dimocraps: Killing 7 Pound Babies Okay -- And Even Worse.....

So republicans hate dems for what some believe should be done with abortions but love Israel for literally giving abortions on demand for any reason?

I smell hypocrisy...or at least not caring about babies and abortions "over there" because their morals stop at the border but their love extends over it

which republicans have said that they support Israel's abortion policy?

Which republicans have said they dislike Israel for its abortion policy?

probably most of them. but we don't select allies or enemies based on abortion policy.

are you suggesting we let the muslims destroy Israel because of its abortion policy?

Did you happen to skip the OP or what? Thats exactly whats happening here...*sniff sniff* I smell it again
Abortion is the hypocrite's crutch, it requires nothing of the hypocrite, controlling the lives of another person is what they desire most, taking care of or assisting the same person is something they loathe. Empty moralizing is their trademark. A child dies every 15 seconds in the world of natural causes, do you ever hear the hypocrites mention them? And every married couple, every month aborts life, unless they attempt to conceive the potential life present, they just pretend it is something other than what it is. The same people who argue against supporting a woman's right to contraceptive medicine, gladly pay for boner medicine, I guess males matter more than women in their world, and so it goes.

"Abolition of a woman's right to abortion, when and if she wants it, amounts to compulsory maternity: a form of rape by the State." Edward Abbey

Should Abortion Be Illegal Once a Heartbeat Is Detectable US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Conservatives and Empathy US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
U.S. Ranks Last in Study of... US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
A new forum maybe... US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
The Way it Was Pre-Roe v Wade US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Obama in 2003 i am pro-choice in all situations including late-term abortions US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Pro-choice at record low...41 percent. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
So republicans hate dems for what some believe should be done with abortions but love Israel for literally giving abortions on demand for any reason?

I smell hypocrisy...or at least not caring about babies and abortions "over there" because their morals stop at the border but their love extends over it

which republicans have said that they support Israel's abortion policy?

Which republicans have said they dislike Israel for its abortion policy?

probably most of them. but we don't select allies or enemies based on abortion policy.

are you suggesting we let the muslims destroy Israel because of its abortion policy?

Did you happen to skip the OP or what? Thats exactly whats happening here...*sniff sniff* I smell it again

No, the OP is quite clear. it points out that democrats and liberals favor infanticide as a convenience, and then cry about the poooooooooooor kids as they beg for more govt handouts.

there is no hypocrisy in being opposed to Israel's abortion policy and supporting them as an international ally. We do not make our friend/enemy decisions solely on abortion policy.
Abortion is the hypocrite's crutch, it requires nothing of the hypocrite, controlling the lives of another person is what they desire most, taking care of or assisting the same person is something they loathe. Empty moralizing is their trademark. A child dies every 15 seconds in the world of natural causes, do you ever hear the hypocrites mention them? And every married couple, every month aborts life, unless they attempt to conceive the potential life present, they just pretend it is something other than what it is. The same people who argue against supporting a woman's right to contraceptive medicine, gladly pay for boner medicine, I guess males matter more than women in their world, and so it goes.

"Abolition of a woman's right to abortion, when and if she wants it, amounts to compulsory maternity: a form of rape by the State." Edward Abbey

Should Abortion Be Illegal Once a Heartbeat Is Detectable US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Conservatives and Empathy US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
U.S. Ranks Last in Study of... US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
A new forum maybe... US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
The Way it Was Pre-Roe v Wade US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Obama in 2003 i am pro-choice in all situations including late-term abortions US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Pro-choice at record low...41 percent. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
What a load of shit!! yep kids die everyday,so we will just add more,that is some really fucked up logic..
What is this nonsense about every couple aborting life each month?are you on drugs?
Bottom line your type flat out refuse to say I am am killing a human baby today,instead blubber on about more nonsense like pro life people don't care after the child is born,who ever thought that line up is pure idiot,like that is some how an excuse.
So you hate democrats for supporting abortions that rarely happen but love Israel while they actually do on demand abortions that you hate so much?

Dems = Bad

Israel = Meh, we need allies so you overlook and dont judge their abortion on demand.

What a load of shit!! yep kids die everyday,so we will just add more,that is some really fucked up logic..
What is this nonsense about every couple aborting life each month?are you on drugs?
Bottom line your type flat out refuse to say I am am killing a human baby today,instead blubber on about more nonsense like pro life people don't care after the child is born,who ever thought that line up is pure idiot,like that is some how an excuse.

Careful. If you point out the hypocrisy and LIES in dimocrap scum logic, you might end up next to my thread in the Badlands

Error US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
So you hate democrats for supporting abortions that rarely happen but love Israel while they actually do on demand abortions that you hate so much?

Dems = Bad

Israel = Meh, we need allies so you overlook and dont judge their abortion on demand.


already been debunked as :spam:
1. Democrats Support Aborting Babies for Race, Sex, and Down Syndrome
I fully support aborting fetuses with down syndrome. If a parent wants to give birth and take care of the child with D/S then more power to them, but it's a struggle and it's something that should be discouraged not encouraged. Just my view.

I think there should be free abortion clinics on the ghettos, especially black neighborhoods. Sorry, but too many blacks in the ghettos are having too many kids out of wedlock. Too many kids that go straight to poverty. Too many kids born to drug addicts. Too many kids that will burden society with drugs, crime, violence and the continued cycle. Have numerous abortion clinics in every ghetto of America.

2. Democrats Oppose Offering Women Other Alternatives
This one is laughable. Republicans scream about government intervention until it goes against their agenda. Forcing a business and industry to offer an alternative to their product sounds like government intervention. The government can encourage it through other means, but they should force a private industry to go to it competitors.

3. Democrats Want to Make Pro-Life Doctors and Nurses Perform Abortions
I call bullshit. Yes fringe Democrats probably call for this, just like fringe Republicans call for a total ban on abortion no exceptions. No doctor is forced to perform abortions if they choose not to and nothing is even close. The only thing a doctor is REQUIRED to do is provide the mourning after pill TO A RAPE VICTIM. Sorry but feelings and well-being of a RAPE VICTIM trumps the precious personality of a doctor. I have a better rule.

4. Democrats Want to Make You—and Your Church—Pay for Abortions
I have to pay for a lot of things I disagree with, yet I have to pay my taxes. There are things in my healthcare plan that I don't have covered that I want covered and things in my plan that are covered that I don't need. Shit happens.

. 5. Democrats Want to Permit the Most Barbaric and Dehumanizing Abortion Methods
I full support abortion in the first trimester. However, I think there needs to be limitation thereafter, as do most people. When birth defects are detected, then YES I believe that is a legitimate reason to have a late term abortion.
1. Democrats Support Aborting Babies for Race, Sex, and Down Syndrome
I fully support aborting fetuses with down syndrome. If a parent wants to give birth and take care of the child with D/S then more power to them, but it's a struggle and it's something that should be discouraged not encouraged. Just my view.

I think there should be free abortion clinics on the ghettos, especially black neighborhoods. Sorry, but too many blacks in the ghettos are having too many kids out of wedlock. Too many kids that go straight to poverty. Too many kids born to drug addicts. Too many kids that will burden society with drugs, crime, violence and the continued cycle. Have numerous abortion clinics in every ghetto of America.

2. Democrats Oppose Offering Women Other Alternatives
This one is laughable. Republicans scream about government intervention until it goes against their agenda. Forcing a business and industry to offer an alternative to their product sounds like government intervention. The government can encourage it through other means, but they should force a private industry to go to it competitors.

3. Democrats Want to Make Pro-Life Doctors and Nurses Perform Abortions
I call bullshit. Yes fringe Democrats probably call for this, just like fringe Republicans call for a total ban on abortion no exceptions. No doctor is forced to perform abortions if they choose not to and nothing is even close. The only thing a doctor is REQUIRED to do is provide the mourning after pill TO A RAPE VICTIM. Sorry but feelings and well-being of a RAPE VICTIM trumps the precious personality of a doctor. I have a better rule.

4. Democrats Want to Make You—and Your Church—Pay for Abortions
I have to pay for a lot of things I disagree with, yet I have to pay my taxes. There are things in my healthcare plan that I don't have covered that I want covered and things in my plan that are covered that I don't need. Shit happens.

. 5. Democrats Want to Permit the Most Barbaric and Dehumanizing Abortion Methods
I full support abortion in the first trimester. However, I think there needs to be limitation thereafter, as do most people. When birth defects are detected, then YES I believe that is a legitimate reason to have a late term abortion.

a basic question for you: is a fetus a human being at 8.5 months and 7 pounds? yes or no.

2nd question: using your logic would it be OK to kill a 1 year old DS child or the 5th child of a welfare mom? yes or no.
3. Democrats Want to Make Pro-Life Doctors and Nurses Perform Abortions
I call bullshit. Yes fringe Democrats probably call for this, just like fringe Republicans call for a total ban on abortion no exceptions. No doctor is forced to perform abortions if they choose not to and nothing is even close. The only thing a doctor is REQUIRED to do is provide the mourning after pill TO A RAPE VICTIM. Sorry but feelings and well-being of a RAPE VICTIM trumps the precious personality of a doctor. I have a better rule.

I don't care if they're 'fringe' dimocraps, tall dimocraps, black or white dimocraps or Martian fucking dimocraps -- They're STILL dimocraps!!

Got it?

Your shit's weak
a basic question for you: is a fetus a human being at 8.5 months and 7 pounds? yes or no.
Yes, as is an egg right have fertilization. I view abortion as the killing of a child. I have seem my children's ultra-sounds and known even at their earliest stages these are people not fetuses.

2nd question: using your logic would it be OK to kill a 1 year old DS child or the 5th child of a welfare mom? yes or no.
Nope, nor would be it OK to kill a 1 sec year old child or a failed abortion where the child is born alive.
3. Democrats Want to Make Pro-Life Doctors and Nurses Perform Abortions
I call bullshit. Yes fringe Democrats probably call for this, just like fringe Republicans call for a total ban on abortion no exceptions. No doctor is forced to perform abortions if they choose not to and nothing is even close. The only thing a doctor is REQUIRED to do is provide the mourning after pill TO A RAPE VICTIM. Sorry but feelings and well-being of a RAPE VICTIM trumps the precious personality of a doctor. I have a better rule.

I don't care if they're 'fringe' dimocraps, tall dimocraps, black or white dimocraps or Martian fucking dimocraps -- They're STILL dimocraps!!

Got it?

Your shit's weak
If I discounted the Republican party because of the fringe on the right, then I wouldn't vote Republican!
Just remember guys you dems should have principals and be against abortion and saving babies unless those abortions and dead kids are from a strategic deployment location and ally of the US.

Then, its like...Abortion...whatevs
So republicans hate dems for what some believe should be done with abortions but love Israel for literally giving abortions on demand for any reason?

I smell hypocrisy...or at least not caring about babies and abortions "over there" because their morals stop at the border but their love extends over it

which republicans have said that they support Israel's abortion policy?

Which republicans have said they dislike Israel for its abortion policy?
How many democrats (specifically womens' and pro-homosexual organizations ) have decried Israel hating countries' treatment of women and homosexuals?
Just remember guys you dems should have principals and be against abortion and saving babies unless those abortions and dead kids are from a strategic deployment location and ally of the US.

Then, its like...Abortion...whatevs
The democrat party's position on abortion is the extremist position. Trying to deflect from that reality is pointless.
So republicans hate dems for what some believe should be done with abortions but love Israel for literally giving abortions on demand for any reason?

I smell hypocrisy...or at least not caring about babies and abortions "over there" because their morals stop at the border but their love extends over it

which republicans have said that they support Israel's abortion policy?

Which republicans have said they dislike Israel for its abortion policy?
How many democrats (specifically womens' and pro-homosexual organizations ) have decried Israel hating countries' treatment of women and homosexuals?

How many republicans have said they dislike Israel for its abortion policy again?

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