Shultz and dems say no questions asked when killing 7-lb in utero babies.

"Roe is generally understood as a wretched decision grounded in empty legal reasoning. "As a matter of constitutional interpretation," wrote Harry Blackmun clerk Edward Lazarus, "even the most liberal jurisprudes — if you administer truth serum — will tell you it is basically indefensible."
"Ruth Bader Ginsburg called the decision "heavy-handed judicial activism." Laurence Tribe wrote "behind its own verbal smokescreen, the substantive judgment on which it rests is nowhere to be found."
"Yet this indefensible decision is sacred to the Democratic Party."

Yup. Because they're progressive baby-killers who think negative eugenics should be applied to poor people, and the sex industry should be protected to the point of facilitating human trafficking.

Rand Paul scratches the Democrats abortion surface bloody extremism pours out
bias bullshit.

As a United States Senator, Barack Obama co-sponsored the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA), even saying that "the first thing I’d do as president" is sign FOCA into law. The bill would nullify virtually all federal and state limitations on abortion, including the types now permitted by the Supreme Court, such as parental notification laws and waiting periods. It would also make partial-birth abortion legal again, and it would overturn bans on abortion funding.
While in the Illinois State Senate, Obama voted against legislation that prohibited taxpayer dollars from being used to pay for abortion. His campaign stated that he "does not support" the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits taxpayer funding of abortion through the Medicaid program. As president, one promise he has kept is to support legalized abortion on demand, including taxpayer funding thereof both in the United States and internationally.
Obama overturned the Mexico City Policy, which had prevented U.S. funds from going to overseas organizations that perform or promote abortions.
Obama opposes legislation that would require an abortionist to notify at least one parent before performing an abortion on a minor girl from another state. In the Illinois State Senate, he voted against requiring parental notification when minor girls obtain abortions.
Supports partial-birth abortion
Obama has sharply criticized the Supreme Court for its 2007 Gonzales v. Carhart decision upholding the federal Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act. He said, "I strongly disagree with today’s Supreme Court ruling … I am extremely concerned that this ruling will embolden state legislatures to enact further measures to restrict a woman’s right to choose, and that the conservative Supreme Court justices will look for other opportunities to erode Roe v. Wade, which is established federal law and a matter of equal rights for women."
In the Illinois State Senate, Obama opposed a ban on partial-birth abortion
(The partial-birth abortion procedure—used from the fifth month on—involves pulling a living baby feet-first out of the womb, except for the head, puncturing the skull and suctioning out the brain. The great majority of partial-birth abortions are performed on healthy babies of healthy mothers.) There is a current federal law that bans partial-birth abortions.
Opposes protection for born-alive babies
While a member of the Illinois State Senate, Obama voted four times against the Born-Alive Infant Protection Act, which ensures protection for babies who are born alive following late-term abortions. New documents show that for the last four years he has blatantly misrepresented his position on this legislation. For much more, see Does Barack Obama support infanticide?
Obama co-sponsored a bill (S. 1520) in 2005 that would allow the cloning of human embryos to be used in research, but prohibit implanting them in wombs and allowing them to live and grow up. Obama voted to use taxpayer dollars to fund the killing of embryonic humans for experimentation. As president he has restored federal funding of embryo-killing stem cell research in spite of the fact that the research has not resulted in one cure or treatment.
Asked to name his greatest legislative regret, Obama singled out Congress’ attempt to save disabled woman Terri Schiavo from a court-ordered death by starvation and dehydration. Not speaking out against that lifesaving effort, Obama said, "was a mistake."

Obama unwavering in his disregard for vulnerable human life
Lefties have to oppose all restrictions on abortions, no matter what. Otherwise, their house-of-cards argument collapses.
non sense...on the other hand consevobots oppose ANY abortion under any circumstances
Lie. We've always maintained that medically necessary abortions are perfectly acceptable.

Compare that to the leftwad baby killers who don't think abortionists who are killing full term babies should even have admitting rights at the nearest hospitals.
Why talk to fools that think abortion is a viable alternative to being too stupid to use a condom or other form of BC.

Accentuate the positive.

Abortion has kept us from a Democratic Party dictatorship.

The blood is on their hands, not mine.

I did my part, I did not have father any babies I did not support.
"Roe is generally understood as a wretched decision grounded in empty legal reasoning. "As a matter of constitutional interpretation," wrote Harry Blackmun clerk Edward Lazarus, "even the most liberal jurisprudes — if you administer truth serum — will tell you it is basically indefensible."
"Ruth Bader Ginsburg called the decision "heavy-handed judicial activism." Laurence Tribe wrote "behind its own verbal smokescreen, the substantive judgment on which it rests is nowhere to be found."
"Yet this indefensible decision is sacred to the Democratic Party."

Yup. Because they're progressive baby-killers who think negative eugenics should be applied to poor people, and the sex industry should be protected to the point of facilitating human trafficking.

Rand Paul scratches the Democrats abortion surface bloody extremism pours out
bias bullshit.
That would be "biased", dumbass.

If it were true, that is.
Here's my 2 cents....

If a fetus is viable and can survive outside of the womb, it is no longer a fetus, it's a baby. Killing it at that point is murder. Period. End of story.
Obama believes those babies should be put in a dark room and allowed to die.
please show me where Obama says that.

He fought for it in court. How come you Obots never know the details of your own messiah?
They don't know, because the liberal media didn't report anything negative about Obama.
Here's my 2 cents....

If a fetus is viable and can survive outside of the womb, it is no longer a fetus, it's a baby. Killing it at that point is murder. Period. End of story.
Obama believes those babies should be put in a dark room and allowed to die.
please show me where Obama says that.

He fought for it in court. How come you Obots never know the details of your own messiah?
They don't know, because the liberal media didn't report anything negative about Obama.
If abortion had been cheap, legal and easily available back in the day, there would be no Barack Obama.
"Roe is generally understood as a wretched decision grounded in empty legal reasoning. "As a matter of constitutional interpretation," wrote Harry Blackmun clerk Edward Lazarus, "even the most liberal jurisprudes — if you administer truth serum — will tell you it is basically indefensible."
"Ruth Bader Ginsburg called the decision "heavy-handed judicial activism." Laurence Tribe wrote "behind its own verbal smokescreen, the substantive judgment on which it rests is nowhere to be found."
"Yet this indefensible decision is sacred to the Democratic Party."

Yup. Because they're progressive baby-killers who think negative eugenics should be applied to poor people, and the sex industry should be protected to the point of facilitating human trafficking.

Rand Paul scratches the Democrats abortion surface bloody extremism pours out
bias bullshit.
That would be "biased", dumbass.

If it were true, that is.
if it were past tense you'd be right but it's not and you are not.
want fires with that.?
Lefties have to oppose all restrictions on abortions, no matter what. Otherwise, their house-of-cards argument collapses.
non sense...on the other hand consevobots oppose ANY abortion under any circumstances
Lie. We've always maintained that medically necessary abortions are perfectly acceptable.

Compare that to the leftwad baby killers who don't think abortionists who are killing full term babies should even have admitting rights at the nearest hospitals.
Why talk to fools that think abortion is a viable alternative to being too stupid to use a condom or other form of BC.

Accentuate the positive.

Abortion has kept us from a Democratic Party dictatorship.

The blood is on their hands, not mine.

I did my part, I did not have father any babies I did not support.
lol! I've never not used BC.
excellent rationalizing
Here's my 2 cents....

If a fetus is viable and can survive outside of the womb, it is no longer a fetus, it's a baby. Killing it at that point is murder. Period. End of story.
Obama believes those babies should be put in a dark room and allowed to die.
please show me where Obama says that.

He fought for it in court. How come you Obots never know the details of your own messiah?
They don't know, because the liberal media didn't report anything negative about Obama.
also false
"Roe is generally understood as a wretched decision grounded in empty legal reasoning. "As a matter of constitutional interpretation," wrote Harry Blackmun clerk Edward Lazarus, "even the most liberal jurisprudes — if you administer truth serum — will tell you it is basically indefensible."
"Ruth Bader Ginsburg called the decision "heavy-handed judicial activism." Laurence Tribe wrote "behind its own verbal smokescreen, the substantive judgment on which it rests is nowhere to be found."
"Yet this indefensible decision is sacred to the Democratic Party."

Yup. Because they're progressive baby-killers who think negative eugenics should be applied to poor people, and the sex industry should be protected to the point of facilitating human trafficking.

Rand Paul scratches the Democrats abortion surface bloody extremism pours out
bias bullshit.
That would be "biased", dumbass.

If it were true, that is.
if it were past tense you'd be right but it's not and you are not.
want fires with that.?
No, fires burn people.

Bias is a noun, btw.
Lefties have to oppose all restrictions on abortions, no matter what. Otherwise, their house-of-cards argument collapses.
non sense...on the other hand consevobots oppose ANY abortion under any circumstances
Lie. We've always maintained that medically necessary abortions are perfectly acceptable.

Compare that to the leftwad baby killers who don't think abortionists who are killing full term babies should even have admitting rights at the nearest hospitals.
Why talk to fools that think abortion is a viable alternative to being too stupid to use a condom or other form of BC.

Accentuate the positive.

Abortion has kept us from a Democratic Party dictatorship.

The blood is on their hands, not mine.

I did my part, I did not have father any babies I did not support.
lol! I've never not used BC.
excellent rationalizing
I doubt you ever got any dick.
Lefties have to oppose all restrictions on abortions, no matter what. Otherwise, their house-of-cards argument collapses.
non sense...on the other hand consevobots oppose ANY abortion under any circumstances
Lie. We've always maintained that medically necessary abortions are perfectly acceptable.

Compare that to the leftwad baby killers who don't think abortionists who are killing full term babies should even have admitting rights at the nearest hospitals.
Why talk to fools that think abortion is a viable alternative to being too stupid to use a condom or other form of BC.

Accentuate the positive.

Abortion has kept us from a Democratic Party dictatorship.

The blood is on their hands, not mine.

I did my part, I did not have father any babies I did not support.
lol! I've never not used BC.
excellent rationalizing
I doubt you ever got any dick.
I second that. Unless it came from homeless dudes next to the dumpster.
Here's my 2 cents....

If a fetus is viable and can survive outside of the womb, it is no longer a fetus, it's a baby. Killing it at that point is murder. Period. End of story.
Obama believes those babies should be put in a dark room and allowed to die.
please show me where Obama says that.

He fought for it in court. How come you Obots never know the details of your own messiah?
They don't know, because the liberal media didn't report anything negative about Obama.
If abortion had been cheap, legal and easily available back in the day, there would be no Barack Obama.
if it had been legal then this melodramatic farce would never have happened .
if you mean Obama would or should have been aborted then you've just contradicted the shit out of yourself.
"Why don't we ask the DNC: Is it okay to kill a seven-pound baby in the uterus?" Paul said. "You go back and you ask Debbie Wasserman Schultz if she's OK with killing a seven-pound baby that is not born yet."
Schultz quickly came back with an answer: "I support letting women and their doctors make this decision without government getting involved. Period. End of story."
This was a prepared statement, not an off-the-cuff remark, so we should take Schultz's answer seriously. The "Period. End of story," part clearly implies that there should be zero exceptions to the right to abortion — that is, zero laws, on any level, to protect the unborn if their mothers want them dead."

Rand Paul scratches the Democrats abortion surface bloody extremism pours out

Most dims would ask no question in killing a 7 year OLD child, if there was a buck to be made by the abortion mega-corp....
Lefties have to oppose all restrictions on abortions, no matter what. Otherwise, their house-of-cards argument collapses.
non sense...on the other hand consevobots oppose ANY abortion under any circumstances
Lie. We've always maintained that medically necessary abortions are perfectly acceptable.

Compare that to the leftwad baby killers who don't think abortionists who are killing full term babies should even have admitting rights at the nearest hospitals.
Why talk to fools that think abortion is a viable alternative to being too stupid to use a condom or other form of BC.

Accentuate the positive.

Abortion has kept us from a Democratic Party dictatorship.

The blood is on their hands, not mine.

I did my part, I did not have father any babies I did not support.
lol! I've never not used BC.
excellent rationalizing
I doubt you ever got any dick.
since I'm not female or gay that's a true statement.
just not in the way you wanted it to be.
"Roe is generally understood as a wretched decision grounded in empty legal reasoning. "As a matter of constitutional interpretation," wrote Harry Blackmun clerk Edward Lazarus, "even the most liberal jurisprudes — if you administer truth serum — will tell you it is basically indefensible."
"Ruth Bader Ginsburg called the decision "heavy-handed judicial activism." Laurence Tribe wrote "behind its own verbal smokescreen, the substantive judgment on which it rests is nowhere to be found."
"Yet this indefensible decision is sacred to the Democratic Party."

Yup. Because they're progressive baby-killers who think negative eugenics should be applied to poor people, and the sex industry should be protected to the point of facilitating human trafficking.

Rand Paul scratches the Democrats abortion surface bloody extremism pours out
bias bullshit.
That would be "biased", dumbass.

If it were true, that is.
if it were past tense you'd be right but it's not and you are not.
want fires with that.?
No, fires burn people.

Bias is a noun, btw.
[ ˈbīəs ]
noun: bias
  1. prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair:
    "there was evidence of bias against foreign applicants"
    synonyms: prejudice · partiality · partisanship · favoritism · unfairness ·
    one-sidedness · bigotry · intolerance · discrimination · leaning · tendency · inclination · predilection · casteism
    antonyms: impartiality
    • a concentration on or interest in one particular area or subject:
      "he worked on a variety of Greek topics, with a discernible bias toward philosophy"
    • statistics
      a systematic distortion of a statistical result due to a factor not allowed for in its derivation.
  2. in some sports, such as lawn bowling, the irregular shape given to a ball.
    • the oblique course taken by a ball as a result of its irregular shape.
  3. electronics
    a steady voltage, magnetic field, or other factor applied to an electronic system or device to cause it to operate over a predetermined range.
verb: bias · third person present: biases · past tense: biased · past participle: biased · present participle: biasing
  1. (be biased)
    cause to feel or show inclination or prejudice for or against someone or something:
    "readers said the paper was biased toward the conservatives"
    synonyms: prejudice · influence · color · sway · weight · predispose ·
    distort · skew · slant · prejudiced · partial · partisan · one-sided · blinkered · bigoted · intolerant · discriminatory · distorted · warped · twisted · skewed
its' both!
Obama believes those babies should be put in a dark room and allowed to die.
please show me where Obama says that.

He fought for it in court. How come you Obots never know the details of your own messiah?
They don't know, because the liberal media didn't report anything negative about Obama.
If abortion had been cheap, legal and easily available back in the day, there would be no Barack Obama.
if it had been legal then this melodramatic farce would never have happened .
if you mean Obama would or should have been aborted then you've just contradicted the shit out of yourself.
I believe he would have been aborted, yes.

I do NOT believe he should have been aborted.

I do not believe ANY healthy fetus should be aborted, with the exception of rape, incest and life of the mother.

But, I can't bear a child, abort away, not blood on my hands or guilt on my mine or karma on my soul.
"Roe is generally understood as a wretched decision grounded in empty legal reasoning. "As a matter of constitutional interpretation," wrote Harry Blackmun clerk Edward Lazarus, "even the most liberal jurisprudes — if you administer truth serum — will tell you it is basically indefensible."
"Ruth Bader Ginsburg called the decision "heavy-handed judicial activism." Laurence Tribe wrote "behind its own verbal smokescreen, the substantive judgment on which it rests is nowhere to be found."
"Yet this indefensible decision is sacred to the Democratic Party."

Yup. Because they're progressive baby-killers who think negative eugenics should be applied to poor people, and the sex industry should be protected to the point of facilitating human trafficking.

Rand Paul scratches the Democrats abortion surface bloody extremism pours out
bias bullshit.
That would be "biased", dumbass.

If it were true, that is.
if it were past tense you'd be right but it's not and you are not.
want fires with that.?
No, fires burn people.

Bias is a noun, btw.
[ ˈbīəs ]
noun: bias
  1. prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair:
    "there was evidence of bias against foreign applicants"
    synonyms: prejudice · partiality · partisanship · favoritism · unfairness ·
    one-sidedness · bigotry · intolerance · discrimination · leaning · tendency · inclination · predilection · casteism
    antonyms: impartiality
    • a concentration on or interest in one particular area or subject:
      "he worked on a variety of Greek topics, with a discernible bias toward philosophy"
    • statistics
      a systematic distortion of a statistical result due to a factor not allowed for in its derivation.
  2. in some sports, such as lawn bowling, the irregular shape given to a ball.
    • the oblique course taken by a ball as a result of its irregular shape.
  3. electronics
    a steady voltage, magnetic field, or other factor applied to an electronic system or device to cause it to operate over a predetermined range.
verb: bias · third person present: biases · past tense: biased · past participle: biased · present participle: biasing
  1. (be biased)
    cause to feel or show inclination or prejudice for or against someone or something:
    "readers said the paper was biased toward the conservatives"
    synonyms: prejudice · influence · color · sway · weight · predispose ·
    distort · skew · slant · prejudiced · partial · partisan · one-sided · blinkered · bigoted · intolerant · discriminatory · distorted · warped · twisted · skewed
its' both!

Show me where bias can stand alone as a verb.
please show me where Obama says that.

He fought for it in court. How come you Obots never know the details of your own messiah?
They don't know, because the liberal media didn't report anything negative about Obama.
If abortion had been cheap, legal and easily available back in the day, there would be no Barack Obama.
if it had been legal then this melodramatic farce would never have happened .
if you mean Obama would or should have been aborted then you've just contradicted the shit out of yourself.
I believe he would have been aborted, yes.

I do NOT believe he should have been aborted.

I do not believe ANY healthy fetus should be aborted, with the exception of rape, incest and life of the mother.

But, I can't bear a child, abort away, not blood on my hands or guilt on my mine or karma on my soul.
more rationalizing.

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