Shutdown Averted. House Passes CR 45 Days

so we can look forward to the same song and dance in November.

"Lather, rinse, repeat (sometimes wash, rinse, repeat) is an idiom roughly quoting the instructions found on many brands of shampoo. It is also used as a humorous way of pointing out that such instructions, if taken literally, would result in an endless loop of repeating the same steps, at least until one runs out of shampoo. It is also a sarcastic metaphor for following instructions or procedures slavishly without critical thought.[1]"

Lather, rinse, repeat - Wikipedia
WASHINGTON (AP) — The threat of a federal government shutdown was suddenly easing Saturday after the House quickly approved a temporary funding bill to keep agencies open, once Speaker Kevin McCarthy dropped demands for steep spending cuts and relied on Democratic votes for passage.

The rushed package would leave behind aid to Ukraine, a White House priority opposed by a growing number of GOP lawmakers, but increase federal disaster assistance by $16 billion, meeting President Joe Biden’s full request. The bill would fund government until Nov. 17.

No surprise.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The threat of a federal government shutdown was suddenly easing Saturday after the House quickly approved a temporary funding bill to keep agencies open, once Speaker Kevin McCarthy dropped demands for steep spending cuts and relied on Democratic votes for passage.

The rushed package would leave behind aid to Ukraine, a White House priority opposed by a growing number of GOP lawmakers, but increase federal disaster assistance by $16 billion, meeting President Joe Biden’s full request. The bill would fund government until Nov. 17.

Another win for the good guys. Freedom Caucus gets their head handed to them once again.
House passage didn’t avert the shutdown. But now that the Senate has played tag along, it has been.
Another win for the good guys. Freedom Caucus gets their head handed to them once again.
88-9 in the Senate.

The no votes

Marsha Blackburn (Tenn.), Mike Braun (Ind.), Ted Cruz (Texas), Bill Hagerty (Tenn.), Mike Lee (Utah), Roger Marshall (Kansas), Rand Paul (Ky.), Eric Schmitt (Mo.) and J.D. Vance (Ohio).
Tell me what has been averted. It is not the fucking debt.

Funding for Ukraine in this bill is nonexistent 😳
Maybe but the money won’t stop.

After trying and failing to pass a Republican measure that would slash non-defense spending and enact strict immigration policies, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., reversed course on early Saturday morning and offered a stopgap funding bill similar to the bipartisan Senate version – minus $6 billion in Ukraine aid.

…and coincidentally, almost the same amount is already available for Ukraine…

The Pentagon says that a previous accounting error means it has approximately $5.5 billion in funds to keep transferring weapons to Ukraine past the end of the fiscal year.

Republicans really suck at this, don’t they. :laugh:
WASHINGTON (AP) — The threat of a federal government shutdown was suddenly easing Saturday after the House quickly approved a temporary funding bill to keep agencies open, once Speaker Kevin McCarthy dropped demands for steep spending cuts and relied on Democratic votes for passage.
The threat of any responsible government or any accountability was deferred to a later time when people have other things to discuss, was avoided after the appropriate bullshit antics by Congress, as expected. The shitshow will resume after the news reports winners and losers as deemed fit. There, fixed it.
The debt problem was caused by Republican tax cuts for the rich. Now Republicans are using the increase in the national debt for which they are responsible as an excuse to cut popular domestic spending programs.

Untrue. The Biden administration didn't even roll back the Trump tax cuts, because they did generate revenue.

The Numbers Are In: Trump’s Tax Cuts Paid Off

Opinion | Federal Revenue Did Well Under the Trump Tax Cut

Go Figure: Federal Revenues Hit All-Time Highs Under Trump Tax Cuts

Moore: Trump’s tax cuts paid for themselves
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The debt problem was caused by Republican tax cuts for the rich. Now Republicans are using the increase in the national debt for which they are responsible as an excuse to cut popular domestic spending programs.
You stupid Moon Bat.

Debt is caused by welfare and entitlement programs and all these stupid government agencies that don't do jackshit but cost billions, like HUD and the Department of Education. It is caused by bailouts like what Gay Barry did for the Wall Street banks and auto industries. It is caused by foreign aid like Potatohead funding electric buses in India and giving the goddamn Isrealis billions each year for nothing. It is caused by funding Illegals, Obamacare, Obamaphones and useless Environmental Wacko projects like subsidizing the production of EVs anbd building charging stations.

It is caused by big bloated government that the filthy ass Democrats love so much and the weak RINOs go along with although they suppose to know better. It is caused by spending more money than comes in and it is caused by having the cost of combined government being almost 40% of GDP and still having to borrow trillions each year.
The "win" will be for Virginia.....No fed .gov shut-down shenanigans to taint the Nov. 7 State Senate/House elections. ;)
Where I live, the government workers were HOPING for a shutdown: they’re all affluent, with plenty of savings to tide them over until their delayed paychecks are deposited, and were looking at it as more paid vacation.

Might be different in your neck of the woods.
Where I live, the government workers were HOPING for a shutdown: they’re all affluent, with plenty of savings to tide them over until their delayed paychecks are deposited, and were looking at it as more paid vacation.

Might be different in your neck of the woods.
Well everyone is not a GS-13+.....The average is a GS-8.....But they tend to live like a GS-13+ in NOtVA.
Well everyone is not a GS-13+.....The average is a GS-8.....But they tend to live like a GS-13+ in NOtVA.
Well the people I know are all at the top, GS-14, step 10. (I know because they’ve all been a 14 for 20 years.) I believe their pay is about $140,000 - and they all work from home every day but one.
Well the people I know are all at the top, GS-14, step 10. (I know because they’ve all been a 14 for 20 years.) I believe their pay is about $140,000 - and they all work from home every day but one.
In NOtVA it's not unusual at all for a couple to both be working for the .gov and pulling down near a quarter million a year net.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The threat of a federal government shutdown was suddenly easing Saturday after the House quickly approved a temporary funding bill to keep agencies open, once Speaker Kevin McCarthy dropped demands for steep spending cuts and relied on Democratic votes for passage.

The rushed package would leave behind aid to Ukraine, a White House priority opposed by a growing number of GOP lawmakers, but increase federal disaster assistance by $16 billion, meeting President Joe Biden’s full request. The bill would fund government until Nov. 17.

AOC forgot to tell you. The 30% cut in Social Security will be to expel Republicans from their money (collected at the rate of 7% of their paychecks for a lifetime) and to give it to pay out to Democrats with confirmation their vote went to 100% Democrats. Democrats own the information highway, after all, since Hillary Rodham's shameless theft of information on her rivals by way of the FBI files expanded to include all her rivals, past and future. Her Yalie professors told her to cheat and deny, cheat and deny, cheat and deny until the Alinsky method of turning a hard-to-govern free people into an expediently run socialist (aka communist) State that is totalitarian intolerance 100%. So much for former Senator and Secretary of State H. Rodham Clinton's failure to remember her oath of office(s) required by the United States Constitution, not to mention her fill in for Presidency while her hubby fooled around his whole term making whoopie with interns on the Oval office desk. She lawyered her way out of accounting for the Whitewater scandal with two words, "I forget," that picked numerous American senior pockets and placed their money in her hands. She told the Grand Jury, "I forget." She forgets responsible stuff, you know. :rolleyes-41:
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