
Should shunning be allowed?

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Take it from somebody that does live with them, it's miserable.

Back in the 70's when "brotherhood" was being pushed, the message was that black people are like white people only with different color skin. So the harmony began and whites interacted with blacks. It was only then that we found the message was wrong. Blacks are nothing like whites. In fact quite the opposite in most ways.

So until this day, white flight is a real thing. Blacks continue to destroy where they move and bring down property values. The only way whites and blacks could ever peacefully live together is if blacks began separating themselves by class instead of race, and reject lower class blacks that do move into their neighborhoods.
That is already happening to a large extent in California. Black people who have worked hard and prospered want nothing to do with "ghetto trash."

I've had black neighbors for 20 years, good people, who are far more prejudiced against low class blacks than I ever have been.
That is already happening to a large extent in California. Black people who have worked hard and prospered want nothing to do with "ghetto trash."

I've had black neighbors for 20 years, good people, who are far more prejudiced against low class blacks than I ever have been.

Totally the opposite where I live. Blacks here have solidarity with their lower class kind. Once they move in they invite their brothers up here, have parties in the burbs for their lowlife friends, and generally never changed since they left the hood.

Their lowlife friends and family start coming around, and there goes the neighborhood. In fact we had a murder just over the weekend. When this was a predominately white suburb, we had like one murder every 15 years. Now it's several every year.
I don't know, I think the melting pot is turning out to be a bad idea; forcing people with completely different views to live with each other only angers both sides. Perhaps the best thing is for us to lick our wounds and try something else to get better results.

Yeah, I was baiting DBlack, who no doubt believes the state should decide who we can or can't associate with,.

Shunning is a VITAL societal tool.

Basically the position that I'll sell you food or a house, but I'm not going to talk to you..... I mean, this is my position toward democrats now.
Totally the opposite where I live. Blacks here have solidarity with their lower class kind. Once they move in they invite their brothers up here, have parties in the burbs for their lowlife friends, and generally never changed since they left the hood.

Their lowlife friends and family start coming around, and there goes the neighborhood. In fact we had a murder just over the weekend. When this was a predominately white suburb, we had like one murder every 15 years. Now it's several every year.

Might be because black people are such a small part of the population in California.

Mexican "clown houses" are the biggest danger - that is 15 families of illegals moving in to a middle class home.
Being not one of the rich kids.

Okay. Thanks. That's how I grew up and not being one of the rich kids didn't hurt me a bit. It made me more sensitive to the needs and feelings of others.

My criterion for justified shunning is if the person is toxic, and I don't believe poverty makes one toxic. I grew up with a lot of poor people who were fine, lovely people. I also grew up with a lot of poor people who were vicious assholes. It's all in how you choose to treat others.

Okay. Thanks. That's how I grew up and not being one of the rich kids didn't hurt me a bit. It made me more sensitive to the needs and feelings of others.

My criterion for justified shunning is if the person is toxic, and I don't believe poverty makes one toxic. I grew up with a lot of poor people who were fine, lovely people. I also grew up with a lot of poor people who were vicious assholes. It's all in how you choose to treat others.


Ah, the "soshes"

Where I grew up, most of us were middle class, but there were some VERY wealthy kids at school. No one (that I knew of) was actually poor, but we didn't get Corvettes (or any car) for our 16th birthday. I rode a little 100CC motorcycle that I bought with my own money. Didn't get a car until I was 18, which I saved for and bought myself.
nope ! just a kid lets say from the wrong side of the tracks.
Fish school, birds flock, sheep herd, and people tribe. Understanding how people are naturally inclined to function; and working within those parameters, one can get more predictable, reliable, and functional results. As opposed to fighting against it, and wondering why it isn’t working…
Might be because black people are such a small part of the population in California.

Mexican "clown houses" are the biggest danger - that is 15 families of illegals moving in to a middle class home.

When I was a kid a friend of mine moved down there and said the same thing. Blacks are not a problem in CA, it's the Mexicans that are. I only knew one Mexican family up here and was very attracted to the girl my age. So up here we don't have that much exposure to those people.
Fish school, birds flock, sheep herd, and people tribe. Understanding how people are naturally inclined to function; and working within those parameters, one can get more predictable, reliable, and functional results. As opposed to fighting against it, and wondering why it isn’t working…
That's how I handled it. 👍
That's how I handled it. 👍
Agreed. It shouldn't be up to government to make that call. Society can solve most of its problems peacefully, without getting the police involved.

I started this thread, in large part, as a response to another thread suggesting that political affiliation should be a "protected class". Some people want to give the government the power to prevent you from discriminating against political movements you find repugnant.

Anyway - it's occurred to me before that discrimination is essentially a kind of shunning. And it got me to wondering how most people see the practice. Should we be able to express disapproval of others by avoiding them? By refusing to hire them, or otherwise associate with them?

If so, should it be up to government to proscribe our reasons for doing so?
I don't know, I think the melting pot is turning out to be a bad idea; forcing people with completely different views to live with each other only angers both sides. Perhaps the best thing is for us to lick our wounds and try something else to get better results.
Something else like what?
Agreed. It shouldn't be up to government to make that call. Society can solve most of its problems peacefully, without getting the police involved.

I started this thread, in large part, as a response to another thread suggesting that political affiliation should be a "protected class". Some people want to give the government the power to prevent you from discriminating against political movements you find repugnant.

Anyway - it's occurred to me before that discrimination is essentially a kind of shunning. And it got me to wondering how most people see the practice. Should we be able to express disapproval of others by avoiding them? By refusing to hire them, or otherwise associate with them?

If so, should it be up to government to proscribe our reasons for doing so?

I think it should be their right but it's also very stupid. I always tell people, take your politics seriously, but don't take it personally. I never understood people that did.

I mean, we can argue who the best baseball or football team is, the best movie of the year, the best band in the 70's, and just come to the understanding that other people simply feel differently. But do that in politics with some people, families have separated or members never speaking to each other again, lifelong friends that never want to see each other again, people quitting their jobs or getting laid off. It's stupid.

Even here where people are hurling personal insults at each other just because they have a different view. Why personally insult somebody you never met, because they differ in opinion on politics? The person you're insulting may be one of the nicest, caring, and most charitable people you'd ever known. For instance my 92 year old father went from Republican to Democrat. We have political debates all the time. At the end of the night, it always results in smiles and hugs. My father is one of the greatest people in the world.
Maybe bring back segregation and get rid of fair housing laws. When you force people who are totally different to live together, how could you not expect problems?
You want people to control where you can live in a free country?
Maybe bring back segregation and get rid of fair housing laws.
Getting rid of intrusive laws is great, but I see no benefit in bringing back segregation. It's even dumber than shunning people for their political beliefs.

That said, no one should be forced to associate with others against their will - regardless of their reasons.
Fish school, birds flock, sheep herd, and people tribe. Understanding how people are naturally inclined to function; and working within those parameters, one can get more predictable, reliable, and functional results. As opposed to fighting against it, and wondering why it isn’t working…
Ain’t that right Unkotare ?
Fish school, birds flock, sheep herd, and people tribe. Understanding how people are naturally inclined to function; and working within those parameters, one can get more predictable, reliable, and functional results. As opposed to fighting against it, and wondering why it isn’t working…
Humans are all the same animal.
Getting rid of intrusive laws is great, but I see no benefit in bringing back segregation. It's even dumber than shunning people for their political beliefs.

That said, no one should be forced to associate with others against their will - regardless of their reasons.

I don't see why you don't see the benefit of segregation when desegregation has been pretty much a failure from it's start. Who really benefits when Lord knows how many billions have been lost in property value and areas destroyed?

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