Sick Lesbian Creates Educational Program to Brainwash Children Into the Homosexual Lifestyle

it's mental illness and choice.

According to whom?
It's just obvious.

Not at all. I have been told by many gay men & lesbians that they were never attracted to the opposite sex.

Well Great Goose admires Westboro Baptist Church and what they believe.

He clearly doesn't care for the facts.
I'm a woman. So you don't care about courtesy, which is a far greater indicator of character than political opinion.

I had no idea you are a woman- I guess I should have realized you would be the Great Gander if you were a man.

No intention to insult your chosen gender identification.
Being a bigot is a choice- just as being a Christian is a choice.

Being attracted to the same gender or being attracted to the opposite gender- not a choice.
it's mental illness and choice.

According to whom?
It's just obvious.

Not at all. I have been told by many gay men & lesbians that they were never attracted to the opposite sex.

And I've noticed self deceit is a curiously massive trait of our species.

Are you speaking for yourself?

How would you know?
This is just hateful, horseshit propaganda and you are an irresponsible and loathsome bigot for posting this. The Daily Stormer -which is steeped in hate- took an article from the respectable Huffington Post and spun it to make it sound as though this educator is trying to recruit and brainwash children which is as stupid as stupid gets. First of all we have to consider the source:

Daily Stormer is the brainchild of neo-Nazi hotshot Andrew Anglin, a 30-year-old who grew up in Ohio but has lived in Asia and Europe. Anglin is a self-professed National Socialist who told Hatewatch, “I believe strongly that European people have a right to a continued existence as an independent culture and ethnic group.” In an interview with Vocativ, Anglin explained why he needed to create the site: “The present situation is so unsettling that it’s necessary to have an extreme response.”

Perhaps the stupidest assertion made by the Daily Stormer was that gays people do not reproduce and have to recruit children into the lifestyle. Gay people do have children. Sexual orientation has nothing to do with the orientation of the parents are children are not “recruited” You would have to be a complete fucking moron to believe that clap trap.

Secondly, this is about education, not indoctrination, but I would not expect someone like you to know the difference. However, consider this which I had published a couple of years ago:

LGBT Issues, Children and Education by Progressive Patriot 2.12.14

Many people who rail against gay marriage and gay rights have deluded themselves into believing that if we do not support and allow marriage, the issue will somehow go away. They claim that children will be taught that homosexuality is normal and good. Well know this, LGBT issues and people are a part of modern culture and depriving gays rights will not change that and you can’t shield the children from it.

Children always have and always will struggle with their developing sexuality including sexual orientation and gender identity issues. In the past, for the most part, children were left to try to understand these things alone and in silence. They would feel guilty and confused about any sexual matters and especially any LGBTI issues. Today, there is much open discussion about these issues-in the print and social media, among peers, on television, just about everywhere. In this electronic society where kids spend much of their days on line, it cannot be avoided. Many children know an LGBT child or adult. Children hear and see this all, and like it or not, they are very much aware. As we progress as a society, more and more of that discussion is positive, and young people are much more accepting of those who are different than many adults care to imagine. There is nothing short of criminalizing these lifestyles, and snuffing out free speech-in effect becoming Russia-that anybody can do about it. Can anyone dispute or refute any part of this statement?

My next question is: What do parents, educators and the rest of us do? Here are some options:

1. Do nothing, be silent. Leave the children to their own devices to figure things out for themselves. After all, that’s the way it was 30, 40, 50 years ago and everything was just fine. Or was it? In any case, this is now, times are different and sexuality is a much more salient part of life and discourse. This may not be a great option, if it ever was.

2. Condemn homosexuality openly and vehemently. Doing so will have the effect of marginalizing LGBT kids, crushing them with guilt, and setting them up for bullying. Then all that will be left to do is to keep tract of the suicides and mass shootings.

3. Engage in constructive dialogue with the kids and among ourselves as adults. Dispense with the hysteria and misinformation and start to deal with this as part of our human experience. We could dispense with rhetoric about “promoting homosexuality” and the scare tactics such as it leading to incest, polygamy and bestiality. Rather, the emphasis would be on human relations, not sex because relationships are really what it’s about. We could just let kids know that they are OK and loved no matter who and what they are…….because whatever they are, that’s what they are going to be. Maybe, just maybe it’s time to make a choice between ideology and religion on one hand, and the children that we claim to care so much about on the other. The only question is ….will they be happy, confident and secure, or guilt ridden, miserable and confused.

People like you can well have blood on their hands by promoting this sort of fear and ignorance. You need to get some help, or at least, shut the fuck up!
Hardly a suprise the anti-semites who hate Jews also hate homosexuals.

Bigots will be bigots.
Being lgbt is a choice - 1000%... Just the facts baby.
Everyone has a right to choose.

Being a bigot is a choice- just as being a Christian is a choice.

Being attracted to the same gender or being attracted to the opposite gender- not a choice.
No such thing as spiritual free will...
Yes, fudge packing is a choice...

You deciding to 'fudge pack' is of course your choice.
Just like your decision to be a bigot or a Christian is a choice.

Your attraction to the same gender is not a choice
Pole smoking is choice, all for personal choice. What ever floats your boat... Lol
But the fact is clear no one is/was born Fag...
And you know that how , exactly??
it's mental illness and choice.

According to whom?
It's just obvious.

Not at all. I have been told by many gay men & lesbians that they were never attracted to the opposite sex.

And I've noticed self deceit is a curiously massive trait of our species.

Are you speaking for yourself?

How would you know?
I know because I'm deficient in the trait, so it's extremely observable in others.
Being a bigot is a choice- just as being a Christian is a choice.

Being attracted to the same gender or being attracted to the opposite gender- not a choice.
it's mental illness and choice.

According to whom?
It's just obvious.

Not at all. I have been told by many gay men & lesbians that they were never attracted to the opposite sex.

And I've noticed self deceit is a curiously massive trait of our species.

Well, you ignore statements from those who know best, so you may be right.
From the linked article: "You see, homos – both male and female – face a constant problem: they cannot reproduce. As such, in order for their species to continue, they rely entirely on recruitment. They are always pushing for the ability to recruit younger and younger victims into their sex-cult, and now, our Jewed-out society has reached the point where we are ready to show their recruitment propaganda to pre-schoolers – in order to prove we’re not haters, of course."

The idea that homosexuals, throughout history, have only existed because they recruited is laughable.

But then, the phrase "...our Jewed-out society..." speaks volumes. More Storm Front lite.

I watched the video in the article. If that is "recruiting" they are doing it wrong. lol

Hardly a suprise the anti-semites who hate Jews also hate homosexuals.

Bigots will be bigots.
Being lgbt is a choice - 1000%... Just the facts baby.
Everyone has a right to choose.

Being a bigot is a choice- just as being a Christian is a choice.

Being attracted to the same gender or being attracted to the opposite gender- not a choice.
it's mental illness and choice.

Is all mental illness a choice,? Why do you alone get to decide what mental illness is and which of them are a choice?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
From the linked article: "You see, homos – both male and female – face a constant problem: they cannot reproduce. As such, in order for their species to continue, they rely entirely on recruitment. They are always pushing for the ability to recruit younger and younger victims into their sex-cult, and now, our Jewed-out society has reached the point where we are ready to show their recruitment propaganda to pre-schoolers – in order to prove we’re not haters, of course."

The idea that homosexuals, throughout history, have only existed because they recruited is laughable.

But then, the phrase "...our Jewed-out society..." speaks volumes. More Storm Front lite.

I watched the video in the article. If that is "recruiting" they are doing it wrong. lol

Hardly a suprise the anti-semites who hate Jews also hate homosexuals.

Bigots will be bigots.
Being lgbt is a choice - 1000%... Just the facts baby.
Everyone has a right to choose.

Being a bigot is a choice- just as being a Christian is a choice.

Being attracted to the same gender or being attracted to the opposite gender- not a choice.
it's mental illness and choice.

Is all mental illness a choice,? Why do you alone get to decide what mental illness is and which of them are a choice?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
well i don't and never said i do.
From the linked article: "You see, homos – both male and female – face a constant problem: they cannot reproduce. As such, in order for their species to continue, they rely entirely on recruitment. They are always pushing for the ability to recruit younger and younger victims into their sex-cult, and now, our Jewed-out society has reached the point where we are ready to show their recruitment propaganda to pre-schoolers – in order to prove we’re not haters, of course."

The idea that homosexuals, throughout history, have only existed because they recruited is laughable.

But then, the phrase "...our Jewed-out society..." speaks volumes. More Storm Front lite.

I watched the video in the article. If that is "recruiting" they are doing it wrong. lol

Hardly a suprise the anti-semites who hate Jews also hate homosexuals.

Bigots will be bigots.
Being lgbt is a choice - 1000%... Just the facts baby.
Everyone has a right to choose.

Being a bigot is a choice- just as being a Christian is a choice.

Being attracted to the same gender or being attracted to the opposite gender- not a choice.
it's mental illness and choice.

Is all mental illness a choice,? Why do you alone get to decide what mental illness is and which of them are a choice?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Being a progressive is a choice and a disease...
Hardly a suprise the anti-semites who hate Jews also hate homosexuals.

Bigots will be bigots.
Being lgbt is a choice - 1000%... Just the facts baby.
Everyone has a right to choose.

Being a bigot is a choice- just as being a Christian is a choice.

Being attracted to the same gender or being attracted to the opposite gender- not a choice.
it's mental illness and choice.

According to whom?
It's just obvious.
Only to a deranged bigot!
Hardly a suprise the anti-semites who hate Jews also hate homosexuals.

Bigots will be bigots.
Being lgbt is a choice - 1000%... Just the facts baby.
Everyone has a right to choose.

Being a bigot is a choice- just as being a Christian is a choice.

Being attracted to the same gender or being attracted to the opposite gender- not a choice.
it's mental illness and choice.

Is all mental illness a choice,? Why do you alone get to decide what mental illness is and which of them are a choice?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Being a progressive is a choice and a disease...

I choose to be a progressive- you choose to be a sick bigot promoting hate.

I am okay with my choice.
Being lgbt is a choice - 1000%... Just the facts baby.
Everyone has a right to choose.

Being a bigot is a choice- just as being a Christian is a choice.

Being attracted to the same gender or being attracted to the opposite gender- not a choice.
it's mental illness and choice.

Is all mental illness a choice,? Why do you alone get to decide what mental illness is and which of them are a choice?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Being a progressive is a choice and a disease...

I choose to be a progressive- you choose to be a sick bigot promoting hate.

I am okay with my choice.
you wouldn't have a clue what promoted hate feels like.
Being lgbt is a choice - 1000%... Just the facts baby.
Everyone has a right to choose.

Being a bigot is a choice- just as being a Christian is a choice.

Being attracted to the same gender or being attracted to the opposite gender- not a choice.
it's mental illness and choice.

According to whom?
It's just obvious.
Only to a deranged bigot!
hey! i'm not a bigot.
Being a bigot is a choice- just as being a Christian is a choice.

Being attracted to the same gender or being attracted to the opposite gender- not a choice.
it's mental illness and choice.

According to whom?
It's just obvious.
Only to a deranged bigot!
hey! i'm not a bigot.

Being a bigot is a choice- just as being a Christian is a choice.

Being attracted to the same gender or being attracted to the opposite gender- not a choice.
it's mental illness and choice.

According to whom?
It's just obvious.
Only to a deranged bigot!
hey! i'm not a bigot.
Oh Ok you're not a bigot. You just think that homosexuality is a mental illness, and that gays chose to be ...mentally ill. Maybe I used the wrong word for you. Aside from the fact that homosexuality is not a mental illness, to say that anyone can or would chose to be mentally ill is as stupid as stupid gets. Not only does it degrade and demean gay people, it demeans and degrades all people who are actually mentally ill. What the fuck is wrong with you?
it's mental illness and choice.

According to whom?
It's just obvious.
Only to a deranged bigot!
hey! i'm not a bigot.

it's mental illness and choice.

According to whom?
It's just obvious.
Only to a deranged bigot!
hey! i'm not a bigot.
Oh Ok you're not a bigot. You just think that homosexuality is a mental illness, and that gays chose to be ...mentally ill. Maybe I used the wrong word for you. Aside from the fact that homosexuality is not a mental illness, to say that anyone can or would chose to be mentally ill is as stupid as stupid gets. Not only does it degrade and demean gay people, it demeans and degrades all people who are actually mentally ill. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Sometimes people choose it through mental illness. People are gay for various reasons. why are you so narrow minded?
Hardly a suprise the anti-semites who hate Jews also hate homosexuals.

Bigots will be bigots.
Being lgbt is a choice - 1000%... Just the facts baby.
Everyone has a right to choose.

Being a bigot is a choice- just as being a Christian is a choice.

Being attracted to the same gender or being attracted to the opposite gender- not a choice.
No such thing as spiritual free will...
Yes, fudge packing is a choice...

You deciding to 'fudge pack' is of course your choice.
Just like your decision to be a bigot or a Christian is a choice.

Your attraction to the same gender is not a choice
Pole smoking is choice, all for personal choice. What ever floats your boat... Lol
But the fact is clear no one is/was born Fag...
You probably believe this too

Sandy Rios: Hillary Clinton Wants To Legalize Pedophilia

The American Family Association’s Sandy Rios claimed on her radio program this morning that LGBT rights advocates, led by Hillary Clinton, are determined to legalize pedophilia.

Rios took a call from a listener named Pat who told her that “the play is not necessarily for gay rights or transgender, the play is for pedophilia,” a claim for which he cited a 1989 anti-gay film called “AIDS: What You Haven’t Been Told” that he found on YouTube.

“Unfortunately, everything that Pat just said is true,” Rios responded. “I’ve been talking about this stuff at a time, you know, 15 years ago when nobody, nobody could believe this, it was just too much, just too much. But I remember debating Jocelyn Elders, the former surgeon general of the United States, over a book she had endorsed that wanted to move the age of sexual consent down to 12, I got in a huge fight with her over that.”

“And can tell you,” she added, “the person who is primarily behind all of this, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, has been pushing for this since she was young, and that’s Hillary Clinton. He’s absolutely right, pedophilia is the next frontier, the next barrier they want to break down, it is absolutely amazing.” Sandy Rios: Hillary Clinton Wants To Legalize Pedophilia
Being a bigot is a choice- just as being a Christian is a choice.

Being attracted to the same gender or being attracted to the opposite gender- not a choice.
it's mental illness and choice.

Is all mental illness a choice,? Why do you alone get to decide what mental illness is and which of them are a choice?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Being a progressive is a choice and a disease...

I choose to be a progressive- you choose to be a sick bigot promoting hate.

I am okay with my choice.
you wouldn't have a clue what promoted hate feels like.

You don't have a clue what reality is.
According to whom?
It's just obvious.
Only to a deranged bigot!
hey! i'm not a bigot.

According to whom?
It's just obvious.
Only to a deranged bigot!
hey! i'm not a bigot.
Oh Ok you're not a bigot. You just think that homosexuality is a mental illness, and that gays chose to be ...mentally ill. Maybe I used the wrong word for you. Aside from the fact that homosexuality is not a mental illness, to say that anyone can or would chose to be mentally ill is as stupid as stupid gets. Not only does it degrade and demean gay people, it demeans and degrades all people who are actually mentally ill. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Sometimes people choose it through mental illness. People are gay for various reasons. why are you so narrow minded?

What the hell are you talking about ? What are those various reasons bubba?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It's just obvious.
Only to a deranged bigot!
hey! i'm not a bigot.

It's just obvious.
Only to a deranged bigot!
hey! i'm not a bigot.
Oh Ok you're not a bigot. You just think that homosexuality is a mental illness, and that gays chose to be ...mentally ill. Maybe I used the wrong word for you. Aside from the fact that homosexuality is not a mental illness, to say that anyone can or would chose to be mentally ill is as stupid as stupid gets. Not only does it degrade and demean gay people, it demeans and degrades all people who are actually mentally ill. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Sometimes people choose it through mental illness. People are gay for various reasons. why are you so narrow minded?

What the hell are you talking about ? What are those various reasons bubba?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
what does bubba mean in american?
I guess it must be really easy to get you to s**k a d**k. Being afraid of becoming a-dick-ted to it and all. I suspected you enjoyed smoking cigars since it clearly cums so easy for you. Now I understand why you think it's so easy to become a-dick-ted. I suspect you would be much more happy if you let you be you. But use protection. There's some dangerous stuff out there. Get sick and you could end up on the bottom.

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