Sick and Tired of this N-Word Stuff...


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
This is my kind of racism!


Appropriate response:

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I didn't watch the entire video of either...but a few comments...

Why is the Chinese guy insulted to be taken as a Japanese person?

What kind of twit would post what that Anglo girl did on the internet?

Why are you upset over racism against Asians but I've never seen you upset over racism toward blacks?

That chick has been getting death threats over her video.
I didn't watch the entire video of either...but a few comments...

Why is the Chinese guy insulted to be taken as a Japanese person?

What kind of twit would post what that Anglo girl did on the internet?

Why are you upset over racism against Asians but I've never seen you upset over racism toward blacks?


I suspect it's due to the Rape of Nanking and other Japanese atrocities against Chinese people over the years.
"I don't mean this towards any of my friends..I mean this towards people I don't even know in the library.."
This girl owes me a new keyboard for starters.
Her level of ignorance is hilarious.
I am wondering how Miss Manners got into UCLA?
I think these two outta get together and take their show on the road. They cracked me up. If they could find a black and a hispanic to play along it might even get better. Every race ( and every individual) has some quirk that's worth a good laugh.
I didn't watch the entire video of either...but a few comments...

Why is the Chinese guy insulted to be taken as a Japanese person?

What kind of twit would post what that Anglo girl did on the internet?

Why are you upset over racism against Asians but I've never seen you upset over racism toward blacks?


You missed the point entirely.

The "n-word" censorship is the only part of this that I am inclined to be upset over. And, you're right, you'll never see me get incensed over some insult to blacks....that's just bogus lib-sensibility.

The rest should roll off ones back like the proverbial water and duck...

What do you do if insulted? Give it right back.

Nobody should be fired, fined, imprisoned.....whatever for any 'insult' or 'thought crime' or 'hate crime' identified by what someone says or shouts.

One of my fav reasons for the USMB is that one can say anything....and be responded to, just as I am doing right now.
That's a major difference between the America that I love, and, say...Euro-thinking.
You know, liberal thinking.
"I don't mean this towards any of my friends..I mean this towards people I don't even know in the library.."
This girl owes me a new keyboard for starters.
Her level of ignorance is hilarious.
I am wondering how Miss Manners got into UCLA?

"Her level of ignorance is hilarious. "

This, I feel, is the correct response to that dingbat.

Not death threats, nor suspension....
I didn't watch the entire video of either...but a few comments...

Why is the Chinese guy insulted to be taken as a Japanese person?

What kind of twit would post what that Anglo girl did on the internet?

Why are you upset over racism against Asians but I've never seen you upset over racism toward blacks?


You missed the point entirely.

The "n-word" censorship is the only part of this that I am inclined to be upset over. And, you're right, you'll never see me get incensed over some insult to blacks....that's just bogus lib-sensibility.

The rest should roll off ones back like the proverbial water and duck...

What do you do if insulted? Give it right back.

Nobody should be fired, fined, imprisoned.....whatever for any 'insult' or 'thought crime' or 'hate crime' identified by what someone says or shouts.

One of my fav reasons for the USMB is that one can say anything....and be responded to, just as I am doing right now.That's a major difference between the America that I love, and, say...Euro-thinking.
You know, liberal thinking.

Thats actually not true, you can't just say "anything". If you were to call me the n word right now, your post would be deleted and warnings issued.
I didn't watch the entire video of either...but a few comments...

Why is the Chinese guy insulted to be taken as a Japanese person?

What kind of twit would post what that Anglo girl did on the internet?

Why are you upset over racism against Asians but I've never seen you upset over racism toward blacks?


You missed the point entirely.

The "n-word" censorship is the only part of this that I am inclined to be upset over. And, you're right, you'll never see me get incensed over some insult to blacks....that's just bogus lib-sensibility.

The rest should roll off ones back like the proverbial water and duck...

What do you do if insulted? Give it right back.

Nobody should be fired, fined, imprisoned.....whatever for any 'insult' or 'thought crime' or 'hate crime' identified by what someone says or shouts.

One of my fav reasons for the USMB is that one can say anything....and be responded to, just as I am doing right now.That's a major difference between the America that I love, and, say...Euro-thinking.
You know, liberal thinking.

Thats actually not true, you can't just say "anything". If you were to call me the n word right now, your post would be deleted and warnings issued.

Sad to hear that.

If anything, it represents the extent to which that kind of bogus thinking has taken hold in this great nation.
I have always seen it as pandering by the Left to the group whose voting block in necessary for them to keep power.
You missed the point entirely.

The "n-word" censorship is the only part of this that I am inclined to be upset over. And, you're right, you'll never see me get incensed over some insult to blacks....that's just bogus lib-sensibility.

The rest should roll off ones back like the proverbial water and duck...

What do you do if insulted? Give it right back.

Nobody should be fired, fined, imprisoned.....whatever for any 'insult' or 'thought crime' or 'hate crime' identified by what someone says or shouts.

One of my fav reasons for the USMB is that one can say anything....and be responded to, just as I am doing right now.That's a major difference between the America that I love, and, say...Euro-thinking.
You know, liberal thinking.

Thats actually not true, you can't just say "anything". If you were to call me the n word right now, your post would be deleted and warnings issued.

Sad to hear that.

If anything, it represents the extent to which that kind of bogus thinking has taken hold in this great nation.
I have always seen it as pandering by the Left to the group whose voting block in necessary for them to keep power.

So your saying it should be ok to use foul language like that? if you called someone the n word at your job you would be fired as well.
You missed the point entirely.

The "n-word" censorship is the only part of this that I am inclined to be upset over. And, you're right, you'll never see me get incensed over some insult to blacks....that's just bogus lib-sensibility.

The rest should roll off ones back like the proverbial water and duck...

What do you do if insulted? Give it right back.

Nobody should be fired, fined, imprisoned.....whatever for any 'insult' or 'thought crime' or 'hate crime' identified by what someone says or shouts.

One of my fav reasons for the USMB is that one can say anything....and be responded to, just as I am doing right now.That's a major difference between the America that I love, and, say...Euro-thinking.
You know, liberal thinking.

Thats actually not true, you can't just say "anything". If you were to call me the n word right now, your post would be deleted and warnings issued.

Sad to hear that.

If anything, it represents the extent to which that kind of bogus thinking has taken hold in this great nation.
I have always seen it as pandering by the Left to the group whose voting block in necessary for them to keep power.

Sad? Why? You think you should be able to call a black guy a n*gger? Seriously? You can use n*gger, you just cannot use it as direct insult to an individual. Given the historic context of that particular word, why is it such a problem to not use it? Can you not be creative enough to think of a more appropriate insult? I can.

Only very, very, very stupid people want to call anyone a n*gger.
Thats actually not true, you can't just say "anything". If you were to call me the n word right now, your post would be deleted and warnings issued.

Sad to hear that.

If anything, it represents the extent to which that kind of bogus thinking has taken hold in this great nation.
I have always seen it as pandering by the Left to the group whose voting block in necessary for them to keep power.

Sad? Why? You think you should be able to call a black guy a n*gger? Seriously? You can use n*gger, you just cannot use it as direct insult to an individual. Given the historic context of that particular word, why is it such a problem to not use it? Can you not be creative enough to think of a more appropriate insult? I can.

Only very, very, very stupid people want to call anyone a n*gger.

Are you calling black people stupid now ?
1. To be fair, the girl in the video does have a point with regards to some the characteristic nuances exhibited by Asians from the far-east. But I'm sure there are plenty of traits exhibited by caucasians that get up the nose of other races. But saying that, at least she actually had the guts to say it publically, without hiding behind the anonymity provided by a keyboard, like all her detractors on this thread, might I add.

2. There's only one thing more tragic than seeing a young, middle-class white kid trying to emulate a 'brother' or a 'sista' (otherwise known as "wigga") and that's a young, middle-class Asian kid trying to emulate a cross between a homosexual and an indignant black woman. And for all his (forlorn) efforts, he wasn't exactly funny, either.
Thats actually not true, you can't just say "anything". If you were to call me the n word right now, your post would be deleted and warnings issued.

Sad to hear that.

If anything, it represents the extent to which that kind of bogus thinking has taken hold in this great nation.
I have always seen it as pandering by the Left to the group whose voting block in necessary for them to keep power.

So your saying it should be ok to use foul language like that? if you called someone the n word at your job you would be fired as well.

I'm saying just what I said.

Folks dress appropriately at work and speak appropriately. For the most part.

If they do not, others will show the correct reactions to correct them.

My attitude extends to speech, dress...most individual rights that I can think of. (Oops! Ended a sentence with a preposition!)

I find that there is very little requirement for correction.
I have found folks who use language that I find objectionable, and have no trouble in moving beyond and away....for the record, I have noone on 'ignore,' nor have I ever given a neg rep. I don't correct anyone's language (although I have been known to poke fun at spelling or grammar.)

"if you called someone the n word at your job you would be fired as well."
That would be up to the employer, wouldn't it.
As far as I know, there is no law that requires an employer to do so...and if a civil suit resulted in some penalty to an individual for same, it is a decision to which I would be opposed.

No one has a 'right' not to be offended.
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Sad to hear that.

If anything, it represents the extent to which that kind of bogus thinking has taken hold in this great nation.
I have always seen it as pandering by the Left to the group whose voting block in necessary for them to keep power.

So your saying it should be ok to use foul language like that? if you called someone the n word at your job you would be fired as well.

I'm saying just what I said.

Folks dress appropriately at work and speak appropriately. For the most part.

If they do not, others will show the correct reactions to correct them.

My attitude extends to speech, dress...most individual rights that I can think of. (Oops! Ended a sentence with a preposition!)

I find that there is very little requirement for correction.
I have found folks who use language that I find objectionable, and have no trouble in moving beyond and away....for the record, I have noone on 'ignore,' nor have I ever given a neg rep. I don't correct anyone's language (although I have been known to poke fun at spelling or grammar.)

"if you called someone the n word at your job you would be fired as well."
That would be up to the employer, wouldn't it.
As far as I know, there is no law that requires an employer to do so...and if a civil suit resulted in some penalty to an individual for same, it is a decision to which I would be opposed.

No one has a 'right' not to be offended.

So your saying people should just be able to go around throwing around racial slurs at whoever they want with no reprecussions? sorry I don't agree and I am glad most people don't agree with you on this either.

"if you called someone the n word at your job you would be fired as well."
That would be up to the employer, wouldn't it.
As far as I know, there is no law that requires an employer to do so...and if a civil suit resulted in some penalty to an individual for same, it is a decision to which I would be opposed.

Hahahaha really? if you really believe this go up to a black person at your job ad just drop the n bomb, lets see how long you last.
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I didn't watch the entire video of either...but a few comments...

Why is the Chinese guy insulted to be taken as a Japanese person?

What kind of twit would post what that Anglo girl did on the internet?

Why are you upset over racism against Asians but I've never seen you upset over racism toward blacks?


Do blacks have the market cornered in your mind?
So your saying it should be ok to use foul language like that? if you called someone the n word at your job you would be fired as well.

I'm saying just what I said.

Folks dress appropriately at work and speak appropriately. For the most part.

If they do not, others will show the correct reactions to correct them.

My attitude extends to speech, dress...most individual rights that I can think of. (Oops! Ended a sentence with a preposition!)

I find that there is very little requirement for correction.
I have found folks who use language that I find objectionable, and have no trouble in moving beyond and away....for the record, I have noone on 'ignore,' nor have I ever given a neg rep. I don't correct anyone's language (although I have been known to poke fun at spelling or grammar.)

"if you called someone the n word at your job you would be fired as well."
That would be up to the employer, wouldn't it.
As far as I know, there is no law that requires an employer to do so...and if a civil suit resulted in some penalty to an individual for same, it is a decision to which I would be opposed.

No one has a 'right' not to be offended.

So your saying people should just be able to go around throwing around racial slurs at whoever they want with no reprecussions? sorry I don't agree and I am glad most people don't agree with you on this either.

"if you called someone the n word at your job you would be fired as well."
That would be up to the employer, wouldn't it.
As far as I know, there is no law that requires an employer to do so...and if a civil suit resulted in some penalty to an individual for same, it is a decision to which I would be opposed.

Hahahaha really? if you really believe this go up to a black person at your job ad just drop the n bomb, lets see how long you last.

If we operate on the logic that if anyone is offended by something it should be banned or censored we may as well end the human experiment and set the earth to self destruct.
Thats actually not true, you can't just say "anything". If you were to call me the n word right now, your post would be deleted and warnings issued.

Sad to hear that.

If anything, it represents the extent to which that kind of bogus thinking has taken hold in this great nation.
I have always seen it as pandering by the Left to the group whose voting block in necessary for them to keep power.

Sad? Why? You think you should be able to call a black guy a n*gger? Seriously? You can use n*gger, you just cannot use it as direct insult to an individual. Given the historic context of that particular word, why is it such a problem to not use it? Can you not be creative enough to think of a more appropriate insult? I can.

Only very, very, very stupid people want to call anyone a n*gger.

Yes, I feel the same right of free speech applies to everyone...and I'm sure you can think of a slur for each and every ethnic group, religious group, etc.

It should be up to me to use good judgement, not some governmental agency.
And once your companion uses a term or statement that you find objectionable....say so.

Let's be seem to wish to make this my quest to use a specific term...It is not.
It is not your business to tell another person what they may or may not say; it is your business to respond appropriately to that person, with whatever correction you choose to make.
And to decide whether or not to speak to them in the future.

It is my opinion that censorship of one's speech is un-American. Especially if that censorship extends to only one particular word or one particular group. In that case, one should look into the reasoning behind same.

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