Shutdown or Deal? Take a poll

Will there be a 2nd shutdown or will there be a deal on border security?

  • Deal, take the money and run, build that wall....

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • Shutdown #2, Trump will insist on more money

    Votes: 9 69.2%

  • Total voters
Well....YEAH! You do realize that He asked for a whole lot more in addition to $5B for barriers, correct? Well of course you don't, the Democrats and media failed to give you that information. You have to go look for it. He wants additional border guards, additional asylum judges and technology to support enforcement beyond barriers. Nancy and Chuck said no to it all.
I cannot think of any plausible reason why the Democrats are opposed to even one mile of wall, other than they just want to deny Trump a campaign promise and make him lose face with the rubes.

But what pisses me off most of all in this whole mess is that it very conveniently covers the fact our government, under Trump's shitty leadership, will break all new spending records, and no one will fucking notice.

And the fact the very same propagandists who howled and howled and howled over Obama's spending are now dead silent about Trump's spending is very deliberate. Even worse, they will publicly suck Trump's overspending cock and call it delicious.

The stench of the hypocrisy of both sides thoroughly disgusts me. And the submissiveness and willful blindness of the rubes who go along with this fucking bullshit disgusts me even more.

We get the politicians we deserve.

Part of the problem are the "off Budget wars" that add to the Debt. Trump wants to end war spending and GTFO of AFG and Syria, and the dems are whining that he's cutting and running and abandoning the Kurds. We need to end those wars and reduce our global footprint, especially in the EU, Japan, SK, etc..
I cannot think of any plausible reason why the Democrats are opposed to even one mile of wall, other than they just want to deny Trump a campaign promise and make him lose face with the rubes.

But what pisses me off most of all in this whole mess is that it very conveniently covers the fact our government, under Trump's shitty leadership, will break all new spending records, and no one will fucking notice.

And the fact the very same propagandists who howled and howled and howled over Obama's spending are now dead silent about Trump's spending is very deliberate. Even worse, they will publicly suck Trump's overspending cock and call it delicious.

The stench of the hypocrisy of both sides thoroughly disgusts me. And the submissiveness and willful blindness of the rubes who go along with this fucking bullshit disgusts me even more.

We get the politicians we deserve.

Part of the problem are the "off Budget wars" that add to the Debt. Trump wants to end war spending and GTFO of AFG and Syria, and the dems are whining that he's cutting and running and abandoning the Kurds. We need to end those wars and reduce our global footprint, especially in the EU, Japan, SK, etc..
Trump has always been a cut-and-runner.

I remember when pseudocons used to claim cut-and-runners like Trump were traitors on the side of the terrorists.

Even Trump blamed Obama for creating ISIS by being a cut-and-runner. Which is hilarious since Trump himself DEMANDED IN 2008 WE CUT AND RUN FROM IRAQ. "Declare victory and leave!"
I cannot think of any plausible reason why the Democrats are opposed to even one mile of wall, other than they just want to deny Trump a campaign promise and make him lose face with the rubes.

But what pisses me off most of all in this whole mess is that it very conveniently covers the fact our government, under Trump's shitty leadership, will break all new spending records, and no one will fucking notice.

And the fact the very same propagandists who howled and howled and howled over Obama's spending are now dead silent about Trump's spending is very deliberate. Even worse, they will publicly suck Trump's overspending cock and call it delicious.

The stench of the hypocrisy of both sides thoroughly disgusts me. And the submissiveness and willful blindness of the rubes who go along with this fucking bullshit disgusts me even more.

We get the politicians we deserve.

Part of the problem are the "off Budget wars" that add to the Debt. Trump wants to end war spending and GTFO of AFG and Syria, and the dems are whining that he's cutting and running and abandoning the Kurds. We need to end those wars and reduce our global footprint, especially in the EU, Japan, SK, etc..
Trump has always been a cut-and-runner.

I remember when pseudocons used to claim cut-and-runners like Trump were traitors on the side of the terrorists.

Even Trump blamed Obama for creating ISIS by being a cut-and-runner. Which is hilarious since Trump himself DEMANDED IN 2008 WE CUT AND RUN FROM IRAQ. "Declare victory and leave!"

Wow, how times have changed. Now the dems want to keep throwing money and lives at "endless wars"?? After 17-years and $5T in ME war spending you'd think that the dems would support declaring victory and leaving the endless wars??
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Sounds like the joint committee will agree on $2b for border security. The question is, will Trump accept that, or will he shutdown the government again?

IMHO, $2b is a good number considering that its up from zero. Besides, Trump can't spend that much in one year anyway, so he can get more funding next year. Also, he may be able to get additional money from the defense budget, so it looks like a win-win. The dems gave token funding, and Trump can keep building the wall.
Trump said he will own the shutdown to get a wall. So Shut down the government. All the little trumpers will be dying for a lack of money and food.
Sounds like the joint committee will agree on $2b for border security. The question is, will Trump accept that, or will he shutdown the government again?

IMHO, $2b is a good number considering that its up from zero. Besides, Trump can't spend that much in one year anyway, so he can get more funding next year. Also, he may be able to get additional money from the defense budget, so it looks like a win-win. The dems gave token funding, and Trump can keep building the wall.
Trump said he will own the shutdown to get a wall. So Shut down the government. All the little trumpers will be dying for a lack of money and food.
Trump can circumvent Nancy and her minions by using DOD leftover money. Yes to the wall, no to the shutdown...
Sounds like the joint committee will agree on $2b for border security. The question is, will Trump accept that, or will he shutdown the government again?

IMHO, $2b is a good number considering that its up from zero. Besides, Trump can't spend that much in one year anyway, so he can get more funding next year. Also, he may be able to get additional money from the defense budget, so it looks like a win-win. The dems gave token funding, and Trump can keep building the wall.
Trump said he will own the shutdown to get a wall. So Shut down the government. All the little trumpers will be dying for a lack of money and food.
Trump can circumvent Nancy and her minions by using DOD leftover money. Yes to the wall, no to the shutdown...
Trump is quietly preparing for surrender.
why else would abortion be a hot topic all of the sudden.

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