Shutdown Prediction Thread

Who blinks first

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Dems have most to lose in the Schumer shutdown. The endless investigations will halt. Pelosi won't get to go after guns. I would wait them out to all $25B.

This is the Trump shutdown, he said so himself.
Yes! The Trump Shutdown! National security is just that important to those who care about Americans! You open borders shits can go pound sand.
Yeah, AND the shits who just said there's nothing wrong with a Wall where it's warranted, we can go pound sand, too? I think you just want to fight and you could care less what over.
If no funding, Veto everthing Jan03 onwards for two years.

I suppose schumer-Pelosi will keep it shutdow status until this passed house bill expires. Then begin to "negotiate".

Make it clear now, price is $5B in Jan too. No negotiations after that point. Use the military.
It's now or never to make a stand...................Damn the torpedoes............The collateral damage be damned at this point.
I'm all for a permanent shut down. If government workers are deemed non-essential enough to stay home, then we should eliminate their jobs altogether.

Dems have most to lose in the Schumer shutdown. The endless investigations will halt. Pelosi won't get to go after guns. I would wait them out to all $25B.

This is the Trump shutdown, he said so himself.
Yes! The Trump Shutdown! National security is just that important to those who care about Americans! You open borders shits can go pound sand.
Yeah, AND the shits who just said there's nothing wrong with a Wall where it's warranted, we can go pound sand, too? I think you just want to fight and you could care less what over.
What dew ewe mean “where it’s warranted”?
If no funding, Veto everthing Jan03 onwards for two years.

I suppose schumer-Pelosi will keep shutdown status until this passed house bill expires? Then begin to "negotiate".

Make it clear now, price is $5B in Jan too. No negotiations after that point. Use the military. String razor wire. Ramp up ICE.
/---/ If Congress can't pass budgets anymore and only continuing resolutions, they can stomach a Gubmint shutdown indefinitely.
I'm thinking some type of compromise promoted as a win-win.
Say $3.9b for the wall and green cards for the DACA kids.
It looks like Trump has a new prototype of wall that could be much cheaper per mile, so he might spin it as he gets the same length of wall.
Sounds like a plan as long as Trump doesn't throw in all the rest of that immigration reform he insisted on last time at the last minute. Has he learned his lesson yet about what compromise means?

He still owes us the EOs to remove/challenge "birthright citizenship" as well as "chain migration" and the "visa lottery".
Can we work on one thing at a time? If he puts all that stuff in there NOW, you will get no Wall. Guaranteed. Which is more important to you?
The wall first, but he still needs to issue EOs to get the other items litigated.
Did the government shut down? I've been too busy working at the post office to find out.
Dems have most to lose in the Schumer shutdown. The endless investigations will halt. Pelosi won't get to go after guns. I would wait them out to all $25B.

You already lost last month. Short memory?
Dems have most to lose in the Schumer shutdown. The endless investigations will halt. Pelosi won't get to go after guns. I would wait them out to all $25B.

You already lost last month. Short memory?

Increased in the Senate, still have a Republican president. In modern history every party in power has lost seats in the House. You voted in a fair num,ber of moderate Democrats, losing should be an interesting view.
Dems have most to lose in the Schumer shutdown. The endless investigations will halt. Pelosi won't get to go after guns. I would wait them out to all $25B.

You already lost last month. Short memory?

Increased in the Senate, still have a Republican president. In modern history every party in power has lost seats in the House. You voted in a fair num,ber of moderate Democrats, losing should be an interesting view.
Last time that happened to a GOP President in a mid term........was 1938........historical event........but they don't get it..........
Dems have most to lose in the Schumer shutdown. The endless investigations will halt. Pelosi won't get to go after guns. I would wait them out to all $25B.

This is the Trump shutdown, he said so himself.

The House sent a passed Bill over. Schumer had his klan vote NO. Schumer owns it now. DJT did what Pelosi asked for. Case closed.
Trump agreed to a clean CR. Congress did that. He reneged. He owns it. Period.
Dems have most to lose in the Schumer shutdown. The endless investigations will halt. Pelosi won't get to go after guns. I would wait them out to all $25B.

This is the Trump shutdown, he said so himself.

The House sent a passed Bill over. Schumer had his klan vote NO. Schumer owns it now. DJT did what Pelosi asked for. Case closed.
Trump agreed to a clean CR. Congress did that. He reneged. He owns it. Period.
Add 3.4 Billion to the CR for the Wall and he has his 5 billion.............or dead lock and shut down......

Ask for a refund from so well spent........LOL
Dems have most to lose in the Schumer shutdown. The endless investigations will halt. Pelosi won't get to go after guns. I would wait them out to all $25B.

This is the Trump shutdown, he said so himself.

The House sent a passed Bill over. Schumer had his klan vote NO. Schumer owns it now. DJT did what Pelosi asked for. Case closed.
Trump agreed to a clean CR. Congress did that. He reneged. He owns it. Period.
Add 3.4 Billion to the CR for the Wall and he has his 5 billion.............or dead lock and shut down......

Ask for a refund from so well spent........LOL
Dems have most to lose in the Schumer shutdown. The endless investigations will halt. Pelosi won't get to go after guns. I would wait them out to all $25B.

This is the Trump shutdown, he said so himself.

The House sent a passed Bill over. Schumer had his klan vote NO. Schumer owns it now. DJT did what Pelosi asked for. Case closed.
Trump agreed to a clean CR. Congress did that. He reneged. He owns it. Period.
Add 3.4 Billion to the CR for the Wall and he has his 5 billion.............or dead lock and shut down......

Ask for a refund from so well spent........LOL
Huh? have selective memory.........or is it you can't do the math.........the CR offered 1.6 Billion.....he wanted 5 you know how to use a calculator.......hmmm

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