Sick and Tired of this N-Word Stuff...

I don't hate Asian people unless they talk and act like a Black person! As a matter of fact, I hate anyone that talks and acts like a Black person! That includes you also, Whitey! It just shows what weak minded people you are! I guess I just hate weak minded people in general no matter what race you are!

Are non-white people that talk and act like white people also weak minded?
David So responds to the comments re: his vid in OP:

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Not sure why, but it was very hard to watch that because my screen kept freezing up...must be a youtube problem.

I did make it to the part where he claimed "they" would feel his boobies in prison and make love to him?

Who are they?

This guy is really no different than the girl he is criticizing...they both should just stfu and quit whining.
I didn't watch the entire video of either...but a few comments...

Why is the Chinese guy insulted to be taken as a Japanese person?

What kind of twit would post what that Anglo girl did on the internet?

Why are you upset over racism against Asians but I've never seen you upset over racism toward blacks?


1. I believe we covered this earlier: I didn't get upset " over racism against Asians ..."

Nor do I get upset "over racism toward blacks."

As a conservative, I don't care to infringe on anyone's right of free speech....even those you call racists.

You don't like what someone says, a) that's too darned bad, and/or b) tell 'em off- you're articulate enough, right?

2. Only liberals censor speech.

3. I think the same liberal thinking is what gives us the bogus category of 'hate crimes,' or what we conservatives call 'crimes.'

Mayor Koch once said, if you want to establish a 'hate crime' statute, simply make it a crime for anyone of one race to harm anyone of a different race.
You wouldn't agree to that, would you? Then you'd rather pretend you can read minds.

4. The OP establishes the correct response to offensive, or, if you like, 'racist' speech: answer it, preferably in a humorous and/or entertaining way.
One wins over supporters, even, possibly the 'racist'.

In one of her routines, Margaret Cho, Korean, says she was called a 'chink.' Her response was, "That's a 'gook'. Get your racism straight."
I like it.

BTW, the thing you keep mentioning, "Why is the Chinese guy insulted to be taken as a Japanese person?"
No, he's making fun of what you would call racism....

My suggestion is that you turn your sensitivity-radar down a notch.
Not sure why you are denying that both of them have acted like racists...they most certainly have. And I have not called for any form of censorship in this matter or others. People are welcome to be as racist as they please.

Why do you applaud Cho for labeling someone racist but you won't let anyone else do it?

Not sure why you are denying that both of them have acted like racists...they most certainly have. And I have not called for any form of censorship in this matter or others. People are welcome to be as racist as they please.

Why do you applaud Cho for labeling someone racist but you won't let anyone else do it?


Cho used humor, not censorship.

I don't care to label anyone 'racist' as I do not have a good working definition for the term.

There is no right not to be offended.
Not sure why you are denying that both of them have acted like racists...they most certainly have. And I have not called for any form of censorship in this matter or others. People are welcome to be as racist as they please.

Why do you applaud Cho for labeling someone racist but you won't let anyone else do it?


Cho used humor, not censorship.

I don't care to label anyone 'racist' as I do not have a good working definition for the term.

There is no right not to be offended.
You didn't answer my question.
Not sure why you are denying that both of them have acted like racists...they most certainly have. And I have not called for any form of censorship in this matter or others. People are welcome to be as racist as they please.

Why do you applaud Cho for labeling someone racist but you won't let anyone else do it?


Cho used humor, not censorship.

I don't care to label anyone 'racist' as I do not have a good working definition for the term.

There is no right not to be offended.
You didn't answer my question.

His rant is tongue in cheek.
Did you also think he was going to get a ninja to kill her?

Funny...get it?
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His rant is tongue in cheek.
Did you also think he was going to get a ninja to kill her?

Funny...get it?
No...being funny doesn't negate his racism.

You insist on applying your sensibilities to me....

I do not share them.

Free speech is far more important than what you call racism.
Of course it is...but that doesn't mean that people aren't racist.

And you still aren't explaining why some people are allowed to point out racism and others aren't.
No...being funny doesn't negate his racism.

You insist on applying your sensibilities to me....

I do not share them.

Free speech is far more important than what you call racism.
Of course it is...but that doesn't mean that people aren't racist.

And you still aren't explaining why some people are allowed to point out racism and others aren't.

"... why some people are allowed to point out racism and others aren't."
Total nonsense.

I'm championing folks speaking up and responding to offensive or undisciplined pronouncements.

"Of course it is...but that doesn't mean that people aren't racist. "
Again, we differ.
If someone harms another, outside of hurting their feelings, then there are laws that should be enforced.
If you fire someone, then try a civil suit.

But neither you, nor and authority should deny free speech.
All free speech.

If your word 'racist' has anything to do with words, I say 'step off.'

'Racist' with respect to speech, is a concept, as I see you using it, that is more appropirate to Canada or to Europe, than to the United States of America.

You've heard this one:
Q: What's the difference between a liberal and a puppy?

A: A puppy stops whining after it grows up.

You don't get the right, in my view, to claim to be offended, and use same as a cudgle on someone who says something you might not say.

You do what the guy in the vid does: laught at 'em.
Fact: You approved of Cho calling someone a racist but you criticize others for doing the same.
Fact: I have never expressed an interest or desire to limit someone's ability to be racist. In fact just the opposite.
Fact: Both the female and the male in this thread used racism to make a point.

Everything else you say, PC, does not change any of the facts.
the only reason I watch videos is to be entertained. and they were both entertaining. her as eye candy and him because he should try stand up. he's pretty funny.:clap2:
No...being funny doesn't negate his racism.

So the guy is on your shit list forever or can he redeem himself ?
I don't care about him at all. I'm just curious about PC's pretense that he wasn't being racist like the girl in the original video.

"...PC's pretense..."

I make no pretense, as I have denied the 'racist' term altogether.

I have called what you name 'racist' as offensive speech...and I don't wish to prevent it, outside of education.

You use the term as a weapon. I regularly find that those of the liberal persuasion carry their ‘concern for others’ as though it was a hypodermic needle, but one filled with poison. Furrow your brow, look vaguely sad, (think Leon Panetta) and inject the term 'racist.'

I don't play that game.

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