Shutdown Prediction Thread

Who blinks first

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If no funding, Veto everthing Jan03 onwards for two years.

I suppose schumer-Pelosi will keep shutdown status until this passed house bill expires? Then begin to "negotiate".

Make it clear now, price is $5B in Jan too. No negotiations after that point. Use the military. String razor wire. Ramp up ICE.

That may well be the strategy, along with a flood of executive orders.
If no funding, Veto everthing Jan03 onwards for two years.

I suppose schumer-Pelosi will keep shutdown status until this passed house bill expires? Then begin to "negotiate".

Make it clear now, price is $5B in Jan too. No negotiations after that point. Use the military. String razor wire. Ramp up ICE.

That may well be the strategy, along with a flood of executive orders.

Pass an EO requiring CA to pay for a wall on their border. :lol:
If no funding, Veto everthing Jan03 onwards for two years.

I suppose schumer-Pelosi will keep shutdown status until this passed house bill expires? Then begin to "negotiate".

Make it clear now, price is $5B in Jan too. No negotiations after that point. Use the military. String razor wire. Ramp up ICE.

Trump would be smart to demand 50 billion dollars and no DACA, no anchor babies or chain migration. It's time to start observing the laws already in effect and pass necessary new laws. This damned immigration fiasco should not be a political football. There's nothing political about illegal aliens. It's a criminal issue.
This is the Trump shutdown, he said so himself.

The House sent a passed Bill over. Schumer had his klan vote NO. Schumer owns it now. DJT did what Pelosi asked for. Case closed.
Trump agreed to a clean CR. Congress did that. He reneged. He owns it. Period.
Add 3.4 Billion to the CR for the Wall and he has his 5 billion.............or dead lock and shut down......

Ask for a refund from so well spent........LOL
Huh? have selective memory.........or is it you can't do the math.........the CR offered 1.6 Billion.....he wanted 5 you know how to use a calculator.......hmmm
By definition, a clean CR means nothing is added. Hence the word clean.
The House sent a passed Bill over. Schumer had his klan vote NO. Schumer owns it now. DJT did what Pelosi asked for. Case closed.
Trump agreed to a clean CR. Congress did that. He reneged. He owns it. Period.
Add 3.4 Billion to the CR for the Wall and he has his 5 billion.............or dead lock and shut down......

Ask for a refund from so well spent........LOL
Huh? have selective memory.........or is it you can't do the math.........the CR offered 1.6 Billion.....he wanted 5 you know how to use a calculator.......hmmm
By definition, a clean CR means nothing is added. Hence the word clean.
Well re write it and add the 3.4 Billion dollars for the wall then...........
I don't care both sides will claim they won either way no matter what happens the American people will get fucked over again.
only one side is demanding a shutdown because they cannot get what they want - that says no to compromise, which is the art of politics

this is not a business deal for a family business
The Dems cannot give Trump one penny for the wall or they know he will use it in 2020 to say 'See...I fought hard and I got Americans greater border security. I had to shut down government to do it...and I did not get all that I wanted. But if it wasn't for me - we would have got nothing. I am the border security President!!!'

And Trump knows that if he backs down....he is in big trouble with his base.

I have no idea who will will blink first.
The Dems cannot give Trump one penny for the wall or they know he will use it in 2020 to say 'See...I fought hard and I got Americans greater border security. I had to shut down government to do it...and I did not get all that I wanted. But if it wasn't for me - we would have got nothing. I am the border security President!!!'

And Trump knows that if he backs down....he is in big trouble with his base (which is becoming all he has left).

I have no idea who will will blink first.
Sum it up correctly..........both sides are refusing to budge.........It's not like he's asking for the whole amount to build the is only 3.4 Billion over the CR...........That is a drop in the bucket to what these people have spent over the putting shrimp on treadmills for some jacked up study..........LOL

Trump is boxed....Dems love that......means this shutdown will last a long time.
Looks like there are no adults left in the room who know how to govern.
McConnell punted since the CR was rejected.
So its really up to Trump and Chuckie. Trump needs 60 votes and Chuckie is saying NFW. IMHO the senate needs to go nuclear for budget votes since they are annual food fights and not "permanent Law" which should have 60 like the prison reforms just passed with 99 votes.
There is no option but COMPROMISE, unless the WH promotes the "remittances tax" on money sent out of the US to pay for the wall?
White House weighing a tax on remittances to Mexico to fund border wall
Looks like there are no adults left in the room who know how to govern.
McConnell punted since the CR was rejected.
So its really up to Trump and Chuckie. Trump needs 60 votes and Chuckie is saying NFW. IMHO the senate needs to go nuclear for budget votes since they are annual food fights and not "permanent Law" which should have 60 like the prison reforms just passed with 99 votes.
There is no option but COMPROMISE, unless the WH promotes the "remittances tax" on money sent out of the US to pay for the wall?
White House weighing a tax on remittances to Mexico to fund border wall
Trump has no reason to back down..........because it's now or never...........The career politicians have no intentions of fixing the illegal immigration problem..............a problem THEY CREATED...............and have ignored for decades............then try to say they are the SAVIORS of the United States BS...............with their PHONEY LYING ASSES.......who have been enriching themselves for decades off their positions...............

Nancy Pelosi- Net Worth - Personal Finances

While Americans were losing their made out like a bandit after the crash........Self enriching herself while their very policies screwed the United States........

I could care less about anything the wicked Witch of California has to say.........or Schumer........

I don't care if the Gov't is shut down til the summer..................they need to be confronted.......I no longer care about the collateral damage.............Americans for decades have wanted the immigration problem solved.............They will never do it..........All career politicians need to be thrown the hell out.
Two interesting comments on the shutdown this morning:
1. AOC stated that Congress and the Senate should not get paid when a shutdown is happening. Why should they get paid for not doing their jobs? Totally agree! Maybe McConnell would go nuclear on budget votes? That would help.
2. Michael Reagan said that his dad made a deal for amnesty for 3m illegals for a promise of border security, that never happened. He supports holding out for wall funding. Totally agree.
I don't care both sides will claim they won either way no matter what happens the American people will get fucked over again.
only one side is demanding a shutdown because they cannot get what they want - that says no to compromise, which is the art of politics

this is not a business deal for a family business
Only one side really? So when one of those sides says you will not get any money for a wall not now not next year not ever is that compromise or trying to avoid a shutdown?
Who blinks first?


the Dems?

The GOP in Congress?
Trump creates a crisis. Then when it is averted, he claims to be a great manger and deal maker. That is so nuts.

Trump will call it success no matter how the Trump shutdown comes out

What crisis?
There is no crisis..........only talking heads blabbing that we are all going to die for ratings...........

Next up.........showing some small child without a Christmas Present under the Tree because of the shutdown.....

tomorrow on the Soap Opera of BS........who knows.

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