus.

So instead of having one dead fetus you also have one dead woman.

People like you sure do love to kill women.
Republicans celebrate death and suffering. We need to accept the fact of that's who they are.
Here's my 2 cents....

If a fetus is viable and can survive outside of the womb, it is no longer a fetus, it's a baby. Killing it at that point is murder. Period. End of story.
Obama believes those babies should be put in a dark room and allowed to die.
Don't be such an asshole. If a full term baby is viable outside the womb, it is not legal to abort it. End of story. And no one, NO ONE, is suggesting, except anti-abortionists, that abortion laws be changed. Go wash your brain out with soap: it's filthy.
please show me where Obama says that.

He fought for it in court. How come you Obots never know the details of your own messiah?
They don't know, because the liberal media didn't report anything negative about Obama.
also false
Oh bullshit, the media would ask Romney what he never paid taxes, and turn around and ask Obama how his children were doing.
that's because Obama did pay his taxes so there was no story there....
talk about buying the bullshit.
Romney did to, Reid admitted he made it up, and liberals lapped it up.
Here's my 2 cents....

If a fetus is viable and can survive outside of the womb, it is no longer a fetus, it's a baby. Killing it at that point is murder. Period. End of story.
Obama believes those babies should be put in a dark room and allowed to die.
Don't be such an asshole. If a full term baby is viable outside the womb, it is not legal to abort it. End of story. And no one, NO ONE, is suggesting, except anti-abortionists, that abortion laws be changed. Go wash your brain out with soap: it's filthy.
If it's been strangled by it's umbilical chord, it's dead. It's not viable. Do you know what an umbilical chord is?
You would expect Wasserman-Shultz to at least give some cliche acknowledging the sanctity of life even if she didn't mean it but she is one hard (nazi) babe. You could probably hook her up to the humanity tester and it would read zero. I bet Schultz didn't even cry when Old Yeller died.
Here's my 2 cents....

If a fetus is viable and can survive outside of the womb, it is no longer a fetus, it's a baby. Killing it at that point is murder. Period. End of story.
Here's my two cents. If a woman is carrying a fetus which your male Millennial ass will never do why do you feel you should have a right to tell her what she should do with it?
Here's my 2 cents....

If a fetus is viable and can survive outside of the womb, it is no longer a fetus, it's a baby. Killing it at that point is murder. Period. End of story.
Here's my two cents. If a woman is carrying a fetus which your male Millennial ass will never do why do you feel you should have a right to tell her what she should do with it?

Because someone has to be the voice of the unborn, they cannot speak for themselves.

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