Shultz and dems say no questions asked when killing 7-lb in utero babies.

bias bullshit.
That would be "biased", dumbass.

If it were true, that is.
if it were past tense you'd be right but it's not and you are not.
want fires with that.?
No, fires burn people.

Bias is a noun, btw.
[ ˈbīəs ]
noun: bias
  1. prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair:
    "there was evidence of bias against foreign applicants"
    synonyms: prejudice · partiality · partisanship · favoritism · unfairness ·
    one-sidedness · bigotry · intolerance · discrimination · leaning · tendency · inclination · predilection · casteism
    antonyms: impartiality
    • a concentration on or interest in one particular area or subject:
      "he worked on a variety of Greek topics, with a discernible bias toward philosophy"
    • statistics
      a systematic distortion of a statistical result due to a factor not allowed for in its derivation.
  2. in some sports, such as lawn bowling, the irregular shape given to a ball.
    • the oblique course taken by a ball as a result of its irregular shape.
  3. electronics
    a steady voltage, magnetic field, or other factor applied to an electronic system or device to cause it to operate over a predetermined range.
verb: bias · third person present: biases · past tense: biased · past participle: biased · present participle: biasing
  1. (be biased)
    cause to feel or show inclination or prejudice for or against someone or something:
    "readers said the paper was biased toward the conservatives"
    synonyms: prejudice · influence · color · sway · weight · predispose ·
    distort · skew · slant · prejudiced · partial · partisan · one-sided · blinkered · bigoted · intolerant · discriminatory · distorted · warped · twisted · skewed
its' both!

Show me where bias can stand alone as a verb.
asked and answered
non sense...on the other hand consevobots oppose ANY abortion under any circumstances
Lie. We've always maintained that medically necessary abortions are perfectly acceptable.

Compare that to the leftwad baby killers who don't think abortionists who are killing full term babies should even have admitting rights at the nearest hospitals.
Why talk to fools that think abortion is a viable alternative to being too stupid to use a condom or other form of BC.

Accentuate the positive.

Abortion has kept us from a Democratic Party dictatorship.

The blood is on their hands, not mine.

I did my part, I did not have father any babies I did not support.
lol! I've never not used BC.
excellent rationalizing
I doubt you ever got any dick.
I second that. Unless it came from homeless dudes next to the dumpster.
how I had my first child ! a new novel by kosher hag...
bias bullshit.
That would be "biased", dumbass.

If it were true, that is.
if it were past tense you'd be right but it's not and you are not.
want fires with that.?
No, fires burn people.

Bias is a noun, btw.
[ ˈbīəs ]
noun: bias
  1. prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair:
    "there was evidence of bias against foreign applicants"
    synonyms: prejudice · partiality · partisanship · favoritism · unfairness ·
    one-sidedness · bigotry · intolerance · discrimination · leaning · tendency · inclination · predilection · casteism
    antonyms: impartiality
    • a concentration on or interest in one particular area or subject:
      "he worked on a variety of Greek topics, with a discernible bias toward philosophy"
    • statistics
      a systematic distortion of a statistical result due to a factor not allowed for in its derivation.
  2. in some sports, such as lawn bowling, the irregular shape given to a ball.
    • the oblique course taken by a ball as a result of its irregular shape.
  3. electronics
    a steady voltage, magnetic field, or other factor applied to an electronic system or device to cause it to operate over a predetermined range.
verb: bias · third person present: biases · past tense: biased · past participle: biased · present participle: biasing
  1. (be biased)
    cause to feel or show inclination or prejudice for or against someone or something:
    "readers said the paper was biased toward the conservatives"
    synonyms: prejudice · influence · color · sway · weight · predispose ·
    distort · skew · slant · prejudiced · partial · partisan · one-sided · blinkered · bigoted · intolerant · discriminatory · distorted · warped · twisted · skewed
its' both!

Show me where bias can stand alone as a verb.

"bias the ball".

But it's a different type of bias, refers to moving a ball around.

I suppose you could "bias a crowd"....but I'm sure duhs didn't use it correctly regardless.
That would be "biased", dumbass.

If it were true, that is.
if it were past tense you'd be right but it's not and you are not.
want fires with that.?
No, fires burn people.

Bias is a noun, btw.
[ ˈbīəs ]
noun: bias
  1. prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair:
    "there was evidence of bias against foreign applicants"
    synonyms: prejudice · partiality · partisanship · favoritism · unfairness ·
    one-sidedness · bigotry · intolerance · discrimination · leaning · tendency · inclination · predilection · casteism
    antonyms: impartiality
    • a concentration on or interest in one particular area or subject:
      "he worked on a variety of Greek topics, with a discernible bias toward philosophy"
    • statistics
      a systematic distortion of a statistical result due to a factor not allowed for in its derivation.
  2. in some sports, such as lawn bowling, the irregular shape given to a ball.
    • the oblique course taken by a ball as a result of its irregular shape.
  3. electronics
    a steady voltage, magnetic field, or other factor applied to an electronic system or device to cause it to operate over a predetermined range.
verb: bias · third person present: biases · past tense: biased · past participle: biased · present participle: biasing
  1. (be biased)
    cause to feel or show inclination or prejudice for or against someone or something:
    "readers said the paper was biased toward the conservatives"
    synonyms: prejudice · influence · color · sway · weight · predispose ·
    distort · skew · slant · prejudiced · partial · partisan · one-sided · blinkered · bigoted · intolerant · discriminatory · distorted · warped · twisted · skewed
its' both!

Show me where bias can stand alone as a verb.

"bias the ball".

But it's a different type of bias, refers to moving a ball around.

I suppose you could "bias a crowd"....but I'm sure duhs didn't use it correctly regardless.
as always you'd be wrong!
if you mean retroactive abortion then yes.
there are several prime candidates on the board.
most on this thread.

I mean, your god supports infanticide, ergo you do...

As an Illinois state senator, Obama was so supportive of late-term abortions, he resisted efforts to protect unborn children born alive after failed abortion procedures.

When Obama opposed a bill to stop infanticide as a member of the Illinois legislature, he said he did so because it reportedly contained language that would have contravened the Roe v. Wade decision. However, documents uncovered during the 2008 election show Obama has misrepresented his position.

Obama, as a member of the Illinois Senate, opposed a state version of the federal Born-Alive Infants Protection Act, a measure that would make sure babies who survive abortions are given proper medical care.}

New Audio Surfaces of Obama Defending Infanticide in Illinois

Who are you to have a thought that didn't originate with Obama or the party?
"... Always and everywhere, abortion should be legal. Never and nowhere does an unborn baby deserve legal protection from abortion. It doesn't matter how developed, how healthy, or for what reason the mother wants her child aborted — that baby's life should count as nothing if her mother doesn't want her to live.
"This is a very extreme view, and the implications are horrific. You're in the delivery room and you find out your child is a girl? Abort her, and Schultz is fine with that. You're giving birth to a baby conceived through IVF, and you see the child is of mixed race? "End of story" for that child, as far as Schultz cares."

Rand Paul scratches the Democrats abortion surface bloody extremism pours out
Add to that the scenario where we discover a genetic cause for homosexuality and develop an inutero test for it, and watch the fur fly when people abort gay babies.
"... Always and everywhere, abortion should be legal. Never and nowhere does an unborn baby deserve legal protection from abortion. It doesn't matter how developed, how healthy, or for what reason the mother wants her child aborted — that baby's life should count as nothing if her mother doesn't want her to live.
"This is a very extreme view, and the implications are horrific. You're in the delivery room and you find out your child is a girl? Abort her, and Schultz is fine with that. You're giving birth to a baby conceived through IVF, and you see the child is of mixed race? "End of story" for that child, as far as Schultz cares."

Rand Paul scratches the Democrats abortion surface bloody extremism pours out
Add to that the scenario where we discover a genetic cause for homosexuality and develop an inutero test for it, and watch the fur fly when people abort gay babies.

Lolol...well it won't ever happen, because #1, there is never going to be evidence that homosexuality is genetic, and #2, even if it were, Christians aren't going to abort them because they're gay. But to progressive baby killers, the best baby is a dead baby, and they don't care what the reasoning is. They want them dead. They will (and do) call for MANDATORY abortions without the mother's permission...they do it now. They totally support parents dragging their teenaged daughters to the abortion clinics (or their abusive boyfriends dragging them) in order to make them get abortions they don't want.
Last edited:
Lefties have to oppose all restrictions on abortions, no matter what. Otherwise, their house-of-cards argument collapses.
non sense...on the other hand consevobots oppose ANY abortion under any circumstances
Who is the real extremist, the one who wants to protect healthy, viable babies in utero or the one who wants them to be killed on the whim of the mother, even if they manage to survive the killing attempt?
if you mean retroactive abortion then yes.
there are several prime candidates on the board.
most on this thread.

I mean, your god supports infanticide, ergo you do...

As an Illinois state senator, Obama was so supportive of late-term abortions, he resisted efforts to protect unborn children born alive after failed abortion procedures.

When Obama opposed a bill to stop infanticide as a member of the Illinois legislature, he said he did so because it reportedly contained language that would have contravened the Roe v. Wade decision. However, documents uncovered during the 2008 election show Obama has misrepresented his position.

Obama, as a member of the Illinois Senate, opposed a state version of the federal Born-Alive Infants Protection Act, a measure that would make sure babies who survive abortions are given proper medical care.}

New Audio Surfaces of Obama Defending Infanticide in Illinois

Who are you to have a thought that didn't originate with Obama or the party?
I have no god....and again you are copying what I said to you. you have no clue as what original thinking or thinking in general is...
everything you spew is standard conservative shit...
"Why don't we ask the DNC: Is it okay to kill a seven-pound baby in the uterus?" Paul said. "You go back and you ask Debbie Wasserman Schultz if she's OK with killing a seven-pound baby that is not born yet."
Schultz quickly came back with an answer: "I support letting women and their doctors make this decision without government getting involved. Period. End of story."
This was a prepared statement, not an off-the-cuff remark, so we should take Schultz's answer seriously. The "Period. End of story," part clearly implies that there should be zero exceptions to the right to abortion — that is, zero laws, on any level, to protect the unborn if their mothers want them dead."

Rand Paul scratches the Democrats abortion surface bloody extremism pours out

Most dims would ask no question in killing a 7 year OLD child, if there was a buck to be made by the abortion mega-corp....
more fantasizing !
Lefties have to oppose all restrictions on abortions, no matter what. Otherwise, their house-of-cards argument collapses.
non sense...on the other hand consevobots oppose ANY abortion under any circumstances
Who is the real extremist, the one who wants to protect healthy, viable babies in utero or the one who wants them to be killed on the whim of the mother, even if they manage to survive the killing attempt?
both ..
Strange how liberals oppose the death penalty in the most egregious cases of mass murder but are gung-ho for it when it involves infants.
false blanket statement.
I support the death penalty.
abortion like war is not a good thing but it is sometimes necessary.
what hilarious about the right's position on abortion is it's diametrically opposed to all the yammering you do about individual freedom and personal responsible.
before you spew silly shit about the rights of the unborn remember they have none, neither do children if and until they do your "argument is meaningless.
Here's my 2 cents....

If a fetus is viable and can survive outside of the womb, it is no longer a fetus, it's a baby. Killing it at that point is murder. Period. End of story.


It's only when the birth fairy comes and waves her magical progressive wand over the unborn child once it passes out of the birth canal that it becomes human.
Here's my 2 cents....

If a fetus is viable and can survive outside of the womb, it is no longer a fetus, it's a baby. Killing it at that point is murder. Period. End of story.
Obama believes those babies should be put in a dark room and allowed to die.
please show me where Obama says that.

"President Obama, when in the Illinois State Senate, opposed efforts to require hospitals to care for babies who survived abortions."

Rand Paul scratches the Democrats abortion surface bloody extremism pours out

Obama voted four times against legislation to protect and care for infants accidentally born alive during late-term abortions.

What if they were illegal babies who survived abortions?

It might be enough to change his position.
Here's my 2 cents....

If a fetus is viable and can survive outside of the womb, it is no longer a fetus, it's a baby. Killing it at that point is murder. Period. End of story.


It's only when the birth fairy comes and waves her magical progressive wand over the unborn child once it passes out of the birth canal that it becomes human.
that's a good an explanation as any.
Here's my 2 cents....

If a fetus is viable and can survive outside of the womb, it is no longer a fetus, it's a baby. Killing it at that point is murder. Period. End of story.
Obama believes those babies should be put in a dark room and allowed to die.
please show me where Obama says that.

"President Obama, when in the Illinois State Senate, opposed efforts to require hospitals to care for babies who survived abortions."

Rand Paul scratches the Democrats abortion surface bloody extremism pours out

Obama voted four times against legislation to protect and care for infants accidentally born alive during late-term abortions.

What if they were illegal babies who survived abortions?

It might be enough to change his position.
illegal babies? the hate Obama dementia.. reeks on this thread.
"I don't want anyone to get in between my Doctor and Me! Unless it's the Government!"

- Retarded American Person

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