Sick Lesbian Creates Educational Program to Brainwash Children Into the Homosexual Lifestyle

Weren't you the one who posted that black people are 1/3 of a person?

Who the fuck are you? The guardian of the blacks?
Shut your race-bating fucking piehole, asshole.

Fuck you, sparky. If someone posts (more than once) that blacks are only 1/3 of a person, and then claims intellectual superiority, it shows him to be delusional on at least two topics.
The deviant sexual freaks, many of whom are pedophiles, have no business raising children in hopes they too will live their filthy, immoral lifestyles. In Syria, they throw these assholes off rooftops. And Liberals are in favor of admitting more filthy Muslims?

Buy parachutes assholes. Be careful what you fucking wish for.
I have to take a minute to express my profound disgust and dismay at the way this thread – which started as a hateful and deceptive lie-has continued to be a torrent of vile swill of hatred directed at gay and lesbian people and casting aspersions on their fitness as parents. The people who are responsible for this have no shame and will stop at nothing, however bizarre and hateful to thwart the advancement of gay rights and have no qualms about using children as pawn in their failed fight against equality. Some of you are knowingly lying, while others have whipped themselves into a delusional frenzy. Either way, it is equally despicable because anyone who believes the bovine excrement that has been bandied about here had to have hatred in their hearts to begin with, and have seized on the lies that have been spoon fed to them to validate their bigotry. I will not be wasting my time and energy by responding further. Feel free to wallow in your ignorance and hatred until your fucking heads explode.

I sincerely believe that gay and lesbian people make fine parents, and that the children who are in their care suffer when the parents are discriminated against and not allowed to marry. This belief is not only based on a review of credible and peer reviewed literature, but also my personal, professional experience working in a child welfare agency where I not only investigated child abuse-including sexual abuse, but placed children into foster and adoptive homes. And, some of those foster and adoptive parents were gay.

Gay people have been a valuable resource and have taken in older and hard to place children with a good deal of success. My state of New Jersey was the first to allow joint adoption by gay couples some 28 years ago. Most states now allow adoption by gays. The only problems that are cited are anecdotal accounts of occasional abuse or a child who is unhappy about not having a mom and a dad, or propaganda from right wing hate groups. Let me remind you people that children who are placed for adoption have NO PARENTS, and, regardless of what they want or need, and regardless of whether we allow same sex marriage, there will always be children who do not have a mother and a father. My opening post represents an airtight case for this, and no one has been able to refute it. The only thing that they have is lies and myths to promote fear about gay people and gay parenting, not out of any real concern for the children but to advance their bigoted religious and political agenda. We are done here.
The deviant sexual freaks, many of whom are pedophiles, have no business raising children in hopes they too will live their filthy, immoral lifestyles. In Syria, they throw these assholes off rooftops. And Liberals are in favor of admitting more filthy Muslims?

Buy parachutes assholes. Be careful what you fucking wish for.
A final word to all of the low life bigots who shamelessly use propaganda about children in their failed war on equality

There were an estimated 300,000 to 500,000 gay and lesbian biological parents in 1976. In 1990, an estimated 6 to 14 million children have gay or lesbian parents.

Latest statistics from the U.S. Census 2000, the National Survey of Family Growth (2002), and the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (2004) include:

  • An estimated two million LGLB people are interested in adopting.
  • An estimated 65,500 adopted children are living with a lesbian or gay parent.
  • More than 16,000 adopted children are living with lesbian and gay parents in California, the highest number among the states.
  • Gay and lesbian parents are raising four percent of all adopted children in the United States.
  • Adopted children with same-sex parents are younger and more likely to be foreign born.

In addition, adoption is legal in all 50 states. Generally, acceptance of gay and lesbian adoption has been way out in front of same sex marriage. In some states, it has been occurring for decades.

Given these numbers, please answer the following questions:

1. If children who are in the care of gay people are at risk of abuse or having developmental/ adjustment issues why have the states been allowing this for so long?

2. If mistreatment of children by gays was prevalent, why are we not hearing horror stories and seeing headlines about this on a regular basis ?

3. Why have we not been seeing large numbers of adults who had been children of gays coming forward to speak out against gay parenting?

Claims that gay parenting is harmful to children are bogus and stupid.
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Fuck you, sparky. If someone posts (more than once) that blacks are only 1/3 of a person, and then claims intellectual superiority, it shows him to be delusional on at least two topics.

Maybe he's right. You've said nothing intelligent to counter it (surprise, surprise).
Why don't you try to whip up a semi-intelligent response, nutsack?
The deviant sexual freaks, many of whom are pedophiles, have no business raising children in hopes they too will live their filthy, immoral lifestyles. In Syria, they throw these assholes off rooftops. And Liberals are in favor of admitting more filthy Muslims?

Buy parachutes assholes. Be careful what you fucking wish for.
I have to take a minute to express my profound disgust and dismay at the way this thread – which started as a hateful and deceptive lie-has continued to be a torrent of vile swill of hatred directed at gay and lesbian people and casting aspersions on their fitness as parents. The people who are responsible for this have no shame and will stop at nothing, however bizarre and hateful to thwart the advancement of gay rights and have no qualms about using children as pawn in their failed fight against equality. Some of you are knowingly lying, while others have whipped themselves into a delusional frenzy. Either way, it is equally despicable because anyone who believes the bovine excrement that has been bandied about here had to have hatred in their hearts to begin with, and have seized on the lies that have been spoon fed to them to validate their bigotry. I will not be wasting my time and energy by responding further. Feel free to wallow in your ignorance and hatred until your fucking heads explode.

I sincerely believe that gay and lesbian people make fine parents, and that the children who are in their care suffer when the parents are discriminated against and not allowed to marry. This belief is not only based on a review of credible and peer reviewed literature, but also my personal, professional experience working in a child welfare agency where I not only investigated child abuse-including sexual abuse, but placed children into foster and adoptive homes. And, some of those foster and adoptive parents were gay.

Gay people have been a valuable resource and have taken in older and hard to place children with a good deal of success. My state of New Jersey was the first to allow joint adoption by gay couples some 28 years ago. Most states now allow adoption by gays. The only problems that are cited are anecdotal accounts of occasional abuse or a child who is unhappy about not having a mom and a dad, or propaganda from right wing hate groups. Let me remind you people that children who are placed for adoption have NO PARENTS, and, regardless of what they want or need, and regardless of whether we allow same sex marriage, there will always be children who do not have a mother and a father. My opening post represents an airtight case for this, and no one has been able to refute it. The only thing that they have is lies and myths to promote fear about gay people and gay parenting, not out of any real concern for the children but to advance their bigoted religious and political agenda. We are done here.

Here you are again with your para after para of idiocy. As soon as I see a post from you, and it's a mile long, I don't even bother reading it. Post in soundbites, dummy. No one has time for your bullshit philosophy.
Fuck you, sparky. If someone posts (more than once) that blacks are only 1/3 of a person, and then claims intellectual superiority, it shows him to be delusional on at least two topics.

Maybe he's right. You've said nothing intelligent to counter it (surprise, surprise).
Why don't you try to whip up a semi-intelligent response, nutsack?

I need to post proof that blacks are an entire person? Lol.
Claims that gay parenting is harmful to children are bogus and stupid.

If you feel raising a child and teaching them it's "OK" to suck another man's cock once they find Mr. Right, yeah, I have an issue with that, asshole. Try your faux outrage out on someone else, peckerhead.

I taught my kids not to hate without reason. They are doing quite well in their lives.

Oh, and what someone else teaches their children, as long as they don't break any laws, is none of your business. Unless you are adopting Hillary's "It takes a village" bulkshit.
I need to post proof that blacks are an entire person? Lol.

He made a claim, you cry foul - and offer no proof to support your assertion?
Yeah, you're an idiot.

Oh please. You are foolish enough to buy that bulkshit.

Let me educate you. The original use of 1/3 person for blacks was ONLY referring to slaves. It did not refer to free men. Stevie knows this, but he still insists on using the term.

As for proof that blacks are an entire person, I refer you to the census rules and the ability to cast an entire single vote.
I taught my kids not to hate without reason. They are doing quite well in their lives.

Who said anything about hate, asshole ?
Two men sucking each other's dicks is morally fucking wrong.
If you happen to enjoy it, support it - good for you!
No hate from here. Keep sucking asshole. I could really care less.
I need to post proof that blacks are an entire person? Lol.

He made a claim, you cry foul - and offer no proof to support your assertion?
Yeah, you're an idiot.

Oh please. You are foolish enough to buy that bulkshit.

Let me educate you. The original use of 1/3 person for blacks was ONLY referring to slaves. It did not refer to free men. Stevie knows this, but he still insists on using the term.

As for proof that blacks are an entire person, I refer you to the census rules and the ability to cast an entire single vote.

I don't need an "education" from a public school educated idiot, thanks anyhow.
I am not saying the poster is right or wrong. He made a statement. You have yet to post anything intelligent to dispute it.
Why don't you educate us with a fucking response.
Slaves were long before my time, asshole. Sorry. In fact, you can ask any young black kid on the street today who the Vice President is, and he wouldn't know. I thought you mentioned earlier you don't teach people to hate? Why don't you move on from 200 years ago asshole. You seem to have anger issues. Those can be addressed in counseling through dialogue with others who share the same defects of character that you have.

I taught my kids not to hate without reason. They are doing quite well in their lives.

Who said anything about hate, asshole ?
Two men sucking each other's dicks is morally fucking wrong.
If you happen to enjoy it, support it - good for you!
No hate from here. Keep sucking asshole. I could really care less.

The fact that you think anyone who doesn't hate gays must BE gay speaks volumes. I am straight. I lick pussy like a lesbian. Every woman I have dated, as an adult, sucked cock. I enjoyed the fact that they did. Perhaps you don't? Lol
I need to post proof that blacks are an entire person? Lol.

He made a claim, you cry foul - and offer no proof to support your assertion?
Yeah, you're an idiot.

Oh please. You are foolish enough to buy that bulkshit.

Let me educate you. The original use of 1/3 person for blacks was ONLY referring to slaves. It did not refer to free men. Stevie knows this, but he still insists on using the term.

As for proof that blacks are an entire person, I refer you to the census rules and the ability to cast an entire single vote.

I don't need an "education" from a public school educated idiot, thanks anyhow.
I am not saying the poster is right or wrong. He made a statement. You have yet to post anything intelligent to dispute it.
Why don't you educate us with a fucking response.
Slaves were long before my time, asshole. Sorry. In fact, you can ask any young black kid on the street today who the Vice President is, and he wouldn't know. I thought you mentioned earlier you don't teach people to hate? Why don't you move on from 200 years ago asshole. You seem to have anger issues. Those can be addressed in counseling through dialogue with others who share the same defects of character that you have.


LMAO!!! I called him out on a lie. I explained why there was originally a reason SOME blacks were counted as 1/3 of a person. As you said, slavery no longer exists here, so his claims are bogus.

But feel free to continue to defend one if the biggest jokes on these forums.

Now, we have had enough diverting of the topic.
The fact that you think anyone who doesn't hate gays must BE gay speaks volumes.

I cannot control what other people think or do, nor do I try.
If you enjoy sucking cock, that's your business asshole, not mine.
I could really care less.
Have a nice day.

The fact that you have said basically this same thing so many times is interesting.

I've already told you - what, three times now? I do not care if you suck cock nor if you bring people up to believe it's ok to do that either. That's your business asshole.

Anything else?

Hope not.

The fact that you think anyone who doesn't hate gays must BE gay speaks volumes.

I cannot control what other people think or do, nor do I try.
If you enjoy sucking cock, that's your business asshole, not mine.
I could really care less.
Have a nice day.

The fact that you have said basically this same thing so many times is interesting.

I've already told you - what, three times now? I do not care if you suck cock nor if you bring people up to believe it's ok to do that either. That's your business asshole.

Anything else?

Hope not.


Sparky, you can leave anytime. I was just remarking on your fondness for telling everyone that you don't care if someone sucks cocks.
The fact that you think anyone who doesn't hate gays must BE gay speaks volumes.

I cannot control what other people think or do, nor do I try.
If you enjoy sucking cock, that's your business asshole, not mine.
I could really care less.
Have a nice day.

The fact that you have said basically this same thing so many times is interesting.

I've already told you - what, three times now? I do not care if you suck cock nor if you bring people up to believe it's ok to do that either. That's your business asshole.

Anything else?

Hope not.


Sparky, you can leave anytime. I was just remarking on your fondness for telling everyone that you don't care if someone sucks cocks.

I think I've said OK, thanks- bye... twice now? Three times? You keep replying?
We get it. You enjoy dick. You bring up others to believe they should try and enjoy dick, like you do, too.
Got it.
Clear on that.
Really don't have to get back to me a sixth time now, asshole.
I'm good.

Suck on elsewhere....
The fact that you think anyone who doesn't hate gays must BE gay speaks volumes.

I cannot control what other people think or do, nor do I try.
If you enjoy sucking cock, that's your business asshole, not mine.
I could really care less.
Have a nice day.

The fact that you have said basically this same thing so many times is interesting.

I've already told you - what, three times now? I do not care if you suck cock nor if you bring people up to believe it's ok to do that either. That's your business asshole.

Anything else?

Hope not.


Funny, earlier in this thread you said you have an issue with someone raising a child to think its ok to suck cock. You are progressing.

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