Shutdown or Deal? Take a poll

Will there be a 2nd shutdown or will there be a deal on border security?

  • Deal, take the money and run, build that wall....

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • Shutdown #2, Trump will insist on more money

    Votes: 9 69.2%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
Sounds like the joint committee will agree on $2b for border security. The question is, will Trump accept that, or will he shutdown the government again?

IMHO, $2b is a good number considering that its up from zero. Besides, Trump can't spend that much in one year anyway, so he can get more funding next year. Also, he may be able to get additional money from the defense budget, so it looks like a win-win. The dems gave token funding, and Trump can keep building the wall.
What do the Democrats get in exchange for $2 billion?
Can't Congress trump Trump?

They had no problem shoving Gitmo right back up Obama's EO didn't they?
I never supported a "wall", but he's not even asking for that anymore. Just give him his fucking barriers, and stop acting like petulant children.
I just don't see the Democrats giving Trump $2 billion without a "get".
Sounds like the joint committee will agree on $2b for border security. The question is, will Trump accept that, or will he shutdown the government again?

IMHO, $2b is a good number considering that its up from zero. Besides, Trump can't spend that much in one year anyway, so he can get more funding next year. Also, he may be able to get additional money from the defense budget, so it looks like a win-win. The dems gave token funding, and Trump can keep building the wall.
If Mexico is willing to offer 2B, he'd be an idiot not to take it. Okay, I know, he's an idiot anyway, but still...
I cannot think of any plausible reason why the Democrats are opposed to even one mile of wall, other than they just want to deny Trump a campaign promise and make him lose face with the rubes.

But what pisses me off most of all in this whole mess is that it very conveniently covers the fact our government, under Trump's shitty leadership, will break all new spending records, and no one will fucking notice.

And the fact the very same propagandists who howled and howled and howled over Obama's spending are now dead silent about Trump's spending is very deliberate. Even worse, they will publicly suck Trump's overspending cock and call it delicious.

The stench of the hypocrisy of both sides thoroughly disgusts me. And the submissiveness and willful blindness of the rubes who go along with this fucking bullshit disgusts me even more.

We get the politicians we deserve.
I cannot think of any plausible reason why the Democrats are opposed to even one mile of wall, other than they just want to deny Trump a campaign promise and make him lose face with the rubes.

This is all it's about. Nobody believes for a second that the Democrats really give a fuck about a measly $5 billion.
I cannot think of any plausible reason why the Democrats are opposed to even one mile of wall, other than they just want to deny Trump a campaign promise and make him lose face with the rubes.

But what pisses me off most of all in this whole mess is that it very conveniently covers the fact our government, under Trump's shitty leadership, will break all new spending records, and no one will fucking notice.

And the fact the very same propagandists who howled and howled and howled over Obama's spending are now dead silent about Trump's spending is very deliberate. Even worse, they will publicly suck Trump's overspending cock and call it delicious.

The stench of the hypocrisy of both sides thoroughly disgusts me. And the submissiveness and willful blindness of the rubes who go along with this fucking bullshit disgusts me even more.

We get the politicians we deserve.

Stay tuned....the dems just got the House and the FY2020 budget is just being developed. Here is the FY2019 Budget for comparison. Any bets that there will be another shutdown, but of the entire government before the 2020 Budget is approved?

FY2019 Federal Budget
Mandatory spending $2.74T (Locked-in)
Social Security $878b
Medicare $625b
Medicaid $412b
Welfare $462b
Interest on the Debt $363b

Discretionary spending $1.3T
How will the dems change it for FY2020

Defense $893.0b
HHS $70.0b
Education $59.9b
VA $83.1b
Homeland $52.7b
Energy Dept $29.2b
NNSA $15.1b
HUD $29.2b
State Dept $40.3b
NASA $19.0b
Foreign Aid $55.0b
All Other Agencies $78.1
I cannot think of any plausible reason why the Democrats are opposed to even one mile of wall, other than they just want to deny Trump a campaign promise and make him lose face with the rubes.

But what pisses me off most of all in this whole mess is that it very conveniently covers the fact our government, under Trump's shitty leadership, will break all new spending records, and no one will fucking notice.

And the fact the very same propagandists who howled and howled and howled over Obama's spending are now dead silent about Trump's spending is very deliberate. Even worse, they will publicly suck Trump's overspending cock and call it delicious.

The stench of the hypocrisy of both sides thoroughly disgusts me. And the submissiveness and willful blindness of the rubes who go along with this fucking bullshit disgusts me even more.

We get the politicians we deserve.

Stay tuned....the dems just got the House and the FY2020 budget is just being developed. Here is the FY2019 Budget for comparison. Any bets that there will be another shutdown, but of the entire government before the 2020 Budget is approved?

FY2019 Federal Budget
Mandatory spending $2.74T (Locked-in)
Social Security $878b
Medicare $625b
Medicaid $412b
Welfare $462b
Interest on the Debt $363b

Discretionary spending $1.3T
How will the dems change it for FY2020

Defense $893.0b
HHS $70.0b
Education $59.9b
VA $83.1b
Homeland $52.7b
Energy Dept $29.2b
NNSA $15.1b
HUD $29.2b
State Dept $40.3b
NASA $19.0b
Foreign Aid $55.0b
All Other Agencies $78.1
$4.407 trillion.

That was Trump's ask for FY2019. A full trillion dollars more than Obama's worst year of spending, and the largest budget in the history of the Universe. Literally.

Obama + $1 trillion = Trump

If Trump had submitted Obama's worst spending year, we would almost have a balanced budget this year! Instead, Trump will rack up a trillion dollar deficit this year.

Any time a pseudocon claims they stand for "small government", I L-my-fucking-AO.
Before the mid-terms, I predicted right here on this forum that if the Democrats won Congress, the pseuedocons would suddenly start noticing all the wild spending going on, and would blame the Democrats.

Of course, they won't do that until directed to do so by their propagandists who have been dead silent about Trump's massive overspending all this time.

That's what parrots are good for, after all. They only say what they are told to say by their masters.
Since Republicans started at 20 billion, and the dems at zero, they should counter with 10 billion and an additional 10k border patrol.

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